Tag Archives: Michael Brown

Sally Kohn still hasn’t retracted her incorrect claim about Michael Brown

http://twitter.com/#!/sallykohn/status/500747962986033153 CNN contributor Sally Kohn wrote that back in August. After Twitchy called her out, she doubled down: "According to Belmar, Wilson then fired once from the car, and then several more times as Brown attempted to flee.” http://t.co/DtNBWEcSLD — Sally Kohn (@sallykohn) August 18, 2014 @TwitchyTeam that last tweet was for you. have a nice…

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MC Hammer: Darren Wilson murdered Michael Brown

http://twitter.com/#!/MCHammer/status/499749302579654656 Rapper M.C. Hammer, best known for his mega-hit song “U Can’t Touch This,” has been tweeting up a storm about the shooting of Michael Brown. In his view, Brown was “murdered” or “executed” by officer Darren Wilson. It’s as simple as that. Never mind the growing evidence to the contrary. http://twitter.com/#!/MCHammer/status/501307259205328896 http://twitter.com/#!/MCHammer/status/502479557266771970 http://twitter.com/#!/MCHammer/status/502575642979074048 Of course,…

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Roland Martin questions Michael Eric Dyson’s ‘brutal execution’ conclusion

http://twitter.com/#!/MichaelEDyson/status/501211808779476993 Even though the investigation is ongoing, Michael Eric Dyson seems to know the precise circumstances surrounding the shooting of Michael Brown based on the autopsy report: http://twitter.com/#!/MichaelEDyson/status/501212478605643776 Those are serious accusations from Dyson, but Roland Martin chimed in to remind the Georgetown professor of a couple of details: http://twitter.com/#!/rolandsmartin/status/501213352967045120 After saying it was “clearly…

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