What It Really Means, To Be A LEADER?

In my, over four decades, of involvement, in nearly every aspect of leadership, from identifying, qualifying, training, developing, and consulting to thousands of actual, as well as potential leaders, to personally, serving as a leader, in a variety of positions, for organizations (of different sizes, and purposes), I have come to believe, there is no such thing, as one – size – fits – all, or only one way, of leading! While I feel, quality leadership planning, is essential, to becoming a relevant. meaningful leader, there are many components, and attributes, which are necessary. This article will attempt to briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what it really means, to be a LEADER.

1) Listen; learn; learning; leading: No one has all the answers, and a real leader, must effectively, listen, and learn, from every conversation, and experience. You can never stop your quest for relevant learning, if you hope to be, the best, you can be! However, only, if you are proactively, leading the way, for others, and inspiring them, to do their best, are you, earning the right, to be called, a leader!

2) Empathy; enrich: Leaders must, consistently, put the needs, goals, priorities, and perceptions, of their constituents, ahead of any self – interest! When stakeholders, feel, someone, truly cares about them, the leader becomes inspiring and motivating!

3) Attitude; aptitude; attention; articulate: One must, consistently, proceed, with a genuine, positive, can – do, attitude, combined with a quality, relevant, skill – set, and enhanced aptitude! Pay attention to the details, and the bigger – picture, consider options and alternatives with an open – mind, and articulate a compelling message, to others!

4) Delve deeply; discover: Go beyond the surface, and delve deeply, into the way, you might become the best possible leader! If you do so, you will be ready and able, to discover, the essence of effectively leading!

5) Energy; emphasis; excellence: How one proceeds, and places his emphasis, and, whether he demands his utmost degree of personal excellence, usually determines, whether, you will inspire others, with your level of energy!

6) Reasoning; rationale; responsibility; relevant: How do you know, if your rationale is relevant, and whether it serves your stakeholders? One must take personal responsibility, and never resort to blaming, and complaining others! Understand your personal reasoning, and open – your – mind, in a well – considered, manner!

Are you the right individual, to be a LEADER? Are you, up to the task?

Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10068935