Various Cosmetic Treatments Can Help Prevent Skin Ageing

When the days are cold and it starts to get darker earlier in the evenings, we find ourselves preferring to staying indoors at night, warm and snug, watching movies and eating treats, and it’s easy to get a bit slack with our skin cleansing routine. All those dedicated skin care regimes from the summer seem not to matter as much in winter, and this can result in our faces beginning to look dull and lack-lustre. When it gets colder, the air temperatures are drier and this can take moisture from the skin, which saps the skin of its natural oils and it causes dryness and flaking which can make any existing skin conditions like dry skin or eczema even worse.

The colder months are when we should really take more care of our skin, as we’re more likely to experience our skin cracking and flaking, we might notice roughness and redness, or maybe even start to see deeper, more noticeable facial fine lines and wrinkles appearing. However these are all common skin care problems that we get in the cold weather, and there are treatments which we can have that will help us to easily get and keep a glowing hydrated skin, right throughout the coldest winter months.


* For skin blocked up by dead cells, using a hydrating cleanser, toner and moisturiser can help. Treatments such as microdermabrasion are also a great way to dislodge dead and dull cells from the top layer of the skin, resulting in a polished smooth and glowing complexion.

* The mouth can also suffer terribly from the cold. Chapped, flaky lips not only look unsightly, the uneven surface makes it almost impossible to get a smooth lipstick application. Slathering on a good lip balm daily will keep them hydrated and will lock the moisture in.

Chemical peel

* If you don’t already exfoliate regularly, then now is the time to start. You should start by increasing your exfoliation routine to two or three times a week. Gentle exfoliation can help to remove dead cells, allowing new fresh cells to reach the surface more easily. Try not to use a scrub that’s too abrasive, as winter skin is often sensitive, and a harsh scrub is likely to cause skin irritation. The smooth surface texture of your skin can easily be restored through exfoliation, as the treatment promotes new skin-cell turnover, allowing your face to look its best.

* Alternatively, a chemical peel treatment will improve the skin’s texture and tone, while promoting the growth of new skin.

* Don’t forget to treat your hands, feet, elbows and knees. Thick socks and gloves can only offer so much protection, but our hands and feet are vulnerable; growing drier and rougher in the cold weather. At bed time, applying intensive moisturising cream to the feet and then putting on socks will help the cream penetrate the skin. Applying hand cream throughout the day will stop the hands getting dry and chapped. After showering, when you lotion your body make sure you don’t forget your elbows and knees. Stop them getting rough and scaly by using an intensive body cream.

Botox treatment

* The cold, windy weather outdoors and the heat from indoors can damage the skin, causing dryness, redness, irritation and even wrinkles. Botox treatment can dramatically soften facial expression lines and wrinkles, which will leave you looking younger. Botox injections will block nerve transmission which temporarily reduces the contractions of the facial muscles that cause wrinkles and frown lines.
