Tag Archives: omg

These People Bury Their Dead Children In Trees And It’s Both Beautiful And Creepy

In the remote village of Tana Toraja in Indonesia, locals have a bizarre ritual for dead babies. Instead of burning or burying the bodies, they wrap them in cloth and seal them inside trees so they can be “absorbed” by nature. The Toraja people have long been known for their unique death rituals. Deceased adults…

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Who Knew Water Snakes Could Be So Vicious…That’s Gotta Hurt

As most of us go through life, we tend to avoid the things that scare us. For many people, snakes would fall under that category of terrifying things. However, there are some out there who have…shall we say, an obsession with the reptiles. YouTuber Amy Siewe is one of those people. Back in 2011, she…

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6 ‘Harmless’ Things That Are Actually Signs Of Major Health Problems

WARNING: if you’re a hypochondriac, you probably shouldn’t read this! In movies, sometimes a character will interrupt a conversation with a cough that seems innocent at the time, but sure enough, a few scenes later, everyone’s at that character’s funeral lamenting, “We should have seen the signs!” This is, of course, just a plot device,…

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They Got Reports Of Screaming Coming From An Unoccupied Room — Here’s The Horror They Found

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF’); }); Any time you stay at a hotel, it’s more than likely that you’ll have loud, obnoxious neighbors. But when people called the front desk at this hotel and made noise complaints about a room on the second floor, the staff was baffled. Room 209, which was the source of chilling screams,…

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He Poured Molten Copper Into A Coconut…I Wasn’t Expecting That Result!

Coconuts are packed with tons of great things — the actual flesh is full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, while the milk is said to protect the body from infections. But rather than using the superfood to make a healthy snack, YouTuber Tito4re decided to remove the milk and replace it with molten copper!…

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This Woman Turned Her Lights Off For Bed But Was Awoken By Something Sinister

Even if you’re not the least bit afraid of the dark, when you find yourself alone at night in bed, the slightest noise probably sets you off. What was that? Is there someone outside? Is there someone INSIDE? googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCBP_ATF’); }); I find that the quickest way to quell these irrational thoughts is to…

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Americans May Not Know Of Martin Bryant, But He’s Australia’s Worst Mass Murderer

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.defineSlot(‘/37886402/VN_PG_DTBT_ATF’, [728, 90], ‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF_581017e1a0138’).addService(googletag.pubads()) googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_MB”, “VN_”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_SC”, “VN_ORGN”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_TS”, “TS_D”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_AT”, “VN_ORGN_PG_D_REV_1.0_ASYNC_DEFAULT”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_CC”, “VN_ORGN_D_UNK_118198_A”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_PG”, “1”); googletag.enableServices(); googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF_581017e1a0138’); }); Few Americans have heard the name Martin Bryant, but in Australia, he’s the worst mass murderer in history. From the day he was born on May 7, 1967, Bryant was an unruly and mean-spirited…

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You Might Think You Can Travel Anywhere, But These 5 Places Could Be Your Undoing

Traveling to far-flung places all over the world is much easier now than it’s ever been before. With sites like Expedia and Hotwire, it’s simple to book a decent hotel and flight package for a great price, which means that the hardest thing about exploring is usually giving your boss enough notice. But with all…

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She Went To The Police About Being Raped…Now She Might Go To Jail For It!

While a British woman was on a five-day vacation in Dubai with a relative last month, she was the victim of a horrible attack. The 25-year-old met a couple of British men at her hotel. These men allegedly lured her into a room and filmed themselves taking turns raping her. Her sexual assault was traumatic…

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No One Should Have Been Surprised Lady Gaga Slayed At The Oscars

Mother Monster has ALWAYS been the best. 1. So you probably saw Lady Gaga’s EPIC tribute last night to The Sound Of Music. View this image › ABC / Via ET If not, watch the full performance ASAP here. 2. Like, Gaga came out in this stunning white ensemble and BROUGHT. THE. HOUSE. DOWN. View…

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