Siddhartha and Finding the Good Stuff

Siddhartha And Finding the Good Stuff in Our Lives

“Seek and you shall find,” says the carpenter of Nazareth.

But it doesn’t always happen does it? We live our lives doing what we think is the best we can. We go to church, say our prayers, try to be kind to everyone. Don’t cheat on our spouse or use dirty language in front of the kids. We donate to all the good causes and never once kicked the family dog.

You would think that in the waning years of your life, we would have found the gold at the end of the rainbow or the peace that surpasses understanding. We were seeking, we were searching for that elusive life’s great secret. By this time, you and I expected to be able to say, “Ah! I got it; now; I understand.” Instead, we find ourselves acknowledging that we are still as stupid as ever. Not only have we not reached Nirvana or perfect happiness,we are not even close.

Siddhartha’s best friend and fellow seeker after wisdom had reached that point in his life when he sought Siddhartha’s advice. “Maybe,” the wiseman said, “You are searching far too much. That in all that searching, you don’t find the time for finding.” Siddhartha went on to say that you can become so obsessed with your searching that you overlook the things you have found. “There are many things you don’t see which are directly in front of your eyes.”

A light went off on my head when I read those words. If we still haven’t found everything we dreamed of attaining in our lives, look at the things, the experiences, we have found that so beautifully enhanced our journey.

Start with the sheer joy of living, the glory of an autumn afternoon, the taste of an ice cold lemonade on a hot summer day, the delight we see on a child’s face discovering a ladybug for the first time, the aroma of fresh baked bread, the hug of a valued friend, that glorious time you fell in love, the rush you experienced from doing something good for your community or your country or your spouse.

Siddhartha and all the wise women and men who have graced our planet were right on point. It’s time we put aside for a day (or a life) our personal failures and the imperfections of the world we inhabit and dance to all those wondrous gifts that life has given us.
