A Breakthrough Plan From The Editors Of Prevention “Flat Belly Diet” ☃☂

Flat Belly Diet! is a book by Liz Vaccariello and Cynthia Sass.

First published October 28, 2008

The Flat Belly Diet was developed by Liz Vaccariello, the former editor-in-chief of Prevention magazine, and Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, a nutrition consultant, and wellness expert.

Its inventor Cynthia Sass recommends this recipe in her book “Flat Belly Diet.” You can use any citrus fruit (lime, grapefruit, orange) if you don’t have or like lemon or cucumber.

Most people have issues related to their body weight and everyone at some point in time has had their bathroom scales tipping to the higher side.


My husband and I are both reading this book and following this diet. The diet is relatively easy to follow and has after, only a couple of weeks, been q… more

[Customer Review]Amazon

❄️✨ 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 ✨❄️ 👉👉 This Ancient Japanese Tonic Can Melt 54 lbs of Your Fat. Drink it daily before 10 am! This book is pretty good… more

[Customer Review]Goodreads

I ignored the “diet” parts of this book but it has some decent nutrition information and delicious recipes. Easy to follow. Easy to modify. I will def… more

[Customer Review]Goodreads

A Breakthrough Plan From The Editors Of Prevention Flat Belly Diet The Anti-anxiety Recipe Plan ☃☂

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Have a great day,
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