Marty dances to Akira The Don feat. Ian Mozdzen and Rhianne Favelle. “Obviously Santa Claus Exists”


oh next oh there’s a nest Marty Marty’s on Mac so let’s bring him to stay thank you I appreciate that yeah thank you um [Applause] when I was a child I believed in Santa Claus when I was a child I believed in The Toasted but then one day I grew up and I realized that Santa Claus doesn’t exist exist and realize that the Tooth Fairy doesn’t exist and in the same matter one day I broke and I realized that God doesn’t existence [Music] I’ve always found that line of argumentation rather funny because to me it seems it seems completely absurd to say Santa Claus doesn’t exist because obviously Santa Claus exists and their Santa Clauses everywhere at Christmas there are guys who dress up as Santa Claus there are Santa Claus decorations ornaments we have stories we have Song and all these things these things we celebrate Santa Claus is presently absurd as you say that Santa Claus does not eyes obviously Santa Claus exists [Music] [Applause] obviously Santa Claus exists [Music] obviously [Music] [Applause] said obviously thank God [Music] for example on dry water now those things are impossible it’s Santa Claus [Music] how it is this can maybe help people understand that God exists there are things that exist that are not at the level of myself at different levels of being obviously Santa Claus exists and you get [Music] exactly but it’s still it’s obviously Santa Claus obviously winning purposes another thing is that when people tend to to struggle with is to understand that beings are not obvious yes it’s not that obvious how you can take so you for example you have Parts you have hands and fingers eyes you have all these different parts [Music] your personhood teach all those things together now Santa Claus is saying stupid with your body [Music] Santa Claus are the images of Santa Claus that we see in Ruby stories just like your picture which appears online obviously Santa Claus exists your picture [Music] is an extension extension of you obviously Santa Claus exists and you will see the pictures he is manifesting yeah he is a part of Santa Claus to the extent that he’s participating in the [Music] [Applause] a child will answer if you want for Christmas tonight the global finds our story [Applause] [Music] obviously Santa Claus exists it’s Santa Claus that is answers um [Music] [Applause] the child will no longer recognize Santa Claus no thank you cease to be a body part of Santa Claus no [Applause] [Music] now you can write a letter to Santa Claus put it in the mail send it to Santa Claus and you know what Santa Claus is going to answer and it isn’t Martha sitting in the post office and you’re typing out the letter she’s not the one who’s actually answering she is manifesting Santa Claus the same thing you’re doing to Santa Claus I can do to you when you answer my question I can say well it’s not you that is answering my question right it’s your house that’s answering my question but is that true is it your mouth actually the question no your mouth is the tool by which you are answering the question obviously Santa Claus exists the disguise guys are the tool by which obviously Santa Claus exists Santa Claus manifest himself in the world obviously Santa Claus is Santa Claus is a being that’s pretty cool obviously it has a personality he has a way of speaking you can engage with Santa Claus and Santa Claus real answer [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can get ideas the influenced by all these external influences obviously Santa clausified [Music] there is a total way in which those elements are pulled together you go to church Christmas Eve there’s something on those elements together so that when I’d ask you something you answer me answer what is the answer exists love is the answers [Applause] it was exist I’m not good with words but I try my best it’s obviously Santa Claus exists thank you [Applause]


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