Is DISNEY Ruining Marvel?

[Music] thank you [Music] what’s going on Savage on me your favorite bad guy is back in the building once again and yes this [ __ ] never stops so without further Ado guys of course welcome to the channel and today we are going to be talking about Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney and how it could be possibly ruining Marvel so we’re gonna get down to business just came back from working out you can see yeah a little a little freaking sweaty but The Show Must Go On regardless again if you are brand new to the savagery make sure you guys hit that subscribe button leave a like for the algorithm don’t forget to share the video with all your friends family everybody is into movies comic books all that great stuff and last but not least don’t forget that notification button so that way you guys don’t miss out on absolutely nothing from this channel of course thank you and big salute to all the members of the channel if you guys would love to be a member of the channel get some added perks there is going to be a new Savage comic hunt video getting ready to drop guys either later tonight or tomorrow morning so stay tuned for that and of course if you want to join guys there’s three different tiers there’s a dollar five dollar and ten dollar tier all different little perks that you guys will be receiving I’m working on a lot of different things so stay tuned for that but again all you got to do is hit the join button right below this box right here that I’m always trapped in and let’s get it damn it today is a great day I know a lot of people are getting over you know it’s Wednesday happy new comic book day we’re going to be talking about a lot guys so stay tuned for that and of course we’re going to be talking about today’s main main focus is Disney ruining Marvel but let me go ahead and say what’s up to the Savages in the building man we got Kenny the Comic Collector in the building what’s going going on I think that’s the first someone’s saying this name but what’s up what’s up Brandon Metro remember the channel in the building that’s what’s up we got black oops in the building with this popping get to see you folks get to see everybody got my man since the Titan in the building yes I’m late night I have to go to work I have to freaking work out I have to do everything today so we’re running a little late and today I don’t got no good no cool thumbnails I had to pop up something real quick we’re gonna be using the websites today we’re gonna be doing all that good stuff but don’t worry the show’s still going to be great nonetheless we got uncanny swag and maybe a book that you might be interested in that that’s another big one right there so stay tuned because we also gonna be talking about spider boy I feel like we we ain’t gonna stop talking about spider boy one way or another we have not received that character’s true origin so stay tuned for that I’m going I’m going to be going over that here in a second spoilers because there’s gonna be some spoilers here in a little bit so stay tuned for that uh let me see who else we got we got my boy the Marvel Fanboy in the building Louis olivo and the bill was going on um my man said late night show with Earl is the best yo I appreciate it my brother good looking out and again hope everybody yo listen keep this joint clean keep it healthy you already know how I am about mental health folks stay freaking positive you all throughout everything it don’t matter what the hell is happening in life stay positive don’t let anybody feed you any negative energy don’t let anybody feed you anything period that is gonna go against your grain that is my number one piece of advice so and just try try it’s not easy trust me it took me some time to get there but it’s worth the freaking wait now let’s get right into business because I do want to talk about this so the reason why today we titled the show is Disney ruin the Marvel is because I would love to ask you all that question do you guys people watching this on a rewind you’re watching this on a rewind leave a comment for me because I definitely definitely would love to see what you guys are ready to say so the reason why I’m bringing this up it all has to do with this show that a lot of us I’m not gonna lie to you I have been losing interest in a lot of comic book stuff all right I I felt like the flash was cool little story I saw where they were going with that what was not my cup of tea I I was not too big of a fan of it it was you know it is what it is then we move on to let’s see how this next phase of Marvel Marvel phase five is gonna start off started off on the wrong foot and then of course you get you hope so to get picked back up because the Guardians of Galaxy vol 3 and next thing you you’re wondering you’re like maybe it might get better but then you start thinking like oh man well James Gunn is gone so we’re not going to be getting any more James Gunn movies he’s officially done with Guardians of the Galaxy and so on and so forth so we go from that point and I started questioning this today because of an article that recently just came out thanks to the direct So for anybody that has never been on the direct go and check it out great website and it pertains to none other than Daredevil so it looks like Marvel rejected Charlie Cox’s request for Disney plus Daredevil stunts says performer on top of that there were also other articles coming out talking about the Daredevil show a former stuntman for Charlie Cox who actually did all the stunts of him as Daredevil actually came out speaking and said how Marvel is just gonna fail miserably because of the direction that they’re taken so this was a great article all freaking day long that I just can’t tell you guys I I actually enjoyed it I I thought it was a great freaking article that they wrote and it goes like this so I start double from Netflix’s Daredevil revealed Marvel Studios did not have request for Matt Murdock actor Charlie Cox for Disney plus Daredevil born again so Marvel Studios has been cleared Disney plus is Daredevil born again will be a new beginning and not serve as season four of the Netflix show all right cool we could all understand that we could all see that hey they’re gonna be going in a brand new Direction they’re going to try to do something different which I’m I’m not no you know no way no form against that I completely agree you don’t want to see something that has been done again going to a brand new platform you would want to see some tweaks some changes so on and so forth so now they go ahead and say that the Daredevil Revival already abandoned one key crew member through stunt double Chris Brewster who has since shared his belief the studio is making a big mistake by leaving behind much of the original team and I do agree because if you guys remember everything that we saw on Netflix the fight to it where all awesome man they were badass I enjoyed the show I enjoyed what Netflix what you know about to life as far as Daredevil I thought that they did a freaking magnificent freaking job so the stunt double even went as far as to criticize Marvel Studios reinvention of Daredevil as simply bad and compared him to a cartoon that is right folks I don’t know how you guys feel but I’m gonna tell you how I feel if they are trying to go down the cartoon alley this is very very reminiscent of what the hell they were already doing in phase four they were going very very cartoony on us and mind you Marvel hey hate to say this but you guys suck at animation it has not been one good movie animated movie besides what’s going on at Sony but I’ll leave that as Sony because that’s Sony’s universe as far as Spider-Man but besides that yes we don’t get anything of quality so imagine turning a live action film a live action show and compare it to a damn cartoon that is very freaking for telling about what the hell is about to happen with Marvel under the freaking Disney this is freaking insane I really really don’t care I know some folks are probably gonna say oh you know his stunt double Chris Brewster’s probably you know he’s probably just feeling a little sour because they didn’t give him a job but they didn’t do this or they didn’t I’m sure probably not I’m sure he’s probably seeing things that he’s probably like man there’s a reason why yes Charlie Cox himself was like Hey I would love to have that crew back over here again there’s a good reason and this just goes to show you also why a lot of these actors and actresses are starting to pull away from a lot of Marvel projects they’re starting to go ahead and say hey we don’t want to be put under these 10-year contracts we don’t want to be put under these crazy long contracts because we don’t know what the hell the future holds we don’t know what’s going to happen and these are very again these are just little signs indicating that yeah Disney is trying to freaking Drive Marvel down the freaking [ __ ] guys that is literally what it is so then goes on with this uh with this article saying that Marvel denied Charlie Cox’s Daredevil Revival request and again we all know how badass Daredevil was when we saw him on Netflix we all know that I’m sort of getting a glimpse after watching secret Invasion I’m gonna tell you guys right now I’ve I’ve been kind of teetering on the fence with secret invasion I’m at a point where I’m just trying to figure the hell out how is all this even tying into everything that’s happening in MCU sort of getting lost right now so I really don’t know where the hell they’re doing that you know the direction that Disney is trying to take all of these Marvel IPS in I I truly don’t understand it so the yakuzo unscripted podcast recently sat down with Chris Brewster the stunt double for Charlie Cox’s devil went uh Daredevil in his Netflix series who revealed Marvel Studios uh denied one of the actors requests for Disney plus Daredevil born again so according to Brewster he has not worked on the project despite his initial expectation to be brought back for born again as Charlie Cox specifically requested him on everything he’s he goes on and says but ultimately born again I had no doubt that they were going to reach out to me Charlie specifically requests me on everything and he always goes out of his way and fights for me to be there so you sort of can see that they’re not even going with whatever the actor or actress’s requests are anymore this isn’t the only time things like this are happening you’re probably going to be singing it with future uh you know with future movies and shows through Disney and this is also why you might start seeing younger actors actors who are no names that we honestly have never seen before because it’s going to be cheaper for them they’re trying to go back to the whole like Hey we’re trying to focus on quality over quantity but if they’re trying to focus on quality why the hell would you not bring the quality back that is the biggest question of them all and guys I’m gonna get to everybody in the chat I really appreciate everybody once again shout out salute to all of y’all everybody joining in right now imma get to all of y’all but you go and you think yourself you’re like if you guys are talking about quality and being committed to Quality why wouldn’t you stick down the road that will lead you to Quality right and instead they just keep going ass backwards they keep going where we don’t need to see them go and it makes me just start to lose Faith to be honest with you I’m I’m again I’m teetering on everything and anything superhero it goes the same thing with DC I I’ve even heard some other news about like Blue Beetle we’ll we’ll get into that I I don’t know what the hell is going on with that I I we’re gonna have to talk about it damn it so he added how Cox asked them over and over to bring Brewster back for the Disney plus Revival but he never even got a phone call with none of the crew from the Netflix series supposedly returning so he go only says and he asked them over and over to bring me in I never even got a phone call ironically nobody that worked on seasons one two or three went back Charlie Cox has openly praised Chris Brewster’s work before such as in an interview with nylon to promote Daredevil season two where he explained how he is so good to the point they both struggle to know who’s who so I’ll be damned if you have an actor playing a role that he already previously played and he did a great job at it and he knows that his stunt double is a freaking Beast why not bring him back that that is the damn question that that I just keep freaking asking and asking as I kept reading this article why would you not bring this dude back if he was one hell of a freaking stunt coordinator a stunt you know a stunt person that that worked for freaking Charlie Cox and literally to the point where Charlie Cox is praising the guy in his work that’s that’s very freaking just damning evidence that again what is Disney planning on doing are they just going and just giving up on it are they gonna come down to the point where they’re just gonna say hey you know what we’re probably gonna end up selling R.I.P and we’re probably just gonna rent it out to people and and that’s about it because they’re literally destroying absolutely everything we all love I’ve always had this struggle from the very freaking moment that Disney decided to buy Marvel that moment that Disney bought Marvel I always wanted it to be a good thing I knew it would never be great and now we’re starting to see what’s happening little by little it is crumbling again secret Invasion not the worst thing on Earth but again right now since I’ve been watching it all three episodes that have come out I I am I’m just on the fence with it I I’m sort of seeing having a little glimpse of Hope with the way that I’m kind of seeing the the violent Natures that they’re trying to show on the show for example of what they’re possibly going to be doing with Daredevil of what they’re possibly going to be capable of with Punisher but even then I still think Punisher is going to be nerfed down to the point of freaking toilet paper like that’s how bad it’s gonna freaking get and again if you’re seeing this happening with Charlie Cox imagine what’s going to happen on freaking with John Bernthal as a Punisher imagine you guys know John Berto when he was working with his folks his stunt doubles and everybody on his Punisher show he was always consistently praising them even praising them on his podcast uh how much he loved working with the crew and how much they did for him and how good they made him look so if this guy right here Charlie Cox can’t even get somebody that he was praising what makes us think that John Bernthal is going to get the same treatment that’s the damn biggest conundrum right here so let me just go ahead and go into the chat again welcome everybody big shout out to everybody again if you have not hit that like button please do so goes a long way for the channel Kenny the Comic Collector says haha he’s like nah I’ve been watching for a bit under this name my other aliases fight to go oh there you go there you go that’s what’s up brother good to see you now I know now I know uh who we got we got dog from Melvin in the building Superior Superior hero Collectibles what is going on say yes Disney is says this is what happens when you lifters cry all the time monsters take control and and it slowly slowly dropping in again they’re they’re finding ways to try to get you know to to try to sort of get themselves out of doing bad they’re they’re trying to find those different ways same thing like how you know with Brie Larson you guys heard me talk about this along with Sam Jackson jumping up and talking about how yeah everybody needs to you know they need to stop start learning how to pray strong woman and this that in the third and even calling you know a lot of these male Marvel fans in cells and so on and so forth was their way just like my man Wilbert in the chat said and explained a good way to go ahead and play cover-up go ahead and cover up for that project failing miserably and saying that the reason nobody supported the Marvels was because it was a bunch of men crying about strong woman that is exactly what the hell they’re doing they’re they’re just trying to play PR now they’re trying to go ahead and find an excuse as to why their projects are failing even though they know exactly why they’re failing and it has nothing to do with the fans because even though Marvel shows Marvel movies have been failing miserably what do we all do like a bunch of dummies we all go and watch it and what is the best way to make a change is by us not supporting them anymore not going to the movies not watching the shows unsubscribing from Disney plus that is what speaks numbers that is when they’re going to change but in the meantime a lot of us even when it’s the worst of the worst we still go to watch it it’s almost like we have right like we’re pressured to do so like we have to be like you know what I’ve been hanging in there for this freaking long let me go ahead and continue watching this garbage even though I know it’s garbage and it’s very damning and very telling because again I was not a huge fan of The Flash but I will tell you the flash was far way better than what a lot of Disney stuff that has been coming out via Marvel that I will say right the hell now was not one of my freaking was not the greatest thing on earth when it came to the flash but I will pick that movie any day over a lot of the stuff that came out via phase four if you had to give me anything via phase four and include the beginning of phase five life I would probably pick the Flash before I’d go and watch everything else that is how bad stuff has been so far and it is very damning once again just how much of this just continues Darth Melvin in the building says just a cut and paste look at the scene between Christopher Robin and Mowgli if they would be overlapped it was identical will they start that with Marvel just cut and paste and man that that’s that’s a great great comment so this is something that as to why I get so bothered with Disney in a sense as to why they’re taking like they didn’t have to redo Aladdin live action they didn’t have to redo Lion King live action they didn’t have to redo Little Mermaid but again it’s them trying to please a lot of folks out there a lot of the people that they always keep saying yeah they’re crying and saying how nobody played this character and nobody played this character over here that was meant to be played by this character it it just happened and then all of a sudden they’re like guess what we’re just gonna make this live action and we’re gonna go ahead and put the right and correct people to belong in there I feel like at some point or another you’re 100 right I feel like they are probably gonna start cutting and pasting just because just because they honestly they’re running out of ideas I I feel like everything just seems to be hitting the freaking fan the [ __ ] just hit the fan guys and it keeps on going uh figure drawing what’s up bro he says I know you hated she-hole but what did you think of the Daredevil action scenes comic Athletics require while CGI flips and stuff so I’m gonna tell you right now one of the things that I did respect She-Hulk was that they went back because and it was also to the fans the fans came out and everybody was like we all saw that preview the first preview trailer whatever you want to call it for She-Hulk and everybody was like yo this thing looks like hot trash looks like hot garbage and they were just getting their asses kicked by everybody so they went back to the border and started redoing CGI of course you’re not gonna be getting some crazy crazy ass things like the other day I watched Spider-Man the first Spider-Man movie with Toby McGuire and when you see him running across the roof like you could clearly 100 all day long see just how bad the CGI was it’s not great so for us now we’ve been so used to the fact of going from that and becoming so much better that now we’re expecting better and better and better as time goes you know as time goes on on any and every movie superhero movie period doesn’t just mean DC Marvel it’s everything shows to be included so I I’m not gonna say like hey that that was my biggest thing I was happy and I respected the fact that they went back into the board fixed all the CGI for She-Hulk because they needed her I mean you named the damn show She-Hulk can’t you can’t go without showing that woman you can’t go without with just showing her in the courtroom and just being herself the whole damn time and probably getting like one minute to two minutes of She-Hulk and every show people to be pissed people be like what the hell why why would you even call it She-Hulk uh but I will say the Daredevil action scenes yeah really freaking dope but don’t get me wrong man the way that they just represented this dude and the way they put him out there I mean I was just kind of like yo that now you’re starting even I mean after the fact after the show even came out the director writers all of them they all came out were like oh yeah this was meant to poke to poke fun at man this was meant to downgrade men this was that and they were all over there you guys can go watch it you know on YouTube and just watch the interviews and how they all laugh about it and this is why I said I was like if I was the actor and I was freaking Charlie Cox I’d be damned if I’d be going into that damn show and doing [ __ ] like that where it’s like it really you know you know what I mean because if you did that the opposite and you did that to a female or something everybody would be up in arms about it everybody’d be screaming and everybody’d be like oh hell no why’d you make her do this why’d you make yeah that that’s literally what the hell it was and for me it was just kind of like why why even put Daredevil in there was it their way of just saying hey let’s go ahead and show our very first glimpse of Charlie Cox’s Daredevil you know in the MCU and I think that that’s all it was it was just a little tidbit of making like a commercial out of him and say oh my God guys just wait we’re gonna get the Daredevil show that’s gonna be the next great thing uh Louis olivo said Daredevil season one was great season two and three had too many episodes and yo I do agree with you with that Louis uh on the same reason why I I don’t know how I feel about what is it 18 episodes for uh for freaking um for the Daredevil show 18 episodes I I don’t know how the hell they’re gonna go I feel like that is way too damn long I don’t know how they’re gonna keep up with it but again it’s yeah it’s pretty freaking crazy um let me see who else we got figure drawing says uh Daredevil uh born again could be good or bad writing is a thing but I had to see it before I bury it ahead of time oh and of course and I’m still gonna watch it I’m still gonna watch it it’s the same thing like you know once I started seeing all the news coming out about secret Invasion and everybody’s talking some people were like yeah this you know this show is going to be great every so far for me it’s been okay I I have not been too too freaking like too happy with what I’ve seen so far for episode two and three episode one sort of captured me and then I was ready for episode two episode two comes in I was like ah that episode three came I was like and I was like okay I I really don’t see the purpose of it I I just feel like they’re just throwing [ __ ] out now uh as soon as the Titan says I haven’t even renewed my Disney plus sub to watch secret Invasion yet and this is the first time I’m going to renew it to watch Guardians 3 this weekend I’ve been slowly losing faith in Disney’s MCU I I just feel like it’s either them just being like you know what this is all just gonna go to [ __ ] and let’s just go ahead and and revamp once again sort of thing I feel like maybe that’s the reason why they just kind of sort of letting it burn and just fade you know Fade Into Darkness to be honest with you um holy heartless said Disney isn’t only ruining Marvel they’re ruining everything across the board dude it’s it’s I 100 agree with that it’s not just marvel that they’re ruining even their old classics of cartoons everything everything Disney owns they’re freaking just ruining bit by bit uh so it’s not again not the greatest thing Vincent gives you what’s going on man good to see we got my man fun house comics in a building uh Louis olivo says we are talking about stunt people stuntman said in the afternoon the same voice sorry this does not move the needle for me when was the last time anyone said oh Chris Brewster is doing the stunts very true very true uh Vincent Gibbs said let’s give a round of applause for Joey Chestnut facts bro I didn’t watch it I didn’t watch it I don’t think I could see a bunch of grown men Lizzy Goblin on you know on stage uh fun house comic says Disney’s been through in Marvel uh Austin craft and what up man Kevin feige has to go his time is I I don’t think Kevin feige is probably going to be staying too much man I think eventually this time it’s going to come to an end um and and again it you know like today again happy new comic book day I went to the comic shops around the area because I was looking for a couple of books and sure as hell the places yo I’ve noticed again it’s not just in the movies I’m seeing it in comic collecting you really don’t see too much people anymore in the comic shops like I used to I used to see a right ton of people and now I really don’t see it and even when I was in Virginia at the time you know moving over there for because of my job and everything I used to go to the comic shops and those places used to be packed now I move even before I moved from there and I was still in VA I was going in there I go and say what’s up to people and everything yeah it was sort of dead like nobody still freaking comic books you know like just fell to the brim on the damn shelves so today I go to the you know I go to the OCS and I go and find a couple different places that I’ve been through just you know that that’s one place that I was like damn this place is expensive as [ __ ] I went in there and yeah not not too many people was more like you had all the people playing the games all these little Gamers that that do the board games and the card games and so on and so forth so I saw a lot of them in there that those places are packed because of them but to be honest with you I was like I saw all the damn comic shelves just filled to the freaking brim and I was just like damn I was like is nobody buying and I’ll ask questions I’m never ashamed of asking them like hey what you know like do you guys get a mix of people and most of the time today when I went to one specific place they just talked to me and they were saying uh the owner was there and he just told me yeah he’s like well he’s like that’s one of the reasons why he’s like I really don’t participate in um in getting like all these incentives and things like that because he said yeah in the beginning he was like it’s great but now he’s like people are hardly even buying into these comic books so he’s like I order less than I used to he’s like I order about a quarter of what I initially used to order and I don’t even qualify to get any of these incentives so you’re seeing a lot of stuff across the board he said yeah a lot of people are just really not interested in what’s coming out the stories uh you know and it’s not again everybody always thinks I hate a Marvel no it’s you know it’s on Marvel he told me the same thing about DC how he had to lower his ordering in uh for new comic book day and and just like a lot of shops and even what we’ve read prior uh on a previous show uh it he just pretty much said the same thing he said you know what people where people’s interest Peaks more is all in the back issues and these guys at this one store have like a color coding system where they put a little price tag they won’t put a price on it but they’ll put this paper sort of hate this [ __ ] because I gotta always keep looking over it because I can’t remember the damn prices but they have like I think it was a blue label was two dollars um a yellow label was five and then the other colors I can’t even [ __ ] remember they took like ten dollars and and 15 and 20.

I can’t remember what colors they were but even he was just saying he’s like yeah people come in here and he’s like they’re more they they get caught up more in the hype of back issues than they do anything that’s current and I saw it I saw it today yeah on the shelves there was nothing really moving now and I was surprised because there’s one book I’m gonna be talking about here in a little bit in particular that I honestly think folks should be on the lookout for I think you should freaking definitely pick it up hold on to it um I enjoyed the way they introduced to say character um and not just because of of something that I personally love but because I saw a lot of potential with this character so we’re gonna get into that here shortly but it is it’s it’s being affected in every format I honestly you know we’ve talked about it when we said you know are you guys feeling superhero fatigue am I feeling superhero fatigue I’ve come to the point where no lie I honestly am fatigued about superheroes it’s and the reason why is because of the writing the way that they’re introducing these superheroes I almost have no interest in a lot of these characters very minimal where I walk out with a certain amount of books now again out of the LCS and when I used to walk out with Stacks now yeah I walk out with one two bucks and that’s about it so a lot of this stuff is all being affected I think in the end like we’ve all pinpointed you guys have set it up this shout out to you guys it’s writing damn it we’re just going to be all honest about his writing the writing the writing is horrible this is why I said even with the strike going on for writers from movies and things like that those guys I think they should get it paid accordingly to how a movie is going to do if the movie is hot garbage and fails miserably then guess what writers you’re not gonna freaking be uh seeing those nice pretty cha-chings like everybody likes to see I think that they need to do something uh you know in reference to that um and if the movie does well then you should have that opportunity to you know to make the money that you know that these companies are seeing uh neighbor to the north comics in the building what’s going on says I have not been interested in Disney Marvel since Loki I want to love this but nothing has been close to mediocre it is tough man it’s tough uh black oops in the building said MK is the best Batman in The Flash yo I enjoyed him in the movie I think that that’s what sort of kept me engaged to but again I I I was paying attention to the story so with what they were trying to do with The Flash movie but it was just the way that they that they did it man I I really was not a fan of it I I thought it was okay uh Louis olivo said FYI only two Marvel movies did not make a profit over 30 movies just saying but here’s the thing though Louie you know it goes back to the to the talk that I just had right now with you guys where I said what were we we’re all like dummies even if if a movie sucked we still all went to go watch it because everybody was all about like how we’ve said it before we all want to be first we all want to be there we all want to witness this we all want to know what book what comic book is gonna freaking start heating up because of the movies that’s how we all function and unfortunately yeah it has not been like that anymore you really don’t have any movement on comic books generating the way it used to back in the days you just don’t have it and even though yeah you could go ahead and say oh yeah this movie made I mean look look at Captain Marvel Captain Marvel I believe made over a billion dollars and that movie for me was freaking hot garbage not because I hate Carol Danvers or anything like that I gave it a chance I gave it the opportunity I went in there or not because I hated Brie Lawson like how everybody’s always talking about no I went in that movie freaking with an open mind I was like I watched it it was just freaking it was garbage was it was it freaking that type of movie where it generate to be honest hell no look at Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3 Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3 I think just broke 875 million that should be a billion dollar movie but now it’s starting to reflect it took all us dummies out here to finally realize at the very freaking close to the end of it all that hey is it really even worth going to watch these movies a lot of us really don’t even give a damn no more and a lot of us just go to them and it’s like oh damn wish I didn’t spend my money on this so I wish I didn’t do this I wish it and that’s that’s what’s happening now back then you wouldn’t even question it twice you’d be like oh hell no it’s midnight I’m gonna go watch this damn movie um so yeah those profits for me are just profits made off a hype and the direction that the MCU was going that’s that’s literally what that means and and finally for those two movies that didn’t do too well yeah that that is that that’s that’s finally what we were like yo let’s go ahead and let’s not you know freaking uh applaud them for for this terrible job that they did so let’s not go watch these movies let’s not watch these shows let’s unsubscribe Disney plus that’s that’s where we’re at uh Funhouse says when the hell they going to please us I don’t know man I I don’t think it’s even about pleasing to be honest with you I think it’s just about writing a good story and you know one of the biggest things like I’ve always said you go back to how manga anime I know I always repeat myself on this but you look at the stories man the story The the creators of these things just watch them even as an adult like I’ve had my wife is starting to watch One Piece she’s she’s been like you know she’s like babe you know I’ve seen on Instagram I see on Tick Tock people always posting how you know you get these life lessons from one piece that you know the anime and she’s like I know you know about all that stuff because she knows how I collect all my stuff from for uh one piece so she’s there like I’m gonna watch it wifey watches it and now she’s like her mind is freaking balloon and she was like damn she’s like how come they don’t do this type of story you know the the story these narratives these arcs you don’t have again same thing she even she even freaking saw on this she was like yeah you don’t see them trying to please anybody they just work with it they introduce new characters the freaking plot starts to thicken they they get you so engrossed in the story that she was just like I never in my life thought a cartoon because that’s what she calls you don’t call it anime sorry anime heads but she called it a cartoon and she was like I don’t understand how a cartoon could depict so much things in life and a freaking movie for superheroes and all these people wouldn’t you think that they would take a page out of that to go and make such an explosive freaking Story I mean a lot of people out there will say the same thing they’re like why are so many people watching anime why are so many people reading manga it’s because of that is because that damn story the damn story like my hero Academia if you want to get the closest you possibly can to anything comic books just go watch my hero Academia and just go see how you have one single little character who has no powers has no quirk like they like to call it on the show has absolutely nothing midoriya and all of a sudden he becomes literally one of the roughest toughest superheroes you could probably think of in an anime he develops these Powers they tell you bit by bit and you get so caught up in it that you’re like damn like this is the story of a hero a kid who really wanted to be a superhero but did not have no powers and he had to get his powers passed on to him from Almighty he was forced to eat a piece of hair and that’s how this kid ends up getting these superpowers voila now you’re into a whole new realm now you’re bringing the villains because without villains you don’t have nothing if you don’t have a quality villain you’re not gonna get a quality story that’s the other part and here’s what happened with Marvel Marvel has one hell of a quality villain with Kang for example and what do they do they allowed some giant ants to walk all over this dude no consequences in that freaking first movie as to why I said yo they need to get rid of Hank they need to get rid of Janet somebody someone needs to freaking die in a damn thing to make everybody feel like yo this dude is not to be played with and sure as hell they freaking fumbled the ball and called and just call it a rap after that that’s literally what it is and again you do not get these type of quality stories I’m telling you you look at also how recently this this is why I always will say I will give props when people are paying attention because I’m like you should pay attention to these things you guys just recently saw they gave you a little preview for a new Suicide Squad that is being done anime style to me that was a freaking intelligent intelligent freaking move by DC I thought that that was probably going I I’m right now I was like this is probably the smartest thing I’ve seen anybody do so far from the big two was them deciding to make that move and pushing into the anime end of things they’ve tried doing it before but the caliber and what I’m seeing so far just from that little snippet For Suicide Squad with the Joker and Harley Quinn I was like damn Dave right there are officially going to freaking hit where the market needs to be hit on right now and hopefully because now you’re actually getting real people who have worked on animes working on that end of things on that on that end of this of the uh or the board you’re gonna start actually seeing possibly something develop on the DC end of things where again you start highlighting the animation and I’m freaking looking forward to this damn show I I really am and hopefully it is not a letdown uh but again that’s that’s what it is that’s really what it comes down to I really hope that they do something along those lines where they start looking at yo how is it that they’re developing these characters you could bring a no-name character into anime or Manga and all of a sudden you just fall in love with these characters because of the way they develop them and if for some odd reason these folks I’d be studying anime and manga right the [ __ ] now if I was a writer I would love to go take writing classes do if I had the time and do a comic book I would just study everything that I have been reading a manga and everything that I’ve been watching in anime like a freaking fiend like that’s how that’s how freaking good you can get at developing characters just by watching that stuff and literally it is a blueprint to some of the greatest freaking stories we’re not talking about one show two three you know animes that you were talking about freaking dozens upon dozens of animes that you could sit there and be like damn I’m so engrossed in this and even as a grown ass man or a woman you could sit there and be like holy crap the hell did I just watch like my wife who’s never watched a single freaking thing of anime now she’s freaking loving one piece that that that speaks numbers I have somebody that’s out of their realm all of a sudden getting into that room um let me see uh figured Jerome said I found a lot in to be decent girls movie and the Lion King remake not pointless the realistic CGI ruined it all oh yeah I was not a fan of that joint at all man I was not a fan of that Lion King movie I watched it my my daughter was I think I will do it she probably like two one two I can’t even remember but yeah it it just wasn’t it was not did not have that that same feel that the original you know with the animation like literally when I was young I freaking cried when Mufasa went down damn it when Scar was like peace and that that was it it was a wrap um make room for doing what’s going on say gotta say secret Invasion got the best dialogue I’ve seen out of Marvel in quite some time yeah don’t yeah I’ll give you that I’ll give you that but trust like for me right now I’m I’m still trying to get at where the hell they’re trying to take all of this where the hell they’re trying I’m not gonna say this freaking show was horrible it’s not it’s okay but at the same time I’m just like wondering like you’re building this is where this is where the lines start to fall apart remember MCU same thing I have a fear for DCU you want to build the universe and you want to stay concise and tight with everything why are you shifting all over the place you see that’s one of the reasons why these comic books are failing because they love to bring in this big event and then all of a sudden tie-ins and then all of a sudden you’ve got other damn stories that are going out because all this is supposed to happen in one universe is exactly what the MCU is doing so I I definitely would love to just know what the hell is going on uh to be a PHX in the building said it feels like they’re taking a two-hour movie and making it six hours long that is probably a good damn thing with I don’t know I don’t know if it’s good bad I I just don’t know where the hell what direction they’re going Nigerian nurse what is going on said well I was uh more hoping that they stick to what they had before with Daredevil more practical stunts like John Wick but Disney always want to take a big poop I I am mad at you Nigerian nurse uh Kingdom of nerds in the building what’s going on bro good to see you man shout out to Kingdom of nerds if you guys don’t know saw that new channel my boy brucifer go and check them out Kingdom of nerds right there subscribe to them here on YouTube again big shout out to you brother good uh good seeing you holy holy said there are no there really isn’t there really isn’t man um make room for dumos it says I’m not fatigued from superhero movies I’m fatigued from below average superhero movies very well said man very well said I I wouldn’t have never thought it you know in that format I just you know I watch these movies but I also want to have something man something that gives you those those feelings like I said when they introduce Thanos you had consequences that dude and and mind you Kang is is even worse like as much as we would all love Thanos Thanos was infatuated with death but you gotta remember that Kang is far far worse than what the hell Thanos brings to the table in my personal opinion so for them to not be able to even develop him and then with everything that’s going on or you know surrounding Jonathan Majors which I keep telling people that’s not a big problem they can always go ahead and say hey this is who really was you know this is who uh who Kang Prime really is and have some other act that take take his place so it’s not you know it’s not the end-all of this it you know it’s something that they could definitely work on but it’s just it it just doesn’t seem like they’re getting the right people to get into it man uh Darth Melvin Said Comics hit Peak just another yo-yo Rubik’s Cube hula hoop skateboard there are too many avenues for Comic information movies streaming sites cons I yo there’s a lot man I I’m I’m very interested I know a lot of folks who are out there who are going to San Diego Comic-Con yo let me know I would even invite you to the channel if you guys I would I would love to know what your experience is like because I’m seeing a lot of people still pulling out of San Diego Comic-Con um I would love to know if there’s going to be like more comic you know vendors I’ve been hearing a lot of different things I don’t know what to believe when it comes to these cons but I’ve been hearing a lot of people saying like oh yeah you know I’m going to be selling that San Diego Comic-Con they you know I got a spot over there now and there’s that in the third so I don’t know if they’re trying to go back to the roots to the origin and it might seem like it so I I definitely would love to hear out from uh from a lot of you folks that are going to San Diego Comic-Con and hopefully I I feel like it’s you know everybody always goes to say they will Comic-Con for whole H whole H has always got a line freaking to know to no end but for anybody that’s going there I I hate to see y’all going because they’ve been pulling back from uh from everything a lot of these folks you know DC I heard DC started to pull out also now um I don’t know if that’s 100 True uh figure drawing says I don’t get fatigued by any genre because I like tons of genres I love horror and there are a lot of bad harm but it doesn’t fatigue me you see for me as far as horror I you know what they do with her they always try to like raise the level up they try to do something like I I was not a fan when they re you know uh when they were remaking you know Nightmare on Elm Street and they try to do the Remake I sat there and watched it as a horror fan and it’s sort of like I’m like yo instead of trying to redo it why don’t you go from it and start something else instead they’re just trying to like bring that fire back and it’s like again the creativity just isn’t there anymore um I I just recently heard two um what the heck is that actor’s name um that was in The Conjuring and that whole Conjuring series I heard he’s already Calling it Quits now and he’s starting to feel like everything is starting to become repetitive as far as everything based and you know around that Conjuring Universe sort of so he’s he’s already done so I don’t know how that’s gonna be you know how that’s gonna change to be honest with you I think it’s gonna be uh something that that that’s a little you know I I’m really just hoping for for something new some new some Innovative man it’s I feel like everything every single movie horror is the same way I’ve watched some horror movies um like if you remember back in the 90s and the 90s you used to be able to go rent and they used to make all these movies these horror movies that would never come out on you know in the movie theaters they’ll go straight for rental like those movies were freaking far superior than some stuff that’s coming out now and I’m there like yo you got to be [ __ ] me bro you gotta be sitting me it’s crazy uh awesome sauce was Papa man said what uh what up please let me know yeah I see this lot of clear bro what’s going on Adam good to see you dude um Park of Rizzo in the building said if they did came dirty imagine what they do to Doom when he finally comes bro I I don’t know man I don’t know this um globug said here’s how you tie in secret evasion into everything that was going on Kang is the one who gives the Scrolls the technology to build the super scroll machine that’s a great yo glow bug I’m about to send your name over to Disney and I’m about to have you go and write something for them bro I don’t know if you got writing skills like that I don’t know I don’t know uh [Music] yo now anytime I see this name I’m gonna have to say pause all right big pull pause said can I just see one movie where the black man doesn’t die first I I’m honestly I’m trying to trying to think of one for you to watch trying to think think of one all right uh Peter Parker what’s going on says we are fatigue from lousy written superhero movies awesome sauce radio says what do you think of secret Invasion I think it’s okay man I’m not I I really would just love to know what the [ __ ] they’re going where where they’re going I I just feel like Marvel just gets sort of Lost with a lot of their projects right now and and again this was this was the thing that was predicted by a lot of folks and a lot of them were like you know that’s the hard part about it because Marvel itself in comic books the universe is so freaking gigantic how can you possibly mesh all this [ __ ] together it would take a [ __ ] ton of movies and shows and everything and at one point that was Disney’s plan was to fill up with shows and fill up with movies and everything and try to tie that all in but look how it’s not it’s working against them um so it’s yeah it’s pretty crazy again somebody said it earlier the dialogue is is great I’m not yeah I won’t take it away from that uh they gave you hints of like what they could possibly do because I’m actually seeing more mature stuff in this show than I’ve ever honestly I’ve ever even felt like I’ve seen before in MCU so I’m sort of kind of being like okay maybe we have hope for Deadpool maybe we have hope for the Punisher I don’t know but I can’t really say the next show the gauge that from is going to be Daredevil to be honest with y’all y’all ever seen blank man of course of course smack me silly and call me Susan all right Susan flat there you go um also said they’ve remade white man yeah though I I don’t even know why the hell I even sat there and watched this all right I think I I watched it more because I was trying to support uh freaking really dope rapper that I like Jack Harlow but that movie was yeah I I don’t think I would ever in my life watch that damn thing again Warrior Smurf y’all I like this that’s what I’m talking about that’s dope that is dope said The Lion King was a ripoff of Kim but a white lion which was in yes 100 to the T I watched Kimba I watched it man just to see what everybody was talking about because I watched a little uh mockumentary or whatever you want to call it on YouTube and they were actually and it was down to the T exactly exactly down to the T and I also remember seeing that uh the creators of Kimbo the White Lion was uh were actually going after Disney uh to sue them for stealing uh you know their property and turning it into the Lion King and literally you could see it frame by freaking frame it was all 100 down to the T was the freaking they stole from that damn thing there is no denying that make room for Doom said nobody attending San Diego Comic-Con Marvel DC Sony Netflix Universal all confirmed not to be attending whole H due to the probable active strike because actors need more Millions yeah that that’s pretty [ __ ] much um uh he’s uh dick Paul Paul said if you want it’s hard I recommend check yo that movie man I could never watch it again bro that movie I would never watch it if you guys never watched the movie Teeth it is with a girl who has teeth and yeah yeah yeah y’all freaking put that in your imagination I watched that movie and that freaking movie made me want to like cross my legs and I can’t even cross my legs like that’s that’s how bad I was like I was like ah just thinking about it why’d you gotta bring that up dick pull pause globally 27 thanks though I would take the job for five million a year and see what I can pull out he said it can’t be any worse than what they’re doing already listen if they’re making that type of movie The Writers or let’s make it that type of money should I say they you know they should not be even striking if they were making that um Vincent gives it a little Cool J survives sharks and Michael Yo facts shout out to Vincent gives I forgot about that you are right you are right the one freaking moment where I thought that dude who was freaking he was done he was done he perished I thought was in these movies and shows how he just came out of nowhere like I was like come on um awesome to say I remember the couple uh he said I could recommend a couple porn movies with a black person doesn’t uh doesn’t die if y’all need if y’all need any help on that just hit up awesome sauce radio he knows 100 to the T um Kenny said we’re uh we’re three episodes in on secret Invasion and Nick Fury has gotten chastised in all ever yo yeah he he has he definitely has um I agree yo they making good burger yo please please don’t tell me this [ __ ] you gonna make me Google this crap please tell me they’re not remaking this and if they’re gonna remake it they better have Keenan and Kellen that damn thing if they’re gonna be remaking the damn good burger they better have Keenan and Kelly at least damn it that that’s it Yo No One watches movies anymore only fans have taken over yo and Grill said well Jiminy Cricket is a is a rip-off of a Mexican character uh we’ll try to buy him but the Creator said no and made a [ __ ] this song on the River Mall fellow uh uh Vincent gift said good burger about to be yeah so OG Cass let’s go I hope so I hope so man because yeah that that would be a killer to me if they didn’t do that so let’s keep moving on guys so all for this hold Daredevil stuff again guys you’re watching this on everyone let me know in the comments what you guys think do you guys think that Disney is ruining Marvel would love to hear your thoughts let’s go let’s keep it moving so we’re gonna move on to something else right here and of course for anybody that ended up picking up today’s Spider-Man issue 10 then you should already know about this so bleeding cool shout out to bleeding cool because they have this already here for me I don’t have to go through all this I didn’t have time today so I had to worry go to the gym do all that good stuff and I still came over here and doing my damn show so that’s what’s up again this is why I appreciate all of y’all taking your time to come and join me so spider boy’s true nature gets a ring a new wrinkle should I say a new wrinkle uh so what other powers made I don’t know why that what the hell did they write right here they put Bali brigism but I’m sure they were putting uh they were trying to write Bailey Briggs spider boy be hiding tomorrow Spider-Man 10 sees one emerge so spoilers guys spoilers because I actually went through this before I came on here if you have not read Spider-Man 10 and spoilers I had guys so they go right into Spider-Man 10 they said this week sees the publication of Spider-Man 10 with a story by Dan slot and Mark Bagley bringing back Spider-Boy the kid who has been announcing himself as a sidekick of Spider-Man Bailey Briggs after he popped into existence at the end of the last spider-verse event spider boy is convinced that his long Rich spider history even if no one has heard of him before so now we’re gonna go right into into the mix so you guys remember this already first appearance Spider Boy all that goes nonsense right here I said hey we take a gamble we take again I took a Gamble and I don’t know that this origin is it’s a little too damn long pause I did there’s a lot going on so Spider-Man eight you know about spider Boy’s powers a bit a mixture bouncing around getting Vibes and psychic imprints off people or objects from a single touch so Spider Boy appears to have similar powers to Spider-Man bouncing rather than web spinning around though but this Spider-Man seems to be able to read psychic residue indeed they seem to be physically joined even if Peter Parker isn’t aware of it or indeed aware of Bailey at all so there was a lot going on hopefully as the thing download so let’s let’s get to it uh so Bailey Briggs the same name as the previous character and dance slot She-Hulk which I keep telling people stop buying that damn book it is not worth it stop if you find it in the backbend then yo props to you but it’s not worth it don’t don’t freaking get into that hype has seen sales of that comic rise as well as the recent spider titles but what other powers may he be hiding so Spider-Man 10 officially reveals that his mask has a fanged vampire-like bite and a sound effect to match so let me go ahead and refresh this right here real quick guys hold on and let me try to bring this back up because this joint is not showing the pictures from inside they actually again shout out to bleeding cool for giving the little Snippets of the spider boy issue the latest issue 10 where you actually see him taking a bite out of crime if you want to call it that um he officially gave a nice little Glimpse as to what else that he does so it seems like he has a Venom type of bite that paralyzes his hit you know his his victims I guess you’re gonna call him but this is this is something that I will tell you brought me back to somebody that I was like Hey because I’ve been trying to see where the hell can we go along the lines of the origin of spider boy Bailey breaks so the last spider character that I could even remotely think because I was such a huge fan of was none other than of course freaking Spider-Man 2099 if you guys remember that from back in the days yes Spider-Man uh 2099 debuted back in 1992 I think it was so you see him right here he literally has fangs he is getting ready to sink his teeth into Electro like a damn vampire this damn Savage right here so we’re gonna officially call Spider-Boy damn Savage so even though Spider-Boy real sure Spider-Man of the non-fatal nature and his new assault skill he goes ahead and yeah he bites the living hell out of this man right on his damn neck of course and he even comes out and says gross tastes like ozone and spideys like dude just he’s like kill him if I did just fight his sons would have gone nuts did it nope paralyzing Venom he’s fine and he’s like well web them up and leave him one of our courtesy of your friendly neighborhood Spidey team cards you don’t have cards man you are lost without me and he’s like I I’m not cool with this at all he’s like you used to be so now the question is is Spider Boy a vampire has he been because he’s been out unmasked in the Sun an alien and symbiote something else more to come tomorrow as well as his own spin-off solo series coming later this year from Marvel Comics so Spider-Man 10 Again came out today gave you the debut of a new power and yes folks better believe that I had to go into the freaking books and start freaking remembering a lot of this crap I had to go through every damn issue because I kind of remember where the hell Spider-Man 2099 debuted in the very first issue in his origin you do see him at the very end of the issue issue one where you see him he’s developing the little claws that come out of the end of his fingers the end of his toes to be able to cling on walls you also see him develop his fangs that is where he has a venom bite and of course the very first time his venom bite is debuted as in Spider-Man 2099 Issue 13 because we also had the debut of this gigantic freaking person right here by the name of Thanatos so Thanatos made his debut if I’m not mistaken in issue 10 at the end and then Issue 11 is probably his full don’t quote me on that but we go on from there so his first time ever biting anybody in comics was actually Thanatos and if I remember correctly he actually bit this dude in his hand because he went into giant form and that’s that’s what it was and that was the debut of his paralyzing venom bite that is what happens in this issue right here if I remember with them pages on but I do remember it is an issue freaking 11.

He was fighting him this dude freaking got like 20 times its size and all of a sudden becomes a giant and next thing you know the anatos ends up grabbing Spidey 2099 in his clutches he starts to try to pretty much crush him and right after as he’s trying to do that Spidey 2099 Miguel O’Hara starts to freaking panic and he’s like okay how the hell do I get out of this and he finally realizes oh I got this damn venom bite of mine and sure as hell we even got to see this in across the spiderverse if anybody remembers also got to see that in there so for a lot of folks here you go you see him you see his fangs right there in that one little tidbit right there he has no mask on he gets unmasked and then let’s see if we get to that page where he actually bites his damn gigantic SOB right in his damn thumb I think it was or something like that and he freaking just yeah he literally just bites him you can see him and remember how we all wondered if you’ve never checked out any Spider-Man 2099 and was always wondering why he had these little like freaking thumbtacks on his fingers yeah that that’s something that he developed in his mutation and next thing you know you see him right here there’s Thanatos he’s holding on to him and he’s like you could try and then he’s like you were the first of a new breed Spiderman and you should be the first to fall pity you were never in the league of the original Spider-Man foes like Venom hobgoblin they would have destroyed you in no time you can ask him how he survived as long as he did for you to see him after you die and that is when he feels the effect you see his fangs coming out bang freaking right in the hand it’s a rap because then this dude is like yo what have you done I can’t move and then he says Venom you said it yourself real spiders and Jack Venom from the fangs to paralyze their prey you reminded me of that and I just happened to have fangs and that is where you see the first bite right there from none other than Spider-Man 2099 all happening in this very freaking issue 13.

So if you guys ever want to freaking find out I’m trying to put two and two together now and I’m actually trying to see what ties can all these different spider characters because he seems to be exhibiting a whole different set of powers unlike any now I’m starting to try to figure out because if you guys remember too spidey2099 as you saw him here yeah he was he was sort of I don’t know people might say oh yeah it’s brown hair but it looks kind of reddish very reminiscent to what the hell you know like to what we see the likeness of Bailey Bailey is a redhead kid who the hell knows who his dad is by now damn it I’m I’m trying to figure this out but could he have some sort of ties to Spider-Man 2099 Miguel O’Hara that is the number one question right now I’m still trying to pinpoint the origins because this is starting to get crazy and if we thought that we were done talking about Spidey 2099 then yeah that just look no further because the damn kid is back in talks once again for me personally I’m always just firing on all cylinders trying to figure out exactly what the hell is going on but again if you guys are interested I don’t know I can you call this a key book I don’t know what the hell people call Key books nowadays but can you call this something hey not wrong if you go and find this book somewhere I’m sure you will find this damn book in a back bit in a backbend somewhere so Spiderman 2099 issue 13.

you guys know first time freaking spidey2099 uses his fangs uses his freaking Venom and this is the same thing that we are seeing with good old spider boy right here who is actually taking a bite out of freaking Electro’s neck and that is what came out today I will tell you one thing as we were earlier talking about comic books when I went to all three lcs’s that I went to around my area this book was gone from the shelves so this is sort of very telling for me that Spider Boy might be here to stay all right just like Dan slot A lot of people were getting upset with spider boy receiving a solo series everybody starts to make a freaking hoopla about all of it and of course they dance like came out and said well it was because of the fans the fans made this character so popular and don’t get me wrong Dan slot freaking became a hypebeast too he hyped up this character and sure as hell that is what we ended up getting now everybody is all about Spider-Boy including myself I I’m digging what they’re doing this is a little bit of a change and what I’m trying to figure out still is what is Dan’s slot trying to do with this kid is this kid part of the you guys remember when the clone saga happened right so when the clone saga happened all these you know they a lot of these clones mimicked a lot of things that came from Peter Parker so could he have an origin of Peter Parker that is that is the number one freaking question too I I have a lot of stuff where again I’ve been trying to find and see where it could possibly lead you guys saw last time Weber Scarlet Spider we were there where we were talking about Stephanie Briggs age Stephanie Bruce who could possibly be his mom because he went into the locker in the edge of spider-verse I think it was he went into his locker and he was looking for his picture and he said hey even my mom’s picture is gone from my locker so could Stephanie Briggs be his mom then you also have that character that and that ended up showing up becoming the evil version of Scarlet Spider could that be his father his father actually gained these Powers because of an explosion that happened courtesy of Doc [ __ ] which is a female in that Universe actually created him and all of a sudden you had an evil version of Scarlet Spider and when you look at this kid’s uniform his clothing his fit whatever you want to call it yeah he has the same colorway as Scarlet Spider and we could even potentially go ahead and say that he even has some sort of likeness to Spider-Man 2099 so this is the one uh awesome Source radio saying what issue of Spider-Man 28 it is Issue 13 bro issue 13.

that is what’s going on in this again you guys can see it it was in this book right here itself you saw him bite Thanatos for the first time using his Venom power he anatos himself reminded him of this so-called power and voila so there has to be something I don’t know how you guys feel you guys yo I love to hear your input do you guys think that this kid could be some sort of Clone maybe of all the spider characters that exist in you know in the spider-verse could he be that could he have been a character that was developed where they probably took you know some DNA from him they took some DNA from Scarlet Spider um and then maybe further as we keep going along we’ll probably get more of the origin for Spider Boy could he potentially actually be maybe the kid of many of these fighter spider characters to be honest with you who the hell knows I don’t know it sounds like you know how they said over that house is found a [ __ ] sound like a bukaki happening over here if this kid got you know like 10 dads or something so you already know what time it is um low bug 27 says Bailey Briggs has actually bought Allen impulse this game it’s given from the DC Universe because it’s so bad um black spiders in the building what’s going on I got my man big fatty my brother right there was popping bro he said we got more voice out here biting again like 2099 LOL that is right uh Tim the Tool Man Taylor said I recommend Benford hi hey great recommendation man and actually one of my favorite shows one of my favorite shows uh Ray the Auto Parts King zielinski I put a guarantee on the box there you go man a lot of folks coming out here pretty soon although y’all um and Boondocks what’s going on said hope all is well y’all keep reading them back yes man I think that that is where the majority of Interest lies isn’t back issues I just go back wherever the engine is clicking and I just remember that stuff uh send us to Ty says I know I wish I would have bought that extreme veniverse for one in 25 and speaking of that since you decided to break it since you decided we’re going to move on from Spider Boy and we’re gonna talk into something else again if you guys did not read Spider-Man 10 go and check it out not the not the greatest thing again I’m just still trying to figure out what the hell that dance slot is going with this kid so stay tuned for it I know 11 is probably going to be a big issue for Spider Boy this is where officially they’re they’re making him he’s gonna be fighting along with Spider-Man and I guess he’s gonna be bringing back memories of a lot of things so his origin is still not done his origin seems to be the most longest origin I’ve probably ever seen in my life so far there’s a lot going on with this kid’s origin it is a complete freaking mystery complete freaking mystery so moving on from that let’s go and jump into this again anybody finding where the hell you see a spider bite Spider-Man 2099 biting Thanatos in the hand in issue 13.

So there you guys be on the lookout for that book if y’all want to and of course let’s go into this let’s go into this into this into this because this book is going crazy it is going crazy so since the Titan decide to break the ice now we all fell in these cold Waters and yes we are on this damn book and this book right here is freaking selling folks it is selling people already had copies already as of last week people were asking for like damn 200 250 it was crazy right now I’m starting to see new listing 149.99 best offer and of course for anybody out there who does not know what the hell is going on here guys of course this is the first appearance of necro not necroco I guess I don’t know how the hell you pronounce it but it is a manga anime inspired character and this I think has some staying power I am not gonna lie to you so here we go from the very beginning of what we were just talking about earlier when it comes to anime and manga inspiration and they decided to do it here so now you have a cover that is just freaking plain simple Plain Jane nothing out of the ordinary all right and everybody and the mother wants this everybody is going nuts over this damn book and it is very very telling of how popular this character not only that but is also very indicative of how well anime and manga does guys this is why I said that this is probably gonna have a very very strong tenure by and have much staying power to be honest with you I think this book will have the potential to go up um and depending on how much was ordered on this depending what the numbers are depending how many of these are floating around there’s a good possibility that you will see the price on this book start to freaking even double a triple um that is how popular again if this is something that you’re looking for I wish I would have gone across it I think I’ll because I love anime I thought that this was such a dope ass cover I remember the very first day that I saw it being dropped on midtown midtown was already sold out this book was sold the [ __ ] out all right that’s how bad it was but have no fear guys because here’s another one and I will tell you right the hell now if you did not if you did not get a copy and you’re hey I don’t want to pay 150 dollars here is the next best thing go and get yourself a couple of copies of this extreme veniverse number four a cover still finding them I found two copies today took two copies and called it a day for me I’m happy I’ve read the story it’s okay again nothing nothing where you could be like holy [ __ ] like oh my God you blew my freaking mind no none of that but again they did introduce I like the introduction of this character I like what they did with her and for anybody out there if you feel like hey I can’t finally listen look there is a ton of them on here I will 100 tell you if you have to go anywhere else I would go on that freaking a cover all day this is where you have her on the cover along with Venom Noir whatever the hell the name was and then the the plant symbiote thing whatever I don’t even remember uh yeah and they put it on here too everybody’s talking about it first appearance necroco AKA Billy that’s that’s also the name of the character um but again all dependent on how much you guys are willing to spend there’s another one on here already 91 dollars two Biz two days left 76 dollars on a four day left uh let’s see where where else we at we got another one at 58 bucks right now with two days left gonna end on Saturday that’s all I’m going to say I don’t care I could care less about this damn Peach momoko I’m not a fan of Peach from Moco stagman I don’t know a lot of these guys that they’re starting to like fall for me even even Ryan Stegman who’s a who’s a beast of an artist a lot of them are starting to fall apart I don’t know what the hell’s going on I I just feel like maybe these guys are all worn out where they’re just like I don’t give a damn like if I draw something I’m gonna put something out there um awesome sauce man likewise brother good to see you have a good one um but yeah I 100 I’m gonna say that this has a lot of staying power I think right now where it’s at yeah this was the other one right here too I was not I did not like this one but I will tell you the a cover can get this one in 25 get that a cover again if you got the pockets for this I definitely have and I see the potential in this book going up a lot more uh so you guys can see these are the sold listings right here for this extreme van of universe issue number four to one and 25 you got one at 135.99 right there got another one that was bought at 140 uh best offer accepted of 145.

um let’s see you got another one at 143.99 they ain’t even hesitate to pull the trigger on this they they freaking win it all in for it I do see this book going a lot further than where it’s at right now um and even though yes the prices did drop from initially from pre-sales and things like that we got another one at 150 they didn’t even do Best Offer same thing here 149 got another one at 110 sold uh 98-37 from Canada uh 113 they did a best offer on this one let’s see another one you can see man they’re selling these things are selling like [ __ ] hot cakes right now if I had the opportunity to get it I would definitely buy this this would be a keeper for me there’s no way in hell I would let go of this book to be honest with you unless I had an extra one and was lucky enough I’d go and freaking sell it to somebody or whoever and it wouldn’t be for this much I’d give you guys the best freaking price possible on it um 124.99 depending on how much I had to pay for that damn thing um as long as I make something off of it I’m good um there’s another 100 man this is all July 5th guys today today this is how many of the sales of this one in 25 happened uh so another 149.99 best offer 116.

um let’s see again do not wear out on this man I’m telling you folks I’ve been seeing people will be like yo you all want to get that one in 25 don’t forget about the A’s the covers usually get ordered and I did not see too many of these a couple of the lcs’s the one LCS I was able to grab it from he all he told me was like yeah we only got five copies and he’s like oh you’re taking two he’s like that’s it sold out um so sometimes I don’t know I I don’t have a rapport with these places so I can’t tell you like maybe that’s what they’re saying and they may be listing this [ __ ] on uh on [ __ ] eBay but you guys can see that the covers I don’t know damn somebody paid 10.99 okay uh but yeah they’re still going for the cover price on here on the second there we uh on the secondary Market here’s another one 179.95 and yeah 129.99 120 150 they’re all over the place man 150.

Uh we’re just going off of those 1 and 25s ladies and gentlemen and there’s 130 another sale right there uh another 125 120 guys so look at this July 4th people are going crazy on this book man this book again has a ton of potential I like what they did with this man I I really really am digging this book um and again from what I’ve seen already from what I read it because I picked it up um this yeah I do feel this character has staying power I think it is going to become a popular character and here’s the other thing yeah y’all want to look forward to so remember how we were just talking about how a lot of people were getting so mad about spider boy getting their own solo title here is another character with the possibilities of doing that this character could potentially become so damn popular that they can go ahead and say you know what we have been getting so many fans out there pouring out how much they love this character uh we are gonna be making a solo title and I’ll be damned if you don’t end up seeing a freaking necroco solo title for for this damn character right here that that’s honestly what the hell I feel like it’s again this is just here folks this isn’t what we’ve seen what people were already when I went to go find that one in 25 that crap was gone since early this morning because I went over to the LCS as early this morning and everybody was like yeah we don’t I don’t have it there somebody just walked out the door with it somebody just walked out the door I freaking yo it is it is wild it is freaking wild um Manny the Comic Collector what’s going on my brother uh said there’s a lot of copies of extreme veniverse number four one and 25 someone posted their 10 copies of the one in 25 book was heavily advertised by my every FOC show on YouTube so shout out to Mary the Comic Collector there you go this is why I personally want to know to be honest with you that’s why I only pick up two copies because I don’t know what the print counts are going to be like on these that is where my interest is I want to see what the printouts are going to be if the print counts are freaking crazy on this expect to see this book if it’s super high the 1 in 25 might still get a nice little Penny or so I would in all honesty I would have waited out I would not go crazy trying to pay 150 120 I would wait it out and if you can again the big jump is going to take place on if this character ends up getting a freaking solo title that is what’s gonna freaking you know what’s gonna set it apart but yeah look at this all these sales July 4th and again just very very damning just alone here it’s not you know what has sold across you know the uh the planes of of the webs and what has sold that LCS is there there’s a lot of these so look as I keep scrolling keeps saying more of these eight covers a covers right there another one 175 190 this is yeah this is from July 3rd a lot of this stuff man is yeah this is this is crazy um extreme veniverse look at this somebody got one yo somebody left the hell out 25 dollars 25 [ __ ] dollars man on July 3rd so somebody was lucky as hell to find that one congrats to who I forgot that for 25 94.95 another one God Jesus Christ this one went for that much damn man that’s that’s when you know that hype is real 160 um so there you go right here extreme veniverse a lot of ten let me see um let me check because sometimes when you go into these into these uh buyers you can usually see and this is how I’ll gauge [ __ ] too um and they had so okay so they did 10 lots of 10 copies of this book so you see somebody bought it so this uh seller right here mutant City Comics they actually sold out they sold out um located in Granger Indiana so anybody that’s out there I have no idea University Comics no uh you know not not trying to speak bad about y’all I have no clue who y’all are my first time singing that so do you have an idea then of course here we go with these [ __ ] pre-sales so whoever sold this if it’s a comic shop I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again I would never ever buy any other copies from them because you know 100 that they have ordered a [ __ ] ton of them and they sold one for 300 I was trying to see if they had any more besides these um so yeah that that just goes to show you that uh damn 175 somebody got one for uh for a decent price very funny event uh fifty dollars uh 100 another pre-sale for a 9.8 so yeah again you know they sent out a crap ton of them to get graded so they could get that nine eight um There You Go 75 100 man yeah that book has has been selling man July 2nd 159.99 59.99 100 bucks 59.99 100 100 100.

another 139.99 120 on 125. a hundred yeah three pages so far sales 97.95 so quite a bit of these man quite a bit of these so many common collector appreciate it bro in line like I said I yeah because I have not been dabbling with new comic book day I I would have been all over this too but this joint right here yeah look 29.99 um a lot of 10 again here you go that people bought it at eight cover so you could see very popular damn book lots of folks out there really wanted this one 59.99 so three pages of sales guys majority of them being these one in 25s so early on this is from June so this was people that were going in on this since June so June 4th people were buying into this 49.95 44.98 44.95 so since then people were buying June 3rd June 2nd and they were at the 50 Mark at that point and it isn’t until now so you guys see all three pages right there completely completely freaking just yeah goes to show you the movement on this book man this book is is freaking insane right now it is insane that yeah can’t can’t freaking knock the hustle on this one uh again shout out to okazaki freaking killed it on this you also know that was that 150 spider Punk that he did which is a phenomenal one as well yeah you can’t go wrong on this uh send us a Titan say watch Marvel start a Marvel anime verse they used to have a Spider-Man and yeah and the X-Men facts facts man I don’t like comics in the building what’s going on saying can’t he’s gonna miss the 75 percent yo oh my god let’s see what else we got Adam said Looper wrote an article titled Marvel’s new Venom should be a spider versus newest biggest hero that could be contributing to the money there you go yeah right there said I got mine a month before FOC flip ratio that’s what’s up Edwin that’s what’s up we got Captain crook yo what’s going on Salute here already know what time it is yeah so if you guys got in on it like I said I picked up two copies this was these are my two copies that I ended up freaking picking up today and I also picked up this joint I was trying to figure this out so let me actually hold on one second I was actually trying to figure this out because I know a lot of people were saying that there was some color issues with this really didn’t see what they were talking about I thought it was that normal thing so this is for that uh night terrors First Blood I’m gonna tell y’all not a bad read not a bad read it was it was pretty freaking good to be honest with you I like uh the direction that we’re going um sort of kind of had uh A Nightmare on Elm Street vibe to it then I ended up picking up Daredevil 13 if you guys have been reading what’s going on with Daredevil that was pretty much and the new white suit Daredevil Goes to Hell I like this little variant cover I was like hey [ __ ] it I’ll buy it um so in issue 12 you ended up having the um the uh Cameo appearance of Daredevil going to hell and then yeah just like I said the last two little extreme venomverse that I had I read it while I was in the car because the wife was driving and then that was yeah that was pretty much it not anything else I didn’t do any digging I was like [ __ ] that I was like I ain’t had time I had time um let me see who else is in here Nate Dogg in the building what’s going on Manny also saying cover a hasn’t sold out and there’s uh and that’s very telling usually when a new character shows up all covers sell out perfect example is Black Panther number three first toasting yeah but then black panther number three to two the other issue with that was that it was under ordered so since that joint was under ordered then freaking nobody really knew about not even the lcs’s the LCS didn’t even order on it and that’s where a lot of people started going crazy so that’s why I’ve always said like with chosen chosen is not a bad little gamble to be honest with you that’s one that even now I’m sure black panther 3 has probably dropped because we haven’t had no mention the New Black Panther series sort of the same [ __ ] like it always is freaking t’challa gets exiled and then some new adventure begins and it’s just the same old freaking storyline and it just they just beat that to [ __ ] and I haven’t seen nothing of toasting in it so far because tosin is supposed to be coming back in that series and he’s supposed to be like some sort of uh guy you know type of person that’s following t’challa around and keeping eyes on them so I I definitely I want to see what’s going to happen with that but you’re right also uh there’s cover a POS possibly did not sell out because of the large quantity that was being ordered and again just from seeing three pages of this one in 25 mostly being the one that’s selling on here for that extreme veniverse number four that that’s very damning evidence in itself as to what the hell is going on um and this can possibly like you guys said it also could be possibly something that has been over ordered and maybe that’s why but for me I’m gonna go with that cover hey I like the character I see a lot of potential in it um we’ll see we’ll see what the future carries if you guys got it under ratio at ratio a little over ratio like in this price range man then kudos to you uh because great damn book so moving on to the last bit of tonight Joshua Rogers in the building what’s going on let’s talk about Deadpool that is right folks we want to talk about Deadpool three and there is rumors of a said character to finally make a cameo appearance in the three quote after years of near misses and if you guys have any idea of which character that might be then look no further than good old Channing Tatum that’s right we we talked about Channing Tatum here on the channel before where they were saying hey the project was gonna happen then the project didn’t happen then it just got completely canceled and then they started bringing it back up talks of Channing Tatum and possibly showing up in a movie along the lines at some point or another and it looks like it’s going to freaking happen so it looks like Channing Tatum is was seen was seen apparently yeah getting ready to freaking act as none other than Gambit that is that is what’s going on right now this is what is happening so the project which was originally set for release in 2016 was hit by countless creative issues and delays before the Disney Fox merger sealed its fate when the spin-off along with several other projects with scrap so now Tatum has since shared his disappointment that he wasn’t given the chance to take on the role for the fan favorite mutant but may end up getting a second chance this isn’t the first time we’ve heard the rumor but it’s once again being reported by a reliable Insider my time has shine yes my time is shine is always coming out with a lot of info that Tatum has shot Ed Cameo appearance in Marvel Studios for Deadpool 3.

That is right folks and I know everybody in the mother now just this little crap right here will probably cause an uptick in freaking sales for the first appearance again this is usually all it freaking takes this is usually all it takes laughs I know I knew somebody was gonna say something man I knew somebody was gonna say something Louis olivo said so I had to bring it to you it’s Magic Mike LOL man yo good old good old magic from all you know know when Ryan Reynolds his sick mind he would probably have Channing Tatum walking around with his bow staff or something and start like spinning doing like a stripper spin on it while he’s fighting or some crap in his little Cameo I’d [ __ ] laugh I would laugh I’m not gonna lie I would freaking crack the hell up watching [ __ ] like that but knowing the way that he is Ryan Reynolds is crazy man I wouldn’t be surprised if you did some [ __ ] like that that would that would be freaking funny as hell um Kenny going he’s like yo Gambit baby I’m gonna live for it I’m all in he told he already told he’s like X-Men 266 to the Moon maybe for this little bit and maybe when the movie comes out and you do see him who the hell knows and you’re right Edward Aguilar is all over this he’s like yo tanning is 43 years old yes he is man he is up in age and my man is freaking yo I I don’t know I don’t know I I don’t know how I feel about this again I thought it was funny I also thought that the initial the initial actor Taylor Kitsch was going to reprise his role as none other than Gambit so that is what I thought was gonna happen so again it looks like now Channing Tatum which they’re they’re a freaking sort of verifying saying that he shot a cameo appearance on Deadpool three that’s yeah that that’s what the hell’s probably uh gonna happen you will see it and no matter how we feel about it you’re probably gonna see X-Men 266 selling out the ass and for all I know it’ll probably be on the top freaking Hot 100 list top 20 top 10 top five top one whichever list it is you’re probably gonna end up seeing that damn book at some point or another because of that uh agreeo says so we get a message Gambit better than casting him as Twitch in the Spawn movie that’s never coming out oh hell no I hope the hell not man that that dude don’t don’t put him as twitch I’m not gonna knock on the guy but still like come on uh Louie said good luck with gamma’s first appearance worse than wolvey Ken Channing do a French accent that Cajun freaking that’s right because I will give it to Taylor Kitsch Taylor Kitsch actually did a good job with it he actually had that Cajun freaking Southern French accent so I I give him props on that but that is literally some of the news that recently just came out and I was like I gotta talk about this crap I gotta talk about it but again it’s little things like this this is all it takes and people will start having that fomo as soon as you start seeing this going around everywhere surfacing all over every media Outlet surfacing on YouTube you’ll start seeing people going crazy and people immediately for me this really would not cause me to have fomo or feel like you know cause any stir for me to start buying X-Men 266 or anything like that because again I know how people get people are like oh my God I sold my 266 the other day oh my God I don’t know what the hell to do and speaking of just for shits and giggles let’s freaking go and and freaking find this joint X-Men 266 and see where the hell we at with this right now let’s see what’s going on because this damn book you can see got one for 150 it looks like it’s a little beat up right there on the uh on the spine uh 143 very good find minus freaking a lot of people watching these books um there’s a 7.0 for 160.

Man I remember when this book was insane levels uh this book that’s about the end of 43 bids 20 hours for a newsstand copy it’s at 71 bucks man look at this a two for one right here you get X-Men 266 and then his real first appearance his real first appearance all for 175 a best offer 68 right now damn man yeah I holy crap yo and to think how much this freaking Book used to freaking go for that just just goes to show you the covert prices and today’s prices yesterday’s prices not today’s price Like Fat Joe said look at this 220 for another combo right there for annual 14 and 266 220 to see if there’s any sold recently that’s what I want to see [ __ ] people still buying the common facts yo I never I never understood this man but if you are a new collector and if you ever watch this Channel please do yourself a favor stay the [ __ ] away from this all right stay the [ __ ] as far as [ __ ] possible from this okay because this is you just giving your dollars away for a dream and you’re probably never going to get any of these books it’s just somebody who’s saying okay we got a common grab bag and voila here you go and they end up giving you nothing but garbage for 24.99 you could probably get yourself a a little minor key somewhere for 24.99 don’t freaking waste your money on these damn comic grab bags on eBay because they put up all this [ __ ] going ASM 300 361 X-Men 266 244 New Mutants 98 you are never in your life gonna see those books so [ __ ] sucks to see whoever the hell paid for that but here we go Uncanny X-Men sold today 110 110 97 signed by Chris Claremont like he always does that’s one reason I never wanted to have Chris Claremont yes I know he’s one of the OG’s I never and this is another reason too I just never like signatures on my books Chris Claremont always killed me I I hated that he did this and he always would [ __ ] autograph right over the X-Men logo I hated that crap couldn’t stand that [ __ ] um and and his and here’s my other thing because I know everybody out there loves to grade their books and I’ve asked this question I do the same thing you know like for anybody that’s you know that has interest in sports cards you know that when you get a signature on something it affects the grade because they will they will they will freaking you know they’ll they’ll hit you on it because whatever it was that was used to freaking write on or whatever could cause an indentation on the card could cause anything so here’s my thing would you guys consider that for comic books as well where you would say hey if there’s a signature don’t you think that it’s actually sort of downgrading the damn cover by putting an indentation on it after the fact that you got your book signed and you sending it in to get graded shouldn’t that get dinged because something is happening to the damn cover itself I’m gonna go ahead and say I honestly think it should it definitely should so I at times wonder how the hell can you get a non-fucking eight on something that was signed that book must be [ __ ] Jim mint out of 10 at that point you might as well not even get a sign then just submit it to get a 10.

so I’ve always asked myself that [ __ ] every damn time here’s a 9.8 I remember when these damn 9.8 were freaking in the thousand plus Rome now somebody just bought one for 856 and they did a best offer here’s a fact Sim effect simile sold for 20 bucks looky looky and we got another very fine copy 165 this is all today July 5th now July 4 for 9.0 newsstand for 132.50 uh 148.65 for a naked copy right there raw Uncanny X-Men 266 9.4 202.49 man for real for real that’s crazy how freaking insane the prices used to be on this damn book and now you look at this thing and it’s not nowhere even near to what the hell it yo yeah that’s nuts that’s [ __ ] nuts and hmj yeah sports cards will grade the signature itself also yeah and that’s yo that’s that’s again for me I I always say it I said if they’re truly about the whole grading thing then I think that that [ __ ] should also count is a five very fine newsstand 266 135 best offer um here’s a Nearman Plus that went for 400 but best offer was accepted on it uh another 266.

They said the cover was miscut oh yeah you can see it right here right at the top where it says The Uncanny half of the damn word is almost missing good Lord and this is sort of like freaking off to the side damn um that one will probably end up getting dinged if somebody send it to freaking get uh to get graded that was suck that will suck um another one on July 3rd damn man hey the book is still selling the book is still selling but nowhere near the prices at one point that it was commanding this freaking is crazy this is crazy um let’s see what else uh sends the Titan said he’s gonna be the gift from this is foreign I forgot about that damn movie Senator you’re right he did he came out like as the [ __ ] in that freaking movie at the end uh elk radio said he got casted as twitch I like him not just uh just not his twitch he is too buff hope they change it damn agrillo he’s like yo I like I like some Channing man he’s buff um Kenny said I really like the actors Patrol again but in X-Men Origins Wolverine yeah he did he did a dope job Taylor Kitsch he killed it um let me see Marvel man 616 said edges spider verse 4 first appearance of Uncle Ruckus was cool seems like the cool new darker villain he appears in the first solo story of dream spider in that book oh that’s what’s up I didn’t even I didn’t even read that one man I didn’t even get a chance I didn’t even pick it up didn’t even pick it up yo is it Uncle Ruckus from The Boondocks uh he’s uh he’s like well let me qualify that yes there is a boondocks version but different Karen yeah I was about to say too I was like yo what about Uncle Ruckus they they turn Uncle Ruckus into a damn uh Spider verse uh character now that’s [ __ ] that’s hilarious Jay Sosa what up my brother good to see you yeah but this is yeah going back to this again yeah you’re you’re probably going to end up having good old Channing Tatum uh freaking reprising his role as none other than for the first well I shouldn’t even say why the hell am I saying reprising because I’m thinking about Taylor Kitsch uh but making his freaking first Cameo as Gambit as Gambit and then they’ll probably just kill his ass off and then call it a day hey it is what it is I wouldn’t be mad to be like oh it never happened you never existed see ya and peace out so that pretty much comes down to that and then of course let me go ahead and bring one more thing up for you guys because I actually wanted to go over a um wanted to talk about a uh a comment that was left on one of my videos and shout out to the person that that left this comment as well really appreciate it thank you for that uh because yeah I usually don’t go over the comments too often so to see this I thought that this was pretty freaking dope and it was actually on one of my videos where I was talking about new Comic Book Day sales and how immensely new Comic Book Day sales uh were you know they’re falling I shouldn’t say it were but are falling uh there’s a lot going on with you know with absolutely everything when it comes to relation comic books uh new comic book day like you guys saw a lot of that stuff is not the same anymore everything is completely different so let’s get right into this and again big shout outs to Albert Evans 308 so they they have been a long time long time just reader of Comedy so they left a message on here shout out to Albert Evans once again they said um I’ve been reading comic books for over 40 years regardless if it’s Marvel or DC I’ve been following the characters during the early 90s particularly through the media among those examples are the X-Men animated series Batman the Animated Series Etc I’ve been traveling through different shops and picked up new and early issues my point of the matter is that I’m not purchasing new Comics much anymore I’m a regular customer at a comic book store in my area uh whose name I wish to remain anonymous and every time I tend to pick up a new comic book it’s not the same comic or characters I grew up with from way back when I made that complaint to my friends who owned the shop and believe it or not they agreed with my argument which is uh much what you you uh you’re describing in your post Spider-Man would be the best example I no longer read the book nor is it in my poll list over the past 15 years due to the vile storyline of one more day and had no regrets since damn so they left they left this damn storyline since freaking one more day I know a lot of people back in those days when that storyline came out they were really upset with that damn thing um so I see where he’s going out with this so they go in and said I’ve been purchasing back issues of certain comic books for a buck for years and now I have almost a full room and I’m surprised to hear some back issues are skyrocketing now I’m purchasing Marvel Legends and DC Multiverse from McFarland those are my new replacements for new Comics I had happened to uh to uh to come by your video by accident anyway those new Comics to me is the equivalent of New Coke if they want the new comic sales to Skyrocket to the likes of the 90s a couple of things need to happen give the comics regardless of which publisher a simple story with quality artwork that can hook new readers that can keep them coming back for more another example is to respect the character’s histories without disregarding longtime readers like myself and this is something I I will agree with you 100 Albert Evans I I do agree with that I feel like why why is there a need to change I get it a lot of people be like oh well let’s to keep up with the times and blah blah blah but why do you need to change there really isn’t much that you need to change in order to keep them up with the times uh so uh they went on and said uh get the comics regardless of which publisher a simple story so that’s another thing I wanted to point out and this is what I said that’s all they need is something simple they they make things so complex sometimes within and and you know Hickman I like his work there’s some things that I hate but I will say he is one of those guys he is one of those folks that loves and loves to freaking just go Way Beyond what something just plain and simple needs to be um so they went ahead and said uh another example is to respect the characters histories without disregarding longtime readers like myself and those those are the people you also can’t disregard you got to remember that these are people that have been long time collecting like myself I’ve been collecting collecting collecting and of course I’m the one that’s yeah I’m pumping out the money to go ahead and get these comic books have I gone on a freaking you know on uh on uh on that freaking point in life where I’m just like you know comic books are not hitting the same so I’m not spending that type of money yes that’s where I’m currently at right now uh but it says Spider-Man has a long way back to Greatness I 100 percent agree with that to see Spider-Man which is the titular character for Marvel if you mention Spider-Man to anybody they know who he is they is a household name that is one of the things that I will say right the hell now I cannot stand can’t understand how they keep treating these this character man it just starts to show you just how crazy the it this you know just just how crazy it has been with the times they have been just trying again this is goes to the whole people pleasing thing and trying to please everybody trying to please what the hell’s going on in today’s society all that crap and and now they just walk away from what made these characters great and you no longer have Spider-Man and that greatness character you know category when it comes to Comics a lot of folks will be like yeah but he’s great movies yes all day long they’ll say that but again when it comes to comic books Spider-Man is not to even be talked about who are we just talking about right now we aren’t even talking about Spider-Man we were talking about Spider Boy spider boy because that is like the hot new titular character who’s gonna get a solo title coming up in December I believe it is um so he goes on and says I try to read new Comics but someone from the respective companies change the formula they aren’t the same anymore and I can’t afford them anymore I love Comics but because of economic Reasons I’m going to try new hobbies great posts Albert Evans thank you so much again I really appreciate it so they yeah they even went and mentioned that that they’re purchasing Marvel Legends and the DC Multiverse uh stuff from McFarland uh you know even that stuff even on that end of things too and if you start going along those lines again that’s the biggest thing collect what you love in the end you don’t have to be picking up everything not everything is going to be you know it is going to pay off folks just put it that way yeah you know people will learn on their own you either take advice I’m not the only one out out here on YouTube who gives this advice to lario but there is a ton of other YouTubers out there that also give the advice and say just collect what you love because you’re going to be digging a hole in your pocket and I’ve seen people who just pretty much stop you know they just quit collecting because they were like man I put myself and don’t ever do that to yourself either where I’ve seen people say I’m put myself into debt because of comics I went in so heavy on Comics I invested this is why I said I no longer use that term investment I don’t freaking I’ve refused to watch a lot of these you know a lot of the these videos where it’s like oh comics to invest in comics to invest and I see them all over the place all the time it’s not me trying to knock anybody doing that if that’s you know their cup of tea then do it but for me personally the investing in this in comic books is not I just call it a freaking gamble the gamble is either gonna pay off or you’re not going or you’re gonna walk away with nothing that’s why I call it a gamble because that’s what happens in today’s day and age with comic books you don’t get as much you know what I mean you don’t get as as much as you do back then like even even with silver age a lot of people talk about Silver age all day and they’ll be like oh that’s why I collect Silver age and that’s why I do yeah you’re collecting a lot of that stuff now because it’s becoming more affordable it’s going back down a lot of that stuff is coming down to you know back to the to the normal freaking price range where everybody can say oh damn you know what I can go ahead and and freaking pay off this book I don’t have to take a freaking loan against my mortgage to try to buy this set comic book you know not not those covert prices anymore so a lot of that stuff is becoming affordable for a lot of us now when you look at a lot of these books for right now new Comic Book Day books and things like that yeah you don’t see that anymore you don’t freaking get that you know you don’t see where those prices are going that’s why you see very few and far between where you’re gonna see a return on your investment and again I I don’t call these [ __ ] things Investments anymore I just call them a gamble I took a gamble on spider boy I’m taking a huge gamble on spider boy can it freaking pay off possibly can it freaking go ahead and lose very much so just the same way with this whole extreme Spider Venom verse should I say Issue Number Four could this new you know Venom verse character be something yes could it not be anything hell yes so that is why I personally for me I think that yeah I I don’t like these videos of like oh yeah books to invest books to invest books to invest don’t don’t look at it as an investment folks just you’re taking a [ __ ] gamble like you play the lottery you go to a casino you put in your money in a slot machine you’re either gonna get something from it or you’re not going to get absolutely nothing at all and that’s how I’m looking at these books nowadays there’s some books that we’ll we’ll all sit here and be like holy [ __ ] I went in and I paid 50 now the book is worth a dollar yeah you took a big ass freaking risk on that one and that is why I like to share whatever I possibly can to go ahead and be like hey these are the books that you guys definitely want to go in on this book right here you know this is the reason why you can find this damn thing in a Pac-Man for a dollar you can find this Book for a cover price this is this is what what happens man this is honestly what happens um Superior hero Collectibles uh says funny how none of you liberal [ __ ] are actually talking about the topic at hand more than Comics didn’t think so and say you guys all suck dick wonder why you feel like that Superior hero Collectibles I don’t know why you feeling like that man can’t be angry at the world man you know I’m gonna tell you something you cannot change anybody and what the hell they believe even when for myself it’s things I don’t agree with there’s things I agree with you never going to be able to make everybody do what you want all right it’s the same thing that falls in the line for me never gonna make anybody do what I want to do and I live with that and I live comfortably that way because I know it’s never going to happen you can’t please everybody uh Lorax said what superhero movie did you like better the 2000 superhero movies like The Dark Knight first X-Men or the movies out now I like the I like the OG movies I like the OG movies because they carried They Carried pretty much everything you would want in the story bro they pretty much carried absolutely everything you could possibly think of that is that is one of the things I will say that is one of the things I will say I 100 I’ll tell you all day long they they just had it wasn’t for the fact because a lot of folks will always say yeah but you know you’re saying this because these were the very first movies of all these characters and we never had anything like this before no because you’ve had your Batman’s you’ve had all these different you had just Spider-Man’s early in the 2000s you had all this stuff already happening so we’ve already had it then you came out with the Iron Man’s you came out all these you just fell in love man they gave you a good vibe they gave you the stories they gave you the stories man that is one of the things that I’ll tell you right now that is one of the things that I’ll tell you right now I I freaking 100 percent will say that yes you know a lot of the stuff that’s happening and today I think they just got they just took it to the Max and this is where again the faultiness with having a universe starts to fall this is the moment where I try to say hey you you’re better almost you’re almost better off having these you know a lot of these movies just being its own thing and not even relating it to uh you know to freaking to to absolutely you know to to like any Universe just just let them be Standalone movies I I think it’s set it off a lot better if you did like you know a good example like you just bought up the Dark Knight right um You had Batman Begins you had the Dark Knight and the Dark Knight Rises you just had a Trilogy and guess what it did it gave you a nice little story you had the introduction of scarecrow you had the introduction of uh the Joker you had Two-Face so on and so forth and you bought those characters into that and everybody was happy as [ __ ] with the results everybody was was like damn this was awesome they made it as relatable to real life as much as possible and you don’t see that anymore movies you don’t see you know you don’t get those stories because now you’re so worried about like hey is this gonna tie into this is this gonna tie into that and now a lot of us after covet we don’t have the time to sit there and say hey I want to watch every episode of secret Invasion because it’s going to tie into everything with Kang not everybody has that time no more everybody has to go to work you go to bed you do what you got to do and then you keep on living you know what I mean that is one of the things I’ll tell you right now I I 100 percent I will say you know I I [ __ ] love certain things that are coming out like the reason why Guardians of the Galaxy works so well for example is because that’s what they did they sort of made it a Trilogy and even James Gunn himself explained it he said what was easy about doing Guardians of the Galaxy was that you really didn’t have anything tying into the rest of the universe in a sense and I started thinking like what do you mean and when you start to watch if you’re going to re-watch some movies start to start to see that yeah it was it was its own thing it really wasn’t tying itself into into the rest of the you know into the rest of the damn MCU and that was until you know you started bringing in Thanos and everything and then they came to help out but that that was that’s what it was it was sort of their own little Standalone they were in outer space so you didn’t have anything happening on earth like the rest of the MCU was and that’s how you went they ended up developing that’s why I thought it worked out so damn well for it but yeah in all honest see I’m almost I’m not gonna lie I’m scared for the DCU also do I have faith in James Gunn 100 [ __ ] percent but at the same time good Lord I’m gonna tell you I I freaking I’ll tell you that right off the bat man it’s that that [ __ ] is gonna be uh it’s gonna be a tough one man to see how a lot of these movies are going to play out from this point forth uh Kingdom of nurse says yo glad you’re speaking the truth on these streets they’re you know listen I appreciate you my brother thank you lebrac said exactly reference yes it’s not it’s not the same anymore I you know again everybody would complain and say yeah we we waited this long to get movies on superheroes and now we did it already had Batman we had all these superhero movies coming out and now it’s just it’s become so mainstream that yeah look at it now look you look at bring it back anime into the talk here you know like you got one piece one of my favorite freaking all-time animes out there you bring one piece and now they’re making a live action movie that’s going to be premiering here on Netflix at some point or another and you see what they’re doing on that end too they’re taking their freaking IPS from the animation and putting it and making live action so you’re sort of seeing the same thing happening and I but but the biggest difference again with anime and is just the stories and how they just build it man they comic books can’t touch it they they just emcee hammered that [ __ ] man anime M.C hammer they was like yo you can’t touch this they’ve pretty much [ __ ] did it they they set themselves apart as to why like I said if you guys ever have the chance and you just never seen anime go and check it out if you’ve never read a manga go and check it out even though you got to read it backwards all right because that that sort of throws off everybody um and you gotta read from right to left so you go panel boom boom boom boom boom instead of the normal how we do this way you know left to right yeah you just do it right to left but you you look at that man and you honestly you sit there and I I wish I had a better way to explain how like that’s that’s just sort of how freaking deep they get in with these characters and Anime and manga that yeah it completely just sets it apart and that’s why I wish that a lot of these folks would do more you know more reviews like not not reviews but more uh you know like just just trying to take something out of those pages and and learning themselves and saying like oh [ __ ] you know what I got this like I understand this 100 [ __ ] percent like you know and that’s that’s you know that that’s a tough tough task for them because they’re already way too deep in and I Marvel to be honest with you the only saving grace is going to be it’s the moment but they retcon themselves and get rid of everything in the MCU history and start back over again with like Secret Wars that that would probably be the only saving grace for them uh Sancho Villa says if you need a laugh look at the Frank Miller cover for the new blade book it looks like oh dude that that stuff looked bad it looks [ __ ] bad I I it is what it is man it is what it is uh but again you can’t expect much from Frank Miller man that dude has been his art has been looking like that because health-wise everything that’s going on is is pretty crazy uh Vinnie Whitlock says kind of off topic but am I the only one who thinks the first appearance of dark side is the undervalued Jimmy Olsen book dude I I don’t know how that book doesn’t um you know at one point it was it was commanding some freaking crazy money and that one just kind of went to the Wayside but again the problem is this is what we all do as fans we try to relate everything to what’s going on in the movies and that’s what incites you know the you know ignites should I say this spike in in freaking comic book sales or ignites the the prices and it’s sad because the last time I really saw anything igniting based off of comic books was that moment when null and all that stuff happened that that was it and they’re sort of trying to reignite that [ __ ] with Carnage and all that stuff it’s yeah it’s pretty freaking crazy man um so I I will tell you that right now it yeah I don’t know I’m I’m gonna wait I’m gonna see exactly where this is all gonna be headed to so you know something is probably going to come across the lines of of some new topic where you know something new is going to come out and now now we have some new talks about some new topics where you know people are gonna start saying oh my God this is getting ready to happen I’m hoping something happens in comic books to make this whole [ __ ] change but you’re not seeing that right now you’re not seeing that no more um I really really am hoping for it uh I mean I I you you guys know how positive I always am but on things like this I’m gonna tell you when it’s positivity around my life I will be positive at all freaking times so that that is a freaking fact but when it comes to this man there’s moments I want to be positive but that positivity I don’t I don’t need to feed too much into this I honestly don’t feel like comic books are headed in the direction it needs to to stay alive um you know back issues they’re they’re going to be alive for for freaking eons from now it’s just this new Comic Book Day movies and movies are a little by little they’re starting to die out a lot a lot of people are not going to go watch them um I I went to go see that freaking horrible ass Indiana Jones don’t even waste don’t waste your money if you guys are planning on going to watch it unless you were like yo I lived through all of this let me go ahead and watch it it was not man does not have the same magic I don’t even there’s another great example of something that you should have never bought back Indiana Jones should have just left it as it was and of course here we go with Disney again somebody said it earlier in the chat where they’re not just only ruining Marvel but they’re ruining absolutely everything that belongs to them and that’s another one right there in the books because Indiana Jones it was freaking hot doodle all right I was not a fan whatsoever some people are like oh my God it was good and it was I was like I don’t even believe you that’s that’s how bad it was so I’m familiar of any way like said in my top five anime is Vampire Hunter yo it’s a dope dope ass show that is a dope ass show uh Frank stressick what is going on said OG movies for me are Batman 1966 and Superman 1978 both enjoy it and and a great point you see sometimes how my mind will just go places but Frank said it correctly I mean you look at that and I remember watching on TV you know Adam West Adam West Batman for the very first time ever and then finally get to watch that movie I think it was in the in the mid 90s it uh it ended up being played on Fox network and I remember that was the first time I watched that was the first time I ever saw like Batman from the 60s all things that I forever yes to hold near and dear to my heart I I could watch that stuff I love I loved how they used to do you know the bam pow boom all that stuff showing up on screen I love that and then of course the Superman you know Christopher Reeves you can’t you can never go wrong those are by far some of the most nostalgic nostalgic things to have come out back then for superheroes so I’m over here talking about like you know 1989’s Batman Michael Keaton and things but yeah goes back that damn far where we actually had stuff for superheroes and now we’re in today’s day and age where it’s like it’s almost crazy how something so simple like this Batman 1966 in Superman 1978 you can’t even get that in today’s movies and they’re just going way overboard where you don’t really need all that happening and you could have just you know kept it simple uh globug says yes we will never see dark side in the movie again the Schneider verse has basically killed them from ever being a big character now they need to they need to have there’s a lot of different ways to bring dark side back in but he he I wasn’t I wasn’t mad at the way that he introduced Darkseid I was just mad at the way that Warner Brothers at the time was being handled and the way that they treated that whole thing they you know they were just again you just had the wrong people at that you know at the reins and they were just demolishing everything and anything DC could do um they were more worried about merch than they actually were about anything that was coming out because again same thing that’s happening with us with Marvel where we’re all going to watch it we all got so used to it all being good that we even as dummies when it’s not good we still go to watch it same thing was happening with DC and that’s what we were all doing we were all like oh damn okay cool another movie boom boom and even though it’s hot garbage like Batman vs Superman there was like a couple things I liked out of it but majority of it I couldn’t stand it um you know the worst one of them all is Batman and Robin freaking despise that movie and that’s that’s literally what it was um DC needs a win I’m worried it won’t happen but I love Black Adam I’m a little I’m a little worried actually with uh let me see did I did I get rid of this already yeah I did uh but uh what the hell was it that I was looking for from what I did earlier but they were actually talking if I’m not mistaken it might have been on this site comic book movie news let me see if they were talking about this on the Blue Beetle but there was talks on the Blue Beetle uh just recently which sort of kind of was I was like [ __ ] I was like here we go this this could possibly this could possibly hurt DC once again um so they’re talking about hold on from what I’m reading here right now they says quite a bit of new promotional material for the upcoming Blue Beetle movie has been shared online giving us another look at Jaime Reyes is Olo maraduena uh donning his Scarab armor um everything looks dope as hell I’m not gonna lie I like the way that Blue Beetle and everything when I saw the uh trailer though they looked really freaking dope uh but there was also talks where they actually were talking with the director and the director came out and said that this is not going to be a superhero movie and I I honestly did not understand what he meant by that because he sort of left it as that he left it as this is not going to be a superhero movie and a lot of people were just like huh a lot of people were like what the hell are you talking about so I’m hoping that he means in the sense of like it’s not just gonna be a superhero movie It’s Gonna revolve around his life because even in comic books you know they they do they do get into Jaime Reyes his life his personal life so that is what I’m sort of like hoping that he meant by that but some other people could be taking it in another form which I also did too where it was like what do you mean this is not going to be a superhero movie what are you talking about you know the same you know a lot of people were were upset when the trailer came out and um and you saw a lot of stuff happening in the trailer and um what’s his name um the damn comedian why am I forgetting this guy’s name that’s in here playing his uncle but he came out in that one little bit and talked about how Batman is a fastest and I was just like what the [ __ ] I was like damn I was like here we go and soda that’s that’s what they’re predicting that now people are like oh my God are we gonna see a major failure with Blue Beetle is Blue Beetle gonna be the next one to freaking go you know try to go and swing for a home run and completely Miss um and in all honesty I’m really hoping not I love I love Blue Beetle and Comics I like the character Jaime Reyes I think they picked the freaking perfect actor for it in Zolo maraduena but in all honesty I really [ __ ] hope that this is not gonna be uh pop what’s going on pop sequentialism reminded me George Lopez thank you so George Lopez is playing his uncle in the uh in a movie and yeah it just sort of us I don’t know I don’t know I’m am I gonna go see this one I am gonna go to the movie theater to watch this movie I I need to I I’m I’ve been waiting for this for a long ass time I like the way everything looks this one I’m probably not gonna skip I’m gonna go see in the theaters but for the most part yeah I can’t remember where I saw that article but yeah they were talking about that and I was like God damn I was like please don’t tell me that please don’t tell me that um and then they will also talking about um I think I’ve hit up on this one before where we were talking about Doctor Strange so they were talking about Doctor Strange uh star Benedict Cumberbatch confirms his MCU return for the project set to film next year so we’re already gonna be having they’re already in motion for the next Doctor Strange film that’s going to be happening um they were talking about I don’t want to really talk to about Secret motivation because I know a lot of folks have not watched it it dropped today so I’m sure there’s people still willing to watch it and then last but not least yes let’s just talk about this real quick uh Suicide Squad isakai uh anime series teaser trailer spotlights Harley Quinn and the Joker yo I I can’t wait for this I can’t wait for this and again this is what’s taking it back to the whole anime talk and everything and um I this looks freaking phenomenal man I’m digging this I am digging this um I was like yo this is this is badass this is badass uh so the official synopsis allowing for translation reads uh deadly crazy party of the baddest villains lands themselves in isakai the most dangerous and bizarre fantasy Adventure unveiled Disney’s uh DC’s Harley Quinn and the Joker have uh have been isakai and then it’s a Suicide Squad Rampages onto the stage of isakai a new original animation from Japan the most maddening Worlds Collide in an epic and violent fantasy with the strongest lineup of characters I’m not gonna lie I hope they make this a damn comic book I hope they make this damn comic book I I would like to see this cover as variant or some [ __ ] I’ll I’ll buy it I know my wife would want it she she loves herself from Harley Quinn but I really do hope if you guys get a chance to check this out man go and check it out I thought this was so damn badass the animation looks freaking amazing I I’m looking for I think that this was probably a major major move uh so again this is made completely by some Japanese anime creators some Japanese anime creators direct screenplay everything is all 100 and that is why I’m looking forward to this because this could be that very pivotal moment of how I talk about anime just setting being worlds Worlds Apart that even in today’s you know just Cinema a lot of directors of a lot of people take inspiration from anime itself because they see just how freaking amazing the stories are um not only that you guys remember Michael B Jordan for creed he talked about how he was inspired by fights and Anime for Creed 3 and Creed 3 was such a badass movie um so it just goes to show you just how freaking um how awesome this is but yo I would not be mad at this man I think that I would love to add this if they decided to make this a variant on a comic book let me know what you guys think yo again I really really appreciate you guys and let me see what my man pop says Adam the 75 collector like he’s being called said the blue director might be spinning it as a sci-fi movie to deflect away from Superhero fatigue yo very well said man I you know I know I know he’s you know pop is always always you know when it comes to the movie scene he has been a part of this so I I’m gonna I’m gonna hold you on to this man because I think that yeah that could be a good way of possibly getting rid of that Superhero fatigue 100 freaking percent so listen guys really really appreciate all you guys everybody have a blessed night and you know the model here on the channel be Savage not average until next time folks everybody take care I will see ya enjoy y’all Thursday we’re almost done we’re almost in the weekend folks keep your freaking heads up ain’t nothing going to defeat us peace later y’all [Music]

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