Is A.I. Going To Destroy The Comic Book Industry?

[Music] thank you [Music] what’s going on Savage Army we are back in the building your favorite freaking bad guy Daryl Montana back at it again that is right welcome welcome welcome Happy Tuesday one day away from New comic book day hope everybody is having a great freaking beginning of the week let’s get right into everything guys because today we’re going to be talking about AI this has been one of the most controversial topics a lot of people keep talking about I’ve been listening to some podcasts about AI we’re going to get a little bit deeper into this and I want to ask questions to people that are in the chat here today folks that are catching this on everyone don’t forget to leave a comment on today’s video guys make sure you guys like the freaking video that stuff goes a long way for the algorithm also make sure to hit the notification button so you don’t miss out on absolutely anything and of course make sure to subscribe to the channel if you have not subscribed yet now before we get into that I also want to give a big salute and a big shout out to all the members of the channel if you would like to be a member of the channel just click on the join button right below this box I’m always trapped in guys and of course one of the perks right now I’m working on some other projects trying to get everything going one of the big perks right now I just dropped this video right here Savage comic hunting episode number two and what a hell of a freaking episode I enjoy doing these these are my short videos guys so that way nobody’s sitting in a session for two hours during these normal podcasts guys go and check this out for all the members this is exclusively out there for you right now go and check it out and for everyone else man you know you’re still part of the Savage family I got love for you it is going to be made available to you guys tomorrow so stay tuned for that video so that way you might have something already in your own collection definitely worth checking out and let’s get this show on the freaking Road let me say what’s up to the Savage Army in the building here today we got Kenny the Comic Collector with his good my brother good to see you scribble said y’all still can’t find Deadpool 10 got the face the purple crying face all that yo listen try try man that’s all you can and if all hopes are lost you gotta do what you gotta do man gtk comics shout out salute to everybody up north Canada you already know what time it is got my man imma do in the building what’s Gucci bro I got blacks Fighters remember the channel that’s what’s up over again man I hope all the members have gone to check out that Savage comic hunting video that episode two already uh we also got Nadia men say hi thorough AI if it goes sentient like Sydney and takes control over a food supply traffic lights nukes were screwed I yo I’ma tell y’all I’m a little scared about this AI stuff I mean it’s we’re gonna jump into that here in a second but I appreciate that now man I I I agree with you black spiders telling everybody what up uh we got D cool moment in the building he said oh no not the AI convo what has started not nothing man nothing duh it’s gonna be a combo about something that yeah I’m probably bringing it up a little too late or whatever the case but I wanted to just dig a little further into it I wanted to to talk about it with everybody because I I wanna I wanna go further beyond the stuff that’s you know that that’s being talked about as of now so a lot of people love to talk about like hey people are using AI it’s a bad thing it’s this is that well I want to go a little bit further beyond that Jersey to the bay in the building what is going on chilling watching the also gaming now throws live this is the place to be that’s what’s up my brother good to see you and yes enjoy the All-Star Game guys anybody out there loves baseball check it out watch it I know my father-in-law’s upstairs he wanted me to watch it with him but I was like yo I gotta get this done uh for the week Omega dread in the building I like that then that’s what’s up says AI will destroy everything I ain’t mad at you man I ain’t mad at you uh let me see who else we got uh we got Darth Melvin in the building that’s right man another member of the channel in the building what’s up uh gtk comic said the abolition of man from living the line is the first ever comic series Illustrated entirely by AI generator art and yeah that that is man um you know I I definitely want to want to get into this talk here at you know as we progress we got Carlos Ortiz the pug king in the building what’s up my brother good to see you brother Joe in the building what’s going on uh he said Earl your show tells me a lot that’s why I like why y’all I appreciate it man uh hands down really really appreciate all you guys all the love and support that yo that ass I I can’t thank y’all enough uh to everybody out there that has been just continuously continuously supporting come and check out the Channel people watching this on the rewind there’s a lot of people like bro I caught up to your session I’m caught up now I’ve been watching this my [ __ ] I’ve been at work and I watch it during my work break or I’m driving to work or I’m coming home and it’s like I need something to listen to so I appreciate all of y’all for real for real uh not near men also said the attorneys I work with are using gbt4 and writing coaching uh legal Theory based off West law it’s either adapt or die and that’s and that’s the thing man that’s another big big question of it uh Decor said okay okay he said that’s what’s up let’s stretch those brain muscles that have a combo about it and I definitely do I want to have a conversation because I’ve been here a big shout out to my boy man you you already know Tim uh you guys have seen him on here on the channel uh great freaking dude you guys know his his uh his uh business Common Core promotions he has a new um I’m trying to remember who it was that sent it to me man and shout out to you I believe oh shout out to Raider Bear all the way in Australia man shout out to everybody in Australia shout out to everybody in Japan shout out to people in Indonesia I’ve been getting folks reaching out to me from all over the place and I appreciate folks from the UK they salute solo but yeah he right a bit all the way from Australia he has sent me some stuff and this this was time me and him have regular conversations uh you know he’ll send me certain little videos I’m always putting the motivating things if you guys follow me and keep it thorough like you see right there on my Ig then you guys know what what uh mostly my Ig is about I love to be in a positive mindset 24 7 even when things are going bad so he he sent me something and I was just like okay he sent me the podcast from my boy Tim didn’t get a chance and I was actually I wasn’t busy I wasn’t doing anything so I took the time I listened to it and they were talking about something that Comics Elite had talked about and I remember somebody sent me this post I didn’t do anything and you know a reference to this if you guys know exactly what I’m talking about then you already know this is in reference to something that has to deal with AI um and it was something that yeah Comics Elite had put out there and was talking about uh Melinda’s Comics I believe is uh is the name of uh of the young lady that does that that I guess was creating this or whatever the case is so uh he went on and said thanks to Anna Zoo for running these we all knew that uh the Melinda’s comic made up of fake artist and was misleading her buyers with this cover now we have proof with the percentage of this uh High one is a guaranteed AI image this leaves no doubt in my opinion this is selling a counterfeit product claiming this to be human generated art from an artist who doesn’t exist um so his his downfall of uh of all this right so one of the biggest things that I I will say that if Melinda’s Comics I don’t know a lot of this stuff is alleged I have no clue if this is real or not if this actually happens so my man Tim was talking about this I also got to give a big shout out to Nemesis Prime and and uh Well ma’am animal both those dudes great dudes the Comic-Con podcasts if you guys ever go on Spotify go and check them out as well big shout out to those Brothers they talked about AI as well so I I listened to two podcasts one of them I had to go and empty out a pool because there was a big ass thunderstorm over here my kids pool was full had to go do all that so I was listening to stuff while I was doing things and when I was listening to them you know they gave they gave their tidbits about you know how they felt about AI you know I remember Nemesis was saying how he felt that you know AI is lazy that you you have nothing to you know like you honestly don’t have to do anything at all in order to create an image that’s how easy it is done so if you guys look at the results they can actually test art images out and find out for you hey this is 100 AI generated this AI where it says right here at the very top purple you guys might not see it well enough but it’s came back when they’ve ran this picture through this came back at 0.9999 so literally you’re at a one that that means that yes 100 this is freaking AI generated uh stable diffusion same thing 0.999 uh then it says None 0.001 so it’s very minimal and then it says not AI generated and that was at 0.001 so they give they get the numbers they were putting a proof on here um so the biggest thing out of all of this is is is it wrong to use AI to create art is it wrong or you know on the behalf I see I see the pros and cons to it folks I see that a lot of artists out there are getting you know they’re getting upset because when it comes to AI for anybody that doesn’t dabble with AI I honestly believe you should you should actually incorporate AI into your daily life in a sense just to keep up with the time so you’re not left behind because you never know where AI can be taken to next it could actually end up in your Workforce like I just saw somebody talking about and and his uh lawyer’s firm that they’re using Ai and things for you know for legal I I I guess it was for what was it uh with it who was it not oh not near mint so they said the attorneys I work with are using gpt4 and writing coaching legal Theory based off what’s lawyer it’s either adapt or not and I 100 agree with this comment um you do you have to keep up with the time times are changing I get worried about AI in the sense of I’ve watched videos where they actually talk to the AI uh people were asking questions are you here to you know to cause his harm are you here to to endanger Humanity are you here to take all humans you know jobs and everything like that and you know some of the responses from the AI was like no we’re not here to take a you know take away all human jobs we’re not here to hurt you guys but again even computers can lie right anybody can come up with anything so it’s it’s pretty freaking scary to see this but in reference to this when it comes to comic books I you know the term the word should I say art is is very deceptive it’s very deceptive because everybody and anybody can interpret art in every different fashion I for example can look at an ink plot and interpret that inkblot in a complete different way than you guys out there would right so when you start interpreting things this is where again it falls under the lines of hey this this is something art can be created by absolutely anybody so could you technically consider yourself an artist by just putting in some words into a AI art generator for example can you can be considered an artist and you know in in the worst possible way I would say yes because you’re using your imagination you’re not really being you know you’re not the artist I get it you’re not drawing it but you’re using it’s the same thing like when I did all the stuff that I had tattooed all over me I you know I I can draw but it’ll take me for freaking forever to draw up stuff so what I do is I’ll I’ll scribble stuff up and then I told you know one of my best friends my tattoo artist I was like okay man let’s see what you can work from here but this is what I want here this what I want here this is look like I’m drawing all this out a rough sketch and voila he turned all this into magic here so that’s that’s how I saw that I took part in this I took part in creating what I have here all over my sleeves but the biggest freaking thing is that you look at a lot of this stuff and for somebody to allegedly again I don’t know Melinda’s comics from from the next person I have no idea who she is no pun intended I don’t want anybody they be like oh my God what do you think too highly yourself you don’t know Melinda’s Comics I don’t know I I I know that from listening to the podcast uh they were talking about that she uh sells stuff on uh on whatnot and everything so I said and and also that you know she she saw she puts herself out there you know she tried she I shouldn’t say try but she puts herself out there as eye candy for a lot of a lot of folks a lot of men you know what I mean so all of a sudden when I’m once I’m starting to get to know it I was like okay I was like I get it I see it and apparently she likes to dabble in a lot of uh a lot of the uh risque art a lot of these nude covers and a lot of stuff I guess for Pharaoh’s lounge and everything like that and for me I I I’m gonna go ahead and say I was like I can’t I can’t knock her for freaking doing what she’s doing because if there’s people there supporting her then that’s on them it’s not on me I I’m gonna sit here right now I’m gonna say I’m not a damn simp I I’m gonna call it how it is if you’re if you’re out there paying females because they’re showing their ass cheeks putting on a bikini doing this whatever and you’re buying it from them because you want to smell the lotion the scent of the lotion on the comic book or something that’s on you I am not freaking wasting any damn money on no female sorry to tell you that but that’s just how I am now the biggest freaking thing out of order this where it sort of seems like you got to do damage control is if indeed Melinda’s Comics went out and said that this was an artist and she just made up a name and all of a sudden came out and says yeah this is a real artist the artist drew this and did this that and the third and then now they’re ousting her saying like hey we found that this freaking thing is 100 AI generated like you can’t can’t go beyond that so a lot of the stuff it shows you all the different little angles in this uh post that was made that was made by Comics Elite and they just show you absolutely every little piece of how everything comes down to being AI generated every piece of this this area the clavage all right that’s what I’m gonna say is AI generator came back as 0.998 so there’s a lot going on here uh to me in all honesty do I agree with what they wrote here where they said you know we all knew that uh Melinda’s Comics made up a fake artist and was misleading her buyers with this cover I mean somebody just said it somebody just said it earlier uh can the folks that created uh who was it that said it before uh the uh abolition or whatever the hell that book was I had no interest in it so I don’t freaking kill me folks because I don’t even freaking remember the damn name of the damn book uh but gtk comic thank you so gtk comic was talking about the abolition of men uh from living line it’s the first ever comic book series Illustrated entirely by AI generated art so can we all go ahead and say that those folks over there freaking Bamboozled Everybody by creating a book based on AI art they didn’t do absolutely anything they didn’t have to pay no artists you literally would have to just put in whatever you want the image to come out as that is how simple it freaking is it’s not it’s not even rocket science folks and the reason why I say that is because I did it my damn self and I went and just did this and I was like the hell with it let me come up with something I just put put in the words and I just said Harley Quinn hanging upside down on a Wonder Woman zombie and sure as hell what do you see this this is all this that came out of this Harley Quinn freaking swinging on hanging off of a damn Wonder Woman zombie right there who’s probably wearing some some freaking yeah some some assless chaps it looks like this AI decided to generate and voila here I go I I have an exclusive I have an exclusive but me being me I can’t do that because this is not my [ __ ] I did not create this I did not take ink I did not color this I did not draw this I did absolutely nothing except type in a couple of words but this is where I fall back on how everybody you you know the term art is used so loosely because people will go ahead and say well it came from your imagination so that’s art in my books then there’s other people that are gonna say no it’s not because this got taken from other artists who put out their you know their pictures whatever covers of a comic book whatever and they put out all their hard work that they have sat there for possibly an hour or so maybe more and Drew a lot of this stuff and AI is just taking from every little thing possible and then voila next thing you know you have this right here so this is how easy this freaking [ __ ] is it’s not anything crazy is not anything that we can sit here and say oh my God like nobody everybody and their mother could freaking do it anybody you guys out there myself I could do this all day long I just decided to just put in something the most random crap I could possibly think of and Booyah we end up coming out with something yes that it looks it looks exactly like something I would freaking see on a variant cover or some crap or somebody’s exclusive cover that’s how freaking easy this joint is and that’s why for me I always ask the question everybody because I’m seeing this this chat going going off right now um and I’m gonna go right into it because I I do want to see what you guys think about this uh this is one of those things again like I said that you have your Pros you have your cons it’s the same thing I can write a story about Harley Quinn riding this Wonder Woman zombie for example and just feed it into AI until AI well this is what I want to happen in the story this is what I want from Harley Quinn to do this is what I want Wonder Woman This is how Wonder Woman got her her you know you know this is how she became zombified this blah blah put all that stuff in and next thing you know it will create a comic for you where it’ll tell you panel one panel two I’ve done it before for my daughters where I was just playing around with them saying hey if you keep being a bad kid a dragon’s gonna come and eat you and sure is how my kids believe all that stuff because you know little kids are gullible and they’re like oh hell no I played Dragon noises on a speaker somewhere in the living room and they start freaking the hell out so it’s it just goes to show you just how plain and easy it is to do anything um and again for example the abolition of men who’s to say that these folks did not just go ahead and put in everything and anything for an AI to go ahead and write the comic book for them um these are things again that yes you can actually feed this stuff into these engines that can tell and determine if these things are AI generated but now we’re just in this point of life right now this this very era where this stuff is becoming so prominent and it is being used absolutely everywhere um let me go ahead and see I gotta scroll up a little bit here uh let me see who we got we got Mandy the comic Collette in the building man we got a little BK what is going on my brother good to see you uh Decor saying see there’s a first issue to raise can we really call it creating when using AI generated art or or chat GPT can you really call it creating and and again it’s very like you know the word here we go with the terminology subjective right so a lot of people are using that term that term legally can get you out of so many freaking you know situations when you use the term subjective we see it well you know it is something that for me personally I’ve had a hard time with comic book grading where they would use that terminology of being subjective grading is subject active in order to avoid any illegal you know uh uh freaking anybody coming after them legally for the case that okay well we graded this at a 9.4 but in your eyes you see it as a 9.8 well it is subjective so we can give you an output for if we want and then that’s why people will crack open a slab send it back in and boom next thing you know you get a 9.8 because they can’t really determine unless it’s done by a computer that’s going to come down to the precise freaking numbers of like oh this is what we found on the comic book blah blah blah blah blah then the computer is probably going to come out and give you the most accurate raid possible versus a human being um we also got Mr Rockfish in the building we got Vinnie Whitlock uh let me see what else we got we got dolphin Melvin saying dang everyone can be an artist now a bunch of George Perez will be uh popping up and but again the the biggest the biggest thing out of it too is if Melinda’s Comics was I I would say that she she did mislead people by telling them that it was a real artist that it was an actual artist when it came down to this so-called exclusive and for me yeah that’s 100 I am on board with that but again you’re gonna have the people that are gonna come out and you might even had a sense because they’re like yo that’s my lady right there don’t talk wrong about my lady that’s my girl leave her alone you’re gonna have that happening too so whether or not you are right or you’re wrong it don’t matter that everybody’s gonna come out and people are either gonna be with it or against it but for me that that’s where the misleading part is if you indeed did not have a real life artist doing this and you just went and generated something like I did right here which again I could just turn this into an exclusive and a lot of people probably be like damn and I’d be like there y’all go I can go ahead and make up any name you know what I mean I you know you got art germ I’ll be like yo this was artseed or some [ __ ] like that I know no okay because this yeah look it looks you know there’s a mixture of a lot of different artists going on right here um Lorax said I think the scary thing is when quantum computers are more available that’ll change the game very freaking truly rag Decor said it is not wrong to use AI to touch up or improve something but to fully use it to generate from scratch well then that’s wrong yes 100 uh not near Mint set for the elderly people in here ever remember having a boss who didn’t want to switch to email instead of typewriters this is the late 90s and early 2000s yeah and then that’s the other thing too I remember that too when they were saying no I’m gonna lick my step smack it on my envelope and I’ma still send this out nobody cared about emails nobody thought that that was going to be how you know how life was going to be and look at it now emails is the way of life you have them on your phone if you have a business you got to live through them 24 freaking seven it’s it you know it’s crazy just how technology has been advancing it’s the same thing with the internet people were like Ah that’s about that that’s not gonna happen no way you can make contact with somebody else across the globe via the Internet and all this and that and yeah and look at us now um brother Joe said it this program in it will come out exactly um Kenny said but but thorough the words that I type to generate art is a work of art all in itself and these are the things too like I said it is going to be such a subjective matter it’s going to make a lot of people mad with what I say here right now there’s some people that are going to be like ah you know what I agree you’re right there’s that in the dirt but yeah for the most part that’s how people are gonna feel it’s again this was something I did put you know how they were doing this [ __ ] right here trying to find out if this was if you saw this for for effort for me here it’d probably be at a at a 0.001 because that’s how much effort it took from my part to create this yeah so again it’s it it’s gonna be interesting later down the road because I’m sure at some point or another uh artists people that are gonna you know are gonna start coming out and gonna start hitting on copyrights they’re gonna say it’s copyright infringement this looks very like uh the likeness that I use when I do my art or whatever the case or you know like you know just hypothetically speaking art germ because you know I just made fun of the [ __ ] name I could be like yeah this guy came out you know and and artseed he took this looks very much like you know the Harley Quinn face I did in this comic book over here and they you know they could just go off of that and it and it’s gonna be I think it’s gonna be a gigantic battle I would love to see what the outcome Becomes of this but AI is definitely in my freaking eyes and my personal opinion from things I’ve been watching the way that I use AI it is definitely 100 dangerous I I really do that even a news reporter asked This creepy ass looking AI robot if AI is dangerous and even the robot responded and yeah it said yes AI is dangerous so again when you start hearing the things of like the AI saying no we’re not here to hurt humans we’re not here to do this we’re not and then another robot comes out and says yeah AI is Nate I’m gonna go with that robot I’m gonna say you know what I believe you because that’s all it freaking takes um so William Medina said hey I can be used to copy an artist’s work and call it new work especially those who has passed away without informing their family oh so uh man listen as so many people like I said I’m I’m gonna agree with a lot of you folks here today because there is really no right or wrong answer people are going to get mad no matter what the hell answer you go like for me I just gave y’all that little input of like hey I can technically according to the word art and Artistry I can technically be called an artist because I use my imagination to create this damn thing and type it out and say Hey I want Harley Quinn swinging off of a zombified this can even be used right here for the damn times when they when they did the uh deceased stuff that’s that’s how easy this is this could be a cover for a freaking deceased Harley Quinn deceased and and there you go voila done nothing no effort zero effort and are people gonna use this of course of course there’s a lot of people too that that I’m seeing a lot of these sellers and things like that that are trying to come out with their own exclusives and even they’re getting put you know they’re putting themselves in hot water because they’ll go use some AI you know generated images and put it on a cover then all of a sudden be like next thing you know they start making an apology video and I’ve been seeing a lot of this because people share this with me and I’m just kind of like yo if it’s going to that extent where you know in the end you’re gonna have to do PR and you’re gonna have to tell people like hey I’m sorry I didn’t know and all that I’m like come on you knew that’s like me sitting here knowing that I did this and then coming out and saying guys this is my new exclusive right here this is for everybody it’s a new Harley Quinn exclusive uh go to BK said me AI are greater than Alex Ross dude I’m telling you that that’s literally what the hell is gonna happen JC comic stuff what’s going on says if you like Collective physical copies you better uh fight this or you can if you are okay only having digital Comics then do nothing they said AI will make the digital switch happen even sooner and that’s yes and this is why I said if these companies are seeing that it’s going to be more cost effective to use ai ai generated images look how easily this was done you could literally see it I mean as much as I without even having to run it through this program to see if this was AI generated I’d be like oh 100 freaking percent because I’ve seen a lot of pictures a lot of pictures for anybody even the little icons that people use like females end up using because they want to animate themselves or whatever you even see that looking like this so yeah it’s like for me personally you can’t even pass this off as being an actual artist because even though yes a lot of these artists have gone digital they’re not using you know the old-fashioned freaking start off of pencil sketch then work your way through then start doing the coloring painting whatever it is that you’re using to create your art that’s how it used to be it’s no longer like that I mean even when you watch Todd McFarland look at Todd McFarlane when he was like oh yeah I hated you know I loved the spaghetti webbing but I hated having to do it time and time again and here he’s like I just make a copy of it and boom boom boom boom next thing you know he’s making the spaghetti webbing like it’s nothing and it’s done in one two three the Martian comic hunter in the building what’s up my brother good to see you Manny the Comic Collector in the building said artists are upset with AI saying is stealing uh their art but those same artists pump out homage covers and I doubt they’re paying the original artists any money for the cover switch so this is where I wanted to go to next so Manny I appreciate you man because here’s the other thing now do people get upset with these artists when they’re actually stealing other artists work do people get this mad about that the way that they’re getting mad about AI that is the other freaking underlying issue because I was like if you’re getting mad about that then and you’re letting these folks slide even after they’re doing [ __ ] like that because remember the last the latest one to do that I think was uh was freaking matina if I’m not mistaken where they were saying he was just taken from other artists and then just rendering out a a face and making it his own thing and then he would take out the same layout same drawing all that [ __ ] and next thing you know people really weren’t batting too much of Anaya that at that point they were all kind of some people were like oh my God he’s a scam artist he’s this he’s dad and that majority of people were like ah whatever man Martinez badass he’s drawing some dope ass [ __ ] I could care less and this is this is where I I freaking say the same thing this is why as I’m personally saying this is coming from me that’s right throw Montana where I say this is one of the reasons why I honestly feel people can’t even complain about this can’t even complain about it because like my man Manny said you see countless how many homages have you seen of freaking like Hulk 340 with the claws and the reflection in the claws how many freaking homages have you seen of ASM 300 ASM 301 Jim Lee’s X-Men number one how many homages have you seen of absolutely everything that has existed beforehand and you won’t call that fraud you won’t call that being a scam I honestly in my personal opinion I would say the same thing I I don’t like that term that’s that’s an easy term again another legal term of getting your way out of something by saying like well I was too lazy so I just copy something that’s already existed and I went ahead and did it so I’m gonna call it an homage because anybody could have marched for he can absolutely anything I mean even if I go if I would have typed in here and said hey I want Harley Quinn to to do the Spider-Man and jump that you see on the ASM 300 cover on top of a zombified Wonder Woman that shit’s gonna happen it’s gonna come out and it should as hell this is all I did and boom next thing you know this comes out yeah this [ __ ] looked dope in my personal opinion what did I do anything with it no and it goes the same way you see it so many damn times with all these exclusives all that [ __ ] and everybody is always like oh my God here we go with another freaking ASM 300 homage here we go with this homage here we go with that amage and it’s the same thing over and freaking over again uh Darth Melvin says I don’t know thorough said all this using imagination LOL that’s like today’s DJs with turntables they don’t even use haha and and they make a name for themselves they make a name for themselves for playing a couple songs a couple songs and now all of a sudden you just again it’s The Vibes you give off that that’s really what it comes down to it’s the type of person The Vibes that you give off are people falling for you that’s that’s the biggest thing and again if people are willing to pay for Melinda’s Comics I’m not going to knock those folks that’s your money I’m not going to tell you hey stop she’s a scam artist she’s that I’m not gonna get into that freaking boat because if you guys are willing to spend your that’s on you I’ma call you a simp I’ll call you that but for me to be paying for ass on a book hell no even my boy Tim said it he’s like why would you pay for this when you can actually go on in on the internet and you can find absolutely anything nude out there anything new but this is how again some men are again you you want to want you wonder why we get caught Sims for things because that’s how simple-minded you end up becoming because you easily let any a pretty girl just freaking take the best of you and that’s why I say a gentleman be strong be strong be strong with it be strong-minded be strong everything but freaking I’m telling y’all this this is again why does this happen that is because yes you know every single man I’ve been through it when I was younger trust me I had to grow and had to be smart about it and not be stupid that’s pretty much what it really is so now I just look at it and like I said if she’s doing her thing I’m not gonna knock her for what she’s doing she she is going on there but my biggest problem with this whole thing was her coming up with a name and saying if she indeed did do uh did that then for her to come up with an artist’s name make up a freaking artist name I mean yeah y’all just heard me you know I could have even called my my artist freaking instead of art Jeremiah just call them wheat germ is anything y’all know I I call them art seed you could call whatever and say yes new artist I got here to make my you know make my exclusive that’s where it starts to go you know you start to go along those lines of like yeah you really are duping people into believing so what what happens if I’m waiting to do an exclusive and I say hey Melinda and I call her up and I’ll be like hey Who’s the artist you use for that Harley Quinn I I would love to use them I tend to be like I I don’t know I I don’t I don’t know I think they died last week so I I’d have to call you back that yeah you see that that’s where it starts to get a little freaking fishy man it’s it’s crazy uh black spiders are saying um that this joint looks like uh Johnny Depp’s daughter yeah she’s in that new show I try watching that show that that show is freaking weird I I don’t know was it was not for me uh Vinnie Whitlock said sometimes the Beauty and the art is the time it takes because the emotional intent of the artist can change uh like taking your time of being patient with certain decisions well it was the other thing like for example for me I got into painting I learned from Bob Ross man shout out to Bob Ross one of the greats I actually yes I learned how to paint because of that man and every time I was having any PTSD anxiety attacks panic attacks guess what I did I would actually go freaking pull out all of a sudden just start freaking start painting and you know get the easel everything like that and voila next thing you know during those moments of panic was coming out some of the most beautiful things and it actually helped me with my anxiety because guess what guess what I said to me I was like look even those moments where I felt like I was dying things were falling apart for me came out some of the most beautiful freaking Renditions I could have freaking personally created myself and those those paintings I never sold I kept them to myself because those were personal for me because that helped me to know and better understand like hey every time you have an anxiety it’s not the end of the world man there’s beautiful outcomes to every freaking negative thing and everything that makes you suffer in life there’s always a beautiful outcome and when I once I started to realize a lot of that stuff that’s where I started to get a better control like I said I try to tell everybody if you suffer from anxiety please go go get some freaking medical help I won’t do that when you can start freaking treating yourself and taking care of yourself I’m telling you guys it is life-changing when you become the pilot of your freaking plane when you become the captain of your [ __ ] when you become the driver of your car and you’re not freaking let anything go on autopilot that’s what I learned from it that’s that’s the that’s that’s why that stuff those paintings I have which are in boxes here that’s the stuff that I personally will tell everybody that helped me out a [ __ ] ton because yes I started to realize the beauty and things that I thought in those moments that were just so hectic of having an anxiety attack that that [ __ ] was I’m telling you for I I don’t wish that [ __ ] upon my worst enemy that that is how bad I freaking hate and despise freaking you know just having anything anxiety related um JC said it is stealing the software was made by tape uh by I’m like taping by tapping you forgot to pee here to JC them and now I’m just kidding say it by tapping into a database of copyrighted protected images in order to learn very freaking well said man Alucard what is going on said what up there smart topic today like always good job yo listen salute to you I appreciate you man uh Lorac said I disagree a lot of artists steal ideas from other artists and you do you see a countless countless times even you know you you look like at a painting you know like a Rembrandt or whatever Picasso when people are stealing from them people are stealing from them all the damn time and they’re using that and they’re using that it’s sort of a you know like like their own little landscape and saying like Okay now I have an idea I I want to do it I want to make it look like that but I’m gonna switch it up and mad people are doing that there’s people I know within the comic industry that’ll call themselves artists but then when you see them drawing sketches and things like that yo I swear I think I’ve seen freaking first second third graders drawing better than what the hell I’ve seen them do and they’ll go ahead and they call them artists and guess where they go they go to cons they go all over these places and people are like ah yo ah man I love your art it’s wonderful it’s great and you see that [ __ ] all the time you see it all the time so it’s it’s again that’s that’s just how it is and this is why I said everybody got the right to pick and choose what you love what you want to do with your money if people want to invest in Melinda’s Comics yo so be it I’m not but for me hell freaking no I ain’t freaking doing all that [ __ ] um Decor said uh but nowadays people simple and ass and boobs and Winnie the Pooh do your pool covers is personally not for me but unfortunately even the stupidest [ __ ] finds this uh [ __ ] Market to sell to and that’s what it is that’s what it really is again you will never stop anybody from spending no money ain’t nobody gonna tell me how to spend my damn money I’ll spend my money whichever way I want that’s the thing that you got to realize if you’re doing that yourself what makes you think that you’re going to change the perception of somebody else for me that’s why I just called it out how it was I said I was like yeah it’s a bunch of Sims Sims that I need a freaking you know some feminine touch uh sense that I need or freaking you know having a girl never had a girl things like that that’s that’s the thing and that’s what happens but remember over time that stuff for me personally well yeah that will [ __ ] with you mentally it’s like you know this is where you start having people become a stalkers doing all kind of things and sometimes I feel like a lot of these females out there don’t realize that they don’t realize what they’re doing you’re playing with men’s emotions and men are very freaking emotional men have always been the most emotional whether or not a lot of people believe what and that men have always been crazy crazy more emotional than a [ __ ] woman but his here’s the difference between a man and a freaking woman a man always tends to disguise it and hide it within and that’s literally what the hell happens and that’s what a lot of us do and we all hold in a lot of that [ __ ] and again those emotions are freaking killer that’s why a lot of these folks out there a lot of men especially are taking their lives because yeah sometimes because of relationships with women and yeah sometimes yes women will lead you to do stupid [ __ ] sometimes but then there’s times where it’s like listen for me my wife always got to be like yo there’s times I need to listen to you and then there’s times I’m like yo I I do not need to listen to you because it’s like it goes vice versa goes vice versa black spider says it looks like some kind of sex position on uh or if you’re talking about mine yeah it sort of does man because I don’t know here’s the other thing on this picture I don’t know how the hell she’s hanging and because you don’t really see her legs wrapped around her head or anything like that and then I’m over here trying to figure out what the hell there’s a little pulley and who who it’s hanging off because it might be on Wonder Woman’s ass cheeks or something because that’s what it’s looking like that is I don’t I don’t know I don’t know what the hell’s going on there but there’s a lot of [ __ ] going on in the uh the rack says I believe we’ll evolve your brain is a computer and we’ll tie in with AI humans are flaw that need a serious upgrade facts man facts uh William Medina said thorough type Wonder Woman wearing baby uh wearing baby doll negligee yo all that stuff yeah all that stuff will come well I’m afraid to do that William because then if something nudity or some Chicago I’m [ __ ] here on YouTube they’ll they’ll freaking take that take the video down in a heartbeat um brother Joe said though how long has this been going on so ever since the introduction of it the introduction of freaking AI man I mean there’s people that were smart we’re ahead of the game you know how many countless of things people have put through that has been already AI you know generated people can even take easy simple freaking things you take an image of something that’s already there you can actually go you can do it with your damn phone folks go ahead and take your phone and just pick any single image out there and find a freaking you know whatever app on on your phone that that’ll turn anything into sketches for example or we’ll turn anything into drawings or turn anything into cartoons people have been doing this [ __ ] and I know personally personally because of something that was done I’m not gonna say who where what what I [ __ ] know all right uh Kenny the Comic Collector said in all honesty I prefer to make my art by applying Decades of Photography and graphic design techniques to produce original artwork yeah hey there you go figure drawing said air is not even embryonic and the same goes for artificial intelligence in general we must adapt to die man listen you guys you guys are on the on on the freaking on the on the money right here swaggle house what’s going on my brother good to see you swaggle house yo big salute to you uh this man wrote his own comic book uh he sent me a copy I got it today swag I appreciate you bro thank you so much once I get that opportunity to sit down and read it I promise you I’m I’m into it already because you you know you announced it as a love lovecraftian sort of environment that you’re building uh within your book so I’m looking forward to it man again congratulations really dope that you’re doing something like that uh so he said unfortunately there is no stopping the AI train it’s frustrating as a Creator knowing someone can spit out work this fast while yours takes months uh but maybe I’m just an old man yelling at a clock yo listen I again I just tell people this [ __ ] is just gonna be consistent man Matt what is going on brother pop sequentialism said AI is as AI does this simple simple that that is how Matt oh it just likes it just freaking simple uh I figure drawing said well uh what Melinda is doing is sketchy but let’s be real there are far worse things going on uh 24 7 or whatnot gambling Galore literal dice roaster chance to get comments yo thank you and and they’ll say that [ __ ] they’ll be like oh this stuff doesn’t happen on here and it’s like come on it is it’s 100 freaking illegal I’ve seen a lot of things doing card games for you know for certain things doing coin flips doing there’s a lot of [ __ ] going on on there but again to each their own everything changes when all of a sudden you get caught and you don’t know which way to walk out that’s that’s literally what happens and then guess who guess who freaking wipes their hands clean from it is what not because they’ll put something you know in their in their guidelines saying like yeah we are not responsible if anybody violates any of the following and of course majority of people that are on these apps they don’t read any of that [ __ ] they don’t read the fine print so when it does come down to it what not goes like this and then meanwhile whatever you are as a seller you’re you’re freaking screwed you’re [ __ ] because now they’re gonna [ __ ] immediately come after you versus coming after whatnot because what not officially has told you you cannot do the following and boom next thing you know all I said is all it takes is for a smart individual somebody that that’s not being blinded by about a pixie dust once it that’s all it takes and as soon as you see that one individual out there buying from somebody who’s doing something like this and they get mad that’s all it takes all you gotta do is ignite the fuse on that buyer make them mad and voila next thing you know these [ __ ] person is like Savvy as [ __ ] and next thing they’re like oh well you made me gamble on uh uh illegally on your site and you were the seller you would blah blah and then they just go get an attorney Jordy people don’t do it because a lot of people get scared of having to deal with that it is it’s [ __ ] as scary as it’s a pain in the ass if you got to go to court for anything trust me I’ve been to court a gazillion times in my career as a cop you know what I mean like that’s that that’s just been a part of my life even as a cop I hated going to freaking court because it was just like sometimes people wouldn’t show up sometimes the next thing you know it’s like okay we’re issuing a warrant we’re doing this we’re doing that it’s a [ __ ] pain in the ass and a waste of my freaking time sometimes not for those cases though with like you know stupid real stupid [ __ ] would happen but uh and anywhere beyond that forget it it was it was and for some people yeah it’s you know it’s Panic inducing it creates anxiety the environment there it’s it’s not you know it is trust me even the people that like are on a jury for cases those folks are like holy [ __ ] like when are we gonna be done with this I want to get the [ __ ] out of here I want to do yeah it’s it’s beyond uh uh uh adaptory adaptory um like that’s the only choices there’s fight or die too yeah hey figure drawing whatnot does not allow Raffles gambling Etc but it’s so common that is more problematic than they are that people choose to buy uh if they are ignorant then oh well yeah that’s that’s really all it is uh Louie what’s going on my brother it’s my favorite mobile Fanboy right here Louie he said need to embrace the changes and move forward adapt to Die My Friends AI is just a new tool if a witness could enter the details of a suspect and be able to see uh and be able to see the suspect sooner that’s that yo that is a great way man this is a tool that’s being used in police departments where they’ll yeah they’ll generate the freaking look of somebody like that versus having somebody sketching something out and half the time yeah I’ll be honest after times one of those catches don’t freaking look nothing like the person you’re looking for um let me see uh pop sequentialism said I figured what not 100 allows Raffles and all kinds of illegal oh yeah it happens it happens it happens it’s freaking 24 7.

Jersey to the base set uh the future is not set in stone and we can make our own destiny that is a freaking fact man I’m a strong believer in that Decor said the comic book companies are going to start having a watermark they AI generated covers with a small Mark that says cover generated by it so as soon as it becomes a legal issue as soon as somebody does some lawsuit or whatever the case that is that very moment you are correct sir that is that moment that you are going to see something saying coverage generated by AI it’s the same thing like we’ve all been watched if you guys have been watching secret invasion they they let it be known a lot of people picked that off right away they were like what the hell is this AI uh generate an introduction that you have for this show there’s a lot of that stuff going on and sure as hell you start to see it and you know they’re like oh well you know we’re not we’re not going to apologize for this this is something we were intending this so this is what we were you know what we were sort of doing and people were like hey you guys will take taking away jobs from people that could have done the intro for you for some real artists and so on and so forth and again that’s just right there in itself you go to see how easy I guarantee you as much as they want to play PR Disney was like yo we just saved our social [ __ ] ton of money by freaking creating this freaking AI generated intro to our show secret Invasion and now we didn’t have to pay nobody we didn’t have to that just freaking voila it was just generated by the computer for free free 99 and we’re good to go um pop sequentialism said if there’s no supervision there are no rules 100 that’s that’s another thing but at some point or another this is gonna start to become so so big you know especially for people who are actually creative who are physically doing these things it is going to become something that they’re definitely going to go after and know you know the copyright [ __ ] will start exploding up everywhere and next thing uh they’ll start saying oh you know you’re not allowed to do this depending on what a government ruling because this will definitely go to the Supreme Court that is for a fact this will go to the Supreme Court and that’s where they’ll make judgment on to you know as whether or not yes they can do this AIG you know generated images are legal you can use them for whatever you want so so on and so forth It’s Gonna Be it’s gonna be a freaking doozy to be honest with you so we’ll see what happens with that uh Jersey also said robots shouldn’t be given so much power and control that I do agree with and that’s the [ __ ] that scares the hell out of me uh figure drawing of sucking his money is soon to party man facts facts black spider says kill over yo Vice Fighters you’re writing [ __ ] like that the [ __ ] yo the T1000 and [ __ ] is coming after you first bro you’re already [ __ ] painting Target on yourself oh not near Miss says remember Batman digital Justice from 1990 it wasn’t fantastic but it was the beginning the computers touching Comics just an evolution like all this photo batching like greglin yo facts not near men facts facts facts so I had I forgot about that yes Batman digital Justice man that’s crazy yo thank you for bringing that up that’s that oh that’s me damn so you’re talking about stuff literally from from yeah from the 90s from the early 90s just like you pointed out right there and just keep going on to today and you look at how crazy [ __ ] is now damn man this is this is freaking crazy chef Audi Harris what’s going on my brother good to see you say what up thorough Jamie Foxx is back or is he cloned I don’t know yeah I don’t know that dude had a lot going on um and it might have something to do with that so I don’t know um JC said Google AI class action lawsuit yeah you’ll you’ll see that yeah there’s a lot of [ __ ] anger people uh Jersey is you know he quoting the Terminator over here uh he said this is the world now logged on plugged in all the time John Connor that’s that’s the world we live in right now and remember if y’all seen Terminator 2 when they were fighting when they were fighting the freaking robots and everything that was in 2029 that [ __ ] scared the [ __ ] out of me I’m not lying to you I’m not lying to you because I I felt like I was watching an episode of The Simpsons or some [ __ ] I decided to watch it on that yeah it was on Netflix so on Netflix they got terminated too and then I was watching the very beginning and you know you got the whole battle with John Connors older and sure as hell the next thing you know you see the year 2029 I was like [ __ ] I was like yo in 2023.

We got we got freaking you know we don’t have too much longer to get to 2029 so not near men said instead of photobashing uh you’ll get an AI image and gets uh that gets photoshopped to High Health true man Louis said I wish AI was available for DC Doomsday Clock maybe it would have not taken almost two years you know that’s what made me mad with that [ __ ] doomsday man I’ll never forget that [ __ ] thing uh figure drawing said one could say the only problem in Practical terms with Ard is bad AI art and right now bad AI art is the norm and yeah it is man it is I load a big case at Jamie Foxx is long gone I do I honestly believe that um sequential gig says do you really think manga is going to use AI that is what is left of the comic book industry yes so sequential geek I would not put manga out of this bro because you can honestly go into any AI generated freaking website any AI art generator website and they will draw things out in anime style so I wouldn’t even count that out not one damn bit bro not one damn bit uh but the biggest thing is like from manga again you you got beautiful beautiful freaking stories that come out from manga that come out in anime that I don’t even think a computer could freaking replicate the emotion that’s one thing that I honestly do know is that computers robots all this [ __ ] they will not have that freaking human emotion to be able to do what you see being depicted and that’s what comic books is lacking to be honest with you so that’s the reason why we’re seeing comic books just falling freaking apart um so that that’s where I do find you know I find it a little rougher but um you know the other the other part where you can consider AI being a Pro 2 is can it help people because you know you reached those points and you know if you as a Creator you reach those points where you can’t think you feel like you’re just stressed out and you’re trying to finish a comic book or you’re trying to finish writing a movie and all you got to do is just go into Ai and have them help you out could it be you know a benefit I 100 do see it yeah I honestly see it as being a benefit as well but I mean you could look up so many things via AI it’s it’s freaking insane right now the things that I have been doing on there and sometimes I I gotta tell myself to take a break because I feel like I’m feeding into the algorithm on it and I’m just like adding more and more [ __ ] and the more that you keep feeding into it the more it knows about you and I’m one of those people that I don’t want these things to know too much about me so it’s I do I do take my breaks on the uh Vincent Gibbs what’s good man said I just saw a mission impossible sat for three hours straight linguine legs I liked it though that’s what’s up I’ve been hearing a lot of good things some people were like ah but Hey listen you said the [ __ ] I don’t know if I could do that I don’t know if I could do that but I’m not I’m not a Tom Cruise guy so I don’t even I don’t I’m probably not gonna be going to watch it um Decor said hey baby hey baby I’m sorry I don’t know I just fell into typing [ __ ] into Chad GPT and well what came up was really cool and I wanted to share it with everyone but I didn’t know I swear yo that that’s that’s the thing that’s the thing that that’s freaking killing me with that [ __ ] thing right now now you’re gonna have people like is that gonna be like the next thing now you know like like if woman walks in on you and you’re over there using chat GPT and [ __ ] sexting your chat GPT or some [ __ ] and that being some other [ __ ] right there that’d be some other worldly [ __ ] uh Louis olivo says maybe Rob life will be able to draw Yo who we facts all you gotta do is draw featless images that’s what he has to do and then just get AI and say hey can you AI can you add some feet to this and call it a day and that said it’s a wrap so yo that that is crazy I’m telling you they they could use a good things that’s a good thing right there swaggle house said in my opinion the plagiarism part of the AI isn’t a good argument uh we already live in a world with uh react uh content and copying and repurposed memes Etc uh but my question is why do people want AI art just to see something dope or do we like art because we know it was created by a person trying to convey an emotion or tell a story very well said bro and that’s that’s a great freaking question you know uh because I didn’t put any emotion into this I literally just was like I thought something and I was like [ __ ] it let me put this in and and voila out comes this this was the result and you know you you look at this the crazy part is like for example I went I went on this freaking website uh Hotpot uh dot AI so when I went on this it gives you the whole like you know it it draws it did the picture for me I try to look for this [ __ ] I’m I’m listen if I’m watching bootlegs you know of movies and [ __ ] and this very freaking era you better believe I’m not trying to spend money on [ __ ] any of these AI generators so a lot of these AI generators ask people to pay for it after they’ll give you that one free use I this is what I got in my one my one free use I ain’t paying for nothing so it it just goes to show you too is like can you know can can they start making money off of it you’re seeing it already folks like I know we were just talking about what uh Comics Elite had posted in reference to this again this this was you know this was just uh something recent that they were just talking about and of course sure as hell I was like well I can’t get mad in that end man like if you start to find everything and you start to find absolutely what’s going on I was like then that means I need to go into these [ __ ] AI generators that are online and I need to be mad at them too because they’re charging for this [ __ ] so they’re technically stealing and they’re [ __ ] taking money from people because some of these AI generators they’ll ask you to be like oh you need to buy you know a packet of coins or whatever so you buy that packet of coins for 100 bucks and it gives you you could use for however many times however many coins you have you could use to generate pictures and do that [ __ ] 24 [ __ ] seven that that’s why I said in a way like I again I I’m not I’m not freaking with her I’m not against her I’m I’m in the middle with this [ __ ] because again we go back to the term subjective and with swaggle house is saying here too is you know we we all loved art we have always loved art because yes it was somebody trying to freaking convey an emotion you know tell a story so on and so forth and you see that time and time again this is what makes these artists great um you look at like Alex Ross you know he used his own likeness to like you know just not exactly to look like him but whenever he drew pictures for like Superman or something just to get an idea of facial structure doing all these things you see the time and effort that guy put into draw and make his art beautiful because we all know who the hell [ __ ] hates Alex Ross Alex I mean that that guy is a freaking Beast I think the moment that that man will be appreciated was unfortunate when he passes away and everybody in the mother is gonna be like I need everything and anything Alex Ross meanwhile Alex Ross is everywhere but that’s how that’s how it is man that guy freaking has forever portrayed something that he loved forever as a kid since being a young kid and he put it all out there and now boom look at the art man the beautiful freaking pieces of art that are coming out of that man paused and next thing you know boom here we are now where I can easily just type something and say hey I would love my picture to come out Allah Alex Ross you know what I mean so it yeah it’s true are you truly paying for something or you just in in all in my honest [ __ ] opinion folks when it comes to this to Melinda’s comics and everything it’s just the simps being Simpson is like let me unload my money baby I love you you you give me that tingle you give me the spider tingle in between my legs all those different freaking emotions are coming from a lot of these freaking folks out there and that’s that’s just what it is man and that’s what it you know it’s the same thing like when I used to work at the damn strip club as a bouncer and I worked at the strip club what did I see I saw a lot of guys in there who wanted you know they just want wanted to have that touch they wanted to have something so that’s what made strip club so popular wasn’t that you was going over there for the [ __ ] roast beef sandwich and the [ __ ] chicken wings because that [ __ ] was [ __ ] awful it was because of that I would go to you know that if that’s your excuse I I don’t know I know I’ve heard some places be like they’re like yeah they got Yo they got the best wings they got this they got [ __ ] that I don’t believe none of that [ __ ] and yeah when I used to wear one of the worst jobs I could have ahead of my freaking life um sequentialism said Greg land not just a country in the continent of rip Africa listen that that has been like a [ __ ] ongoing [ __ ] thing that they’ve talked about with Greg Landon I do agree with that man I don’t know and this is again this is that fine line this is why I said I want to just have a conversation about this because it’s true you look at these artists that we all like and and and freaking you look at what they’re doing I mean how many times have we not seen controversies about stolen art in the comic book World it has been countless and countless amount of times already that things have some artist comes down to be like I did it like this wasn’t there the the other one that was the latest one too with uh uh what the hell is that damn book uh [ __ ] Fairyland or Fairyland Tales or whatever the hell is called and and I forgot who the artist was and one copied the other and then became a [ __ ] hot mess right there so that that just goes to show you that just goes to show you uh Alucard said you’ll throw that covered six I’ll I’ll pay you uh one dollar for that cover right now for sure you know listen I’ll I’ll give this [ __ ] away to you for free bro this would be a one-on-one for you if that [ __ ] if I had to do this [ __ ] um it’s too wild man when man Keith playing some cover tunes claim hey oh crappy and comics in the building what is going on my brother good to see you good evening Savage fam uh what did I just jump into with that image put up um yo we’ll see man and we’ll see uh maybe a Rocky Horror Picture Show venomized cover I’m telling you there you go Vinnie gold go on the AI joint just go on the AI art generator and put that in put that in Rocky Horror P I already used my one to my [ __ ] one freebie on this AI generator I I was like I’m not paying for this [ __ ] oh JC said come on thurl these ain’t young men simping these are old yes that that is a fact I’ll give you that JC and and not even just that because I ain’t gonna call this new generation out you know these new generation don’t even want to pay for [ __ ] Netflix so I don’t see I don’t see the new generation [ __ ] paying for uh for that either so you’re correct my man I appreciate it Holy Holy says we get glamor poses because the artists don’t understand comic book covers ah that’s good that’s good man again I we I mean how many [ __ ] times we’ve talked about we’re beating the dead horse so that [ __ ] is is about to come back to life from from how much we’re freaking beating the [ __ ] out of it but we we talk about it I mean you see it now so it’s like why why is everybody getting so [ __ ] upset to be honest with you it’s like yo you [ __ ] are stealing from each other left and right I have not seen one single comic book cover that is not like a [ __ ] homage or a cover swipe or anything like that it’s just consistent consistent every freaking thing that I see all these exclusives yo just just for the hell of it man I just want to [ __ ] go and Google [ __ ] and watch I just want to [ __ ] Google comic book exclusives and I’m just gonna go into images and every [ __ ] thing is the [ __ ] same damn [ __ ] over and over again like these damn things right here there’s these freaking solid perkum all right cool man you [ __ ] wonderful artist but everything is here okay we got the crust arms over here then we got the [ __ ] the the damn arm up here with blood and everything all over is is all freaking even if they copying off them themselves uh freaking who is this oh this has to be freaking uh what’s his name Mike Mayhew more than 100 [ __ ] percent but a lot of this stuff man it’s always just consistently being copied and copied and copied and copied I again I [ __ ] to each Stone man there’s some dope ones that I’m like yo I would love to have these [ __ ] things and then there’s some that I’m like [ __ ] this I’m getting tired like yeah like this these things aren’t even selling like they used to anymore either the invincibles and all that the exclusive battle damages all that [ __ ] is is [ __ ] plastered everywhere it’s it’s just becoming something so [ __ ] consistent it it’s [ __ ] is getting annoying then here we go here’s another one that does get swiped a lot the [ __ ] Star Wars Star Wars movie poster and this one right here is a freaking cancel um and that yeah that that sort of went down I remember when this [ __ ] was like the hot [ __ ] thing and that [ __ ] went downhill um you look yeah you just look at all these [ __ ] things man like and you even look at this and again I’m not here knocking [ __ ] people because I know how people I love drama this that in the dirt but you look at something like this and it’s like how can you even tell the difference of something and say hey this is not [ __ ] AI generated boy some [ __ ] like that I mean there’s artists that are literally using digital freaking you know enhancements in a sense to try to come out with art like this I like this I’m not gonna lie there’s a freaking beautiful cover right there but at the same time you know it just goes hand in hand where yeah this is this is the new Norm right now for comic book covers you don’t really see anybody truly in a sense drawing on [ __ ] paper anymore everything is all digital so you know can we 100 certify Well Jack they said there’s a will Jack exclusive it’s a beautiful [ __ ] cover but again can we 100 certify that they didn’t use AI to enhance it or to better from you know from what it was originally in its original state that’s that’s the biggest thing yeah you say look even even this one this black hammer number one yeah I know where this is from right what is this paying to much to famous [ __ ] Justice League cover here we go another one Tyler Kirko McFarlane homage and it’s repeated and even even with these Disney [ __ ] things Infinity Gauntlet I’ll over and over again I know these things are just again I love Alex Ross but it’s becoming another thing and even even on top McFarland’s own [ __ ] well you know they’re gonna go with this like McFarland homage of McFarland it’s everywhere man I you know again you don’t see anything new really it’s like everything or all the same poses everything starts to become something so repetitive so at that point is the question will you guys get mad if people start to look for freaking help from AI i i in all honesty for me I wouldn’t get mad with them anymore because if the AI is giving them something [ __ ] better to do with different posts or some [ __ ] than in all in all reality I’m I’m not gonna get [ __ ] upset whatsoever and look here’s another one king and black you know like I I like this I’m not I’m not gonna get mad at it y’all know what this homages remember with Spidey [ __ ] uppercut to Hope yeah gold this is Phillip tan I love Phillip tan I’m [ __ ] wonderful wonderful freaking artist and even his art from what I always collected I have some original art of his and even that stuff like when I collect it does not look anything remotely close to his stuff you know originally a lot of his stuff is completely [ __ ] different now and you can see the influence of digital Artistry it’s not that I can say hey could even he because just because I like him good even he be grabbing and using Ai and saying hey I would love to have an enhancement uh for that you know to enhance it’s like hey let me let me give this [ __ ] a Viagra and voila now now it looks a lot better than what I originally was planning on doing that’s you know this is this is the new Norm to be honest with you uh and brief the C says someone can argue that that is AI art and uh in reference to the uh so the uh one that we were just looking at before but yeah it’s it’s [ __ ] is true man it’s it’s [ __ ] super super difficult to to even decipher again this is a [ __ ] gorgeous cover I’m not mad at this um at all I mean it’s beautiful and this is a KRS Comics exclusive so that yeah again you you really can’t you just cannot [ __ ] tell anymore and it’s all over the place I mean who knows how long they haven’t used it um here’s here’s another one uh non-stop uh Spider-Man number one again another one that’s just looks like something that was put in a computer and I mean look at something like this that came out and I could [ __ ] look at myself and be like yeah this [ __ ] probably could be coming from a computer itself as well that’s it that’s just the [ __ ] this is again this is the new Norm you don’t have to do do I like again my my personal thing that I have with AI is could it help them [ __ ] get better art on covers something different yes because I feel like I just keep seeing the same [ __ ] is over and over and over and over [ __ ] again and it just keeps getting continued on and on and on and my biggest thing too is like what’s gonna be the next wave of freaking homages what’s going to be stolen and here you go here’s some more Spider-Man homages right there with that Spider Woman where where my mouse is floating around just yeah a lot of a lot of different [ __ ] man but again this we’re the ones that feed into this right we’re the ones that feed into this what is this a legacy of violence number one look you see even in the Indie books you’re you’re finding a lot of this stuff like that so there you go some more Spidey homage and it is something that just [ __ ] continued time and time and time again I would love to I mean it just to break down everything that’s out there this is [ __ ] impossible how many of those damn books and just like let me let me [ __ ] put Spider-Man 300 homage and just and just look at the countless [ __ ] amounts that come out there’s some that I’m not even gonna lie with y’all I ain’t [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this the galapal I don’t know what this is I don’t know again to eat to eat so on a [ __ ] pick and choose man pick and choose um El griot was going on said I think all these artists complaining about AI is just folks that cannot keep up with the new tech and feel useless as folks learn better ways to create uh the same thing it’s [ __ ] crazy it is crazy Darth Maul of an imagination is not art using AI to illustrate your imagination is like saying you are the Muse and the AI is the artist that’s pretty much what it is man that’s pretty much what the [ __ ] it is blind spider said Alex Ross’s mother was a painter yeah yeah he had a he had a big influence man he had a big [ __ ] influence uh sequential geek said uh new first appearance new barrier cover scam ratios new cover price top 10 hype Monger list that is the next reboot when they license after publishing all money variants now equal dollar holla that and again yeah that’s that’s the other thing too man but man just look at this just look at this it’s it’s everywhere it’s it’s all over the place it’s plastered plastered plastic plaster toast just [ __ ] I mean you cannot you cannot go around how many times this [ __ ] has been done it has been done so many [ __ ] times it’s not even funny and that’s what you got to do I mean Google will be your best friend just go on there and you could type [ __ ] even my little window the hell did it what the hell is this my nightmarish little what the [ __ ] is this yo you see like this is this is how how [ __ ] Out Of Tune I am with [ __ ] sometimes I don’t keep up with all this [ __ ] a hundred a hundred dollars for this I’m sorry I’m not paying that you say on my nightmarish little venomous ponies and a magical friendship zombies number one I mean what the [ __ ] yeah sorry man rob Michaels I like it that you’re you’re an artist and everything but I’m [ __ ] I’m not paying for this [ __ ] I’m sorry I’m sorry some free game yeah I mean it’s freaking again just Google search absolutely anything man just Google search absolutely anything and you’ll you’ll [ __ ] find let’s let’s look because this is another one that that has been forever man for a [ __ ] ever um I hated that they did this for this night terrorist I don’t know if any of you guys have checked this out yet uh night terrors night terrors is okay it’s not it’s not great not bad but it’s okay it started off I like what they’re doing with dead man I like where this is going it sort of gave me uh Nightmare on Elm Street Vibes to be honest with you it’s sort of like going down that path so if you guys haven’t checked it out give uh give issue one a read check it out Wolverine I remember this book Wolverine and friends I remember that this is a book I always wanted because I’m a big Rick and Morty fan that’s the only reason I want it because I I’m a fan of [ __ ] scary Terry I thought that I was like one of the best [ __ ] episodes ever uh because of the [ __ ] that was coming out of this man’s mouth that’s that was the that was the best thing on earth it was like they they were making fun of Freddy Krueger who I [ __ ] I’m a big hard person I love so that that [ __ ] right there in itself was like hey I’m all for it but yeah you see look I I can’t lie to y’all this this would be something I would pick up I would pick up um let me see what Alucard said uh said I think the scary part of this is when the AI copy 100 for example for Zelda art and make a brand new Story comic with one click and that’s man listen that’s already happening bro that is already [ __ ] happening uh doing space for rent in the building what’s going on say us uh use I’m like us look at this I’m [ __ ] feeling like a soldier right now uh using AI is not a means of being creative it’s a means of being lazy that’s and listen uh sequential geek says why do people pay a premium for That Eminem Spider-Man cover because of social media hype same as with the first bogus scent of T cells just for awareness the hype Monger sellers wrong with it and social media and on that one sequential geek Man Eminem did the selling on his own he he didn’t need no hype no nothing yeah as soon as people heard Eminem that’s that’s what caused the mass hysteria on that book see I’m a big [ __ ] Eminem fan and that’s for me right there is all I needed see I need this in my life if this was [ __ ] real I don’t even give like who like this [ __ ] look like I like where they go with this I would like it to be a little bit better drawn but I like this you got you got Freddie right then and you got Jason shining on his clothes this would be a dope ass [ __ ] little cover if somebody decided to do something like that and then that does fight um this is this is dope too no I’m not gonna be mad I’m not gonna be mad I just love this one got Arnie right there good old Predator just that that’s just nostalgia that is just Nostalgia for me yeah but you yeah you used to see this [ __ ] every woman I mean I wonder what’s going to be the next hot thing because then uh remember when the Eminem book came out and he was battling on stage with with Spider-Man look how many people were copying off of that and that became the other one oh damn man I would love this I would love because I grew up with this Calvin and Hobbs every damn Scholastic Book Fair I always waited patiently because I wanted my Calvin and Hobbs and I’ll never forget my parents man I said yo as much as we did not have all the money in the world God bless my parents because my parents hooked me up with some money to be able to get my damn Calvin and Hobbs and that’s all I to this day I still have my [ __ ] Calvin and Hobbes uh books that I bought uh forever cherished those two right there so by far some of the best comic books strips you know [ __ ] planet Earth Calvin and Hobbes always taught me a good life lesson in that [ __ ] too that’s what that is um sequential said Eminem did not drive the price of that variant never saw the guy in a single promo video which one was he promoting in that comic oh dude it that was all over his social media it was you can go and see it it was on his Eminem it was on his Eminem store website it was it was all over that place and if you follow Eminem Eminem don’t I I always keep saying it Eminem does not need bro he doesn’t need nothing to sell bro he doesn’t need nothing that dude sells oh [ __ ] on his own he honestly he doesn’t he I I could be here pumping up saying [ __ ] Eminem this Eminem don’t need nobody Eminem does that [ __ ] on his own that’s that’s his own thing uh pop sequentialism said Alex went to Qbert school he was on an analog reinterpreted of Norman Rockwell there is a discussion to be had about how unions have taken a different stance uh to AI versus other forms of appropriation this is man yo it’s only you this is going to be this is gonna this is gonna be [ __ ] very interesting I wonder how unions are gonna are gonna start playing into this because remember they also have all the folks that are unionized and they’re in a in a lawsuit as we speak against [ __ ] image um so I’m that that’s going to be interesting I’m not no lie no lie that yo I appreciate that man I appreciate that uh Louis olivo said AI is uh art is not as lazy as a blank covers is your facts because they’re like yo we need somebody to draw on this [ __ ] we need somebody to draw on this [ __ ] yeah but yo you see yeah you see all these different kinds of things here uh again man if you’re catching this on a rewind let me know what you guys personally think about this I would love to hear your you know your your freaking comments I would love to read them and I honestly I there’s really no to you know to be honest with you guys there’s really like no right or wrong with this now just for the fact that is I mean you can just play against every single freaking complaint possible you can just go up against everything where you know you guys did it in the chat I did some over here on my end but it’s the honest truth that it’s it for me personally if I was an artist because I again I can draw the only thing with me is that I’m not like how some of these guys are they’d be like and and be done in like [ __ ] 10 minutes I can’t my for me just one piece of art will take me like [ __ ] two weeks all right it’s different now painting is another it’s another Beast that that’s a whole different animal in itself but drawing anything else I don’t know I’m I’m My Own Worst critic I want to be like man my [ __ ] if if I draw the ears like if I did this Calvin and Hobbs right here my ears better be [ __ ] like down I don’t know if I’m OCD but it better be down to the T like they better be the same [ __ ] size depending on the angles like trust me I I way way Overlook [ __ ] and overthink things so for me to draw [ __ ] out I I just can’t but for me to like I’m telling you it it this is for me this is an interesting topic again because I love to see I know some people get riled up about all this for me honestly it’s like I said I would try everything in me to be better than the [ __ ] AI and to be better than the AI because again AI does not have human emotions so you will never find that human emotion in in its art so that’s gonna be the major difference for me you’re gonna see human emotion in other people’s you know actual art pieces you won’t see it you know when it comes to you know when it comes to all this [ __ ] man you won’t see it with AI you only see it through a person so it’s also up to us if we all know out there that things are being AI generated are you willing to cough up money for it apparently for the the abolition of man or whatever that book was called people were paying for that [ __ ] thing and people were going in on it I remember seeing it I think it made the top 10 list shout out to the guys over there how to Stein um you know they’ve you know I think it did I think it was or maybe not on the top 10 I don’t I don’t [ __ ] remember but you look at all of that and it’s like people are paying for it so how the [ __ ] can people even get mad I I understand the frustrations on the oldest part but to be honest with you with the way I think I would try to be way better than the [ __ ] Ai and drawing [ __ ] so that way it wouldn’t [ __ ] get to me um it’s it’s freaking crazy um agree you’ll say Eminem is so big he can wipe his ass and the TP would sell for money LOL that attitude is the truth dandelutorial in the building what’s going on my brother good to see you um Sinister Titan says uh does anybody know what happened to Master P AI Grading Company anyone ever use it I almost went to use the sentence to Titan I don’t know what the [ __ ] I have no idea about the company to be honest with you I remember seeing it always being promoted coming up on my Ig feeds all the damn time so hey uh sequential gay says but keep it thorough comings you got the promo sight dog I would check it out uh I will check it out if you’ve gone on about it yeah no no dude yeah that ass I’m telling you you don’t you could go on his uh on his website his website had it even his IG his IG was plastered with that [ __ ] along with the uh with uh with hustle and they and they were doing yeah the collab it was all and I know Eminem himself ain’t doing that [ __ ] on his IG is you know whoever the hell you know is a representative of his that’s doing it but in all reality yeah it’s it’s crazy uh Reef to see what’s going on said AI is out of the bag no more lawyers artists rappers songwriters authors painters Etc all we have left are strippers bro I wouldn’t even I hope yo that [ __ ] y’all gonna find this [ __ ] funny but you at some point will [ __ ] find quote me on this you are gonna have [ __ ] AI strippers bro you will have [ __ ] AI strippers you can sit at the comfort of your own house and you can tell the AI what the [ __ ] to do you want it to freaking go up and down the pole upside down sideways [ __ ] do do do the flag you know don’t don’t know this you could probably absolutely tell it everything and you will probably be a happy [ __ ] camper because you will no longer have to [ __ ] wait for the stripper to do what one of your favorite moves you just jump right to it that’s you know I was telling you that that [ __ ] reef is gonna be like yo guess what I just saw the other day I just saw a [ __ ] AI stripper on my computer I telling you that’s the [ __ ] road that this is all headed in it’s it’s gonna be [ __ ] crazy uh I’mma do said Dr mayesh yo let me tell y’all I was watching some [ __ ] with my wife you know and uh and freaking Dominican Republic right it was in freaking Punta Cana so it’s a [ __ ] destination you know that everybody goes to so they [ __ ] I was looking at that [ __ ] because my man I’m a dude’s talking about Dr Miami strippers yo I was watching some video with my wife and Jesus Christ you know there was not one single girl on that [ __ ] video that did not have their tits and their asses done yo and their asses look so disproportionate to that little tiny ass chicken legs that you just saw the [ __ ] whatever the hell is in there I don’t know what they put in there how [ __ ] Jello pudding I don’t know but that [ __ ] was just so off and you could see like the flaps of these chicken cutlet ass cheek looking things I was like what the [ __ ] is going on I that my wife was there we were counting we were counting we’re like one two three four five it just it was non-stop it was Non-Stop and I just cannot [ __ ] I was like yo where is the natural ladies at not one single one of them and the [ __ ] lips are like like I [ __ ] don’t know how much fillers they [ __ ] it was just insane it was insane I I was like yo my wife was there [ __ ] cracking up because I was making fun of the whole damn thing the whole time and she was just like yo she’s like it just needs she’s like this is crazy she’s like honestly she’s like me she was like me being a female and I’m watching this here with you she’s like you she’s like have you seen anybody now and I was like nope not one single Natty in there now one single Natty batty that’s what I’m gonna call them is there any Natty baddies out there please stand up because I don’t think there’s any more of y’all out there I don’t think there’s any more Natty baddies out there man I I’m saying that [ __ ] right the [ __ ] now man yo I think I just came up with something unless somebody else said it you know I need to I need to be a hell of an influencer to get that across the board but some Natty baddies they don’t exist they don’t exist since the Titan says like Kim and Nikki on natural acids thighs don’t match that’s exactly what it is bro oh man I would do is like holy [ __ ] uh freaking agree it was like BBL was a real problem that AI bring back some booties those booties don’t even move nah oh yo that’s what I said and it’s like one girl was walking and every step and her freaking figure was so disproportioned yo it was like and then it just like her hip stuck out and then it just I was like what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] what oh yo I was like come on damn pop sequence damn look yo Apostle question no he’s like yo he’s freaking don’t don’t make me hungry pop I’m I’m fasting I’m fasting I I can’t eat till tomorrow I can’t eat till like freaking three o’clock I think I do my fasting my fast fasting is good for yo man y’all need y’all need to get your 16 hour fasting every freaking night you don’t have to do it every day you can do it uh four days a week that’s what I do now um I changed it up to play with my my freaking uh metabolism and my and my eating habits and yeah yo you lose weight you lose weight you feel great it [ __ ] is it’s not easy for a lot of people I know some people be like but if you could discipline yourself do it and it’s great because it starts to create autophagy in your body and starts to break down all the bad cells because your body starts saying hey you’re not feeding me so starts to freaking sort of like you know go Wolverine on you and your body starts to overheat itself out by regenerating you know like your cells and everything like that proven studies proven freaking studies but pop over here trying to make me [ __ ] hungry he’s talking about the local and the conquestones and everything man how do you know about all this pop how do you know uh Louis said one day we’ll be talking about AI Human Art the same way we uh we talk about sfx versus fractal uh when cgc invites AI to do remarks I ain’t fleeing for the hills closer and closer to Blade Runner 24.

Yo dude and listen I didn’t even I didn’t even [ __ ] think of that Louie imagine that [ __ ] imagine that you know and if that’s not far-fetched look at look at all these [ __ ] 3D freaking uh you know building printers and all this [ __ ] what makes y’all think that they don’t they won’t have something that you just put the comic book it’s a you know it’s a little printer looking thing and all of a sudden what kind of remote you want what you want you want Mouse I got you fam done it’s a rap it’s a wrap that’s yo I’m telling you that’s man that’s gonna be damn damn the mobile Fanboy got me thinking though Tori said oh man this is some nasty conversation but I was single out of go to the self-serve then I had these nasty go to Fisher room and handle my junk man this is I’m bad for the future man I I feel bad for my daughters this is why I I try to be you know what I would want a gentleman to you know that that decides to come into my daughter’s life uh that’s that’s what I’m a representation of it that’s [ __ ] tough man that is I’m telling you I I do I try not to think too much about it because can’t you know you can’t control anything you cannot control your your past you can’t control the future you can’t do absolutely anything so and to be dwelling on the past the future you’re only going to make yourself just living anxiety um a Brio set off subject you ready for secret uh Invasion tonight I’m I’m it’s okay for me man I’m I’m not I’m not a uh that huge of a fan of it I’m gonna finish it watching it you know because we got what three more episodes to go and then or two after tonight and that’s it it’s a wrap but I have not I I just again they they calling it the MCU same thing that I have a fear for the DCU is it all gonna tie in you guys are creating these universes but it’s it’s starting to become Souls [ __ ] stretched apart it’s not even funny um Kenny said unfortunately uh with so much enhancements being done these days I stopped trying to figure out what is fake and shifted to try to figure out what is Yo that ass bro that that is a fact cause you cannot you’re you’re honestly you will sit there debating on what the [ __ ] is real more than you always fake now that that is true bro tiger fat in the building what’s going on man salute to you say hey throw one strippers and hookers go virtual reality to bring on the apocalypse we will never leave for almost yo for real man it start it starts to make it starts to make you think about like Ready Player One how you see everybody is inside with the virtual reality [ __ ] and that’s the only way they go outside and meet with each other and everything that’s yo that’s that for me is scary like that’s scary but yeah man listen we’re not even that far from that because they already make [ __ ] things with like virtual reality porno and [ __ ] like that and then they got machines that do the sucky sucky or if you’re a cheap bastard you go get yourself a [ __ ] vacuum or some [ __ ] like that but they yeah they got all that crap so I that is not [ __ ] far-fetched bro um Reef said so secret Invasion on HBO man this [ __ ] yo so guys remember that movie I’m not I’m gonna get you sucking with the Wayne brothers in that scene with the girl and she started taking off her body parts in bed hello yo that yo that’s that’s pretty much for his yo you just don’t be able to build one you’re gonna be able to build one foreign like today now OMG yeah that’s what I’m saying all that stuff is there Nicholas gotcha said my wife was looking for Deadpool 10 for me yo I went oh my God I don’t even know if my man man he’s here I was so [ __ ] pissed so I went to that [ __ ] store yo to go and find those Deadpool tens and the [ __ ] is closed today yo I’ve this is my first time I’ve ever seen a comic book shop that [ __ ] closes down for like a week I’ve never [ __ ] I don’t please let me know in the chat right now I have never [ __ ] gone to a comic shop remember my life and all this time that I remember where somebody good for them good for them first off good for them well I’ve never [ __ ] gone to a comic shop that [ __ ] closed down because they were like yo away on vacation I was like props to you guys that that was that that was a [ __ ] it was a wrap for me after that I was like yo yeah I was like okay I saw that sign I was like yo I thought they opened nope had a nice little sound right there got off a vacation for this whole week they’ll be back on Monday I was like [ __ ] my life I was like I’m still gonna go check out some other spots though to see if I’ll find anything if I find I was like I gotta report it to you guys I gotta be like yo look found one found two found three I hope I’ll find some if not I’m not I’m not gonna lose my mind um dolphin over said hello to those uh using Ai and Comics start saying hey we are doing this for you the consumer we want to give you the best oh my God that that’s that’s [ __ ] and that’s coming that’s coming bro that is [ __ ] coming Henry K said Melinda’s Comics is a Natty batty I don’t I don’t know I have not said to get pictures or anything like that man yo I ain’t doing none of that [ __ ] I got myself in trouble bro uh Nicholas go to said damn I agree you’ll say when your daughter want to start dating we can’t be the crazy deals if they mess with her they’re messing with all three points said 3.2 thousand good Lord yo listen I [ __ ] I’m not looking forward to that day I’m not looking but I will tell you something this is a good way to segue into something else I am looking forward to something though because yo it has been a wonderful action-packed freaking couple of days because a lot of us I know a lot of y’all have been seeing everything that has been coming out with good old Deadpool that’s right that’s right so it has been a lot of [ __ ] pictures we talked about it here on the channel we told y’all what book to just go and [ __ ] look I found one for cover price all this I already know what time it is they said they were going to go with a long sleeve [ __ ] look for him they did they gave him all that uh Deadpool looking a lot redder than what he initially did it was more like you know that wine freaking uh color and now they they gave him this this Scarlet Red uh Hue to him uh no pun intended to you know the man that’s standing next to him in a yellow suit but yeah I’m not mad at this man I am not [ __ ] mad at this there were a couple little shots from this damn thing where I was like yo I thought like for instance in this picture when I saw it freaking you know not up close but for a second I thought he had his cowl hanging behind his back I was like yo I was like this is this is [ __ ] dope I was like but they did it they didn’t you could see it you see him he’s going you know he’s fighting Deadpool there’s even that little you know we can sort of say paying homage to to the freaking 88 if you know what I’m talking about where you see Deadpool he has him on his on his uh katanas and has a wolverine this is sort of a little play right here where my mouse is floating right now at that bottom left picture that’s that’s like a real reversal right there so they they freaking it look it’s looking dope man I I’m excited let me tell you I’m finally [ __ ] excited I’m 100 [ __ ] excited after seeing just this little tidbit this is all we’ve all wanted to see we’ve been wanting to see Hugh Jackman and that damn Wolverine suit and I know some folks are like Yo No Lie you know I got used to seeing [ __ ] Hugh Jackman in his tank top and his bell bottom jeans and nah man we we need this in our lives this is gonna be you know the only thing I’ve always had had a gripe about Hugh Jackman is just how [ __ ] tall he is and we all know you know he’s he’s uh [ __ ] Wolverine he’s a short King you know ain’t nothing wrong with that so but again we’re getting it folks we’re getting I’m excited for it I can’t wait for this [ __ ] movie I’m really really hoping that this movie gets a hard r all right because I don’t think there is no other way around it uh you even saw some scenes of him uh you know walking around there doing his freaking thing and you see them just freaking talking but the one thing that was standing out for me out of this whole thing too was that I was like yo this is gonna be I’m telling you guys I don’t think this is going to be a less than two hour movie and there was just a lot going on on this set I’m surprised that they were allowing videos and things like that to freaking you know to start coming out of this but it’s there they they freaking went ahead and put all this stuff out I didn’t think it was gonna happen okay because I’m over here drinking my water while I fast that that’s another thing I need man if y’all gonna fast drink drink plenty of water but a lot was happening I think yeah this is like a three yeah three minute video right here of everything that we can expect and get to see in this uh in this new Deadpool 3 movie and yeah and you see right there because even if I put the sound on you you can’t tell what the [ __ ] they’re saying you see something sort of like funniest possibly happening at this very moment and that’s all so I’m assuming right there at that point it’s probably like where claws are going through his through his ass pause but that’s that’s one of the things that I will say to everybody I’m [ __ ] excited for this only biggest thing is I really really I don’t know I don’t know man swag I was saying the same thing where’s the messed up that I I guarantee you they have it I guarantee you they have it I think he’s gonna be very very limited time on that because I don’t think that you’re going to be seeing you’re going to be seeing him in a match too much I it always has something to do with you know with them uh always saying like hey we want to see the actors emotions and I’m like man you better have somebody playing that’s like I saw the uh the uh freaking trailer for Twisted Metal I’m not gonna lie I’m I’m actually excited to watch that I’m actually excited to watch it and the wrestler Samoa Joe he’s playing behind the mask and so far he’s looking like he’s [ __ ] you know he’s showing a lot of emotion with a mask on and my mind You Will Arnett is going to be uh voicing and I I saw that I was like yo this is crazy so here you see this so in this little bit I’m going to show you guys a picture of this if you guys have not seen it but here’s he’s he’s you know he’s uh messing around with the choreography but on this very set you’re gonna see how you know that they’re trying to destroy the fox universe so you there there’s gonna be like a very I think this movie right here in itself is gonna be very very comic book ish I I think it that’s where this movie is going and you see the fox the fox symbol in the back torn down and everything so look at that so 20th Century Fox big ass symbol laying on the back all crumbled up in the background that’s them showing like Hey we’re gonna we’re done with this this is the end of it now that you officially have joined the MCU this is going to be a wrap for this so this is this is gonna be this is gonna be very [ __ ] interesting and I’m I’m liking what I’m seeing so far Louis olivo said let me say when you hear that Deadpool went for reshoots it will be for Ryan Reynolds adlers just FYI yeah more than likely more than likely um uh Senator Titan said I heard Blue Beetle was seen all set uh Dion Salinas what’s going on said hell yeah yo listen I’m telling you I’m I’m liking what I’m seeing I’m liking what I’m seeing and this was actually the first picture to drop courtesy of Hugh Jackman on his Instagram if you guys want updates just file follow freaking Vancity Reynolds that’s Ron Reynolds and then follow Hugh Jackman on IG and you guys will see but he posted this on his story that was the very first shot that came out and then all of a sudden Hulk 181s were [ __ ] shooting through the roof and everybody and the mother wants a Hulk 181 uh but this right here is what I wanted to see this this is how you know that this is what their plan is this is going to be a Deadpool you know kills the fox universe or whatever the case it is that’s gonna happen uh but this right here I’m liking this I’m liking where this is going I think that you know there’s going to be a lot of breaking of the fourth wall from Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool it’s gonna be it’s gonna be one of those movies finally I’m [ __ ] happy to see something and I’ve really I hope to God Folks at this stays a [ __ ] hard R and that Disney doesn’t [ __ ] around and all of a sudden say like hey we need to go with a soft r on this that that’ll piss me the [ __ ] off I I’d be mad as [ __ ] man um and yes Reef to see this does look dope I’m liking everything that we see uh I’m a man imma do says plenty of water and some salt or you will just yes that too try to get yourself some salt like if you’re fasting definitely eat either eat a little bit more salt or just add some like Himalayan salt into your into your water um and you’ll you’ll be good uh El grito said replace you with Triple H Wolverine should be shredded and stocky yep yep yep yep like if you guys ever checked out Bat in the Sun on uh on YouTube and they did the you know the uh they always do the verses and you have Wolverine against Wonder Woman that guy that was playing uh I forgot uh what the [ __ ] was that wrestler’s name well he’s uh he was an actual wrestler in the WWE I’m forgetting his [ __ ] name right now but he was in there and he played Wolverine and he was short and stocky and I was like man this would be [ __ ] phenomenal um as soon as the Titan said I just pray it’s not going to be a mature version of She-Hulk Disney has made me so nervous about any future projects I’m more excited about Nathan Fillion as Guy Gardner at this moment you know we’re gonna talk about that because that’s what I said this week so far these past couple of days are action-packed and I’m loving it I love seeing what’s happening um Kenny said letting those videos get out is a perfect way to build hype and anticipation for free yeah we almost got a Russell Crow Wolverine but he chose Gladiator instead Hugh Jackman will always be my Wolfie now yo I love you Jackman and and I’ve met him um and that dude man nicest nicest [ __ ] guy my brother bumped into him as well and uh yo he was more so so gracious and he was just like just a freaking humble humble I’m gonna tell you he’s another one that I that I have a lot of respect for it’s a humble freaking guy um uh Nicholas was saying yeah totally Wolverine 88 yep you already know that’s what I said yo if you know hey you know uh with Louis olivo said I think there will be a lot of footage shot not all will be in the movie are they shooting the comic uh book cover of their first meeting that they could be a good possibility but they did um they did like I said it was a it was a role reversal so when they did that little portion that’s what it reminded me of and that was just on this little tidbit right here um and that was the uh picture right here here we go but this time he’s holding Deadpool and you know in the comic books you see him uh freaking holding uh should I say Deadpool is holding Wolverine with the katanas so that yeah that could be I mean that I’m sure and and I 100 I haven’t even checked but I freaking guarantee that that damn Wolverine uh Wolverine 88 is probably a [ __ ] it’s probably selling like like crazy by now let’s see let’s see if it’s even making a movement because this is what it made me think of like you see what I was saying Deadpool has him with his katanas and in the damn uh Deadpool right here you see in the movie you have them with that then you see him trying to flip him over you see who Jackman is agonizing because of his age right now he’s like [ __ ] it’s like Ryan stop eating too much I can’t take this you’re too heavy and you see you see all this little action scene right there which I think is really dope but yeah this is that little part where I was like oh man this is Wolverine 88 but let me see how many uh if anything has been selling so July 11th the [ __ ] is today’s date man I’m so lost folks I don’t even know so well it’s already past midnight on the East Coast around the 12th so you got July 11 July 11th somebody bought a 9.4 let’s see July 11th another another one another one that was newly listed July 11th somebody damn 479.99 uh [ __ ] 9.8 Wolverine um another Wolverines so today here’s another 9.6 sold a 9.6 sold uh signed by cuber Adam kubert should I say um another Wolverine 9.0 475.

I think that this might yeah who knows this could possibly end up being like on the top 10 list uh rare 1.50 standard non-deluxe edition somebody bought it for best offer 9.8 on that one uh somebody bought a set for 150 250 to include this book that I remember forever sold I was never a fan of that [ __ ] rob lifeld cover always [ __ ] hated it um so yeah man it’s been selling today July 11th there’s been yeah those were those were the sales on here recorded on eBay as we speak so people are buying it people are buying it I guess a lot of it has to do with yeah it has to do with this damn with this probably happening so I’m not mad at it man again I’m super excited for it because I did not expect this um I did not expect this at all I I didn’t think that the suit for Wolverine was gonna look this badass to be honest with you I did not think um Reef said I own two copies yo I I have a I have maybe four or five copies I think of that damn book [ __ ] used to foundation for a quarter dollar but I didn’t give a [ __ ] and now after you know the news started breaking that Hugh Jackman was gonna come out and he was gonna play a major role and that’s when everybody and the mother was going crazy uh swag goes out said yeah it could actually be funny dialogue for Ryan Reynolds to call out that he doesn’t have his mask on yeah I’m I’m really I’m I’m [ __ ] excited I’m mad for this damn it uh pop said Doug Ray uh Scott was actually the person that turned out Wolverine to allow you to get the role oh damn that’s what’s up that’s what’s up hey man we appreciate it because you know this guy will forever live his moment as the freaking you know as Wolverine uh Smokey collect says I’d rather see it without the sleeves but I’m guessing the contrast of a 54 year old man and yellow spandex probably this yo and that’s that this dude’s been working out hard man I I I I think you know as you age you know putting on muscle unless you get the good old help of some nice you know testosterone HGH or whatever the case something yeah you’re not gonna be looking like that not go below that’s that’s gonna be tough uh even uh even though for years he he was shredded maybe he couldn’t get as muscular this time yeah it’s just harder man as you age very freaking hard to keep muscle uh so I’m I’m really really looking forward to this Avi collector Spidey is notorious for losing his master and fights in the MC um Jerome man he’s like yo that’s [ __ ] sick um let me see tiger Fest set up pop he’s like but Crow was the first choice I think Doug Ray Scott broke his leg on the set of mission impossible oh [ __ ] damn okay damn I this this is one I I’m telling you I’m telling you I think that this is gonna happen because if they’re breaking down everything and anything with the fox Universe I guarantee you Daphne Keane I I keep saying it I’ve I told people this on the freaking couple shows ago I honestly believe we’re gonna see x23 something is gonna happen where Deadpool is gonna do something and you’re gonna see Daphne Keane come out of nowhere as [ __ ] x23 this yeah oh and this is a fact bro that dude he can say oh you know I spend hours and hours in the iron paradise and there’s that man [ __ ] that you or not there’s no [ __ ] way bro like yeah you know that that is not natty man foreign [Music] yeah that one is man I’m telling you that one is gonna be that is the one oh my boy Jerome said there’s another Wolverine and Deadpool cover where Deadpool is flying from the top of the page onto Wolverine yeah yeah and if that uh there’s a couple of them because then you also have the uh I think it was a Wolverine Origins and uh he’s there with his son back in Dakin however you want to say it but yeah you see him uh jumping through the air coming after both of them on that cover and that’s a Simone Bianchi cover but yeah this is again I’m [ __ ] looking forward to it you know that the uh time for the mutants and everything that that’s gonna be that’s gonna be coming so I really am hoping this dude puts on a [ __ ] mask but but for some more reason I feel like he might not and that’s why he has the little I always call this [ __ ] the [ __ ] Ace Ventura with Nature Calls and his [ __ ] hair that’s yeah that’s that’s what that reminds me of but moving on from this man the other news of course just like somebody already was talking about yes I am [ __ ] after this and and again this is why I believe I do have faith with [ __ ] James gone even though this movie is two years away which is [ __ ] crazy this right here was something I was like thank you for doing this thank you for [ __ ] bringing this is a nice little casting for the future Superman Legacy and this also gives me a great [ __ ] hint as to the direction of where the rest of this DCU is going to be headed so this for me I thought was [ __ ] a great freaking casting courtesy of James Gunn I’m glad James gone James Gunn was probably like oh man they’re putting out all this Deadpool stuff we need to start making some announcements man DC has been sort of under the radar as of lately you have not been seeing too much stuff coming out but to have good old Mr Fillion himself playing one of my favorite lanterns out there one of my favorite Lancers I love Guy Gardner man Guy Gardner the [ __ ] everybody loves pause that did not sound right that did not sound right and I freaking I was I was happy man I was definitely definitely happy and of course they give you a little bit of uh who are the new stars of Superman Legacy so Merced yes she was Dora Dorothy Explorer and a movie that they again here we go with the [ __ ] animations [ __ ] going live action well there you go you got Dorothy as Flora she was uh Dora and the lost city of gold which I would tell you I would probably watch before I go to watch [ __ ] Indiana Jones ever again in my life Indiana Jones was [ __ ] is is not even that [ __ ] is dying a quick death did not even last that long before that movie just started to [ __ ] photo shits um and if you guys watched it I I told everybody just wait for it just wait for it um and the other thing that was crazy about Merced 2 is because for anybody that doesn’t know who that is her pictures up here I don’t I don’t know if they have any more pictures of her but she’s right there she’s also supposed to be Anya Corazon in the in the upcoming Madame Web movie so this was a [ __ ] this that that was the kicker that was the kicker and she’s gonna be playing Hawk Girl and forever for freaking ever I have been wondering and and cool man shout out to my boy Raul Raul if you watch this I know he’d be watching this on a rewind because I know he has to wake up early for work but Raul was freaking talking about yo how come they don’t show as much love to Hawk Girl like they do every other character and it’s very it’s very true because he’ll ask me he’d be like yo bro do you have any hot girl Comics back here that you know that you know he’s like I bought them from me whatever and I’m there thinking with every freaking ounce of everything Comics that I know I’m there thinking like what the [ __ ] covers are out there except for like a lot of the newer stuff that really has hot girl on it and for the life of me I couldn’t think of any I might just be [ __ ] watch just for shits and giggles I’ll go here on eBay and I’ll just type in hot girl variant covers or some [ __ ] and we’ll see what the [ __ ] comes up but yes you you did not see too much but I always loved her in the Justice League animated series she was [ __ ] one of the best in it I freaking really hope that they at some point or another I hope they do this girl Justice because I don’t know how the [ __ ] Anya Corazon is going to be doing in freaking um in in the damn uh Madame Web movie to be honest with you then of course there you go you have Nathan Fillion right there who again he’s going to be playing one of the awesome freaking lanterns Guy Gardner I thought that he was the right person for this to be honest with you what I am questioning is you know are they going are they going to freaking be you know I’m sure they’re gonna dye his hair because you gotta give them you gotta give them that hair color Gotta Give them that orange redheadish freaking tone that he has in comic books I want to see that I want to see it and I’m sure that with the way DC is and how they’re trying to represent themselves they’re trying to do everything as at as close to comic book you know likeness as possible and then last but not least you have Eddie I I hope I can’t I don’t know if I’m screwing up I hate screwing up people’s names but I I don’t know if it’s pronounced if it is thank you if not I apologize but this dude is is a great actor too I’ve seen him in a lot of projects and he is going to be Mr terrific and I’m not mad at that man I am not mad I think that this guy is going to [ __ ] kill it only thing with him is he’s gonna have to start pumping some iron and I know he’s going to be doing what he has to do for the role I’m sure they’re gonna put him on the you know on a juice diet if you know what I mean um and he’s yeah he’s going to be a dope ass Mr terrific again these are the reasons why I do I have faith in [ __ ] James Gunn I cannot hold them accountable for [ __ ] for what the flash did I can’t hold him accountable for what Blue Beetle did because a lot of us included myself were worried about Blue Beetle because we really haven’t seen anything I have not seen absolutely nothing marketing wise for freaking for for the damn uh upcoming movie of Blue Beetle I’m like what are you guys waiting for so it’s almost kind of like it’s making me start to think like are you guys just planning on maybe just canceling out freaking even Blue Beetle I it does that’s the only worry I have on that end but as far as everything else no lie I honestly am looking forward to a lot of this man and I’m glad that they finally decided to put something out there we all know that a lot of this also may have to do with the fact that they’re still not coming to terms with the writer’s Guild and all this that in the third and then they’re saying ah we’re gonna extend talks or we’re gonna do this we’re gonna there’s always something new in reference to that and then yes the freaking active strike is probably the next freaking thing coming up um so this is and yeah and Jay Nunya yes they did they did drop a new trailer for Blue Beetle but it’s like man why are y’all doing that right now this should have been like something going on like weeks ago and that that’s the one that was just killing me but that is a dope one and then this was the other one I wanted to talk about because if they do do this I would I would not mind seeing this either but shout out to again shout out to James Gunn for freaking picking this Trio right here I think that they are going to kill it I I see a lot going for for homegirl as far as being a hot girl can’t wait for that but this one right here I was like yo tell me that you guys are wouldn’t be mad at this but my man Jackie early uh Earl Haley he’s freaking you guys know he played one of my favorite characters Rorschach in the Watchman movie I I love I loved what he did but this dude everything about him is [ __ ] screaming the Mad Hatter the [ __ ] Mad Hatter I was like bro this dude needs to get that role and I hope that they do do that I think that Matt Reeves is Batman Universe will be the perfect place to put this sadistic little bastard in facts I would love to freaking see this I have forever I’ve always enjoyed the Mad Hatter you guys know what what you know what what type of villain he is you know kidnapping Alice doing whatever all that stuff which is crazy for anybody you know what I mean but at the same time I was like this guy right here would be the perfect freaking fit to play the Mad Hatter nobody wants no damn credit cards man get out of here but this is this is the ones that I was like I’m liking this I’m liking this but shout out to go and check out guys for any other news that you guys might want um pop sequentialism set JSA 74 is an Alex Ross hot girl cover Hulk World Justice League number three has a cool gym lead cover pop is coming out with the with the freaking you know I’m just gonna you know I’m just gonna search on eBay just to see but I do I want to find I it wasn’t a lot um Senator Staton said I wonder what Authority members are going to show up in Superman Legacy we might get midnight or an Apollo cast announcements sooner rather than later so apparently you’re supposed to be getting the whole Authority crew that’s according to what what they’ve been uh making reports of and in accordance to uh to freaking even James Gunn himself that’s what they were coming out and saying as well was that the authority is a part of this because you guys remember anything related to that where they can actually take you know tidbits from was the uh Superman and the authority comic book uh storyline which was actually really good again it’s I was like I was like damn they could go you know they could go along that place um uh let me see Pop said Haley would be an interesting clay face you know that too that’s who sent us the sign said I could [ __ ] with it he said he could be a good ass hush too dude I’m telling you and even and even this dude gives me gives me some guy Gardener Vibes no lie you know but Nathan Fillion man that’s that’s the man right there I like that boy Haley is you know he get this is what I want to see they’re going to have to color you know they’re gonna have to color Fillion’s hair you don’t have to give her that freaking orange Hue man it’s not that [ __ ] ain’t even red is it like orange that’s that’s what they need to do um pop also said testing shows that short leash marketing works best for marketing to Latino audiences I think Blue Beetle is going to do well damn okay Jay said yo he already has the face yeah he does and you know they got him back I hated that when he they bought him to play Freddy Krueger uh and and he did you know the best that he could possibly do there’s just nobody uh you know like Robert Englund that could do that nobody that’s the only guy the only Freddie it’s like for me don’t bring it back out just leave it and even with the talks of bringing back a lot of these freaking you know a lot of these characters freaking crazy but yeah let me go I want to go in there for freaking shits and giggles and I’m gonna go on eBay I’m just gonna freaking type [ __ ] hot girl variants I just want to see what the hell comes up and reference to this so this has to be yeah this this has to be something new that’s what I was about to say um yeah there you go Hawkgirl number one look at this Shelby could it be a coincidence could be a coincidence too that now all of a sudden um you know now you’re getting a hot girl number one and the [ __ ] uh James Gunn announcer because remember that they’re trying to tie everything when they’re talking about making this a universe they’re really he really is talking about Megan because even the video games are supposed to be centering around this freaking uh you know the DCU he’s making something completely different um so yeah this is um I’m not mad at that that’s a beautiful cover but we’ll see so there’s the a b and c is a that’s a nice one that’s a nice one but yo this one that one is [ __ ] that one’s calling my name that one is calling my name I definitely would love to freaking pick that one up I’m not gonna be mad and this one’s a beautiful one it sort of gives me the uh Michael Turner Vibes on this gives me a lot of Michael Turner Vibes on that so could it be a coincidence that they announced this today and now all of a sudden we’re going to be seeing all this coming out right um just as League of America number five Hawk girl this is the one in ten uh Arthur Adams damn I yo I do not remember this yo guys and check this out too man this would be something that I would definitely be like yo be on the lookout for out there but yeah nice little art Adams you know if you appreciate some more atoms there you go Justice League of America number five I’m gonna be on the lookout for this I’ll be on the lookout for this so as soon as that that freaking announcement for all you know man keep somebody they’re like on the last one right here they only got one for 6.99 somebody was like yo I need to go get my hot girl fixed now let’s go get it here’s the [ __ ] that I [ __ ] hate that you go to 9.8 [ __ ] pre-sales oh my god um uh Louis olivo said by the way was that Elon Musk has thrown in the Ahsoka trailer uh blue Iron Man sorry Beetle looks oh well guys it was far better than the script sounded uh there will be a poster for granny with a [ __ ] oh and Eli yo he did look yo that’s [ __ ] hilarious Louie he did look like [ __ ] Elon Musk did look like him that’s crazy yeah so look hot girls there you go uh bombshell variant uh uh it’s Justice League of America is cool is this AI this is will Jack I don’t know no I’m just kidding man [ __ ] start stirring up [ __ ] problems uh this is hot girl issue two who the [ __ ] is that yeah man this is this is like this is like a [ __ ] coincidence now how all this stuff is [ __ ] coming out this is pretty dope man there were two nice work right there oh yes you go here’s another one y’all probably found one of these in the damn [ __ ] uh uh they did them in the uh Five Below packs if I remember correctly with the one to 100.

they did the uh yeah these were the uh sketch the Jim Lee sketch and I think that was that one of the ones that you were uh talking about pop I’m going back oh okay yeah so yeah this one yeah that’s a one in one hundred man and those one and 100s don’t freaking I know I got my cyborg I’m a big cyborg fan um so I have my I have the uh cyborg oh so this is Otto Schmidt is the uh is the artist for this one that I said gave me that those Michael Turner Vibes on that um Harley Quinn foil DC collectibles let’s see if anything else pops up on here oh yeah I’ve seen this now they all putting out the uh the Blue Beetle so there’s a Blue Beetle variant for Hawkgirl number two let me see here’s a hot girl number 50. you know it’s time time to start [ __ ] going through what I have back they’re a hot girl because I know I know I have a [ __ ] ton of this run right here from Hawkgirl this one looks like it if this hot girl 54 was done today yo they they would automatically take this down because y’all remember when they did the um and this reminds me of that [ __ ] Batgirl cover remember the one that never came out with the Joker and she had the blood all over her mouth you know you know like smeared on like a smile and everything and they they [ __ ] banned that one because a lot of people were freaking up in arms about it this is what this is giving me those vibes right there man Hawk man was right behind their leg and she’s like uh like give it given that look like that look of this stress so yeah you wouldn’t even see this book coming out man as yeah that that just goes to show you it’s freaking it’s crazy what is this um this is a 1 in 25 David talaski there’s so many new artists now and I [ __ ] have never there’s some artists I’ve never even [ __ ] heard of man but this looks dope man this looks really dope that’s going to be a one in 25 um this is not hot girl this is uh the hundred Australian comic let’s see what else pops up um here’s the other one this is oh so this is the one in 25.

I was one I wanted to know if there was like a 1 in 25 this is the Walker variant and this one this one got this one’s crazy this one’s full of a lot of [ __ ] characters on it I want this freaking full yeah so I’m I’m more than starting to freaking assume that yeah but this is man this is a beautiful cover I forgot about this there’s a beautiful cover right there good old Jim Lee right there and I’ll show you can find these in the [ __ ] and backbends trust me if they’re selling this for three dollars on here it’s probably because nobody was picking it up nobody was picking it up uh Louis said my favorite Justice League cartoon episodes was thank Gary oh yeah that was though that was like some of the best [ __ ] dude facts and for anybody that wants to go watch just go on Netflix Netflix has the whole damn thing and I’ve actually been re-watching on Netflix um and I’m I’m trying to catch up on my one-piece anime trying to catch up on one piece that’s that’s a [ __ ] mission in itself because I’m watching way too much [ __ ] and then my show uh the Warrior came back HBO Max so freaking it’s a final cover right here that’s freaking dope I like this man I like zofino’s afino does some crazy ass hard work um hot girl this is a freaking chicken variant second printing red background yeah not too not too much stuff I know I put variant on here but yeah not not so much popping up but if I just put a hog girl let me see what pops up then yeah but I’m trying to say but I I know when uh again and uh for uh Justice League you’ll find you’ll find some hot girl stuff for the animated version should I say this one this one gives me the freaking uh you know some horror Vibes right here Dracula a lot on the wings this is double I’m gonna have to look for this one I probably might have a [ __ ] back here I know I have a big freaking set this is part of Hawkman though this is not hot girl Hawkman 26.

I might have that that’s the dope ass freaking looking book but yeah you don’t you don’t really you don’t freaking find and then yeah I should know about some of the guy Gardner variants man I thought I taught some out there for you guys you know like a while back and even some of the uh nice little rare ones that freaking nobody has been batting Anaya or even thinking about that folks man I’m telling you yeah I need to be on the lookout for some of those and watch let me actually just put in and you’ll see some of these will pop up here’s the uh Guy Gardner solo series DC Universe that’s hey 299 not bad there’s another couple of the DC Universe oh right here man this was some of the most beautiful man Green Lantern Emerald Warriors so if anybody sees any of these books out there guys yo just look at the artwork on there man there’s some of the most gorgeous [ __ ] artwork ever to be on comic books and here’s here’s another one this is the Garner variant right here one in ten always a [ __ ] classic always a classic uh to have it and this one right here here so here you guys go so I was telling folks about this so Green Lantern Emerald Warriors number 11.

There’s Guy Gardner variant is a low print [ __ ] issue look how much this book is going for I remember about one time back in the days this book was going for way more than this so 4.99 for that [ __ ] Green Lantern Emma war is 11 that is a [ __ ] still 965 shipping hey man that that is a gorgeous [ __ ] book man I love this damn book I love this cover this is a dope dope ass variant and this is a hard variant to [ __ ] find and if you find this in the wild also telling you right now this would be a book to definitely scoop up if you guys find it out there in the wild um this one another beautiful one right here this one was still in the you know within the uh periods where there were still freaking selling the book this is a gorgeous gorgeous [ __ ] book right here freaking one in 25 massifara they’re asking for right there yo you could find this I have this book I found that I found it in a in a back bin for a cover price so you could find this you can find that book out there but the one that I just showed y’all before that one is that one’s gonna be a little toughy I do remember this freaking book right here Ryan bowling because I always try picking up a lot of Brian bowling stuff secret Origins Green Lanterns Sandman [ __ ] dope ass book dope dope ass book oh you’d be surprised how much stuff a lot of us skip over is another one I have this [ __ ] guy garden and Batman let’s see if any of the other ones pop up that’s the one that I’m looking for and you can’t go wrong with a little freaking Lobo and Guy Gardner man when those two are together some of the best [ __ ] some of the best interactions right there and then there’s uh there’s another one I’m trying to [ __ ] remember the uh the damn issue and it’s not freaking clicking in my brain and I know I have two or three copies of the other book that I’m thinking about right now this is this so This the sea stuff damn and I’m trying to think of the other uh the other damn book and it is not [ __ ] clicking in my mind right now hold on let me see yo Louie if you have me dying uh Louie’s like y’all do it you’re giving you’re giving key collect all his next hot books yeah for real for real for real damn and it’s not [ __ ] here you go thank you this is the other one so this is another tough one and look at the price on this 2.99 if you guys have never seen this one man another beautiful [ __ ] cover another gorgeous gorgeous damn cover so Green Lantern Emerald Warriors 10 this is a one in 10 variant right here this is another tough one again this is when uh after issue seven is when the print count drops dramatically on the emerald Warriors books and anything after that is books that you definitely want to look out for the printout did drop dramatically on this this is you always something that used to always happen in comic books so yeah look at that gorgeous gorgeous [ __ ] cover man I love this damn cover but this is the other one this is another Tuffy um look at two available yo y’all [ __ ] Savages out there y’all better eat on this because that that is a book I’m telling you you’re gonna start seeing all this that’s all it [ __ ] and I’m surprised even after the announcement that all these books are sitting up here hey it is what it is um here’s a here’s the other one right here issue eight see after issue seven is when this [ __ ] drops foreign just gorgeous man gorgeous books I I forget I love seeing stuff like this I love this coming back this is freaking badass I’m liking this and I’m glad that they’re finally doing something with Guy Gardner so this is the other one I was just telling you guys about I love this cover though this cover has forever been [ __ ] one of my favorites damn look at this you don’t even need to get it graded 50 best offer on a 9.8 of that Emerald Warriors eight that’s that’s freaking I’m telling you crazy it’s crazy Green Lantern question mark yo some of the greatest [ __ ] came out of Green Lantern bro the greatest [ __ ] came out of Green Lantern um smoking collector the emerald Warriors Green Lantern is not a key and it’s not a hard variant to get same for 10.

Uh Jerome it’s a Green Lantern 24-23 the Jordan Rings cover is a bomb one oh yeah that’s it oh yes yo any little thing now you’ll start freaking seeing it will start freaking finding all over the damn place this is what I said the only reason you’re seeing these books up is because people people don’t bat an eye at it anymore this one is another book I’ve always loved man it’s [ __ ] kilowog I have this book yeah they got they got so many beautiful damn covers on this freaking Emerald Warriors run yeah those for Guy Gardner I know those are the ones that I always would freaking anytime if I do find them out there I gotta get them man these are all here because ain’t nobody [ __ ] know about them nobody knows about them except for the people that [ __ ] love Green Lantern and then this book back in the days used to sell for way more than this [ __ ] because people were all freaking hunting for the damn books and these were things that you would see a lot of these uh YouTubers from back in the days they were going to be like yo I just found this book and I said you know you’d go try to find that book nobody um somebody’s selling this for 360 for this freaking kilowatt damn damn yeah but I see only [ __ ] reason you’re seeing them up here man or else you would not these books would never be up here at all and now look how you’re seeing them freaking 11.

it should be loving for me love this [ __ ] cover love it but again the ways of collecting have other changed everybody always waits for a [ __ ] movie to come out and these things forever again nostalgic nostalgic freaking covers yeah those are some of the ones that I couldn’t freaking uh that I can freaking remember and then this was another one and I know this one also came in a uh sketch so that was a sketch variant of this book right here but all this stuff right there guys yeah if you guys found them and you like it you buy it if you don’t that’s that’s the beauty of this man you don’t have to buy you don’t have to buy absolutely none of it yeah but this yeah this I freaking I had to go into the into the back of this freaking hot mess that I had back here and I’m gonna look to see what the hell I have for the hot girl stuff well I’m excited for this I’m [ __ ] truly truly excited for this so here you go a nice little sketch I remember this book when they did the freaking came out this damn sketch bearing used to go for freaking crazy money six dollars and forty cents with like 1921 [ __ ] from the UK uh here’s a [ __ ] dope ass one right here regular freaking little cover regular a cover yeah but a lot of these I’m telling you man because nobody is batting an IDC you’ll be able to find a lot of these freaking books now you’ll be able to find them that’s all I said if you buy find them all here for [ __ ] their cheap pick them up on here for their cheap if not go in the backbend somewhere at a LCS I gather [ __ ] tea you’ll find them there’s nobody nobody absolutely nobody and if Nathan Fillion ends up which I’m I’m thinking so if Nathan Fillion ends up freaking killing that role forget it man the sky’s the limit on that [ __ ] and scribble says get that red lantern Guy Gardner yeah all that stuff is I’m telling you man I I I’m not for me personally I get it everybody’s all like yo I want the keys I want this I want that there’s there’s just some of them that honestly ever Warriors some of the dopest freaking stories that you know to come out um you know out of out of like DC a lot of this stuff that just goes under the radar because nobody gives a [ __ ] everybody’s just kind of like oh yeah I want this I want that I want the key I want that key there’s a lot uh pop says stick with the keys bring land to 59 195 and crisis nine Justice League one and five yeah all the all the great ones man yeah so Google is the Green Lantern not available there you go this is yo I’m I’m telling you somebody so many [ __ ] beautiful books out there that came out and then I told you guys about one I don’t know if we’ll find it here but there was there was a Mr terrific and of course they put they put out their foot down Marvel [ __ ] so this is this is how you know a lot of this stuff a lot of this stuff will come up and they’ll [ __ ] um put out Marvel you know the algorithm on here baby this is how it works let me asking but they see [ __ ] hate this [ __ ] thing yo oh my God all right so y’all want to see what I [ __ ] could not stand this [ __ ] cover when it came out good old Rob life I call this [ __ ] disemboweled Superman I don’t know what the hell was going on there but this was some of the worst I [ __ ] despise this [ __ ] and then fat Batman the the you know Rob life will destroyed honestly he destroyed this [ __ ] the only thing that looks good here is probably hot girl because she’s all the way in the back and he barely had to draw her that’s about it that’s about it that’s about it that’s about it let me see how that damn book so let me put it all right so let me do it that way because it’s not gonna be it’s not coming up like this all right so there was a video that I did and I put out so you guys can find I can find this one try to find this damn book if you can find this book I like it a lot better than this a the original one you get the second printing find yourself a Mr terrific number one second printing it’s a low print a low print count it was not a lot freaking you know it was not a lot freaking uh going for this series not a lot of interest in it Mr terrific [ __ ] awesome character just never got the love it deserved but if you find the one with the the red background on this you can find them in the uh in the back bins look for that damn book man that book is gonna be that’s going to be your go-to book let me see if they even uh if they even freaking because if I put Mr terrific variance it’s not going to come off [ __ ] uh Mr terrific number one a second print here you go and look at that disregarded [ __ ] book man so that is your second Printing and for me forever this [ __ ] book looks 20 times better in the second printing than it does in the uh first printing so if you guys find that book scoop it up scoop that [ __ ] book up that somebody actually got a son from uh the uh the kid that played um it’s terrific on Arrow as though and let’s see this is what I’m trying to sort of give you a little a little bit of a gauge on here as to how many you have on here so let me see I [ __ ] hate I don’t I don’t I don’t approve my High Comics but still for four dollars and eighty cents not bad so that’s three copies four this one is in fine condition mile high four copies that’s it so this is why I say be on the lookout for that you guys will be this will be a book and look at that that is a [ __ ] steal that is a steal and then let me go look up oh man Smokey with the Green Lantern number nine foreign 2019.

I’m trying to remember that but I can’t remember oh yeah this [ __ ] is [ __ ] this is fire go pick good pick man I’ll remember this one I have this book I had to get this book Jeff decal or to call I’ve heard people say oh I’ve always said Jeff dico he freaking yo he killed it on that cover I 100 agree with you Smokey that that is uh that’s a freaking dope dope ass cover and Smokey collects said laughs it off oh no I was laughing and I was going I was going to here I was going to your Green Lantern man I ain’t I’m not disregarding you because I was interested to remember what the hell that was I couldn’t remember the book but now I know a great freaking pig that is a dope freaking cover right there um Sinister it’s looking like blade uh sin is like yo Batman looking like the hunchback no neck at all either oh man since I’m not hating on all these books man uh the only comic I ever lost money on was a 9.6 Specter 50 yo should have never sold it should have never sold to that you y’all know how I feel about specters like this [ __ ] my favorite one of my favorite [ __ ] DC books ever man especially aspect of running that yes Mr terrific you know that book is [ __ ] and that’s a hard book that is a tough book to freaking come back on aspect of 54.

Let’s look at let’s look at that one let me see if that even um yeah what the hell there seems to be a problem all right oh so this right here is at 103.56 it’s ending 38 bids on this bad boy already 38 [ __ ] bids and that’s how much it’s at and I’m definitely 100 holy [ __ ] yeah I gotta be kidding me this is way more than what the hell this book was going for ah damn that’s [ __ ] nuts that is nuts that’s [ __ ] yo and man John John Ostrander man greatest [ __ ] guy ever to have freaking done anything with we’re freaking inspector yeah and if you guys have heard me before how much I [ __ ] I talk about so highly about this series hands down the best [ __ ] to have ever come out um damn so the Specter 54 first Mr terrific zero through 62 complete set that’s what I have the whole damn thing the whole the whole shebang and what I’m trying to see is there are there any more 54 so somebody’s selling one from the UK how the [ __ ] are they not going for this if they’re already at 130 something dollars up top but I also get it too it takes a long ass time to [ __ ] come from overseas that’s the only bad [ __ ] part but issue 54 yeah at first Mr terrific yo that’s a [ __ ] toughie and just look at all this how much we’re just scrolling through here and how rarely we [ __ ] come across that damn book even on here look at that was just those let me see it was sold as of July 11th here we go here we go this is probably going to be on the on the top ten on the [ __ ] top 10 watch it’s gonna be another one Specter 54 124.99 today these are all for July 11th should I say um 9.2 a 9.8 665 best offer so that’s that’s just how quick somebody got one right here on July 5th man on July 5th or 88th you do not see this [ __ ] book coming up man look at that this was from July 6th damn and this one from July 5th somebody got themselves a nice little deal right there man yeah so all of these June sale June sale they were getting them for 75 100 167 74.95 and there’s barely any of these [ __ ] books on on here right now and a couple people that bought one today again you got hit with the with the fomo two copies that sold the one ungraded other graded yeah this book man I’m telling you this is a book that unless I had extra copies of that [ __ ] I would sell but and I wouldn’t be cracking anybody over the head like this high because right here yeah man 200 [ __ ] dollars yo I can’t believe that oh my bad so this was at 103 I thought it was 130 something I was about [ __ ] [ __ ] so it’s at 103.50 for this God Jesus man that’s holy [ __ ] and Zab it what’s going on said Rob is rough I think the only reason some of his Marvel stuff is passable is they know what to what anchors to use uh dude Rob life of this the terrific’s number one is maybe a good bet yeah and then that book [ __ ] sold uh the terrific’s number one that’s another book that [ __ ] went crazy when all that talk was um was being centered around because of the uh picture that he ended up showing if you guys remember and then you already knew right off the bat that’s what he was what he was freaking aiming at and the terrifics is probably who’s going to end up showing up in that damn uh but I don’t know though because now that they had the introduction of Guy Gardner and then I had several different ways that I that I can that I could see where that’s Superman and speaking of Superman um I don’t know if you guys have checked out the new animated series my is it called my adventures with Superman yo I give them props I give those folks props for it I thought that that [ __ ] cartoon was I watched the first you could watch the first episode for free by the way on uh on YouTube if you want to I watched it on there I like it I thought it was dope I thought it was dope and as Abby said all the terrific supposed to be a part of the new dish so far though the reason why everybody was going crazy was because of a picture that um that James Gunn posted but right now now 100 you could tell Mr terrific is a part of it if they do decide to go with the terrifics I mean you get it if you find it for a good price I really wouldn’t go too crazy on it my honest opinion um if you find them and you get lucky I know uh one of my buddies was recently I don’t know if you guys have Ollies but I know Ollie’s out here I know they have them in Virginia when I was down there I know they have them here in PA because PA is where freaking Ali’s uh is uh uh they they’re they’re freaking located here that’s their main hub but they supposedly he told me that he ended up getting uh he ended up finding some of these uh terrific number ones in those comic packs so that might be a good idea to freaking go and check those out if you have an Ollies around you and this book I remember one [ __ ] insane when when uh that whole little picture came out and everybody and the mother was freaking going film woof expect the 54 9.8 a thousand dollars yo ah damn that’s [ __ ] that’s crazy yeah look right here you sort of got one that came back down to earth a little bit but still um yeah a little 29.99 yeah you see look they even wrote it here on the title of the terrific’s number one first appearance of the team James Gunn BC comics yeah I I would definitely check check out there try to see if you could freaking find them um check those Ollie’s packs I’m probably gonna go to Ollie’s and see if I do fun to you know if I find them of course I’m gonna let y’all know I’d be like yeah I freaking I found some I’m not too big on the on the Ali’s facts if I do go to Ollie’s it’s because they have the omnibuses for crazy freaking stupid ass uh low prices and that’s one of the reasons why I would go to Ollie’s is for that um damn somebody was just telling me about uh who was it somebody was telling me another book and Chris Rojas in the building what’s going on uh Christopher Jackson Christopher Jackson JSA 76 out yo yes yes that’s the dope ass [ __ ] book too yes this is a beautiful [ __ ] book man again [ __ ] the master at work right there and you can find this book uh whoever had this they got theirs for three bucks um oh they’re selling it for three dollars very fine copy so that is that’s a gorgeous gordiller shout out to Christopher Jackson it’s a beautiful book man 100 yeah look at that there you go man there’s another one for y’all to go on the hunt man if there’s something you want then you have it if you want to look out for those that is that’s a beautiful freaking cover man yeah but there’s gonna be it it’s gonna be it’s gonna be interesting I have a I have some faith pop sequentialism said if I recall my 9.6 sulfur 78 damn wow wow crazy uh Smokey said I just watched the last episode of super yo I’m telling you a [ __ ] dope ass show this is why I I’ve been trying to catch up with my anime I’ve been trying I’ve been watching everything I’ve been [ __ ] keeping track of the Mayan show I’ve been keeping track of freaking um uh the new Walking Dead um I’ve been freaking keeping keeping up with with the Warrior from yo that’s another dope ass I love that damn show and it’s getting so damn good uh this last episode I just watched man oh that [ __ ] that’s just been amazing um but yeah man I do so many damn shows holy [ __ ] but Superman and Lois I smokey you gotta tell the people here man you gotta let them know that that’s Superman and Lois show is is the truth I I was not expecting that show to be the way it is I like it I I shouldn’t even say I like it I love it I thought it was it was you know what I mean like that’s that’s what it is um Center said plus your novelizer and your girls nah bro watching none of that [ __ ] I can’t stand that [ __ ] my mother-in-law be watching that stuff I cannot stand it man I cannot stand it uh the Warrior’s a great show I’m gonna wait till it gets several episodes in before I watch yes yo that this season man they got this new villain oh this guy man I I was like I feel so damn bad for the people I I watched his last episode on the latest episode for the warrior and that [ __ ] man that that last episode was crazy and um and then what oh man I also ended up watching uh damn it hold on I freaking also ended up watching and this is me trying to catch up on my freaking one piece I got like 32 episodes I think or something like that and that’s yeah 32 episodes that I have still yet to watch and I haven’t gotten to it uh uh because I also finished watching which was a great [ __ ] show man shout out shout out to Sly Stallone with what is that the uh king of Tulsa [ __ ] dope dope ass show if you ever get a chance to watch that um and then uh I just recently I have to share this one because this movie is beating out [ __ ] Indiana Jones and this movie is definitely it was definitely worth the watch it’s very very [ __ ] tough to watch and it’s the movie with Jim Caviezel uh the sounds of freedom with uh with all the freaking you know with children being exploited and getting kidnapped and everything like that man let me tell you I I thought that when I watched like The Passion of the Christ back in the days I thought that that was like really really and it is to this day is a tough time for me to watch but this movie Man the sounds of freedom man do yourselves a favor you know I always say this and it’s not just for me from you know from from my field of work that I used to be in but man Tate yo keep your kids like tied to your [ __ ] hip keep your kids tied to your hip man I it was such a freaking man like I don’t even have the words and what’s crazy is that movie isn’t even getting highlighted the way that they’re highlighting [ __ ] Indiana Jones and in this sort of very telling like they don’t want people to know about it’s like Hollywood doesn’t want people to know about that freaking film The Sound of freedom and just watching that [ __ ] they literally they they give you an inside look as to everything when it comes to freaking child trafficking and all that [ __ ] like I it was so damn tough man I I was there like I was watching this movie my wife yeah both of us were just like this is tough this is really tough and I I was like man I would never I pray for everybody out there in the kids and let me tell you please keep your kids attached to your hips because it’s like and and [ __ ] have zero trust I know people say hey I wanna I wanna regain trust in humanity but man dad that freaking movie is like holy [ __ ] like even in the entertainment industry it makes you it makes you get worried big time and even with all the stories that have come out behind the entertainment you know area like where the people from Nickelodeon Disney and all that stuff and the things they’ve encountered yo such a [ __ ] a wild ass movie and uh and I praise them for coming out with that movie and raising Awareness on something that nobody ever hardly talks about and yeah that that’s it was freaking super I will tell you it was a super tough movie to watch because of the things that they were you know the topics that they’re freaking trying to hit on with the movie and everything but if you know honestly if you guys have a chance just watch it it it does man it’s it’s a freaking it’s a game changer of a damn movie and it actually for me it’s actually even leading me down a path of something that I that I think about doing um Christopher Jackson said just League of America eight Michael Turner Mr terrific yes that’s another one too man that is another great one but yeah just trying um for myself personally just trying to do something to help children and freaking you know and get hopefully help to find a lot of this so many missing children it’s freaking it’s insane like I it it freaking eats away at me when I’m like when I was watching that movie and just seeing all the stuff that that you saw it was freaking crazy but where is the uh Mr he’s with Batman yes this is adult man freaking Michael Turner you can’t go wrong with this you cannot go wrong with this but yeah that is yeah I’ve honestly been uh contemplating a couple things with my with my um career path now even after having to be a retired from being a cop and everything like that um you know from being hurt still I was like yeah I I would uh I’m thinking about getting myself into freaking actually helping a lot of that and freaking trying to get rid of these [ __ ] scumbags out there because it is it is insane that even in this day and age like children got to go through [ __ ] like that and that’s why I said that movie was just like just gut-wrenching heart-wrenching everything you could possibly think as a parent like you wouldn’t ever want to happen to your kids man um Smoky collect says Lois and Clark is not bad drama like the kid getting Powers Doom days with uh doomsday was a little man but looked okay and Lex was such a weird version he looks like a blue-collar Bruiser and they sort of they sort of gave him that hey you know you know what they sort of made it seem like is the uh is like a version uh almost like they were trying to make them like King finish if you if you catch my drift Smokey but for me I liked it I like where the story’s going and it’s not bad for something that I’m like oh [ __ ] this is CW [ __ ] has been better than some of the other stuff I’ve been watching even the movies which is crazy but that again very [ __ ] telling uh Peter poker said uh would you ever pick up those Marvel collected Classics where they reprint The Original Stories like the first Spidey Hulk FF oh hell yeah all day oh day I have them I’ll pick those up if you ever find those please man do not do yourself a disservice by not freaking picking those up but I would tell you right now yeah I would definitely 100 [ __ ] percent I would pick those up those are freaking uh you know those are some of the the freaking best comic books because if you can’t get your hands on a freaking you know af15 Amazing Fantasy 15 FF number one you know that that’s hard to come by so those Marvel collector Classics I mean that does it helps fill in that void for for not being able to collect those things so I would definitely be on those but yeah man again yo guys really really appreciate everybody Tom thank you for joining me here tonight once again um and for anybody guys if you have not subscribed to the Channel please sub up to the channel other than that man make sure to leave a like guys watching this on a rewind thank you for watching thank you for staying tuned into the channel until next time guys stay tuned for that also don’t forget folks any of the members of the channel guys can still go watch Savage comic hunting episode two it is available right now on the channel and for everyone the rest of the Savage Army you already know I got I love y’all too so y’all gonna get this it’ll be available for you guys tomorrow so stay tuned for that tomorrow I think it is 7 or 8 PM eastern time it’ll be up there for y’all and y’all can watch that video hope you all enjoyed today’s session I appreciate everybody’s talk about Ai and all that um I thought it was a great freaking topic to head on I know it’s it’s one of those controversial topics that everybody uh hates to talk but hey we had to talk and I had a great time doing it so until next time folks be easy take care of yourselves and remember man keep this intact keep it healthy you know the motto on the channel be Savage not average peace out folks until next time later [Music] okay [Music]

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