Gun Appreciation Day set; Opponents decry ‘veiled assassination threat’!/BayouPerspectiv/status/288285157931237377

We at Twitchy have been using the term “gun grabbers” quite a bit lately, and to be fair, it’s not quite accurate. First, no one’s actually “grabbing” guns yet. (Hmm … wonder why?) Second, grabbing isn’t quite so much what’s going on as a steady chipping away of not just Second Amendment rights but reality. Piers Morgan invited Alex Jones into the spotlight last night to demonstrate to America “what a normal gun advocate is like.” In the meantime, normal gun advocates are quietly going about their business while being “outed” for following the law — something which makes them “assholes,” according to Gawker.

As the media go about using their First Amendment protections to chisel away the Second Amendment, a man named Larry Ward has launched Gun Appreciation Day. On Jan. 19, he urges Americans to “line up ‘around the block’ at gun stores, gun counters, gun shows, and gun ranges to protest the Obama administration’s post Sandy Hook assault on gun rights.” Those lines have already formed, but Ward appeared on MSNBC today with Martin Bashir so that the media’s bashing of gun owners could continue. Let’s hear what the “reasonable” people have to say.

@martinbashir @bashirlive Drop 50 paranoid schizophrenics with loaded Bushmasters atLarry Ward’s (Gun Appreciation Day) house.

— Luigi Proud DemoCat! (@LuigiBleu) January 8, 2013

The absolute douchiest douche on earth award: Larry Ward, Chairman of National Gun Appreciation Day: aka Klan day. (MLK Bday)

— TeapartyCrasher(@VegasJessie) January 8, 2013

@bashirlive: Thank you for taking your time to talk to this mind numbingly stupid man. Gun appreciation? Wow

— Jeff Larsen (@jrobertlarsen) January 8, 2013

Cant tell if this is @gawker or @theonion, but world of reasonable people, meet @gunappreciation Gun Appreciation Day

— Tim Gyves (@PGHomes) January 9, 2013

There’s a congressman organising “Gun Appreciation Day”. Babbling about protecting freedom. Amazing.

— Stephanie Francis (@cloudsteph) January 9, 2013

Larry Ward, #GOP operative, announces Gun Appreciation Day.Isn’t that already called Douchebag appreciation day? @realalexjones #NRA #tcot

— Def Jeff (@eqracer) January 9, 2013

Does anyone really think that the #NRA ‘Gun Appreciation Day’on #MLK Day is a coincidence&not a message to the black man in the White House?

— jamia(@auntoona) January 8, 2013

A month after Newtown, conservatives will celebrate “Gun Appreciation Day.” Then they’ll honor the Holocaust with “Oven Appreciation Day.”

— Victor Laszlo(@Impolitics) January 8, 2013

So by celebrating “Gun Appreciation Day” on MLK Day is the #NRA celebrating assassination by gun? #BashirLive

— FogBelter (@FogBelter) January 8, 2013

Martin Luther King day of service is turned into Gun Appreciation Day.Sick gun nuts.Shame these gun nuts don’t shoot each other all the time

— Wylie Jones (@Wylieknowords) January 8, 2013

@bashirlive The veiled threat 2 POTUS via assassination 2b waged by ur guest Ward who chose MLK day as gun appreciation day isnt lost on ppl

— Americassoul 47% USA (@Americassoul) January 8, 2013

The NRA wants celebrate gun appreciation the weekend Obama is sworn in to send him a message. MLK, who was shot, we celebrate two day after.

— Katy Esper (@kfesper) January 8, 2013

Hey ya’ll! It’s Gun Appreciation Day. So gun rights groups turn out en masse at gun stores, ranges, and shows. This will surely end well.

— Sandra Nygaard (@suddenlysandra) January 7, 2013

Actually, it probably will end well. So, Gun Appreciation Day is too soon after Newtown, too close to the inauguration, too close to Martin Luther King’s birthday, and there’s a black man in the White House. Which date exactly would be OK with the anti-gun crowd?

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