decorating the house for FALL!!!!!


Good morning, everybody It is about 11 00 on Monday. I just finished editing an entire main channel video in like four hours, which is crazy Cause.


It usually takes me anywhere.


I mean the fastest.


I’ve ever done in my six years.


On YouTube is two, so the fact that I did four is pretty good: Usually, it’s more like six or eight, So I’m excited about that.


I feel like I have more time freed up today and also please ignore how splotchy my self-tan is.


One of the packages that I have arriving today is a new self-tan.


Like scrubbing Exfoliating Mitt, I lost it in the move, but I think it’s coming.


I think it said it’s being delivered today, And then we have a few other things being delivered today, One of which has just arrived downstairs.


It’s our new rug, which I’m so excited to open. We ordered it off of Etsy, So I’m excited to see what it looks like.


They have great reviews.


It took a few weeks to get here, so we’re.


So excited to test it out, And then I feel like today is gon na be the day that we have to decorate for Fall.


I’ve been putting it off all of September.


I’ve been wanting to do it like since the beginning of September, and you know what it’s time.


I just finished doing a five-minute, hair and makeup routine gon na head downstairs make some breakfast and get this day started.


I mean it’s already started it’s like halfway through, but you know what I’m saying.


This is today’s, look very comfy and cozy.


This top is from American Eagle. I got this in like 2018 or something like that.


I love it, I wear it all the time, And then these pants, I just got from Aerie.


I ordered them in a size extra large, but I do kinda feel like it should have sized down to a large cause.


They are a little loosey-goosey.


I’m not gonna lie.


I did wear these pants to bed last night.


I took a shower right before bed and threw these on and I have not done anything since So I woke up and just changed into a different top, But whatever here we go today,’s look Hello Good morning.


Good morning, good morning, oh my sleepy girl, So I think about what I’m going to make today.


If I have an avocado that’s ripe enough, which I don’t think I do but maybe is avocado toast Ever making it every day.


I am a millennial, It is my job to represent, And then I’ve been having green smoothies every day I like being able to like drink vegetables, drink green, sometimes Cause sometimes I’m weird with like leafy greens, So I’m gon na make Me a nice little smoothie, I’m gon na – do that first! Actually, Okay! So for this smoothie I’m, using what I have in my fridge, which right now is frozen strawberries, then some mango okay, A banana. I’d normally do half, but since we’re both having one, I’ll do a whole banana and a bunch of spinach.


I’m gon na do like two handfuls.


I’m just gon na use everything that I have Also.


I have this nectarine that’s like it’s not too ripe to eat, but it’s just I personally, wouldn’t want na eat it.


So I think I’m just gonna throw it in here, because the other one that had like wasn’t juicy enough, So I think it will be good for, like a smoothie cause, we can just eat it.


This is gon na, be a lot more smoothly than I anticipated.


We’ve got some new knives from Costco.


Yes, by the way, we also went to Costco, We’re trying to go to like places where we feel as safe as possible.


So we did go to Costco and it was actually quite nice And we got some new knives, which we’ve needed for a very long time, and also we stocked up on a lot of things that we’ve been waiting for like a year.


Then I like to do a little bit of juice and a little bit of almond milk. The best juice for smoothies is pineapple coconut juice, But Drew’s.


My two least favorite things in the entire world are pineapple and coconut, so not gon na do that.


For this one, I used apple juice.


Sometimes I use orange juice, but it just makes it like really really really tangy, And then I use a little bit of almond milk as well Also shout out to Drew’s mom for giving us this blender like two years ago three years ago.


It is like the best thing ever And here we have, it Drew said he likes it as well.


It’s a little much on the spinach, but it’s still good Drew.


Oh, I like it.


So we have decided since it’s already 11 30, which it’s like a way later start on the day days that I edit, I do have a hard time staying on top of eating basic self-care because I just get so focused, I will literally like have to pee for two hours and just sit there like, but I just keep wan na to keep going so anyways.


We’re, just gon na have like a really small breakfast and then eat lunch in a couple of hours, But I’m gon na make some cinnamon toast.


I love cinnamon toast. I prefer the kind with raisins, but They’re bugs Somebody thinks they look like bugs and he doesn’t like to eat them.


Also, you don’t like to taste either.


I don’t like raisins at all.


I don’t like grapes either.


So I’m gon na have some cinnamon toast, with butter Drew’s having some sourdough bread that my mom brought over from like a local bakery.


He’s a sourdough boy for life.


Like that’s, like your favorite bread.


Besides, maybe like a marble.


Oh yeah, right, bread is something too.


Oh yeah, you like a Brioche more than anyone. I know probably yeah.


I’d sleep on a Brioche burn.


I would too I’d sleep on a Brioche bed.


We need to get a new toaster.


Our toaster only has two things and often we’re making toasts.


At the same time, and I’m not gon a lie, I’ve been tempted.


Just simply to like test out for my channel so that you don’t have to but also cause, I want it.


They make those expensive ass toasters called Smeg Which, according to like what I remember from dating a British guy in high school, he like it’s a long story, but he was like an exchange student at my high school.


I remember that to be like a not polite term, So I think it’s kinda, weird, that that’s the name of that brand, but it’s like a very bougie.


I think it’s like a 200 toaster, which I’m, like how good could it be at toasting your bread, I don’t know and, like part of me, is Does it make your bread too Yeah? I am so confused. Part of me wants to buy it just to test it out and be able to like give you guys a report and then also like satisfy my curiosity, but I don’t think I can bring myself to it.


That’s, just that’s too much – I mean you can get a toaster for like 20, so I don’t know Alright.


So we’re gon na eat our lunch and breakfast.


Whatever this meal is and then we’re gonna show.


You are new rug, I’m, so excited You, ‘re gonna see it for the first time with us, yay soft music.


I can’t believe this is an eight by ten rag and it’s this light, and this paint Oh cute, Do you like it Yeah? I guess so.


It’s big Yeah whoa.


We said we wanted a big rug, so soft music Fully on Cool it’s, definitely better.


It looks a lot better on camera in person.


These checkers are just a lot bigger and it’s just it’s, giving me the University of Tennessee and I’m no offense, but not that into it, But it looks better overall like it’s crazy. It looks good And the color pillows that I got kind of like go with it.


So yay go Etsy Okay, so here we have it.


We are like look at this.


We’re barely even utilizing this storage.


It’s crazy, But I did grab a few new things.


Some of this is like a holiday, slash Christmas stuff as well, So this one is Fall.


Just got this don’t need this for like another month, but it’s coming, and then we need this.


I don’t even really remember what’s in here.


Do you Balls and I think, other, like Christmas, stuff Yeah, we kept our Wreath.


I did not even know we kept this, Oh my god. It does this whole thing literally, like stick your nose in there.


It smells like a Christmas tree.


We have a Garland cute Fall candle.


We have Christmas Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, ball, Holiday, ball And ball yeah Ball, or is it Fall day and Pumpkin pie Ball day and Cedar pumpkin Yeah? This is so fun.


Well, I see pumpkin babies And another one Baby, pumpkins Yeah.


Oh my god.


Here,’s, the baby.


Thank you.


This is the best day in in life, Looks like a red-brown pumpkin Cute.


I don’t know It’s red-brown, which is good Wow. I got it right and Another pumpkin hickory hearth That’s awesome Polish, oh my gosh, I’m so excited First decoration.


Oh my gosh, it’s so cute.


We’ll have to figure out a way to put it on the door.


She’s a little smush.


It definitely would look better on the door, but, like it,’s a start Cute one down many more to go soft music, Imagine just being in here for a movie night with the lights down low and these twinkle lights on.


I mean it’s kinda hard to imagine in the daytime, But so happy.


Oh, my gosh Pretend Drew’s D and D stuff isn’t here, but we’re gon na put this one right here.


We just smelled all the Fall candles and we were like, Oh my god, these smell incredible, And then we remembered that right before we moved here, our lighter like ran out of juice, So we don’t currently have one.


So we can’t even light a candle while we’re doing this Because Drew was like Why haven’t we lit a Fall candle?


What’s wrong with us – And I was like I don’t – know And then we realized Open them and you can get like a whip of them once in a while. So leave it open.


So you can get the Yeah It’s, not gonna be the full effect, but It smelled pretty good soft music.


This is a book that was Drew’s, dad’s and it’s about ancient Egypt right, Drew Yeah.


It survived a fire at their family house, And so it’s very special, So we’re gonna be obviously like incredibly careful with it, but it kind of like I don’t know I feel like it goes with everything I got.




Take that Lem me do that, for you real quick Put some Fall pumpkins, I’m, so excited So I got this pillow from Target.


It’s still currently available.


So I’ll link it down below if you wanna check it out, But it’s a lot bigger than I thought it was gonna be, but that’s – okay.


We love big pillows around here, so we’re gon na.


Add this one, you mix it with some neutrals. Oh my goodness.


I also got a new blanket from Target and the reason that I bought this was that I will use it year-round Like it goes with the color scheme.


In here.


Just fine.


We will use this for Christmas time.


Everything And this is by Threshold, and it has cute little tassels.


If you couldn’t tell everything in here pretty much the rug, the pillows everything has tassels.


I just love it.


I’m a basic tassel, ass bitch And that’ll be nice for when it gets cooler out It’s like a crocheted blanket kind of Oh, my gosh, it’s so cute.


Then we have this blanket, which I think is also from Target, maybe like a year or two ago, And it has pom poms, so not tassels. So don’t come for me.


We’re gonna fold up our white nice, clean white, blankets until maybe after Christmas, maybe during Christmas may be pretty.


We have this pillow, which was just already on our couch anyways, also from Target This one and my fancy not pillow.


I love it.


Oh, I forgot about this.


Guy Got ta find somewhere to put him.


We’re, looking to hang up these string lights and it is the exact repeat of last year’s laughs.



He said You bring out my favorite toy.


Oh, thank you soft music.


So here is a little bit of an after. We didn’t film it before, but here’s what we’ve got just a few little pumpkins on this shelf.


These are all from Target FYI.


I got these all.


I’m pretty sure I got these all last year We have decided as we’ve, made the final decision, that we need some curtains in here, So that’s what’s gonna be.


Next, We might go to Target.


We’re not sure if we’re feeling confident enough, but we’ll see We got this little setup So freaking cute.


Then we have the couches.


Oh my gosh so Fall in here We have our little coffee table set up very very cute.


Got our little side table, I might need to put a little plant on here or something Then I feel like with the green that’s already in those it looks so stinking cute.


I’m, so happy. Thank you for helping me.




Welcome, You can’t really see him, but he’s there, Our little poof set out.


It is just so cozy in here.


So I think we have made the decision.


If you’ve been keeping up with my vlogs, then you will know that we are incredibly careful when it comes to COVID, But we were feeling a little bit stir-crazy in our house.


We did not go to the grocery store for six months.


We did not go any, we haven’t gone anywhere.


We can count in six months on less than one hand how many places we’ve gone.


So we feel comfortable about leaving the house safely. We’ve started doing it.


We’ve gone to Trader Joe’s and Costco within the last couple of weeks, And we feel a little bit better about going out.


It’s a lot safer than we thought And we’re only doing it when we feel like we absolutely like really want something, And so we’re gonna head to Target for the first time since March.


It’s a Monday.


It’s the middle of the day.


It’s like 1 00 pm, so there’s gonna, be no one there That’s what we’re gonna do.


I’m gon na have a Kiwi before we go.


You guys these Kiwis are the best Kiwis of life.


They’re golden Kiwis.


I don’t even know how we started these Drew Costco Like we just found them at Costco. I was like I like Kiwis, but they’re so much better than a regular Kiwi.


So all you do, is take your knife? You just cut it in half.


It cuts like butter, It’s.


So so soft And you take your little spoon and you scoop yourself – a bite – it’s.


This easy Like that,’s, how easy it cuts with just a spoon.


It is truly the best I’m sure most of you have tried Kiwis and you’re not like me and didn’t try these until you were like 30, But it’s so good.


But now all you have left it as the peel.


You can eat the peel like people say it’s good for you, but I just don’t like it.


So I don’t So let’s go first time to Target since March.


I can’t believe this day is. Finally, here, If you know, Drew and me then you’ll know how much we love Target, We used to call it church.


We would go every single Sunday together And now I think it’s time.


Well, we’re back in my car Last time.


I was in here I think we were moving.


I’m pretty sure the last time, besides driving to my mom’s house.


The last time I was in this car was when we were moving That’s crazy Off we go, oh, my goodness.


Can’t believe this is happening, soft music? In a turn of events, we are going to get our flu shots, which is funny Cause.


We were just talking about doing that today and now we’re doing it with soft music.


All right we made it home in one piece thought I would show you a little Target haul It wasn’t too bad there.


There were more people than we thought. My nose itches badly, but I’m not gonna touch it.


My face Drew I just washed my hands.


Thank you so much laughs.


That was incredible.


So we didn’t get everything we were looking for, but we got some random things that we weren’t looking for because it’s Target.


So the first thing is, we did find some curtains, but they only had two and we need six.


So we’re just gon a place the rest of these online, But they’re like sheer linen kind of curtains, So those will be cute.


We got some well to go with them.


We got some curtain rods.


These are kind of like bronzy brass, So I think those look nice together kind of a more natural look And then we got a gold one to go in our room because we already have some curtains that we want to put in our room. But the curtain rods that we have that were from our room in LA are way too small for this window, so we had to get a big one.


We got some Medicaid sanitizing wipes.


These have 75 alcohol.


This was all they had at Target.


It blows my mind that six months into the pandemic, we still don’t have Lysol wipes at the store Like that’s, just crazy.


Maybe we went on a bad day.


I’m not sure, but we got some Pepto Bismol the Target brand because we are old people who often get upset stomach and diarrhea, So we also have, as we mentioned earlier now in our possession, some lighters.


We got a regular one and an extra long one.


So these will be good for our candles.


Thank god. We’ve got some mask inserts so we like some filters for masks.


It’s pretty wild like not going to Target for six months and then going and seeing all of the COVID stuff.


So these go inside masks and we already have masks that have like a little filter insert.


So we’re gon na try these out So little extra filtration.


We got some Tams because you know again like I said these are strawberry lime flavored.


I think They kinda look like Mentos.


I guarantee they don’t taste like Mentos.


Then we got some pens very, very boring, but we don’t have any good pens, So whoops another Pepto Bismol, because we go through these like candy, We got some command strips.


We wanna use these to hang our wreath on the front door, but we use them for, everything, So haven’t had these in a while.


We pick those up it’s like the multi-pack. It has large medium and small.


These I’m very excited about again an impulse purchase.


These are maple truffle butter and cookies.


Yes, please, it looks like a cookie with Carmel, or maybe that’s maple syrup, I’m, not sure, And then dipped in chocolate Yeah.


These look freakin amazing.


Then we got what else.


What is this? Oh, I think it’s, my gourd.


We passed the Dollar Spot and they had this gourd Drew laughs.


It’s like foam.


It was 2. I got a knockoff brand car vent, clip It’s an air freshener and it smells pretty good It’s morning, mist scented.


I love having these in my car, When you have a dog, your car gets pretty stinky.


I got this headband by A New Day.


I love wearing these headbands that have the little knot, but pretty much all of mine.


I’m, not touching my face.


That was just my hair.


Pretty much all of mine have a pattern of some kind, So thought I’d get a black one, very cute.


If you think I’m done, I am certainly not So we got two more curtains.


These are different types of curtains.


These are for our little like we call the bonus room. I don’t actually know what it’s like on the landing at the top of our stairs, But we don’t have curtains on like most of our windows, And sometimes I think it makes it look nice, So it kinda has this.


Like I don’t know what this detail is woven burlap, something like that, So that’s cute, we got some new bowls.


We’ve been well.


I’ve been eyeing it.


Some bowls like this and then Drew saw these and he was like.


Yes, So we both liked these a lot.


These are by Project 62 and they are dinner bowls, So they’re good, just for like kinds of pasta or even like as a plate, full mixture We don’t have a very good bowl selection.


So this is gon na be great And that’s my Target haul Woops we got our jobs, Drew.


My new name is Derek.


She said, Derek. Whenever you’re ready, you can come back.


He was Oh okay.


It was funny our like cashier at the pharmacy was really like a character.


She was keeping us entertained, So anyways Derek – and I am gonna – make some lunch.


It’s now actually like three o’clock.


It’s, maybe not lunch, maybe just like Drew.


We need to start about almost an hour, Yeah 50 to 60 minutes yeah.


We’re gonna start.


Making some dinner now Cause it’s about that time, and we have to cook our food for like 60 minutes in the oven or something We got.


This is like the pasta thing at Costco that you bake And it’s delicious. It is we’ve had it at our friend’s house before So that’s our Target haul, so exciting It’s been a day.


It’s been eventful.


We have Drew fighting with the refrigerator.


This frequently gets stuck.


We decorated our house for Fall.


I edited a video.


We got our new rug.


We went to Target for the first time since March, But I’m feeling a little bit of anxiety right now.


I am 100 when I turn off this camera.


I’m going to sanitize all of this change, get into some pajamas, and wash, basically from head to toe. So hopefully you enjoyed this vlog and if you didn’t I don’t care.


I’m just kidding Drew Fuck, your laugh.


I love you guys, you know it So thank you so much for watching and we will see you next time.


Bye, say: bye, Bye, Bye, Derek Bye, Derek upbeat, music.

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