Decorating my home with $50 worth of Christmas decorations/5만원으로 크리스마스 집 꾸미기/자연이 준 재료들로 크리스마스 소품 만들기


Hello, I’m going to get ready for Christmas, too. There’s a pine tree in front of my house, and a lot of pine cones and branches fell off. I’m going to do Christmas decorations with natural materials. I washed the branches and pine cones and dried them. Materials to decorate our house I’m going to make a Christmas tree first. Big trees are hard to keep, so I chose a small size tree this year.


Decorate a ribbon with gift wrap. It’s time to turn on the light:) With just one tree, the house is full of Christmas atmosphere. Next, Christmas decorations with natural materials. First, I’m going to decorate the Christmas candle container. Put pine needles and salt into a jar to look like a forest covered with snow. I bought the pop pure bag because it smells good, but it’s useful. Ta-da! The Christmas candle is done! Shall we light the candles? Wow~ It’s so pretty. Next, let’s make a garland Gather the pine needles in a garlandy way. Tie it with a string or wire.


I’ll glue the pine needles together. I’m searching for materials from a potpourri bag again 🙂 I think I did a great job buying a potpourri bag 🙂 Ta-da! I made my garland, the only one in the world. I’m gonna tie a string for hanging on the wall. I’m going to make Christmas ornaments by using branches. The pine cones basket can be a good decoration for the winter. Next, decorate the table You can create a variety of Christmas moods with just a potpourri bag. You can also put the leftover gift wrap into a jar. Wine is the must for the end-of-the-year season 😁 I’ll add ornaments to the garland one by one. a single branch can deliver a different mood. Every year, decorating a home with a year-end atmosphere is a good idea. It’s like a gift for me who’s been working so hard and living well for the year.



I just want to say thank you to myself for being healthy this year. The bedroom is a year-end atmosphere with the LED string lights that I bought before. Even if you don’t spend a lot of money, you can get a good year-end vibe with just one light. Just leaving the pine cone basket can bring a warm winter atmosphere. Next, I’ll decorate the kitchen. I’ll make room for your props. The joy these little props give us is… It’s worth the trade with laziness. If you could take a little time to decorate and organize, The quality of life goes up. It’s a ribbon wrapped for popuri bag, and I think it’d be pretty if I tie it on. I’ll put the rest of the air freshener in the glass jars.


If you put it like this, it’ll give you a Christmas vibe. If you leave the lid open, you can use it as an air freshener. So I’m ready for Christmas. I hope you have a warm and happy Christmas, too:).

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