Debate questions that won’t be asked … but should!/BenHowe/status/253485338532671488

Tonight’s the first presidential debate between President Barack Obama and GOP nominee Mitt Romney. Here are 10 questions that moderator Jim Lehrer should ask, but won’t:

#DebateQuestionsThatWontBeAsked Please tell us what the average gallon of gas cost when you took office & what it is currently?

— LittleMissRightie (@LilMissRightie) October 3, 2012

#DebateQuestionsThatWontBeAsked "If spendind $4 trillion over 8 years is "unpatriotic", what is spending $6 trillion over 4 years?

— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) October 3, 2012

#DebateQuestionsThatWontBeAsked Why exert executive privilege over Fast & Furious documents if you and Holder didn't know anything?

— Tabitha Beaman (@tabithabeaman) October 3, 2012

#DebateQuestionsThatWontBeAsked Mr.Pres, your VP says the middle class has been "buried the past 4 years," will you elaborate?

— @GuiltyConscience (@UnConscience1) October 3, 2012

#DebateQuestionsThatWontBeAsked Why has your administration ignored the looming entitlement crisis?

— Hiram J Goldstein II (@HiramJGoldstein) October 3, 2012

#DebateQuestionsThatWontBeAsked Mr. President, do you still believe the private sector is "doing fine"?

— AlexaShrugged (@AlexaShrugged) October 3, 2012

#DebateQuestionsThatWontBeAsked Why did you say #Benghazi was caused by a video? #BenghaziGate

— Paul Revered (@paulrevered1776) October 3, 2012

President Obama, is it true that you were registered as a foreign student in college? How can that be? #DebateQuestionsThatWontBeAsked

— The Low Rollers (@TheLowRollers1) October 3, 2012

#DebateQuestionsThatWontBeAsked: Mr. President do you still contend $142B in fed funds for Katrina recovery represents racist underfunding?

— Tom T. (@VRWCTexan) October 3, 2012

#DebateQuestionsThatWontBeAsked "Do you believe the State Department did their job as it relates to the Libyan embassy attack?"

— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) October 3, 2012

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