David Wilkerson – God Knows, God Cares, God is with you | Must Watch

#DavidWilkerson – #GodKnows | Must Watch #suffering #prayer #faith #trust
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GOD KNOWS by David Wilkerson

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This message is for anyone who is suffering pain, affliction or tribulation. It is for the unemployed and those facing financial trials. It is for people who live each day with an anxious foreboding about their future. I want to say to each of you right now: GOD KNOWS ABOUT IT ALL.

The Psalmist testifies, “O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off ” (Psalm 139:1-2). He is telling us, “My God sees whenever I sit down and rise up. He hears and considers every thought I think. He knows everything about me.” When we are in tribulation, God knows what we are going through.

Whenever I am in pain and need a word of encouragement, I want to talk to somebody who knows. I don’t want someone who’ll merely quote scriptures to me. I need to talk to someone who has also been in the fire — someone who has felt depths of suffering, who has been there himself.

Usually only those who have suffered deep pain themselves have genuine compassion for others who are hurting. I saw this over the years as my wife and I vacationed in Florida. At restaurants we overheard elderly people talking about their doctors and the operations they’d undergone. Someone who had the same pain would chime in with sympathy. In the very tone and timbre of their voice, I could feel the agony of the long nights they’d endured. A deep connection was established, a bond of understanding and compassion.

Many Christians today are so despondent over their pain they no longer believe God cares about their situation. They wonder, “Does God hear my prayers? Why does he allow this trial to go on?” Other Christians slowly grow more bitter in the midst of their trial. They think, “I’ve been faithful to love and obey God all these years. I’ve done right according to his Word.

Now I’ve lost my job and we’re on the brink of losing our home. Medical bills are piling up, and our finances are spiraling out of control. We’re facing permanent ruin. Why would God allow all this to happen? Why won’t he hear my cry when I need him most?”

God knows about our suffering — and he cares.

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GOD KNOWS by David Wilkerson

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About David Wilkerson

David Wilkerson was the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church in New York City. He was called to New York in 1958 to minister to gang members and drug addicts, as told in the best-selling book, The Cross and the Switchblade.

In 1987, David Wilkerson returned to “the crossroads of the world” to establish Times Square Church. As a pastor of the church, he faithfully led this congregation, delivering powerful biblical messages that encourage righteous living and complete reliance on God.

David Wilkerson had a strong burden to encourage and strengthen pastors throughout the world. From 1999 to 2008, he traveled around the globe holding conferences for Christian ministers.

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