COMIC CON Exclusives NOT So Exclusive?

[Music] thank you [Music] what’s going on Savage Army we are back in the building your favorite freaking bad guy throw Montana back at it again and guys we’re gonna be talking about none other than Comic-Con exclusives I know a lot of people probably like oh damn Here We Go Again controversy this is that no no pump up brakes because shout out to a Savage Army member because the Savage Army member was the one that came to me and was like bro check this out I don’t know if you knew about this I personally had no idea so shout out to that Savage member out there my man Wayne Stark big shout outs to you and of course in honor of him we’re going to be doing a show exclusively about Comic Con exclusives how they’re not so damn exclusive you guys know plenty of times that we’ve had this conversation over and over again here on this channel but this [ __ ] is more proof more receipts like I always like to say and of course if you’re not subbed up to the Channel please make sure to subscribe to the channel leave a like the light goes a long way for the algorithms don’t forget to also hit that notification button so y’all don’t miss out on absolutely anything and please like share do all that great stuff let everybody know what we’re doing here on the channel again big salute to all the Savage Army and into the members wow thank you so much guys for that added support again if you would love to be a member of the channel you would like to join just click that join button right below this box I’m always trapped in and yo it feels freaking great it feels phenomenal to be back I have been M.I.A for quite some time and again we’re back we’re here we’re good we’re doing everything we possibly can to freaking be in a good mood man there’s a lot going on in life there’s a lot of things that that have been happening uh these past couple of weeks for me and just to give everybody an update man listen I’m always in the best of moods but again a lot of people always want to question certain things a lot of people always want to ask questions if reference to things that I have posted things that I have talked about people get upset about a lot of different things but I will tell you what the outcome was out of some of these things and one of the things was of course I had a great conversation with a Savage Army mumbling not everybody again I say this time and time again not everybody is going to agree on anything not everybody is going to say hey I love this I love what you say hey trust me I I notice I have known this my whole life not everybody is going to agree with me on everything and hey that is perfectly fine I don’t need everybody to agree with me on a lot of things that is the beauty of life that is why we do what we do y’all feel me so for anybody that is interested and has no idea what the hell I’m talking about of course I made a post in reference to something that recently happened right tornado hits North Carolina visor Factory that’s that’s what my post was about and of course I put up a post along with the post I put up a nice little saying saying hey dear friends never take revenge and leave that uh to the righteous anger God for the scripture say I will take revenge I will pay them back says the Lord God knows better than anyone uh what the Pfizer bozos have been doing to people hashtag amen hashtag God is good so I put there’s gonna be people that are going to disagree with me there’s people that are going to agree there’s people that got upset in the sense of saying like hey you know these facilities provide a lot of medication a lot of things listen folks nobody will ever understand what people post nobody will ever get what happens behind the post what’s going on personally in my own personal life so I’ve had things that have been personally affecting me in my personal life in reference to my parents shout out to my mom and dad I love them with all my heart just like everybody loves their parents their family their siblings whoever shout out to them but right now they’re going through some health issues that I personally can’t control and a lot of these health issues have pretty much come up in reference to this [ __ ] so when I made this post a lot of people don’t know that I don’t share my life like that with a lot of folks but I’m gonna share my a little bit about my life today I appreciate all of y’all I thank all of y’all for everything y’all y’all possibly can’t even imagine I appreciate y’all hanging out with me I appreciate y’all being a part of my life and I sincerely mean this so again I had a great great freaking conversation and we we we’re not gonna agree we’re from different walks of life I get it but again there was something yes I’m not gonna mention this because YouTube loves to freaking slam absolutely everything you say in reference to anything it is but if you know what I’m talking about yeah when you get that joint that’s what I’m gonna call it I’m gonna call it that joint my parents got it they got the whole thing they got everything and now they’re starting to have issues with their hearts which doesn’t even run in my family this we’ve had a long medical history with without ever having any heart disease anything like that and now all of a sudden this is affecting them not only on my side of the family but also on the side of my wife’s family in reference to my father-in-law y’all guys remember not too long ago I let y’all know about my father-in-law and I said the other the man went to the hospital and he was found with blood clots there was a lot going on he’s another one that got the joint so to everybody to be fair with everybody out there that’s the reason why the [ __ ] I posted what I posted because I gotta personally learn within my own life that revenge is not for me to seek I can’t do nothing am I upset about the things that are happening on my parents to my folks and my family to my in-laws of 100 [ __ ] percent y’all better believe it I’m a human being just like each and every one of y’all out there so to give explanation of course people were like I can’t believe you put this up I can’t believe you did this all right here’s my biggest joint man I tell everybody I’m gonna put up whatever the [ __ ] I want that’s that’s how I’m just gonna keep it 100 with everybody I’m gonna put up whatever [ __ ] I want it’s going it’s going to upset some people cool that [ __ ] that I see a lot of people put up out there that I don’t ever say yo freaking yeah yo that that’s enough I hate what you’re putting up you’re doing this [ __ ] that [ __ ] no you have every right to do so so the biggest thing out of all of it that’s what I want to just give a nice little explanation as to why I posted why the [ __ ] I posted because of that because I do I have a lot of [ __ ] going on a lot of stuff on my plate because I don’t want nothing to happen to my folks but inside internally I know it’s like the conversation I just had with my mother my mother literally told me and said you know she’s like if I die she’s like what are you gonna do she’s like all you’re gonna have to do is bury me and for anybody that ever hear that for any for any person I mean I’m I’m ready for it I I’m mentally preparing myself for that stuff because I know that life continues I got to keep going because I got two children of my own that rely on me they depend on me same thing with my wife they all depend on me so I gotta be here on this Earth for as long as I’m possibly blessed enough to be here so I always try to just let folks I’m gonna be [ __ ] real I’m gonna be honest and if people think I’m an [ __ ] then so be it then think I’m a [ __ ] [ __ ] all y’all want I don’t give a [ __ ] that’s the thing that I just want everybody to know out there the same reason why I respect all you guys out there for whatever it is that you believe in for whatever it is that you want to save whatever it is that you want to do listen folks I respect y’all wholeheartedly even if it’s against my personal beliefs you are never in life gonna be able to please and I’m glad I learned this in life you are never gonna please everybody and I’m all right with that you can’t please everybody the number one freaking person you gotta please is yourself that’s really what it comes down to but again this is why I want to put it out there I I don’t want to [ __ ] be typing [ __ ] I’m more of the person that that’ll come out and I’ll I’ll just go ahead and address things out there real quick because I know some folks are starting to tell me like yo um you know like I know huggably soft said well some people think they know everything what they need to stick to Comics people don’t understand just like I will never get what other people are posting and what’s their reason behind the post that’s that’s one of the things that I had to put out there there’s some people that are going to be like hey I agree other people are like oh nah man this is this is wrong you know a lot of different things I know we’ve riches shout out to weave riches he’s always a freaking Savage Army member um you know he said this is all for the Community Hospitals that rely on anesthesia and certain medicines they provide for that town um and and City so cool I respect that 100 understand but you also got to understand from my mental state like you know like what the [ __ ] I’m going through right now and what what’s going through my mind and I have to understand to let go of things because what happens when you seek revenge freaking your life will be gone other people’s lives will be gone there’s a lot that revolves around it I have a true understanding that as everybody knows that I’ve told everybody out there I was a cop I was a cop for freaking 11 years I have no shame in saying that [ __ ] at all to anybody but the biggest thing out of all of it again is that’s the reason why the hell I made this post I’ve been M.I.A for a little minute I went on vacation I had to take a little vacation um here in a couple days I got to go back out I got to go back out for a week I’m probably gonna be going again um but again like I try to just tell folks man listen I’m good because a lot of people been asking me too bro I’ve been seeing you posting a lot of these positive things man listen it’s not just for myself I do it for a lot of people out there because I know all of y’all out there people watching right now people that watch this on the rewind everybody out there is going through some sort of [ __ ] in life I just don’t let anything in my life anymore [ __ ] try to pull me down whether the things that are happening on my parents right now are happening I don’t let that bother me too much because I know where my parents are gonna be I know that in the end I gotta remain positive if I gotta remain positive for them I got to remain positive for my siblings you know I’m always the one that they always look at and they say bro like even you know my grandparents my grandparents passed away I was very much pretty much just like like like stone cold man I didn’t cry nothing out that that was just my demeanor I personally felt like for myself I had to remain strong because I’m looking at all my cousins my siblings everybody’s crying and for me personally my mentality is I gotta remain strong throughout this whole situation and this is what I got to do right now currently I gotta remain strong because I do I have a younger sister she’s the youngest out of all of us out of my siblings and of course you know she’s balling her eyes out she’s you know she’s thinking my mom’s on her deathbed something’s happening and my parents hate to talk to me about these things because they don’t want to worry me but it’s like I told them I have to be there I have to do what I have to do to take care of them make sure that they’re doing good but that’s one of the main freaking reasons why the hell I made that post man and yes if it Ruffles feathers hey I’m not gonna be I’m not gonna apologize to you I’m not I’m just going to tell it it is what the [ __ ] it is I put the post I made the damn post and yeah it rubs some people the wrong way then there’s people like oh [ __ ] yeah again it’s because there’s a lot of people that don’t know what the [ __ ] is going on with me my personal life nobody knows exactly absolutely anything um again I had a great conversation with one of the members that are here my man frog brawler shout out to frog brawler me and him yeah we talked about it we talked it out we said hey we we’re not gonna see eye to eye you know his belief was like Hey you know I I did this just doesn’t sit well with me and I said hey I’m gonna stand true and I’m Gonna Stand Tall on the ground straight to my convictions without ever hesitating or ever freaking changing who the [ __ ] I am if I change who I am and I start lying to all you guys out there I I might as well just call it a rap on YouTube I’m not I’m not going to be here on YouTube anymore and if people again like I said if people want to think that I’m an [ __ ] then so be it let everybody think I’m an [ __ ] you want to think I’m a troll and let you know go ahead and think that I’m a troll but the biggest thing out of all of it is that’s the reason why the [ __ ] I put what I put up I really don’t share a lot of my personal life because I love to stay on the freaking side where I’m I’m uplifted I keep myself uplifted I keep on freaking doing what I gotta [ __ ] do to take care of my own just the same way I pray all you guys out there do what you need to do to take care of yourselves and your own and that’s how I look at it listen I got nothing but love for everybody out there for all of y’all regardless of what walk or path and for the people that have stuck strong with me that have stayed even with the stuff that I say that you might not like even if you’re like yo [ __ ] you because you’re talking bad about marble [ __ ] you because you talk bad about DC then so be cool but at least we can have a respectful freaking viewpoint upon each other and just say hey you know what respect to you man thank you for being real I’m not about that lying [ __ ] I’m gonna say it and I say it freaking proudly folks I am not about lying I’m not about doing any of that stuff because feeling you folks who are lies is what I see [ __ ] everywhere and I’m personally not gonna do that to you I’d rather keep it real I’d rather let my channel grow slowly if it has to and I’d rather have people believe me for being [ __ ] honest than to feed y’all a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] and that is one thing you will never [ __ ] see me do and one thing I will never do is break this Persona this person that I am this is not a character I’m not acting I’m not doing none of that [ __ ] this is literally me this is who you get if I ever get the opportunity to meet a lot of y’all out there the cons please man we can have a conversation this is exactly what you’re gonna receive you want me to tell you the honest truth about things I’m gonna give y’all the honest truth but I’m not gonna [ __ ] beat around the bush about [ __ ] and I’m not gonna [ __ ] be that stand in line to y’all because I want to be pleasing you and what your viewpoints your agendas whatever the [ __ ] it is that you have I’m not gonna do that I am gonna stay true to my [ __ ] self all day every day freaking every hour every minute every second of my life that I’m here on this Earth so that is why I made this post just to give y’all a little bit of a feedback there might be sometimes that yes you might see me you might not see me but again that is the biggest thing out of all of it as to why I want to see because some folks wanted to talk about the people that were in Chicago and they were like oh you’re trying to say that that’s God getting revenge on the people in Chicago and this I was like that has nothing to do with this I didn’t if I made that post man shame on me because those were people there that freaking innocently died in an Amazon freaking Factory what Vendetta do I have against anybody from [ __ ] Amazon except for like yo you guys didn’t give give my next day delivery or some [ __ ] like even then but when it comes to this yeah that’s why the [ __ ] that [ __ ] hit is hitting me right now is because yes my parents are being affected by it my in-laws are being affected by this nonsense and again that is why I speak up on it and I’m never gonna be scared I’m never gonna back down from speaking up on a lot of this [ __ ] out there I’m just gonna keep it real with all y’all I continue to freaking roll with y’all I address everybody even if I don’t like your opinion y’all see me do it all the time I put it up there for you guys I let it shine I let everybody see because everybody has a voice and everybody here on this channel you get the opportunity to voice your opinion even if I’m against it or I don’t like it but I respect y’all enough to freaking go ahead and give you that shine so again I appreciate all of y’all I appreciate all the time that you guys have spent with me I appreciate absolutely everything that y’all have done for me I’m telling you y’all have done a lot for me y’all teaching me lessons you guys are freaking teaching me how to [ __ ] just continue being myself even if it means me not appeasing all you folks out there I appreciate y’all for that and again thank y’all for taking the time to freaking listen to me and just freaking rant off on this freaking crap that a lot of people seen some people were like oh yes I I don’t give a [ __ ] [ __ ] this other people were like oh my God I can’t okay cool again I appreciate all of y’all so let me get back into business here and let me go ahead and just say what’s up to everybody in the building man we got JLS Comics here we got RH Midwest Comics what is going on my man remember the channel keep playing some cover tunes in the building what is going on that’s right let’s go we got William Medina in the building we got Kenneth bird we got my man Tony NY junior said with controversy now there’s a lot of controversy I’ve been seeing all around YouTube I’ve been seeing on Instagram Ram there’s a lot of stuff there’s some stuff I’m gonna address here towards the end which has to do with Bryce Comics so stay tuned for that I’m not going to be making any drama out of that I’ve had a lot of people hitting me up on IG and saying bro can you please address this whole situation I I got y’all I’m gonna address it we got your boy the alien in the building 10073 what’s going on man my boy from Queens right there we got Willie Medina said the lotto mail order exclusive which was not an exclusive since it was used 19 years ago in Italy so yeah so yeah y’all know where we’re headed but we’re going to be talking about something else too besides just that we got more Mandy all Chemists in the building what’s up my brother good to see you big droops was popping man we got will not obey Darth Melvin yo listen I appreciate all of y’all 100 sincerely man listen we we all go through things in life but for me personally I’ve come to a point in my life like I said you know thank you I appreciate those prayers prayers go a long way but you know if things get for the worst for my family or whatever like that man listen I’m still gonna stay I’m gonna keep on pushing it’s like I tell you I’m a train I’m on the train tracks the only way my train stops is the moment that the freaking train tracks are no longer on the ground so I gotta keep myself on this ground I gotta keep pushing no matter what I gotta I got a lot of people that depend on me I got a lot of people that love me I got a lot going on so I definitely definitely truly appreciate Darth Melvin big droops say yo keep it 100 100 man all day long there’s really nothing that I can’t freaking do or say that is going to freaking fall upon everybody that’s that everybody’s gonna accept and it is what it is man and that’s how I feel with y’all please express yourselves let people know who you really are man don’t fake the funk don’t [ __ ] try to appease everybody or try to say oh yeah I agree with you I agree with you because you want to be a part of something nah man do your own [ __ ] thing at that point man I’m I’m a solo Warrior to be honest with y’all I I’ve been on the streets I’ve been doing whatever I had to do and I just had to do things on my own I I’ve rarely rarely have freaking companionship friendship things like that because I just I did that that was just my demeanor but again you guys out there like I said you guys have been all teaching me a lesson of like yo to have some sort of faith in humanity and and I am I’m I’m trying to still to this day um Keith said can’t please everyone so you got to please yourself we speak from our experience and own our Desi our decisions yeah 100 man uh The Alchemist says what you want and express yourself bro and think how you want to do don’t let anyone change your thoughts nah never man weed Richards I appreciate it my brother thank you so much um we got Reef to see forever here man we got jg007 in the building what is going on Omar of Roscoe in the building was popping man good to see you RV collects in the building what is going on uh Hartman was popping man he says stay here thorough all day man a big shout out to Hartman man I’m always having good conversations about Ai and all that stuff looks good looks good my wife over here is I don’t know whether she’s even getting she’s been getting closed randomly out of nowhere um she comes all the way to the dungeon to come and visit me to show me she’s like she’s over here like oh this is my summer clothing um uh Keith said yeah there’s still a place in this world for conviction all all day man some beat you in the building man what’s popping brother I appreciate it said I’m rolling with my boy throw a train keep rolling I appreciate that so much Carlos Ortiz in the building said people just need to be respectful to people’s beliefs and a big ear hurt to my brother man write her comic I appreciate you for that 4.99 Savage chat thank you so much my brother Luis Mendoza in the building what’s going on JLS saying shout out to Mama and Papa Montana y’all appreciate it man thank you uh Jake’s Kingdom what is going on what is going on uh let’s see what else we got we gotta take a fat in the building yo that’s what’s up I Gotta Give a big shout out to all of y’all out there again really really really appreciated much love to all of y’all out there again thank you for the love and support so all the people that have become members of the channel don’t worry guys I am trust me I’m you know I’m I’m doing my trying to put all together my videos I do have another hunt video for y’all y’all probably gonna get mad with me on this next one because you’re gonna be like damn bro first you started with the damn s the Superman S logo on that Superman Adventures number one what the hell do you have next y’all probably gonna start freaking feeling like bro I hate you I and I’m gonna go look for these damn things but I hate you right now because I’m I’m trying to find these things and for some reason I just can’t find it yeah it’s gonna be a little bit of a tough task but I guarantee one of y’all is Gonna Get Lucky out there Coco’s comics in the building what’s going on man another member of the channel appreciate the moment you roaming the building that’s what’s up bro uh they all came and said the train will keep running when all the haters fuel the engine with the code oh man stay strong you already know man uh Louis olivo in the building what’s going on shout out to Louie uh my man was at San Diego Comic-Con he was just giving me a heads up on how it was he was sending you know send a picture and everything and you saw your literally it was a Comic-Con this time I he said yo yo exclusive or more like first reveals nowadays it’s at Family First my daughter Louie secret Invasion not that great Marvel Fanboy I do I was not happy with it Louie I’m gonna tell you I was not happy with it uh so I’m surprised I thought that was going to be a cup of tea my man but other than that uh we got my man Red Hood in a big ear big shout out to my brother Red Hood man 49 you ain’t had to do that brother I appreciate you a ton man thank you so much uh let’s says uh yeah my man Carlos job let me get a drink right here real quick of water [Music] um because I actually just got back from freaking working out I’m freaking uh I’m I’m dying to thirst right now uh Carlos or t said thorough we could be friends yo listen I’m friends with everybody man all across the board it don’t matter again like I said as you know if we can all have civilized conversations and do you know what I’m saying and freaking even if you don’t see eye to eye men and respect each other for each you know for each one’s beliefs you know that that that’s that’s freaking wonderful but we can’t do that anymore not a lot of people can fall upon that it’s it’s either you you freaking fall in line with what they’re believing or what they’re saying that’s not me man that’s not me call me a rebel it is what it is uh Mr Rockfish in the building what’s going on we got Mike Bernadino but it’s popping man good to see you um let’s see let’s see Hartman said yo keep it their essential message regarding the bride’s comic cover the cover I send seems slightly more similar to the international book cover yo I appreciate that bro we’re definitely going to talk about that here in a second but let me actually take this down real quick I’m gonna take this down real quick let’s start talking about this whole freaking Comic-Con exclusives being not so damn exclusive so again big big freaking shout out yo and it’s you guys out there y’all give me things to talk about y’all freaking uh are here all the time blessings totally y’all man sincerely sincerely this is why I I do when I say I genuinely give a [ __ ] about Olio I really do because I do I want to see y’all all be at the top I want to see y’all at your very best even when things are feeling low like yo just always remember man you got to keep keep this chin up do what you got to do and just keep on trucking man that that’s what it is but real quick before we get into all that talk man you know on a sad note on the sad note one yo one of my heroes back in the days growing up for anybody that has never freaking seen or had the opportunity to see Pee-wee’s Playhouse R.I.P to my man R.I.P rest in power resting Eternal peace man all I gotta say is thank you it’s thank you you know um like we were just talking about it earlier man you know a lot of people find it morbid to talk about death a lot of people don’t like to talk about it because a lot of people yeah everybody gets scared of it because it’s the unknown but for me I just want to say thank you because this guy provided me with some entertainment back in the days that I can never forget it is something that has been ingrained in my mind forever now and I can’t thank him enough because you were a part of my childhood you did the things that I don’t think resonate compared to what peewee’s Playhouse was back in the days like I mean this dude bought you a show that we were all like glued to the TV at that time and I was one of them so I definitely just got to say thank you I I have to let him know man I wish I could have given him roses I wish I could have met them in but again just thank him he’s up there somewhere he’s watching he’s doing his thing and again man hated to see it but I you know I couldn’t believe it he was 70 years old I thought he was younger than that I thought he was younger than that but still man 70 years old that that’s that’s a great life that is a great life I can only pray to get to that point in my life um and very true Hoffman yeah he did he gave us Lawrence Fishburne he gave us Lawrence Fishman um you know and he gave us some legendary movies uh you know he he was just he he was awesome man I mean the man the man was a comic book character y’all remember a mystery uh what was it Mystery Men or whatever the hell that movie was I can’t remember but that movie was freaking funny as hell I remember watching that movie and he does so many things again I love watching everything that he did you know I enjoyed him truly a freaking just straight up Legend um Coco’s comic said love his characters they were gonna move oh yeah he did a freaking crazy job in that movie man I forgot about that movie too um and yo let me tell you again he he was a hell a hell of a freaking yo just for me personally it’s like Peewee Peewee is what resonates with me because that that’s what I grew up with I remember my parents would turn on the TV and boom voila and guess what I saw him Cherry did you see the damn you know the talking chair for anybody that’s never seen it and the crazy part that sucks man is I I actually was trying to collect some of the figures for Pee-wee’s Playhouse and now that this happens unfortunately you know what happens along with it everybody in the mother wants to go after it and everybody wants to start collecting that stuff because everybody but my whole thing is like yo why does it always take some you know for somebody’s death to happen uh when you know for that person to get recognition in a sense but yeah man again I I hated seeing this news uh today but yo listen my man was was a beast I I can’t thank him enough again it was super super awesome to you know just to have that opportunity because kids nowadays yeah I think what the closest they would get to PeeWee is that movie that came on Via Netflix and that movie was actually pretty decent for me I enjoyed it but it’s not nothing near the original the OG because I never forget that scary ass trucker lady that turn around turn into this freaky ass looking clown thing that that was like claymation and I never forget that so forever man it’s forever forever forever I’m grateful and thankful to him for a wonderful childhood um and and said uh so the spec game was that they’ll listen everybody and their mother is probably going to start looking and seeing if the you know Pee-wee Herman and Comics uh it’s gonna be it’s gonna be crazy uh yeah Darth Maul would say yeah Ramon he was classed as the spleen thank you and his and his powers were farting uh and Mystery Men He said haha the best um weed Rich has said definitely my Bronze Age anti-hero uh Luis Mendoza said don’t forget tell them uh largemus say oh yeah yo dude I’m you see look this is how you know it resonates with everybody out there um and again yo freaking super super dope to see that uh Frank Garcia was good man you and Pierre man I’m I’m here now I’m officially it’s been it’s been uh what two yeah two months two months yeah just about two months I think uh since I’ve been here so again man I can’t man that this yeah this sucks but at the same time man thank you for everything and again rest in peace man rest in peace to PeeWee Paul Rubens forget a hell of an actor so let’s get down to business man because this whole Comic-Con exclusive stuff there’s a lot of bit there’s a lot of stuff that a lot of people have been talking about a lot of people have been mentioning a lot of things so I was away um and there was there was a lot of you know talks about exclusives a lot of people were getting upset with you know with the whole exclusive hoopla for San Diego Comic-Con and it just seems to repeat itself so I know that one of the damn reasons why I brought up this uh talk is because shout out to Wayne Stark remember you know what I’m saying like Savage Army member for Life yo I appreciate shout out to him all day but he hit me up and he goes he’s like bro have you been to five below and that’s one of the reasons why you guys saw the thumbnail for today with the uh Five Below on it so you guys know a while back we have five below where you could actually get the one in 25 freaking ultimate Fallout 4 which was freaking crazy and I knew one of my boys Archangel that that man found like five of them in those Five Below packs back in the days so now you start to sort of have this conversation starts to light back up again every freaking time and as long as Comic Cons are happening something else is gonna happen something else and something else and now he hits me up and he goes he’s like bro he’s like do you remember some of these comic books so he hit me up and he goes he’s like dude here you go so here’s a couple of pictures for anybody that does not know these foils right here these were WonderCon exclusives and guess what you could find them in the damn Five Below comic book packs now so if you go to Five Below and you’ve been wanting some of these damn things now you could just go there just go to Five Below because they’re not as exclusive as people might think they were here’s what comes into question when when I start seeing things like this right it starts going back to me where I’ve always and you guys have heard me say this for years now for people who have followed me for quite some time everybody knows what I have been saying repeatedly and that is how do we truly know that these print counts are legit how do we know if now all of a sudden they come out and start saying hey this is the print count of a thousand but next thing you know they can come on say hey we’re sold out we no longer have this available and now you start finding them in freaking you know this is just hypothetic I don’t want people to start saying yo bro they never said that that was sold out no but these are the reasons why I can’t stand this exclusive [ __ ] anymore that’s the reason why I stepped away from even buying exclusives even if I look at something I’m like yo that’s really dope I want it this is one of the reasons why you saw what happened in Walmart with the Walmart packs where everybody and a mother was going to Walmart because now in the comic book packs you were finding the damn one in one thousands one in 500 ratio variants what is the purpose of any of us as comic book collectors to go and actually purchase these the day that they drop when like I said this before they’re gonna end up in Walmart packs now we’re finding these damn things in Five Below packs shout out Wayne stock once again and on top of that who’s to say that we won’t find these freaking comic books at a used bookstore to include exclusives because I have found some exclusives at Second and Charles and they’re just chilling there going for like a dollar 50 cents sometimes depending on what it is you find and that’s when I’m like hey I’ve always been a proponent of hey they should put some sort of freaking serial number on these damn comic books something there’s been some comic books that that have done that I know John Tyler Christopher he did them I mean how hard is it to not do that is it is it something you know is it you know is it cost reasons why people don’t want to do it this is the reason why I don’t believe Jack’s [ __ ] that even I’m sorry to say this but even on story exclusives when people say hey we’re limited to 2 000.

This is limited to 3 000. I I just can’t believe it when you start seeing things like this pop up so if you guys think this was all that this was the only things that was in the pack as far as exclusive here’s another convention exclusive for Batman for the Justice League movie guys remember when that came out that was another book that everybody and her mother was trying to go and get and now you’re finding them in Five Below packs then you could get an Action Comics number one not the original of course but I you know a reprint of Action Comics you have so many freaking things that you could find Within These packs so if you guys were legitimately looking for one of these books or this was something that you wanted I mean I know I remember back when this uh Batman book came out because I’m a big Batman fan for all of y’all that know me I’m a big Batman fan yeah this was a book I really wanted and I never bought it because it was during that time period where I was like hey I’m staying the [ __ ] away from exclusives because this exclusive [ __ ] is starting to be a whole bunch of nonsense and then here’s a couple other books that were inside these comic book packs that my man Wayne Stark bought at Five Below so I’m sure that anybody out there can go and find some of these and we can all be happy and say hey I only have to spend five dollars for one of these packs and I got these books that we’re selling for freaking 15 20 25 30 35 whatever the hell the price point was back in the days for these things you could find them now so again what is the purpose to have to buy any of these things in the first place when we know officially now we’re gonna find them in these damn comic packs I wouldn’t even be surprised if at some point for anybody that knows the store Ali’s Ali’s is a major store out here that I’ve always seen I saw it in Virginia when I was living in Virginia now that I moved over here to PA now over here in PA this is the main Hub the main Center for Ali’s and you find comic books Galore you even find freaking omnibuses for dirt cheap so why the hell would y’all even want to buy these damn things at these at these cons if they’re not truly exclusive there’s no purpose behind it and for anybody that’s saying like hey I’m buying it for monetary gain reasons then even then it makes you start to question certain things in reference to this because here’s another one that I want to actually talk about as well that a lot of people have been talking about and a lot of folks let me try to get this back on here again I don’t know what the hell is going on but another another one of the ones that I’ll tell you is that you have that book everybody was talking to me about this and some people were asking me bro did you were you were you able to get one and honestly I had I had no no zero interest I had zero interest and was this musk versus Zuck comic I I personally again to each your own man if this is something that you guys want and then get them I’m not I’m not gonna stop you I’m not gonna I’m sincerely I’m not gonna stop y’all um this is something that a lot of people forever are gonna be saying like Okay was it worth me spending this is this is the asking price 300 they’re saying that is limited to a hundred copies that is what’s being said then for me what I don’t know now anymore is can we even trust some of the stuff that comes out because you start to see it for me personally I mean I uh how how can I not say hey could this be AI who the hell knows are artists even really artists anymore I start to question a lot of [ __ ] things so is this really worth 300 [ __ ] dollars I wouldn’t care about freaking Zuckerberg I can’t stand the [ __ ] dumbass but when it comes to Elon Musk got respect for that dude at least I hope he whoops his ass if this [ __ ] ever happens or when I start to see everybody in all the faces that are out there in the crowd did they you know could these people could these folks come back and say Hey you had no right to use my physical appearance on this comic book and which again what’s gonna happen it’s very similar if you guys remember the AOC cover of Wonder Woman that they did they had to freaking pull it down because they never got the rights to actually use that or even use the likeness of Wonder Woman in reference to that comic book so once I start seeing I mean pretty dope concept I’m not going to take away from from this artist again did it did it after Neil Adams for anybody yeah you remember when Muhammad Ali went up against Superman yeah that’s what that’s from this is what is paying homage to again I’m not a huge fan because the creativity is not there anymore everything is like I’m paying homage cover swipes so on and so forth but if you got one hey props to you they they put a crap ton of characters here that I was just like them that they even you know that you got people that yes they might come after them and say yo you freaking never gave me my percentage of this other sales on this book you never had any right to do this this is just I I’m not again to each their own but for me there’s some of these folks heads on here that I feel like they just took them pasted their heads on and they went through a filter that turns everything and anything into a cartoon anything into into an oil painting looking thing everybody’s 100 face do I know if that person truly Drew these joints I can’t tell y’all but you see all the faces of absolutely so many different people who are known worldwide these people uh yeah big time freaking movie stars influencers seen them all over the place um and of course yeah you know I see my boy Keanu in there I don’t know what’s gonna justify me paying this much freaking money because how will I know what the outcome of this book is going to be later down the road is this book gonna remain a 300 book and yes everybody’s gonna say all but it’s limited to a hundred how do we truly [ __ ] know that we cannot honestly freaking see or know that yes these people legitimately printed out a hundred because there’s times well yeah so I had to put out [ __ ] people [ __ ] out there but there’s times where people are like hey I’m gonna have some comps I’m gonna have some extras because I want to give it to friends I want to give it to family so could you have technically printed well over a hundred very [ __ ] well so that that is what happens guys that is what happens with a lot of these damn freaking comic books there’s people that are gonna give I would do the same thing for my family no lie but for me I’d be different I’d be like yo out of that hundred this is my first Common Governor I’m probably gonna have to take 10 of these bad boys so guess what this book is limited to 90.

And then I will record myself giving each copy to my freaking family members and being like hey you go here you go this is my first comic book ever that is that is the [ __ ] I would person not everybody’s gonna think like me not everybody’s gonna do things the way that I do but again that just goes to show you they always anytime you go to print and press or anything like that they will always freaking make you print way more Beyond they’ll give you a prerequisite freaking print amount that they need in order to print something for you the same reason why like you’ll see a lot of people say okay well these are limited to 500 and then you have to actually print out 3 000 of them that means 2500 you have to destroy it’s either they do the good oil hey I’m taking the cover off and I’m gonna send it to a children’s hospital where kids can enjoy these comic books I’m going to send them to whatever I’m gonna donate these to whatever you know whatever cause it might be I personally cannot verify this I can’t say hey there is really a hundred of these reason being is because next thing again like I said could we find these [ __ ] things later down the road years from now in a freaking Walmart pack and we find them in the damn Five Below packs can’t honestly tell y’all but could it happen all [ __ ] course we just saw what somebody had opened Comic-Con exclusives right here WonderCon WonderCon exclusives Batman convention exclusive there’s a lot of freaking exclusives out there that yeah they just end up so what what actual benefit are we getting out of buying exclusives absolutely [ __ ] nothing in my personal opinion why would I go waste my money when I know now I can go buy a five dollar pack at Walmart or five dollar Five Below and find these [ __ ] comic books in there there is absolutely no no freaking incentive man even when that point where they were like hey Diamond had that influx of comics so they were like hey we got residuals let’s go ahead and send it out but then you have the folks out there that are like [ __ ] it man I’ll pay six hundred dollars for this book I’ll pay 700 for this book and it’s a one in one thousand and yo how [ __ ] butt hurt would you feel like if you found that one in one thousand that you may have possibly even dropped [ __ ] fifteen hundred dollars on and you end up on Netbook in a freaking Five Below or Walmart pack I’d be [ __ ] pissed because at that point it’s like okay so you’re telling me you freaking over printed more even though that the pre-order requisite for these freaking comic books is that a comic shop would have to order a thousand copies in order to qualify for one of those so now you put in those comic shops which yes little by little yeah comic shops are disappearing as much as people might not want to [ __ ] admit it it’s out there because we’re going to talk about something else as to one of the reasons why I to this day I don’t understand how people don’t get into this part of the business but this was one of the books out there this I a lot of people were hitting me up about this book I had no idea about it because I really don’t have no care about [ __ ] exclusives to be honest with y’all I I really don’t I don’t even want to freaking put my money in it if I pull out an exclusive out of a Five Below pack or a Walmart pack then hey I got one through there I’ll tell you I’ll be like look at this voila here you go I got one of these but it’s yeah this [ __ ] is honestly pointless I I don’t get the point anymore exclusives I said they just need to get rid of that term they need to get rid of that [ __ ] term exclusives you got store exclusives you got Comic-Con exclusives what the [ __ ] is going to be the next exclusive is the freaking question uh the Dora said uh on that Elite cover they did not have the rights uh to all the movie stars in the audience so uh it they all are look-alikes okay cool man yeah um Coco’s comic says looks like AI made not worth 300 worth for about 299 hey man that’s that’s what it is Hardman said uh he puts effort into his stuff it’s just not the sexiest um it’s limited also hey like I said man for me I I just don’t see the point in getting into any of these things these these numbers right here for this book that we don’t know what can it actually turn into what can it honestly turn into is it going to turn into something major down the road is this really something that again I’ll tell y’all I call it gambles folks I don’t call these shits Investments anymore a lot of people could get mad at me about that [ __ ] but that’s the reality of it these are not Investments these are [ __ ] gambles you’re taking a big ass gamble on something that you don’t know what the outcome is going to be uh here later down the future in a month two months a year two years you absolutely don’t know so if you go ahead and drop three hundred dollars the last thing you ever want to do is [ __ ] I [ __ ] bought this you know like for the people that went in on this I don’t know what the price point was what the buy-in was on this one but at the same time it’s like [ __ ] three hundred dollars you go in and next thing you know this book goes down to a hundred dollars it’s a win-win for whoever the hell wanted this book and you’re saying I [ __ ] I’ll pay 100 for it but for somebody that buys it for 300 you’re already lost on it you’re already lost on it it’s again this is why I say comic books nowadays and today’s day and age modern comic books are [ __ ] gamble it is not anything I took a gamble y’all heard me say this I took a gamble on totian I took a gamble on spider boy I don’t know what the outcome of spider boy is going to be I don’t know what the [ __ ] gonna happen I don’t know what Dan slot do I have a lot of trust in Dan slot I’m gonna tell y’all I’m halfway I’m not I don’t have full trust in that dude because can he turn that freaking character into a legitimate [ __ ] character bro like that’s the biggest question of it all we can never [ __ ] say that but again this is why I tell people if you if you want to be mindful of your money and you’re getting into comic book collecting honestly just collect what the hell you love if this is something that you love and you really really want it and you got the pockets for it yo do you I’m not telling nobody hey don’t go buy this I’m not telling anybody oh my God this freaking color is trash and you know again I said yo pretty dope but for me I gotta start asking questions where in today’s day and age where we got to talk about AI we don’t know I have I had some conversations with some people about this behind the scenes with the whole AI [ __ ] and there’s people that are like bro you want to see how easily I can go ahead and put something out there and people ain’t even people ain’t even gonna freaking know that is what the [ __ ] I’m talking about that’s the scary freaking [ __ ] about this you honestly cannot tell anymore if somebody and even if you’ve ran it through any of these freaking uh you know any of these damn systems where they say hey we can track if something is AI we don’t even know if that [ __ ] Works 100 of that solid so that’s the biggest thing out of all this like we can all sit here and be like [ __ ] was this really real and then come to find out somebody spills the beans or somebody gets mad this is how it’s gonna work out watch and I always say this especially when people are working in teams always keep this in mind folks the truth will eventually come out on a lot of stuff out there and you want to know how and I’ve said this and I will say it again you find somebody if I was for example this goes down to Hell this musk versus up comic book right and there was multiple people working on this and multiple people that invested on this and they all come out they plot together let’s say three people are together and they’re like hey we’re gonna do this we do it this way all right cool gonna come out we’re gonna make big money on this all right so then Here Comes The Fallout out of those three people all you need is one of them to be salty and be like yo how come I didn’t get a fair share of what was being made of the profits on this comic book so guess what that person does they go ahead and spill out spill the [ __ ] beans all over the damn place and they’ll say hey guess what guys I got proof that this is all freaking AI I got proof that this artist didn’t really do this I got proof that this that and the third when all that [ __ ] happens guess what’s gonna happen with this this shit’s gonna collapse this [ __ ] is gonna go to hell and people are going to be like [ __ ] my life I spent 300 on this this is this that’s all it takes and usually every time that you see anybody doing anything like this they all do it in teams and that one person somebody that just gets [ __ ] burned that’s even the people I’ve seen even whatnot man because what not with those exclusives that be happening over there there’s people that got burned on [ __ ] they’ll never freaking talk about it they never mention it the person that’s talking about and saying yo I got burned they [ __ ] somebody robbed me for a thousand dollars I went in on exclusive with them and I didn’t even freaking have my name put on there I didn’t get anything they freaking ran away more money the exclusive didn’t even come out a lot of that [ __ ] has been happening and people who look at that person be like oh you’re crazy you’re a hater you’re a hater you’re this you’re that why because people are riding along with the rest of the crew that was over there doing these [ __ ] exclusives so they’re gonna believe what they say and that’s usually how all this [ __ ] works out so again that’s all it’s going to take take let somebody get real salty about them missing out on money they’re missing out on whatever when it comes to an exclusive and then you will find out the truth about a lot of [ __ ] this is why I say there’s people that are going to be smart the ones that are smarter be like man I’m working by my damn self I’m not working with nobody they’re gonna spill out my you know all the [ __ ] that I did that’s how it always [ __ ] happens that’s why for me I just sit back I grab my freaking bucket of popcorn and I just eat and I watch and I’m there like there you go it all freaking fell apart but this is one of the reasons why the hell I love to see all this stuff now is because yeah I build my own opinions because of the [ __ ] that I personally see again exclusives being put into Five Below packs for things that yes we all again I remember this Batman book right here I wanted this [ __ ] thing everybody was all about the foils y’all remember and who the hell I’m glad I didn’t [ __ ] I didn’t put my money into that [ __ ] that’s that’s the wild [ __ ] man Dolph Melvin Said oops is Deadpool shown twice in that last pick um let me see if I go back into it I don’t I don’t know I wasn’t even paying attention I wasn’t even paying attention I know that you have Spidey here I know you got the Ninja Turtles there and yeah that pulls up there I don’t know I don’t see I didn’t see Deadpool twice I did not see Deadpool twice in there I just see him right up there right behind the Ninja Turtles you see Deadpool um and then you see all the faint faces in the uh in the crowd that’s that’s literally what I what I see but yeah yeah you see Professor Xavier so if you can see Professor X is all the way in the back all the way in about Patrick Stewart he’s all the way in the back right there with his with his Fedora on that’s that’s them you got cardi B you got the Migos it looked like yeah I mean you’re seeing a whole bunch of people I see the beard in there I see songs some freaking I don’t know who the hell that is some freaking like fake ass Vin Diesel that’s that’s where I’m assuming that is I don’t know what the [ __ ] that is some fake ass Vin Diesel uh uh a freaking fake looking Billy eilish that’s that’s what I see Joyce Clooney’s there Ariana Grande yeah I don’t know this yet this one looks a little rough if they were doing Vin Diesel right there I’ll tell you that right now are they not I don’t know if that’s him or not so it sort of gives me the Vin Diesel Vibes but hey man again to each to each set on when it comes to these books you know about what the [ __ ] you like do what you want to do um and that that’s really what it is but in all honesty like I said if you guys are planning please man get it out of your freaking nuggets that this [ __ ] is not an investment folks I know there’s people out there pumping these things out and saying you know this is an investment it’s an investment all you could buy this you could buy that it’s an investment stop get that out of your mind this is why I said if you’re here on this channel when you’re watching this channel then you would truly understand why the [ __ ] yes there’s gonna be people that [ __ ] don’t like me I have no problem with that I go to sleep I put my head down on my pillow and I call it a night that is how I want to continue to be but yes there’s people that are gonna pump [ __ ] up you see them all the damn time you see them every [ __ ] weird talking about oh yeah coming this through this shop do that do this do that yeah that that that’s not where we’re not going through that [ __ ] here I’m not gonna be [ __ ] I’ve had people reach out to me too like asking me on occasion for people that I actually legitimately have a freaking good business the actual legit people transparent about the things that they do I will [ __ ] with them I will actually freaking shout them out and I will say yes yo go and check them out man legit people when they really say yo I have a [ __ ] 500 count print count book right here they literally literally have it and they’ll show the [ __ ] proof of it it’s not no freaking [ __ ] when it comes to that but other than that forever yeah trust me I’ve had for people be like yeah can you know I would love to come on your channel and talk about this and I’m like nah bro I don’t like the way that that you’re playing that you’re playing these games uh that that’s not for me so I don’t mess around with it that is the biggest thing this is why I say Cody shes gambles from now on folks if you’re really looking at Investments then stick to your golden age stick to your silver stick to your bronze those would be at least decent [ __ ] Investments because even those books are fluctuating I don’t even call anything I hear the term blue chip being used and tossed around a lot when it comes to comic books ain’t nothing [ __ ] Blue Chip man absolutely nothing and any of those blue chip books man trust me even those even those that people you’re talking about like legitimate legitimate Blue Chips you’re talking about like first appearance Detective Comics 27 Action Comics number one and even that just depending on the market man the market right now when it comes to comic books is all over the place you are not having that same Market that people are believing that you saw when it was during covet that that’s that’s the big freaking difference right now this this is why I say these are all gambles man these are not [ __ ] Investments people stop looking at these shits as Investments if you really like something like I’ve done yes I have bought exclusives I’ve done it on plenty plenty [ __ ] times and those are things that I legitimately liked yeah with TOMS yes I got duped in it too I’m guilty of that [ __ ] fomo I got duped into [ __ ] and again boom next thing I know the [ __ ] books are worthless you look at a lot of these con exclusives let’s go look them up man we I can sit here for hours and just show examples of it you can do it yourself on eBay go on eBay look it up look up all these different exclusives from back then and see what has actually held any weight and absolutely [ __ ] nothing has absolutely a lot of these books just start eating [ __ ] after a while and nobody gives a flying [ __ ] about them and later down the road five years from now you might be like yo you know what I like this book it’s going for twenty dollars I remember when it was 300 I’ll buy it for 20.

And that’s it you call it a wrap and that that’s literally what it is man it’s um yo my man Louie said toasting the Spider Boy uh spec is okay if your cost eventually is low muck versus Zuck sucks one is a loser the other is a use yeah I I like this Louis I appreciate it man thank you for making me laugh yo Louie ain’t wrong man Louie ain’t wrong on this I can’t I can’t [ __ ] hate on Louis right now I gotta tell her yo he just kept it a buck right now and that’s that’s that’s the biggest freaking thing right there this is what I said I you know I I have don’t get me wrong when Elon Musk I have I have that respective but not you know to the tear like I’ve told everybody with Denzel Washington and Keanu like those guys you know Gibson and those folks I I got and I know people be like yo I had them Mel Gibson’s crazy and there’s that listen there’s things that that dude has been exposing and I’m loving it brother Joe in the building what’s going on said yo that’s why I love your show because I won’t know a damn thing about this high dollar [ __ ] Hey listen I appreciate you bro I appreciate you uh Reef says I do like that Batman 455 Kirkham trade and foil bro just go go to Five Below go to Five Below you don’t even know I mean my man showed me just a couple he showed me just a couple he he had more packs he did not show me that that was like I think two packs he told me because there’s like four books in each Five Below pack I have not gone to Five Below so I can’t personally tell you like oh yeah I was by Five Below today I should have [ __ ] gone in there but I didn’t have time I had I had a couple other things that I had to do um and I had to go because my daughter man my four-year-old is Jesus I feel like every day I wake up that kid is like a new foot size and new clothes size and we got to go buy clothes and we gotta go buy more shoes um Department said remember those stories I used to walk a mile in snow AI is the car that’s available to everyone today you can hate it or buy it when you are buy it without knowing it yo let me tell y’all something listen to this man right here listen to this man this man is speaking truths and every time I see Hartman on on different shows and he puts his comments and things and even and even on his own shows guys pay attention to what this man is saying this is a man that I like I said earlier I have plenty of conversations with and and he he he he blows my mind pause he blows my mind pause again when he starts talking to me about this AI stuff that I didn’t even [ __ ] do you know like like I haven’t even freaking gone into like I looked at stuff y’all saw me do some crazy [ __ ] with Harley Quinn swinging on some zombie looking freaking Wonder Woman and look how freaking crazy that is all you had to do was just rework her her leg a little bit fix that yo who the hell can’t do that if you were artists and you could just go ahead and be like yo I’m already done I got an exclusive right here this is this is sort of like that feeling I get no again I’m not I’m not here to knock because if this person did do this then hey props to you but yeah it is I don’t know I don’t know for me personally this not now my cup of tea it is what it is Oh dolphin over to say oh Deadpool Ryan Reynolds but let me see I don’t know I don’t know because there’s some that they’re a little iffy when I’m when I look at them and if they were to put rentals wouldn’t you put his ass next to Hugh Jackman yo yo so the artist I I’m not sure who the audience is but all this out there yo you should have just taken Tom Cruise out of there and you should just put round rentals right next to the good old Wolverine because you know you could put Deadpool right next to you that that would have been that would have been dope would have made a lot of sense right and then yeah you got you got Curtis Jackson I don’t know he looked like a look-alike don’t look like him too much look like a look at like 50 Cent right there but man listen listen listen listen um be well in the building what’s going on man appreciate it brother um yo but that’s that’s the thing that’s the thing and and this is the question said is this an AI cover I can’t tell you I’m not going to go ahead and throw that out and say yeah it is an AI code I it just I mean again y’all make your own [ __ ] y’all make your own opinion opinion about these things because you know it is what it is but man Bruce was popping man Kingdom of nerds in the building what’s going on yo if y’all had a chance please go get this man a subscribe uh subscribe to his channel good dude he’s doing some good stuff over there on the channel Kingdom of nerds so big shout out to him um so it’s the Titan in the building what’s going on uh yeah yo finally yes thank you bro I finally done with that close the house I did that had to take a little time away but yeah I’m probably gonna be uh gone for like another week because I got yeah I got I got some other [ __ ] I got to take care of uh but I’ll be back uh the Dora says you are 100 right just give it time I see that now yeah and that that goes with everything I I mean we all we all go through it I’ve had fomo at heart trust me when I say this I’ve had four man Hardware I go to buy something and next thing you you know I’m like [ __ ] I want it and then and then after that I’m like yo I bought this [ __ ] for [ __ ] forty dollars and now this book is going for five ten bucks that [ __ ] pisses me off all day because I’m like yo why didn’t I wait so I learned my lesson right it’d be stupid on me if I continue to pay those forty dollars for every single exclusive and all of a sudden he is these exclusives just start to drop and again it is what it is man I’m not you know if you want to pay 2.99 for this hey do your thing do your thing my biggest question out of all of this is can we honestly all trust the numbers on a lot of these books I’m gonna personally say on my behalf absolutely [ __ ] not I don’t trust any numbers anymore on these exclusives I I don’t trust absolutely anything I think that whole limited gimmick is what I like to call it when they started coming out with that limited gimmick it was because it was like okay we’re gonna create scarcity we’re gonna create Rarity so when we create that there’s gonna be more want for it and people are gonna pay bigger bucks for it and that’s that’s the whole freaking play on that so a lot of folks have always told me I’ll get people hit me up and it’s like yo bro do you think I should cop this and I just tell people I’m like listen if you really really like it and you got the money for it hey go ahead but I will tell you I could find [ __ ] some other great Silver age books that you could spend 300 on that are probably worth your while that you could hold on to and pass down to your kids or to whoever and you could call it a day on versus paying for this again it’s whatever you like you know what I’m saying I’m not going to stop anybody from buying what you like that that’s up to you that’s that’s your own you know you got to form your own opinion but again you will learn a lesson you’ll be like [ __ ] I paid 300 and I’m not just [ __ ] talking about this book I’m just talking in general guys you pay 300 for an exclusive and then it’s not worth those 300 later down the road and just like me like what I’ve been through I got pissed and I’m like [ __ ] or I’m there like why’d I listen to these people over here that was saying oh yeah this book is the next big thing this book is the next greatest thing like I remember there was this dude yeah I know when I do that who that is they were like oh Young Avengers is the next giant size X-Men where the [ __ ] is Young Avengers at right now what the [ __ ] is going on with Young Avengers that [ __ ] ain’t nowhere near [ __ ] giant size X-Men numbers y’all see okay I catch my drift on that there you go and how long is it ever gonna be till they decide to put out [ __ ] Young Avengers who the [ __ ] knows uh tiger Fest said the long game is the best way to purchase these exclusively yeah literally just wait it out man and again you might just get lucky Five Below and and here we go I didn’t mean to run but that’s that’s literally what the [ __ ] you gotta do just wait and buoy out next thing you know you find a [ __ ] con exclusives in a freaking Five Below pack um so yeah it’s literally just a waiting game be patient everything will be good and and you’ll you know you’ll be good to go um bxpr collected what’s going on uh I said what up there I’ll be in five below the moon thanks for the info yo man don’t thank me don’t thank me it was one of the Savage Army brothers that that freaking gave me that info so shout out to them you know shout out to them um Hartman said is that Joe Rogan or Jeff now that’s Jeff that’s Jeff I think I saw Joe Rogan um I saw him with his mouth open pause I saw him with his mouth open somewhere here yeah he’s right there so he’s he’s on the spine of the book He’s cut in half and you see him right there he’s right by freaking uh musk’s freaking right leg that’s that’s Joe Rogan right there Mark Cuban The Rock Batman Ali oh man right there yo listen man yeah they put a lot of people you got Leonardo DiCaprio that’s who you got the you got all the way in the back so there’s yeah there’s there’s a lot that we can that we can freaking that we can go in on this man uh as soon as to tell you says yo I want to know what you thought of that Minds yo I was upset with that [ __ ] since the Titan it was it was it was a tough moment to watch mines was my [ __ ] I wish they would have given it at least like two more seasons I think they could have I wasn’t too big of a fan of the finale bro was not a big fan of it um even after I watched my man easy actually talk about it and say uh you know how you know what what was happening with that with that development with the character and his demise and everything like that um yeah wasn’t uh Hartman question is what makes an AI cover and that’s the thing again that is the that is the freaking legendary question Guru Chan with subset Photoshop yourself in there man who’s gonna know he was gonna know how well they know yo facts man man Decor shout out to my man Decor make sure y’all follow his new account don’t follow his Bitcoin advice all right his mommy got hacked my man got hacked and big shout out to him because this is this is something that I will freaking go ahead and say right now yo I love this I love this and yo oh man thanks for doing what you do bro because this man literally [ __ ] has gone on every end of the damn spectrum of trying to show people like all the BS that happens with a lot of this comic book [ __ ] to the extent that that’s when you start knowing what’s happening is and everything that he talks about is is the [ __ ] truth and the reason why I say that [ __ ] is because you start to see what the hell Decor puts up and a lot of people are getting salty and they get mad about the things that he has put up So for anybody that has not seen his new his new name and all that good stuff we got a 2.0 we got a [ __ ] Decor clone let’s just put it that way make sure to give my man a follow you know make sure to give my man a follow because it’s it’s a great coincidence how all of a sudden they [ __ ] you know he doesn’t have his his freaking you know his um his damn IG anymore because of all the stuff he’s been posting about whatnot all this stuff that he’s been literally posting sharing with all of us out there because a lot of people are like bro I want to know what the [ __ ] is the truth I want to know exactly what’s going on but go and check out his new freaking page this is not stopping this man this is what I love to see can’t let nothing [ __ ] stop you my man Decor has that mentality he’s like I ain’t stopping I ain’t stopping he says it right there man woman pulls out the government and everything he’s like yo yes my original IG account was hacked by well I’m sure anyone who followed me can figure it out during his Comic-Con weekend same Decor new IG we got a clone we got a clone no I’m just kidding it’s him it’s him I’m a man Decor he put up puts up his picture everything he’s like yo I’m here I’m back and shares out right when everything is happening at these cons you know these people were getting mad this is how you [ __ ] know this is how you know when somebody goes to the extent of [ __ ] actually getting people to hack your [ __ ] then you know 100 [ __ ] percent exactly that this man was some the [ __ ] truth and that there was no lies coming out of this man when yes that stuff being said about these freaking platforms and now they want to hide all of that they got so damn mad about everything that was going on especially that whole DJing concert and all this [ __ ] that was there that had me [ __ ] dying the [ __ ] truth so at that point you got to go play you know you got to be like yo you need to take this guy down because he’s [ __ ] making us look bad this is bad for business so you guys know exactly where that’s going to man and again shout out to Decor shout out to to everything yo shout out to you bro for freaking doing what you do because a lot of people out there ain’t gonna do so yeah if you guys saw yeah his his old yeah he he doesn’t have this Range Rover stop lying to people Decor he doesn’t have this big ass Mansion not this was this was his last video right here with oh it is happening and these [ __ ] y’all make y’all y’all see that name y’all make out of it what y’all want they got [ __ ] mad bro they got freaking mad and yeah when you get mad and that means yes the truth was always there and y’all trying to hide that [ __ ] that you went to that [ __ ] extent of being like okay let’s hack this [ __ ] dude [ __ ] so that he no longer gets to talk but that ain’t stopping my dude keep doing you bro and I’ma send people your waiver all this but again go and check out his new freaking page call Sandy core 2.0 that is where you gotta go don’t look no further than that and I’m sure he’s getting all those posts ready out there for everybody um so that is his new page man I’m gonna leave that up there because he said um he said AI Tom isn’t right now but watching 10 years AI is going to be accepted because that’s just the way society and times work who remembers a time when VHS we’re never going to go over beta table yeah same thing remember when they had laser discs they had all of these different things man they had so many damn things out there and uh yo I’ll tell you right now it is what it is and the hyper combo said yo throw the artist on this is television and he has been a big proponent of AI okay there again I don’t know who the fight this person is not yo not knocking them I have no [ __ ] clue so hyper I appreciate you he’s letting me know that yeah that this artist television is a big proponent of a IR so 100 there you go how the [ __ ] can I go and not say yo this [ __ ] I mean it you know I’m not I’m not going [ __ ] throw shade but at the same time you know like my man Hartman said how can you really tell if something is AI or not and that’s the greatest question of them all because even if you would have put it into one of these servers that supposedly say hey we could find out if something is AI or not have been shown I’ve been shown the [ __ ] way man yeah yeah yeah yo Hartman was like yo you’re taking a blue Pillow the red pill my dude which one is it and I decided to go with the truth and yo let me tell you there was a lot of [ __ ] that I did not realize and I yo big shout out again please man when it comes to this AI stuff yo check out Hartman College artman cards AKA Kanye West shout out to him he’s right there please go and check out this man um he said we just make [ __ ] we want to make uh yeah but vinyl is a destructive medium um said it’s the purest form to listen to let’s see who else who else but that’s that’s always the biggest thing yo what up Adam shout out awesome sauce radio on the building man what’s up Louis olivo said Hell Freezes Over when cgc invited Zuck and mustard that that [ __ ] is probably gonna happen bro that [ __ ] is gonna happen yo and I’m gonna get to everybody’s comments my apologies I’m getting I’m getting sidetracked here uh elgrio said when the new spawn golden Falls came out kind of got scared when one sold for 180.

Glad I waited and got all three for a hundred there you go there you go and that’s yo I’m telling you that’s what it is man and that’s again the sad and unfortunate [ __ ] truth about it this is why I say these are gambles folks these are not [ __ ] Investments shred lightly when you go into this if you like something and you know yo you got those big Pockets then hey do you buy what you want man because again I’m not going to stop you that’s the decision y’all gotta make I just go off of my own experiences the only my own lessons that I learned because a lot of people will ask me people will say yo bro would you [ __ ] buy this there’s people hit me up all the damn time on you everybody’s more than welcome to [ __ ] hit me up and I’ll tell people the truth I’ll be like yo sorry I ain’t buying that [ __ ] it looks cool and all but not for me not my cup of tea doing space for reading in the boat and say AI art will eventually put a lot of real artists out of work because anyone that can use AI art programs will be far cheaper faster and produce a nicer looking and the facts bro facts facts and this is why again I’m I’m seeing this this whole thing with AI it’s not just this it’s using artificial intelligence to put on images of even celebrities out there that can put out a fake video and people can go ahead and say oh yeah well we made a video and people are going to be like holy [ __ ] they believe that maybe Tom Cruise threw himself off of a [ __ ] bridge and they could do that and people are gonna be like oh my God Tom Cruise died or some [ __ ] like that that’s so this is where you’re gonna start seeing like the Supreme Court stepping into [ __ ] and this will come down to like a Supreme Court decision as to how far AI can be used and where a lot of these creators can go ahead and you know they’ve been pushing for it they’ve been all mad about it saying hey you know they’re taking images from things that I have things that are plastered all over freaking Google all those images are being taken in and absorbed into Ai and they’re using it and they’re meshing it and you end up coming out with a piece of art like people like to say um as soon as the tiger says you know it definitely felt rushed but I’m glad Angel made it and easy had it coming yeah he did yeah he did I I like the easy man he’s a good dude um I saw what he was doing you know I know I know everybody’s like yo he’s rat or that stuff but I I saw what easy was doing man he but he got turned bro he got turned because of the nose dive that he took into the club um awesome so I said what did everyone think of the Loki trailer so Loki trailer sort of gave me the same Vibes as the as the original first season I don’t know man I I’m gonna watch it but after secret Invasion bro I’m sorry man I don’t know if I have trust in like Marvel stuff I I just can’t man uh brother Joe said thorough I’m going to smoke Community kind of Saturday can you recommend a couple of comics for 50 or under thanks yo brother Joe I had some comic books out that you could be on the lookout for I don’t know if you’re gonna have a good time finding them but I’m gonna be putting out a video here uh hopefully it’ll be up for y’all tomorrow for all the members of the channel um and then of course 48 hours after that it made it’s made out for everybody I appreciate all of y’all regardless um so my man loaded BK in the building says Sons of Anarchy prequel yeah that’s it that’s coming out I don’t know I don’t know if I’ve really if I really care to be honest with you because I saw you know it’s like you already know the outcome I’m not I don’t I don’t know man I’m not too big into the prequel thing anymore um Reef said Loki look good it does it looks it looks cool but I just can’t trust anything anymore it’s like the same thing for me I’m I’m debating if I want to go see my daughters want to go see the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mayhem I’m debating on that I’m freaking very I’m even debating like Blue Beetle but I am gonna go watch Blue Beetle um so we’ll we’ll see we’ll see man it’s yeah debates debates debates um Hartman said why can’t an artist be a roided artist with the help of AI if you give two people a gun and one’s a soldier who you betting on artist with AI sounds like a [ __ ] game changer and that’s and it’s the truth though you’re looking ahead at the future you’re going to see what’s going to be it’s gonna be something that’s going to become common I do agree with you guys on that it is something that is going to become very common uh but for me to be honest with you I honestly see this as as something that yeah it could be also detrimental to some of these artists whether it be like damn I’m having a hard time competing against this but again then you also had a purist out there right I’m I’m a purist at heart too I would rather see somebody doing something pencil pen markers whatever then to see somebody just generating something on the computer and be like done so could that also play a major role but then again here’s the other thing what’s going to happen with us the inevitable right we’re all we all have our our end you know we don’t know when but we all have our end eventually and when that we’re not here who’s to say that all these kids that are growing up are the ones that are like yo [ __ ] yeah I love AI art that’s my [ __ ] this looks way better than the stuff that came out back then some people might even go to the extent of criticizing the art for Jack Kirby all these freaking greats right start looking at all these folks art and you’ll be like man this doesn’t look nothing like what we have right now and they start sort of throwing it down the drain and being like [ __ ] it I don’t like this I prefer AI and that’s that’s what it is you know a lot of people I mean it’s with the times every 10 years something new happens and every 10 years we adapt we become you know you adapt to the newest thing and yeah that’s probably air is going to be prevalent as much as people might not want to hear it it is it’s going to be a part of it is it going to suck could be will this possibly create you know make people more creative like artists because the lack of creativity I’m telling you right now that that [ __ ] is like [ __ ] non-existent period you look you look at you look at creativity levels everything is a cover swipe everything is an homage I don’t see nobody really [ __ ] doing anything new man everything is always homage this that cover swipe of this they it’s all the same [ __ ] so could this be a good thing in the sense of that where there could be different stuff something new you’re not getting the same repeated things that we are normally getting to Dan delatory in the building what’s going on my brother awesome sources Hartman Theory magicians he’s like I will bet on our Penn and Teller what’s up sir Decor said yeah he had to go with the 2.0 he’s like I ain’t going that’s what’s up man that’s what’s up uh man he said decoy exposes the [ __ ] and people want to silence him but you can’t silence the truth and that’s a fact man that is a freaking fact oh man Louie said hope Decor got a warranty with that yo for real man for real um Reef the C said I thought that what not had a booth inside San Diego Comic-Con and also outside yo I think they did man I think they did um nothing first I would compare AI with the installation of self-check out automated service but I did go through a drive-through reason and it was all AI that took my order great damn oh yeah and then that’s another thing that’s another thing you’re gonna see all that stuff taken over this isn’t something that’s just happening in this realm you know because we talk about comic books you know but it yeah it is you’re seeing it in fast food restaurants is is this the new way of life is this what we’re going to see are people gonna start freaking you know as much as they say yeah people aren’t going to lose jobs to machines and [ __ ] not man it’s it’s bound to happen is bound to happen because as much as people want to say oh I I want to have the human to human interaction I was like how the [ __ ] can you say that when a lot of people listen like when I was right now I was on vacation I actually went to the Jersey Shore um because my wife was has never been there she wanted to go see I used to back in the days I used to be out there and back in the days I used to work out there and freaking so she wanted to go see the Jersey Shore house so we went over there and she she had a great time I you know I’ll I’ll have a great time as long as my family’s having a great time I’m good but you start looking at everything man you start you just look at every freaking thing we were passing by I don’t know where the [ __ ] we was at but there was a restaurant where they’re doing like a beta sort of thing and it wasn’t there on um this was after we ended up leaving and they’re doing some sort of beta thing where like freaking robots are taking your order on the uh on the intercom but you’re still getting Human Service so my biggest thing is when we saw that I was like what the [ __ ] is this and this is just again this is evolution you’re gonna start seeing it it’s gonna start changing but the biggest thing is like I’ll see people complain about it and say yo like why can’t I have human to human interaction I was like bro when we were there and we were going to like these different places to go and eat and stuff like that every [ __ ] person that was sitting down at a restaurant was with this in their hands and nobody I mean nobody except for like the people that were drunk because you know what happens when you’re drunk you’d be freaking you know you’ll talk and you’ll be having a great time but everybody man like damn near 90 of the people out there it was like on their phones you walk on the boardwalk [ __ ] ain’t even looking they’re like this or they had this [ __ ] on a stick and they’re all walking around doing all this [ __ ] and taking pictures and selfies so how the hell can you say that you still want human interaction when we already lack human interaction as it is so that right there already tells you this is our first this is the beginning remember how I told y’all they they want to train us right they want to train us to to change the way we perceive comic books right and start going down the digital era of things they start putting digital Codes start testing things out the digital era things are starting to get bigger you’re having companies I know uh what was that um the one that was under uh freaking Amazon so that company is gone and you look you look at what’s happening now everything is starting to [ __ ] change [ __ ] is dramatically freaking changing and they’re training you and not even just that I forgot who the hell put something up yo damn man I wish I could [ __ ] remember who the hell somebody just put and they tagged me on something and this was and this is where I said here comes in the training part of things where they train your ass to [ __ ] fall into those into those little areas where it’s like okay we’re gonna train you to go to the digital and we’re gonna train you to pay more for books hold on there was something I [ __ ] Republic man because I yeah I’ll I’ll freaking I have the memory of an elephant at times and I think it was hold on was it Philly born was it Philly born I think it was Philly border I think Philly born was the one that that freaking actually I think he tagged me on a post that is damn man was it Philly born was it Philly born and um I’m trying to [ __ ] I’m trying to remember but I start to freaking I start to look at this and now I started to see I forgot what comic book is about to freaking come out here soon and they started to raise the prices on the comic books and this is Marvel and I’ve been telling people stay tuned for it it’s gonna [ __ ] happen we’re gonna end up seeing that moment where we’re gonna freaking see the the prices going up it’s not gonna be your typical like you know 399 it’s going to be 4.99 and I forgot what damn book it was but I got tagged on that damn [ __ ] and I wish I’d remember who the hell it was for some more reason I keep thinking it’s Philly born uh who who freaking um who sent me who tagged me on that if I’m not mistaken and let me see if it was but yo they start to raise prices on [ __ ] I would not oh yes there you go my man I knew I knew it was you see that Philly born I appreciate you for this post too though so this was actually on bleeding cool and bleeding cool actually put this up there so he actually was um sharing this and he actually told me about this and I was I was like damn does not surprise me at all So Amazing Spider-Man Avengers Wolverine Star Wars are all now 4.99 so he put on the Marvel’s October there you go so 2023 uh solicits were released and the number of books jumped from September solicitors when they were listed as 399 to 4.99 this was the inevitable this [ __ ] was gonna happen this this is this is this was something that I said it you know how like you start having the little price changes DC’s been doing it DC you’ll see the [ __ ] to be like oh yeah we got five yeah we’re 4.99 guess what 5.99 on the next order all that [ __ ] yeah that that was freaking inevitable again shout out to Philly boy and Philly born was uh have me posted and you can see right here you could see everything that’s changing Avengers number five is 399 Avengers 6 is going to be 4.99 Immortal Thor number two 399 issue number three is 4.99 Scarlet Witch number eight 399 went to 4.99 for issue 9.

And then the Star Wars Bounty Hunters Run was the one that went from 399 to 4.99 and Philly born he even wrote on that he said hmm he said time to check my monthly post he’s like I get one of these books so this is why I pre-order certain books that discount uh that discount definitely uh definitely helps but if more books go to this price the pre-order price jumps as well and that’s yeah that’s what’s happening so you’re starting to see I mean honestly you’re starting to see this it’s little by little so prepare for it in October you’re going to be paying a dollar more you’re gonna be paying a dollar more so whatever it is that you have on pre-order whatever it is that you have stocked up all that [ __ ] is going to be [ __ ] costing you a little bit more now and even I’m sorry and even if you get the damn little discount I don’t think that discount’s gonna be enough to like be like holy [ __ ] my God I definitely you’re gonna start seeing I’ve limited myself I’ve limited myself more not because of the price more because of the stories I I like to read so I know not everybody likes to read and you know that I’m cool with that but as far as this yeah everything is [ __ ] this whole thing is changing this whole thing is freaking changing and Hartman said old people having a partnership with AI and no bad feelings happen when bats and shits are cleaned up yo and then that’s the thing yeah you’re gonna start seeing some crazy changes bro uh Jay Nunya said at least DC got better quality covers is Marvel still gonna use that same ugly single plot TP yo facts bro one thing I do give DC is that their artwork on their freaking you know on the comic books has been [ __ ] really really damn good stories yeah and they’re freaking the quality for the covers you know sometimes they you they use that card stock then they use that other freaking paper that my I guess I’ll call it two-ply but yeah you’re right I they better start [ __ ] using that for Marvel comic books they better stop using that single ply because that [ __ ] is garbage that [ __ ] is straight up garbage key says still only 35.

you know Reeves said not even printed on Baxter paper dude I’m telling you I’m waiting I’m waiting for this so prepare yourselves for October when these [ __ ] comic books come out I definitely would love to see if they changed the paper quality for these because for real for real God forbid you got you you nervous and you got some sweaty ass hands or some [ __ ] and you go and grab your books like Marvel books but yo you taking [ __ ] off with it yeah you’re taking you’re taking something off you’re gonna leave your fingerprints on them damn things like that yo on some real [ __ ] that is something that has forever pissed me off with Marvel comic books it it’s freaking insane and Hartman says they’re pushing you [ __ ] to go digital well this is why I said yo when I’m at the death of comic books I never said comic books as a whole like you know you already have your comic books from back in the days I’m talking about now I don’t think comic books are going to be existing for too much longer I think that it’s gonna it’s gonna be a wrap on a new Comic Book Day stuff um and the reason why I bring that up of course is because yes this was the next part of the talk um so I saw that uh let me actually take this uh comment off real quick um where the hell was this on somebody somebody uh said this to me um key collector posted this on their uh Instagram so this is something that we’ve talked about here on the channel all right so bounding into Comics reported that Dark Horse Comics reveals manga is one percent of our output but represents 66 of our sales first off who the [ __ ] is running Dark Horse Comics because you’re a freaking Bozo to the next level if your manga is only one percent of your output but freaking 66 percent of your sales yo I would fire your ass in a heartbeat you wouldn’t even be there because I’d be pushing manga to the next freaking level on that damn you know on that part with that publisher with dark horse this has been something that I said it I did this just goes to coincide this is more receipts right here it’s coincides with the fact that yes when I’ve been reporting on things I’ve let everybody know Comic Book Sales have gone down horribly like when I’m talking about horribly it has gone down horribly like it is bad it is freaking bad and these these freaking manga is is the freaking way this is where this is going I know there’s comic book shops here around me now that I’m in PA they’re all on the manga boat they’re learning they’re all like [ __ ] this they’re like man look at these walls the one store that I go to again they freaking have walls walls and walls and walls of [ __ ] comic books and they are just sitting there and some of the times I’m there thinking I’m like yo okay this is a Venom book I thought that this will be pop no they still have that damn one in 50 for whatever the edge of venomverse number one they still got that 150 laying on there along with a bunch of [ __ ] ton of copies of that [ __ ] comic book on the wall so even those popular freaking characters that we all would assume that are that are freaking making ridiculous sales they’re not even doing any of that they’re not doing those sales numbers like we would actually think they are and hence why I do I find an abundance of these books on freaking eBay and this is because there’s people that are like [ __ ] I’ve I had to buy all of these to qualify this one in 50 there’s one in 100 and this is what the hell is happening right now manga right now is destroying destroying comic books look I’m telling you store uh story wise quality is far superior I’m not even going to say better it is far superior than what we’re getting in comic books and it makes me wonder how people are not people in this freaking business of comics this is where I start to freaking sort of believe and this is my personal opinion folks is that I start to believe like you are going to see the demise of modern age comic books because it’s like they’re sort of seeing that like hey why am I even gonna work hard if we know the inevitable is about to come so the end of comic books as a whole we’re gonna go digital as a whole what the hell is the point of us even putting out quality anymore we’re just gonna try to get by on freaking incentives which again we go back to the whole incentive talk what did we just talk about yeah you might end up finding incentives once again in Walmart packs you might find them in Five Below you’re finding exclusives at Five Below so go to your Five Below and get those DC packs you’re going to be getting [ __ ] con exclusive in them if you don’t already know that but this is this is what’s going on right now man it it’s starting to freaking be crazy the levels at which freaking of how drastic you know and and just underwhelming of a performance that Comics is having in sales yeah they’re not doing good Maxson City said my LCS has big traffic on manga better profit margin yes they do you do have a better profit marginal manga and for anybody that’s like bro yo you talk so much about manga uh yo listen you could go to Target I’m gonna tell you the best place to go and buy yourself your first manga ever go to Target they give you a discount Target discounts their manga go there pick something that you’re like yo I like this this looks like something dope pick it up and you know what’s sad there’s a Deadpool manga that I scooped up nobody talks about it that Deadpool manga is [ __ ] way better than what the [ __ ] you’re getting in the comic books you can find that manga at Target there’s also that new Spider-Man manga that’s out right now and you can find it at Target and they give you a discount and that [ __ ] story way better than what the [ __ ] has been written in comic books and I’m like yo why are they not putting this and it’s sort of making me think that now Marvel and DC for anybody hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on where the [ __ ] did I do with that bag oh give me a second so anybody that that here we go here here we go with the with the with the freaking with how I’m like I’m staying on my freaking Bruce Wayne freaking world’s greatest detective [ __ ] boom So for anybody that has didn’t pick up any of these they were giving them out for free all right DC’s manga sampler the guy at the store was like he’s like go ahead take how many you want all right cool guess what I took I took one for every one of my family members my wife myself and my two daughters so I took fourth and I can’t wait for this I can’t wait for this DC manga Samplers they should be available at your stores you should be able to get them so now I’m starting to come down to the to my own personal like you know my little detective work I’m starting to think that guess where they’re going to be investing majority of their [ __ ] money into they’re going to be investing it into their own mangas I’m starting to see them absolutely [ __ ] everywhere here’s the bad part if they start going that route the places that are going to be receiving these major discounts are going to be places like Target Walmart sells manga you’re going to start seeing them having some crazy ass discounts compared to your local comic shop which again can cause the demise of the LCS this is what happens with corporations they [ __ ] that they will destroy a lot of these small businesses knows what I’m talking about I get all my manga at Target for seven dollars and guess what you will be happy I’m happy to pay seven [ __ ] dollars every time I pick up manga when I’m at Target why because again it is worth it it is worth reading you know what what else this leads me to go to that eventually at some point or another you are going to see cgc cbcs all these comic book rating companies start to go into the manga sector and things and start grading manga this is where all these things are going to lead to manga is becoming a worldwide [ __ ] collectible the [ __ ] comic books can’t even touch it so now you’re starting to freaking see all these different things this is why I say just pay attention to everything around you pay attention to your surroundings but this right here was the one that got me I went to this store I’m not a big fan of this store I’m not mention them but they were cool enough they were like nah you could take for one you know each one for your family but this is what it is you want to talk about training you want to talk about training you look at training right training us to start to read the opposite way folks and so far after I open this up and I’ve read what I’ve read and I saw what I saw I’m not mad at them I am not mad at them whatsoever I I was just like yo they [ __ ] I’m telling you they are killing it they are killing it and now you’re starting to see why I say the demise of comic books are [ __ ] the inevitable is yet to come I’m seeing them they’re diving into mangas now because of the popularity of mangas so they’re now ultimately at that point where they’re like you know what let’s go into that let’s dive into that let’s put all of our money into that and that’s what’s going to end up possibly happening here in a couple of not even probably in the next year we’ll probably start to see because this manga for DC is dropping two Marvel mangas that I just talked about Deadpool [ __ ] dope dope ass manga Spider-Man dope ass [ __ ] manga nobody talks about them go and check it out man go to your target go to your Walmart you’ll find them hey there um I just saw somebody actually made mention of that Sinister Titan I seen that Deadpool manga at Walmart and was like what exactly exactly um kuguration said you know I’ve seen both of those mangas LOL I love her Thor look I could not stop laughing bro I’m telling you I’m telling you that is going to be the next major [ __ ] thing and everybody’s gonna be talking about scooping up mangas uh Maxin City said Marvel recently released a wolverine trade paperback that was a mini it has anime yes yes yes I’m telling you that is where they’re going to be going oh Carlos yes thank you man there’s DC manga now on the app you know and this and there’s freaking if you guys don’t don’t know too there was Manga for a lot of these for for Batman that was Manga for Spider-Man that was Manga for a lot of these different characters usually for like the big characters prior to anything right now so if you guys want to jump down that rabbit hole go and check it out I owned them I I mean we could talk about it one of these days if you guys are really interested we can go down that rabbit hole um but check it out on your own you’re definitely I’m telling you it it it’s just completely different the only thing that that some people are like oh [ __ ] man I gotta read this the opposite yo listen it’s not nothing crazy you’ll get used to it same way you read comic books you’re not gonna read you know left right left right you’re gonna be right left right left that’s that’s that’s how it works it’s not you know and you just read it from the back going going to what we normally look at as the front um it’s it’s freaking is dope it is dope uh fantastic yes thank you and then all the also the other uh I’ve told this to people before here on the channel if you watch the channel go and check out the mangas that are coming out from for a lot you know for like Marvel look up all those manga related comic books those things are super freaking low printed super low printed those things are freaking let me tell you I don’t know how people don’t scoop them up they’re super low printed books nobody really cared about that Manga style nobody gave a damn you know they had the Spider-Man mangas they they were just mangas like regular comic books but those things is is like I said go and check them joints out man I’ll tell you right now you can go on into a freaking deep Rabbit Hole as far as how much [ __ ] you can find and you’ll be like holy crap I didn’t even know this existed and you find those books telling you low printed freaking books and a lot of people don’t even add an eye at them and freaking Marvel actually has some mangas um hold on let me see since we’re looking at this um but yo freaking look I’m trying to remember that damn Mom Spider-Man manga title can I can’t freaking um that that’s over there that I saw at uh so this is this is one of the uh one of the things right here hold on let me add this back in there all right so here’s one that I always say like I know this one always always sells up there ten dollars and above so the Manga versus Spider-Man you got Manga style Spidey you got the Marvel manga verse this is a trade paperback for that so this is this is something low printed for anybody so yeah y’all already have a nice little [ __ ] assignment go go to war baby I’m telling you find these books I I will always anytime I found these [ __ ] things I always pick these [ __ ] things up with no hesitation and you wouldn’t freaking you’d be like in in awe at how low printed these books are man this [ __ ] is normally around then like the 10 000 range below like That’s how little it is that was made of this because a lot of people were not interested in this and this is back from the early 2000s um and the manga verse stuff man I’m telling you is no is dope um but I’m trying to find that damn Spider-Man manga I [ __ ] forgot the title of it but let me see if it um if it pops up I don’t want it I don’t want it to do this so here’s another one of the mangas if you guys hold on let me actually go into this so Spider-Man the manga number one this was from the 90s where they did what look like a [ __ ] ai ai version of uh of Spidey almost look like an action figure and this was yeah this was like very ai-ish for back in the days but you start looking for these books man look at that and that’s what a lot of people don’t know this book already have in my collection manga Spider-Man first time for the first time in English you see look at that witness the uh daringly different origin of the Japanese wall crawler see books that that literally a lot of people don’t don’t really freaking bat an eye at nobody cared about manga from back then remember Dark Horse Dark Horse used to produce a lot of Manga comic book style back from the early 2000s and they used to produce a [ __ ] ton of it man here’s another one man this is this is a dope one a lot of these damn books man that you know I’m telling you this right now for me issues 1 through 14 doesn’t have the whole thing because it’s missing a nice little Gap 24 issues a hundred bucks you could do a best offer it’s not bad at all not [ __ ] bad at all and here’s the uh freaking Shonen Magazine first appearance Spider-Man manga they won 11 000 that that just goes to show you how much [ __ ] money how much [ __ ] money these things go for like the first edition of things you we all think like yo the comic books that we all all these Silver age and all that [ __ ] nah man these things go for some ridiculous ridiculous money but yeah the newest the newest manga man that [ __ ] is that [ __ ] was on another level and I’m trying to remember the name I got my damn freaking thing somewhere around here I don’t even know where the hell up with it but let me see let me see if we could find this uh Spider-Man manga I don’t want to put it as number one let me see if I put here we go this is it all right so you guys can actually find this joint dope dope ass [ __ ] story go and check it out be your own judge I can go over this later Spider-Man fake red this is the newest I could not remember the [ __ ] name of it but this is the newest one that just that just recently dropped dope dope ass story I like the cover um to be honest with you I wish this would be something that’d be on a comic book you got Venom scorpion in the background really really freaking dope but you can find it you don’t have to pay these prices literally go to Target they have them there go to freaking Walmart seen it there too those are those are some that check them out check them out new story arc I thought that that [ __ ] was dope as hell so I’ve been I’ve been enjoying what they have been doing and it just goes to show you that they’re they’re diving they’re putting their feet in the manga Waters now and it’s gonna be it’s gonna be something different and to add on to this this is this is the crazy this is this is how you know how Superior manga is right now to comic books and this was something that is freaking insane man only freaking comic book to beat out one piece one piece that started freaking 1997.

has sold 500 million copies only thing beyond that that has beat it has been Superman that has started since 1933 with 600 million copies Batman since 1939 with 484 million copies and Spider-Man that started in 1962 with 387 million copies one piece one of the freaking greatest animes out there love freaking one piece this just goes to show you how freaking crazy how ridiculous manga is getting and the sales on them you look at the age Gap guys freaking one piece from 1997 since it started right there 500 million copies sold worldwide compared to Spidey Batman and Superman some major household names this freaking is crazy it is crazy so that’s why I bring all this up man and I’m glad that you guys are hanging out here with me um you know when it comes to this topic I 100 love this I’ve been enjoying it truly man um and going Beyond this man let’s go ahead and talk about one thing and then we’ll talk about Bryce Comics um because a lot of people wanted wanted to hear my opinion on what’s going on with Bryce so last but not least let’s go ahead and talk about this because I thought that this was some freaking awesome news Invincible Creator Robert Kirkman shares promising update about live action movie plans So for anybody that does not know there is some talks there is talks with universal Universal is looking for something new to put out there they are willing to take a gamble because of how well the Invincible cartoon has done that is what they’re planning on right now there is absolutely nothing that could be done because of the strikes and everything that’s going on but this is some freaking major damn news I would not be mad can I honestly go ahead and be like yo this is this is going to be you know this is probably going to be whack I mean look at what they’ve done with the boys the boys show not even a movie that has been doing crazy with ratings this can be a long lines with it I mean you look at the animation if they can make the boys they can make invincible I can only imagine how how this freaking book after this news and mind you this is just freaking an update it’s not even anything saying like Okay it’s green lit here we go this right here is something that’s probably gonna start freaking again destroying anybody’s hopes if you don’t have an invincible number one again Invincible number one another book that was freaking sorely sorely under ordered goes and falls into this freaking category you better believe that that damn book is probably going to jump up again and freaking go insane I know a lot of people that want to have this book trust me yeah I know it sucks I’m one of them I wish I never got rid of it and I did wish I never did but hey it happens uh sinner said none of them are bigger than Spidey though yo but even then man even then just look at the numbers with him Medina say how many copies has Dragon Ball and Demon Slayer sold uh yo I want to look that up because trust me I asked I asked that question my hero Academia so many other mangas out there that I would actually love to know how many they’ve sold because that that would be insane the amounts that are freaking selling um naked fuss says Walt Disney comic and stories one in four are pricing yes it is yes it is uh Hartman said here’s an idea Superman learning lessons the hard way yo there you go um Reef the sea forever says you have some hardcore Disney collectors that just don’t collect comics in that genre very freaking true man uh let me see Hartman’s that prequel story where he almost kills his Earth dad by whacking off and it’s a [ __ ] he said shoots through the wall is like book one right there yeah this dude that’s freaking crazy right you know the ideas man you know you know what hard man I give you credit it’s sometimes even better than the [ __ ] that’s coming out nowadays um awesome sauce said all the Carl Bob Burks Ducks books are amazing some of them are pricey other numbers but worth getting yeah if that’s if that’s your cup of tea man again you you do do what you like man buy them buy them and call the boys Donald Duck cover is the best one I think oh dope dope ass cover uh William Medina says that they do live action better use practice yo facts facts facts facts bro again great freaking great news I’m sure that this is gonna start to create some sort of movement along the lines when you know for sales on that invisible number one we’ll see we’ll see but let’s go on and let’s check out what we were going to talk about here so Bryce comics I don’t know the guy I don’t I don’t watch his content I you know I’m being honest with y’all it’s not not me hating nothing like that I’ve I’ve just heard of him more on the sales end of things so this book came out and everybody has seen it this book has been selling for crazy ass numbers you know a lot a lot of people are calling their Market manipulation there’s there’s a lot of talks surrounding this whole this book right here then you know um shout out to International Comics Josh you know he um he’s the one that I remember was talking about this being used years ago on a uh I think it was in an Italian Spider-Man book um so because he he’s major into that he he knows he knows his stuff in reference to that so a lot of people were asking me about this and a lot of folks were just telling me hey you know like do you think that this is manipulation uh do you think that this is something that’s being created by Bryce comics I genuinely can’t tell you because I don’t have the answer to that I don’t I don’t know could manipulation be at play 100 it happens I mean we can’t sit here and act like manipulation doesn’t happen in freaking every walk of of comic sales it does it does manipulation starts right at the very freaking beginning with the person that’s selling whatever it is that there’s some like I’ve said it before if I was a good salesman I can go ahead and push something and say yo I always use this damn as a reference I say the Hulk took a [ __ ] radioactive [ __ ] in the woods it happens in this comic book if I have enough pull I have enough clout I can go ahead and start a big star around it because people generally become interested in something stupid like that right same goes with anything every single comic book out there anybody can create a [ __ ] storm when it comes which in turn is the greatest definition of manipulation because you’re doing something to pump up a freaking said book or whatever the case so with Bryce Comics again I don’t know him I would reach out to this guy and ask him about this comic book and ask questions in reference to it I have no freaking idea so on one of his latest posts um he wrote that yo it has come to my attention at the cover art for my Amazing Spider-Man 26 variant was previously used over a decade ago on foreign products in a foreign market under a different publishing company I was unaware of this until just recently so as always honesty integrity and transparency are at the core of Bryce comics and everything we do I’m working to get answers as to how this happened and why I wasn’t aware I’m hoping to make a video about this soon there are a lot of questions that still need to be answered and I want to make sure all the information is correct before commenting on this any further for now all I can say is I didn’t know and I’m trying to find out why so here’s here’s my thing if you start talking about you know like a lot of people start wondering why manipulation could be at play bright also needs to come to to a sincere talk with himself and literally bro like I know about what he’s done with where he said he sent in what was it to get like the one Soul 10.0 of a comic book sent in a thousand copies so that means 999 copies have to get destroyed of a damn comic book in order for you to attain that one Soul 10.0 you manipulated the market bro so when you do something along those lines of course people is bad Optics of course people are not gonna freaking believe you even if you write as always honesty integrity and transparency that [ __ ] is out the door my man that [ __ ] is out the door there is nothing you can [ __ ] do after that man because people are going to 100 percent go and [ __ ] on you all over the place because they’ll say yo you just gave us [ __ ] Market manipulation as best as possible with doing that alone so for me to be honestly like maybe even close to believing I could be 50 50 on this where he said that he didn’t know that this cover right here from delotto this same piece of art was already used on a foreign comic book so if you didn’t have no idea this something has to be in a contract here’s what here’s where we’re all gonna find an answer folks and I hope right Bryce answers this if he doesn’t answer to that then we all know then that there’s [ __ ] there’s some lying some lying lying ahead okay the biggest question is is if you had a contract with the lotto and the lotto promised you a brand new freaking cover art for your exclusive that is where the lotto has breached the contract and that is where we will all know exactly what the [ __ ] is going on with this if this is sincerely bright didn’t know about this or if he honestly did know about it and he is just trying to [ __ ] beat around the bush now that is how we’re all that is the answer that is the so freaking answer to all of this is we will find out how this plays out between him and delotto and if he actually shares that with us so for me I can’t believe you right now I don’t know you but I just can’t believe you when there’s a lot of Plenty other questionable things that this guy has done that I just sit there and I’m like okay cool again you could do as you please do whatever you want but from this end from my from my end and from what I’m watching just play out yeah could Bry have already known that this was something that was used and he made it seem like hey this was the next greatest thing on earth of course this is what salesmen do folks of course could and the other question is could he have also genuinely not known that this was art that was used by the lotto 100 [ __ ] percent only [ __ ] way to find out again is if there was a breach of contract where he actually told them and had a contract with the lotto where Delotta was like yes I will create something for an exclusive for you and this is what this is what it is and this dude yeah if the lotto genuinely just gave him some used art from the past that’s [ __ ] that says that’s some grimy [ __ ] from the lotto that is some grimy [ __ ] from delotto if he did do that because normally when these folks are paying to get these exclusives and exclusive art that’s what it is it’s exclusive art right this is why I said that terminology exclusive exclusivity all this crap needs to go out the [ __ ] window because this dude did that then that means yo the lotto you a shitty ass [ __ ] person for [ __ ] making you somebody paid you some big dollars too probably I’m sure about that some big dollars on this so this is where I will say like again just wait stand by grab your tub of popcorn eat it folks enjoy and just wait if he comes out and says hey I’m showing proof to everybody I did not know about this and freaking the lotto breached his contract with me by saying that he created an exclusive and that’s it man that sets you free and everybody then you can work with that Honesty integrity and transparency at Bryce comics but in the meantime while we all we already have a perception of you with sending in a thousand copies to get a sold 10.0 and destroying absolutely everything out there you manipulated the [ __ ] Market on the comic book bro 100 100 [ __ ] percent so I’m gonna go into the chat because I want to see what folks are saying and says I can’t hate on Brian I got a few really good deals on his website Buzz all right cool man nobody like again like I said I don’t know this guy I don’t I don’t know nothing of them I I don’t I don’t watch his content I don’t not my cup of tea I’m my cup of tea like I said I’m being honest with everybody Reef to see father said Bryce Comics made a video today with his side of the story let’s see what else is in punt fans 7 28 what’s going on said Brian explained everything on his video says seemed Legit To Me hey man Cena said thorough beating around the bush get to the point nah man ain’t no beating around the bush here bro I get I get right to it bro and that’s what I said that’s what we’re gonna have to wait just wait and see if that dude if the lotto breaches the contract deal that’s that’s against some [ __ ] up [ __ ] from the lotto for being like uh yo the lotto was probably like man I can’t I can’t do anything via AI so yo I’m just gonna give you something that you probably ain’t even seen here you go that’s that’s some that’s some [ __ ] uh Reef to see forever said yeah Brad was blindsided by Marvel still a cool variant I’m on defense on manufacture scarcity though that’s and those are the questions we would talk about this here on the channel man quite frequently because it’s happening a lot the scarcity part is yeah that that’s a big that that is big big time manipulation again he’s not the only person he’s not the only one there’s many people out there that have been doing this [ __ ] and this has been ongoing for a very [ __ ] long time and this is not the very first time uh Nokia first said um I think Brian is a up and up guy he doesn’t come off really that sinister you see like knucking futs I I just look at things differently bro I you know it’s for me for me I personally you know the reason why I use the terminology bozos is because that’s something that I grew up with in New York you hear people say yo look at this bozo this guy’s a bozo all that stuff but it also makes sense to me in my personal life because I just look at everybody anybody can put on a character anybody can put on a face like a clown this is why I never like clowns you clowns paint faces over their face they could be the saddest [ __ ] person in the world and they put on a smile paint it on so this is why I I always use the terminology bozo is because of that I this is why I said I little by little even included with my job it’s very hard for me to [ __ ] trust people and what makes it worse is because of all the classes all these different things that I went through being a cop and again this is this where the detective work comes into play I know when people lie and because I’ve heard it for 11 years of my career and even beyond that so that’s that’s what makes it even tougher so this is why I say yo all you guys out there y’all give me some sort of faith in humanity y’all give me some sort of Faith because everybody I used to see when I was in uniform I used to always see had bad intentions you got to think about it every time that was not a single day I would not go into the capital of this world Washington DC and there wouldn’t be a [ __ ] murder it’d be a murder every freaking day so when you start seeing things like that on a repeated basis you start to honestly you start to think the worst of people and this is where my mentality is going to be completely different from everybody else I don’t trust a lot of folks because you don’t know what people’s intentions are I could be the best of the best if I wanted to lie to y’all I would lie to y’all and I would sit there and just [ __ ] lie my ass off all day and see how far I can get off with lies I could do it I could do it but I just choose not to because I don’t like it because it’s gonna creep up on you at some point or another and that’s that’s where I I freaking that that’s my my freaking End ground if you if you catch my drift that’s the reason why but it does there’s a lot of [ __ ] there’s there’s different demeanors like I watch videos of a lot of things I went again I went to classes you know to to be trained on a lot of this stuff and even when I watch videos of people and I have not watched this bride’s videos I’m gonna I want to go check it out and even then you just look at everybody’s freaking just demeanor you look at how you know they’re doing certain things and a lot of things will tell you if somebody’s lying or if somebody is actually being transparent and being you know and being honest there’s there’s a lot of stuff again a lot of people are going to feel differently I know a lot of people again it’s all about Optics I’ve always said this about a lot of things out there a lot of people are going to play victim a lot of people are going to say hey I didn’t mean to do this and I didn’t know I didn’t do that it’s come on Edwin Aguilar said uh bribery is playing the victim makes it look like he got fleeced by uh Marvel and the lotto and again my biggest thing is what we’ll set this dude free is you show your contract you show all the stuff that you have between the lotto and if there’s anything in your contract saying that he can never use any work that he once did and that sets you free uncensored nerds in the building what’s going on said uh remember how I told you how to get that 9.8 how many they have to send out very [ __ ] true there you go and this is why I said to people anybody asked pre-selling 9.8 on any [ __ ] website I don’t give a damn what it is people are pre-selling 9.8 to eBay whatever do not I repeat do not buy raw copies from them because they literally went and picked out absolutely everything that will qualify as a freaking 9.8 that that is what that is what the [ __ ] happens with that here’s the thing he’s killing it and whenever someone is killing it the haters come out oh and that’s all right so nothing futs that’s 100 the truth man I give you that but here’s here’s the other part when it comes to you know I am going to use this [ __ ] word toxicity in [ __ ] comic books it’s always it’s always been an ongoing thing so toxicity and comic books has been existent for quite some time now this this isn’t the first go around and toxicity in comic books if somebody comes out and again we talk about this somebody comes out and tells the truth and even if you have receipts if you like a person enough you’re gonna go to bat for them even if people show you 100 that yeah this person’s lying people are always going to come out so that stuff right now when like haters and everything like that there’s people that don’t like this like I know like Decor man again shout out to Decor look what happened to this dude they were not liking what he’s been saying because he’s been speaking the [ __ ] truth and they came to the point where it’s like we’re gonna hack your page get rid of you so you stop talking and that’s not stopping this man he even said it hey it’s not about the followers it’s not about this it’s the [ __ ] truth yeah it’s the truth eventually people are going to come back and follow again because they’re gonna be like oh [ __ ] what the hell is being uncovered now but if you were a true fan of somebody that’s like me telling folks out like yo LeBron’s a [ __ ] bump if you are a LeBron fan you are going to be [ __ ] riding coattails all day long you’re gonna be like oh hell no LeBron is is the man he is the [ __ ] he is the legend hell no he is not a bum that’s what happens in scenarios like this my biggest thing again with Brian I don’t know him I don’t know who he is I’ve never sat down with him I’ve never ate dinner with a guy I’ve never drank with him I’ve never done absolutely anything with this guy are there little things that I watched not just him and I watch other people that’s not me hating bro it’s just I don’t like the way that things are being done at times and when things are being done in a certain manner yeah I really can’t call that hate bro that’s just the reality of things and the biggest one out of it again is are we gonna get answers because this also falls along the lines like you guys remember um what the hell is that um company Big Time Collectibles y’all remember when they had their thing with cgc they said that they were going to put out a video of them destroying all these other comic books did we ever get a video of it I never saw one I asked around and I was asking mad people about it never got one so sometimes people wait things out too and they’ll say ah eventually it’ll Fade Away everybody will forget and then you move on to the next and that’s literally what it is and that’s what happens again if this dude is genuinely telling the truth I’ma watch that video I’m gonna I give people opinions on it on freaking absolutely everything I know everybody is you either you’re not going you’re not going to dig the opinion that I give or you are and you know I like I’d say like I said earlier man I’m okay with that but this is this is again Optics goes into playing like you can’t be talking because I remember somebody else told me uh or somebody else posted uh a post that Brides made talking about yo is this manipulation um in reference to something that he had posted and hold on man let me see I think it was this right here and you see the sales on his book man Bryce comics uh death of Miss Marvel you got this the uh virgin variant right here 16 out of 20.

Rarest gelato virgin s on this [ __ ] book 5559 that was a sale and then you got one on July 21st also with for three thousand and fifty dollars forty bids this was 20 out of 20. sometimes people go for the number of things sometimes people be like oh my God that’s 20 out of 20. I want that one for some people to be like you I want one out of 20. this was a 16 out of 20 whatever the [ __ ] case is everything everything is going to be commanding money so you see that fifty-five hundred dollar sale then you compare it to another sale on the same [ __ ] day of 3050.

that for me personally is a little off folks because why as a person that’s bidding on something why the [ __ ] would I go into this bidding for a 9.8 that’s damn near close to freaking six grand when I could have just gone into this listing and stayed at 3 000. I mean you ought to be [ __ ] at least somewhere so the brain cells must be [ __ ] on something at that point like yo like you got to start logically thinking about it and why the hell would I do that why would I not just go into this and [ __ ] pick from this if this is such a rare book there’s only 20 copies of it so again it goes back into the whole Optics thing and Bryce Comics said you know is this manipulation does anyone know how to find out for sure someone listed one for sale immediately after it ended for 6K would had me suspicious surely my followers are above manipulating the market right I mean I’m gonna do the copy right here like see what I’m trying to get at so people could start thinking like yo thorough you’re a hater you’re this and that not bro yo congratulations and mad props to bribes for [ __ ] having an exclusive and something crazy this is dope I’m not gonna lie what am I what am I going to say here and say oh this is the ugliest [ __ ] I’ve ever known man this is a [ __ ] the lotto I collect a lot of gelato [ __ ] cancel that say that that would Me Be Me be [ __ ] just straight up a hater and be like oh [ __ ] this like this is straight up garbage but this is where it falls along the lines when you start seeing things like that how do you know 100 that Bryce is not behind behind all of this see these are a lot of questions that go through my mind personally things that I would do like if I was on the job things that I would ask when it comes to like a freaking case for whatever anything robberies murders you name it all of these different questions will come up to me and I’ll start finding patterns I’ll start putting things together and I’ll say you know what this [ __ ] is lying or this person’s telling the truth but when you start putting things like this is this manipulation I mean you just gave us from yourself a form of manipulation by sending in a thousand copies of a book and only coming out with one 10.0 and destroying the rest of that [ __ ] 1000.

can’t tell me that’s not manipulation bro manipulation at its finest it’s freaking is is crazy Edwin Aguilar said Hartman I got this description low more ragno to X this was one of five I believe 10th anniversary covers for Marvel Italia Gabrielle delotto date 0401 2005. freaking from 2005 was when that freaking foreign version of this gelato came out Max and City said the bad thing is that Marvel can offer up the lotto art and offer this up and these usually have available artist lists that shops wanting to do exclusives can pick from if bride was offered from them very true man NY said uh we’ll never get answers Bryce drops a video explaining an apparently Bryce signed an NDA how convenient I haven’t seen the video but someone left a comment on the Clay’s post stating the NDA so you know that that makes no [ __ ] sense bro makes no sense so you see like for me I’m gonna go I’m gonna go and dig deeper into this I’m gonna go and watch the video I’m gonna see what else is coming up but you signed an NDA about a piece of art makes no [ __ ] sense thank you Timothy Smith was going on said um so if 101 000 gets graded attend then why aren’t there more 3K print run store variants that have received the 10 from cgc and freaking the questions the question well man Timothy man I think these are the questions that a lot of us have not just myself not just you that is one hell of a damn question there’s a lot of stuff I mean just look at c2e too c2e2 was a great one that I was telling and I kept saying how is it that you end up just conveniently giving out these 10 O’s and 9.9s and 9.8 but no other comic book gets that and you saw what happened out of that that became a [ __ ] whole drama scene that was on another level Max in City says Marvel and they can be agreed to if I agree to it sucks to be him yeah but why why have a [ __ ] NDA about a piece of [ __ ] art foreign so here’s my thing Mac so with you with you writing this comment right and this goes for everybody here right now people watching this on the rewind people watching this on everyone let me know what you guys think about all this so in reference in reference to this right here’s my thing if Brian was reading the contract then you can’t go and say this [ __ ] that you didn’t know see what I’m talking about if you signed an NDA and you signed and that means you’ve read that contract and you knew exactly what was coming down the pipeline you knew what the end results were gonna be because ain’t no way in hell I’m gonna sign a contract or an NDA or nothing period without me reading and overlooking absolutely everything I know yo the excitement be like oh my God I got I got an excuse okay cool but at the same time it’s like if you’re going over that NDA you can’t talk about it you’re going over your contract then that means in the contract there has to have been something between Marvel the lotto and bras saying that he that freaking he could use whatever art even recycled art for this exclusive and that’s where things this is where [ __ ] starts to smell fishy and this is why I said you start to look at this and you say and you’re talking about honesty integrity and transparency that’s the biggest [ __ ] question of it all as I’m going through this through this freaking chat again I appreciate all of y’all that giving me updates on this because it’s this [ __ ] man let me tell you this ain’t two plus two equals four this is not adding up team back he said he signed an ndi then I’ll tell it all hey but that’s my thing that’s my thing then you should have known if you signed that [ __ ] then that means you knew you knew what you were getting and that means you knew that this was uh that this was on a [ __ ] foreign comic prior you to you receiving this for your comic book exclusive and it’s like Manny said how convenient now all of a sudden is that you signed an NDA see where the Optics are headed here guys starts to not look like the transparency and honesty and integrity you talk about napkin fuss says I give everyone the benefit of a doubt until they burn me or someone I know then I move a lot yeah yeah that’s how I am bro that’s all I am but yeah the math the math ain’t adding up here Louis illegal said we should never see this the lotto as a raw copy since the 480 trades are all graded as 9.8 correct the 19 virgins are 9.82 cgc destroyed over 3 000 books wow and I hope and that’s my thing how do we know if these [ __ ] didn’t even do the things with Big Time Collectibles with BTC they didn’t even show those videos where the hell is all that at that’s that’s my biggest thing like this is where all that [ __ ] just goes out the door and that’s that’s why I have a hard time looking at all this stuff and I’m like it’s hard for me to believe because of everything that has already been happening so it makes it very hard for anybody to be transparent because nobody’s showing anything they talk about the transparency but then nobody shows nothing brief to see father said no one got burned because the guys who bought into that 250 Mystery Box flipped those books for 500 to 5K and reef said on eBay those eBay sales look legit to me so yeah like for me personally I’m gonna go I’m gonna look at I’m a little further into this I want to watch this video too awesome so I said why has cgc destroyed the books if you’re going to destroy them do it yourself and make thank you that’s what the transparency is at why the [ __ ] would I let cgc how do you know that cgc is running a legit operation how do y’all expect me this guy right here how did y’all expect me to trust cgc when cgc did what they did for c2e2 you think that they have credibility with me hell [ __ ] no hell no and that wasn’t even the only occasion so how the hell am I gonna [ __ ] have any sort of freaking like say like okay I’m gonna have trust in this [ __ ] no if you knew about all these things that were being done why yes I would take everything into my own hands and be like yo here you go guys I’m [ __ ] liking this [ __ ] on fire even if people get mad because you’re not gonna satisfy everybody because there’s going to be some people if you were to burn those comic books some people be like that’s a damn shame I can’t believe that you burned those you could have given them to a good cause or you could have done this or you could you will never [ __ ] please people with that [ __ ] so if you’re gonna do something and my honest opinion I would [ __ ] burn that [ __ ] if I had an exclusive I would make a video with you guys they’re counting that [ __ ] with me I’ll make a video be like one two so we get to [ __ ] whatever number I freaking decided to limit these shits to if I said yo I got a print count of 500 then that means 2500 we’re going to be counting together and I’m going to be throwing that into a [ __ ] fire we’ll just go I’m gonna leave that live action just let the camera just boom done it’s a wrap and even if people are like oh shame on you you could have done this you’re gonna ah [ __ ] that don’t care tiger fat said throw I watched the video I wanna and I want to believe him but then he responded to Brian McClay in a gem mint Manor [ __ ] yo I gotta see all this stuff I haven’t seen this [ __ ] I haven’t seen people ask me about this book I said hey you know what I’m gonna talk the little that I know but at the same time it’s like yo just look at your posts man again here’s the one thing I want to put out there when I was a cop I used to catch criminals by going on this on Instagram on Instagram this is the [ __ ] tell-all the tell-all this is how I used to catch people they would go on there and literally talk about the [ __ ] that they did and next thing I know I’m like I’m building a case and it’s a wrap so this is this is why I say you know I’m telling you people put too much of this [ __ ] out there too much of this [ __ ] man Center said what’s up with them Knicks they suck playing Team man you leave my Knicks Alone Center my next alone Man comic book hero said that he even read the contract yeah yeah my man not gonna [ __ ] yo I appreciate you nothing [ __ ] so let me tell you he said I’m just an average guy with an average job just trying to eat a peach yeah I got you bro I feel you man I feel you I feel you um my man Nicholas gotra Nelson Cheung yeah congura Chan said when we finna get a comic book emoji LOL that would be dope for now we just got this yo I don’t know hopefully hopefully somebody make one Max in yo appreciate it my brother have a blessed one yo all day bookmark it and see where the prices is in a year LOL yeah that’s the other thing man that’s the other thing and let me hold on let me go into we’re already looking up [ __ ] Spider-Man let’s [ __ ] go into eBay exclusive can’t forget that can’t forget exclusive exclusive okay so the regular trade dress 9.8 350 325 let’s see what has been I don’t see any other ones so people are being let me see one is this July 31st July 29.

350 300 300 250 All right does anybody know what the trade dress number is I have no [ __ ] idea on that I’ll tell you that right now does anybody know what the trade dress numbers are there’s a 9.9 30 out of 480. so that’s a 9.9 9.8 you see here’s another one 355. it was a combo so okay so limited to 480. let’s see where else I don’t see any more I don’t see any more so these things last sale right here July 31st and then whatever else is listed as of right now that they have in that same uh that same radius 350 325 one is up right now this one’s ending on Wednesday just for shits and giggles I just want to see what this one ends on uh 299 and 400 that somebody’s asking for on this or best offer let me see Center said I still don’t get why they destroyed thousands of copies of the company that prints them is that crappy spitting out company uh that’s fitting out copy isn’t that the problem you know that’s that’s just them and that’s how you make money can you you’re not going to let them cap it off at a certain [ __ ] price point yeah I mean if you were to say hey I only need 300 for them that’s like [ __ ] I’m not gonna really make money so they’ll always force you to do something like that it’s that’s that’s where the money’s gonna be made oh man the lotto or Michelangelo Man red hood said NBA what the [ __ ] no I’m telling you man shout out to my boy hood you know it’s been a minute I had to bring my boy back back on here Captain Crook in the building says I don’t understand how people can watch every single video enough Fork over a dollar to support the channel it’s Oh Captain crooked reap the sea forever said I’m not hating on bride uh how about the people that bought this the lotto Varian are they gambling that this book will double uh it’s a gamble bro I’m telling you everything right now all this Modern Age [ __ ] is a Gamble it is 100 a Gamble it is 100 a gamble Red Hood said that he sleep with another dude I [ __ ] don’t know man as an NDA it’s an NDA Prince zodiac what’s going on says sounds to me like they’re just trying to improve the same old trick they as in the comic Illuminati [ __ ] comic Illuminati oh he’s I’m just mad that I dropped 250 on his mystery box and I would have been up at least 2K [ __ ] man there you go you took a gamble bro you took a gamble again I’m not like I said I’m not hating this this is [ __ ] dope it’s dope but for me personally am I gonna buy into something like this again you’re trying to create that scarcity that Rarity and [ __ ] so that all these books go up in price so you really can’t [ __ ] go ahead and say like okay you’re not doing Market manipulation and then yeah asking you’re asking your people that yo is this [ __ ] Market manipulation on this and that you expect better from from your from your followers yeah surely my followers are above manipulating the market right as yo it’s again [ __ ] Insanity bro and uncensored nurse uh you know Tim said I’ll mentioned to you before how these exclusives work that has been in agreement already before went to printing but I had to agree and Otto had to disclose original or not and I know Tim Tim will freaking tell me because Tim has done his exclusives I know that I can freaking rely on Tim on that so again the NBA process of this [ __ ] is is again it was fishy awesome sauce radio says we have no book no proof that the books were destroyed when my brother Jimmy the Canadian Destroyer destroyed books he made a video of it search it out fighting cold neighbors what’s going on said yo this dude get cold out last year with a key collector top 10 with his yet and that and that’s what I and that’s what my joint is like how can you how can anybody go ahead and say [ __ ] like that about transparency and all this [ __ ] like that when it’s like you’re doing these things that’s my thing like that that [ __ ] is out the door for you so how am I gonna sit here and believe what the [ __ ] is coming out of this dude’s mouth saying like I didn’t know I didn’t do this is is [ __ ] this is this is wild Kingdom Comics says because according to him they picked out the highest grade and then destroyed I [ __ ] know I don’t believe this [ __ ] man I don’t believe this [ __ ] Kingdom Comics says don’t even burn it just rip the top or bottom half of the back cover and give the rest of the kids yeah yeah like I said man I for me personally if it’s my exclusive I’m burning that [ __ ] I know people get mad at it but at least you know that [ __ ] don’t exist at least you know that [ __ ] don’t exist because you know what else is going to come out of this somebody’s gonna [ __ ] me like bro you didn’t rip that one enough you didn’t do it [ __ ] that I’m incinerating that [ __ ] I will take all the ashes of that and then the [ __ ] put in the comic book garbage dumpster and call it a day Reeve said I stole a San Diego Comic-Con variant on what not seller who stood in line for two hours and I flipped the book on eBay and made oh oh y’all [ __ ] savages for real man Savage Is For Real Prince Odie I said uh the NDA was so Marvel didn’t have to tell the lotto how much they were charging for art they already paid for what did he think they was having a sale uh yo man Square Circle Comics in the building was probably man blade Raptor uh what’s going on so that was dope oh said the original cover art usually goes to the person who commissioned the art keep it unless it’s all digital or there’s an agreement to have the artist keep the art very [ __ ] true very damn true Kingdom Comics because I am cynical and know we live in a capitalistic and advantageous Society this will turn into a money maker for future exclusives there you go man NY the Comic Collector said people are paying 50 plus for the original farmer damn already I’m bugging man I’m sorry I like this [ __ ] but yo uh hey yes I I know the last exclusive I did didn’t turn out the way I I wanted to but this exclusive love no I’ll tell you man I’m telling you man I’m telling you how rip pee we Herman have insane paging Mr Herman yo man that yo that was some bad news right there um Manny the comic concept someone’s asking 16 grand for the 9.9 yo they’re they’re queasy Emoji is is for real you know like Jesus man so uncensored nerds the original art does not go to the person who commissioned it that only happens when the person who commissioned it bought it from the artist instead of paying the artist fee uh so yeah like I know again I know Tim has had a lot of uh a lot of exclusives so I definitely yeah 100 out um who the hell else did I hear that from I saw somebody else I can’t remember who the hell it is um and Wilbur yo my man Wilbur what’s going on with I hope you’re doing good my brother good to see you um said trade dressed they’re 63 tens and 115 9.9 and 332 9.8 I’m sad yo now here’s my other question because I don’t know I’ve never I don’t know what the comic book feels like y’all know we just talked about the Marvel everybody was already like [ __ ] we got to pay 4.99 for Marvel Comics does anybody know if this comic book cover the the [ __ ] material for this cover is that one ply does anybody out there know does anybody know I would love to know that because Marvel and their notorious [ __ ] oneplies that’s that’s [ __ ] wild yo like yo shout out to Wilbur man Wilbur always hits me with the numbers uh the Virgin has seven nine point nines and 13 9.8 [ __ ] [ __ ] damn and they want [ __ ] 16 yo [ __ ] that noise bro I’m sorry but someone has to be dumb as [ __ ] to spend 16k on the book with that cash you buy way but yo facts facts facts facts man Reef said if that 9.9 sells for 16k that’s a yo for real that’s gonna be that’s gonna be crazy Kingdom Come he says and key Collective went on mcclay’s post and made a post in favor of bride golf of course how to protect your gang man you gotta protect your game goth Melvin Said I see acetate Gates still alive and kicking with this well yo I don’t even know the the [ __ ] ultimate Fallout 4 man hold on the wife the wife is is paging me via the Theater via the damn uh the chat over here okay oh God all right I got you all right I got I got I gotta get I gotta get the the clothes out the out the dryer for anybody that wanted to know uh awesome sauce man take it easy my brother says thank you for putting a smile on my face love y’all likewise my brother good to see you Tony’s comic said yo [ __ ] cgc they [ __ ] me when I have my TMNT NES game signed and remarked by Kevin Eastman in South Carolina Comic-Con had paperwork stating it was signed remark and witnessed by cgc damn bro don’t tell me that they didn’t [ __ ] that that they didn’t uh hit you with the with the yellow label on that that’s some [ __ ] up [ __ ] you know look at the other Jesus Christ oh yeah I saw that fix the lights yo facts bro listen man what do they say happy wife happy life God about it red hood said you could buy a person for yo that ass you can buy you can buy a Romanian lady for 16k and make her your wife like that’s you know you’re not even lying you’re not even lying he said now please damn hold on I’m almost done I’m almost done life is gonna kill me uh blade Raptor said I remember comic shop where destroying exclusives live on Facebook and what not to show they were limiting the number of the exclusive copies available but received backlash from that’s what I said I I don’t give a [ __ ] if they if they do that [ __ ] I could get two front [ __ ] man I could get two flunk [ __ ] Sony’s Comics says they say don’t do yellow labels for video games but I have paperwork and proof I’m like damn bro that’s [ __ ] up that’s crazy yo but here’s my thing so I’m gonna end it on this note because I ain’t trying to have my wife whoop my ass you know her five foot little self here’s my thing I’m gonna I’m gonna look a little bit further into this whole thing I’m gonna watch the video for bride I want to see I I want to see exactly what the [ __ ] is going on with this Wilbur said destroying 999 to leave one copy is not the same kind of Rarity as just printing one copy not in my mind never will exactly exactly again for me that’s that’s manipulation you manipulated the [ __ ] market right off the bat for doing that but I’m gonna look further into this I’ll come back with an update members of the channel stay tuned for another video that’s going to be dropping for some comic books y’all probably gonna hate me um because it’s gonna be one of those like the Superman uh symbol that’s on that Superman Adventures I don’t know if any of y’all have been able to find one I’ve been on the hunt you know I have been on a hunt because I’ve been on a hunt cause I want to find one so I can give one away here on the channel uh stay tuned for that that [ __ ] is yeah it’s getting tedious I’ve listened and I was in Wildwood New Jersey and when I was in Wildwood New Jersey I even yeah I could ask my wife I was digging through comic yo man let me tell you if you’re by a [ __ ] Beach don’t freaking ever ever like yo I I [ __ ] even regretted looking at these kind these comic books were bad like bad rust on Staples even on some books from like not even your like [ __ ] mid 2000s I was like holy [ __ ] I was like this is bad this is bad my man Wilbert you’re hurt my brother thank you for that 10 Savage shot man I appreciate that um Cena said thorough doing an investigation even though he doesn’t wear the badge yo [ __ ] that man I will investigate [ __ ] don’t matter bro that [ __ ] bro let me tell you because it’s [ __ ] like this that that [ __ ] for me personally bothers me because this is the crap that like somebody a lot of y’all I shouldn’t say somebody a lot of y’all just said in the chat what is gonna happen with this book five months from now six months from now is this book gonna be a six thousand dollar book [ __ ] five five months from now that’s that’s the biggest [ __ ] question that’s the biggest question and again it’s all about Optics when you’re talking about you know you put up a post and say it is this manipulation I mean you literally manipulating bro it literally manipulated so that’s that’s yeah that in itself I do want to watch this video because a lot of people are saying and now this whole NDA talk uh yeah I’m interested in that joint I don’t even know if that is even on here because I will I would honestly 100 love to freaking know I would love to [ __ ] know so this is Mystery Box what the hell is this massive whatnot show 20 slab giveaways oh my God I should have gone on there just so freaking see if I could win one but again it is what it is man we’re gonna get a little bit further into this we’ll see what the [ __ ] is going on oh my man Center said yo who had the genius idea of opening up a comic weather is nah they didn’t even have it’s not even a comic book shop it’s just like a Collectibles they had um like six um freaking uh long boxes six long boxes and all I was honestly it had a lot of Superman stuff and I was looking for that Superman Adventures but yeah that that was not I was not in Darth Melbourne big year for that five dollar Savage shot my brother thank you so much saying hello see your Moms and Pops from The Savage yo I appreciate it man thousand I you know I I’ll keep y’all updated and again I’ll you know respect to everybody yo don’t don’t think that I’m here to disrespect y’all or anything like that I’m just you know I’m I’m in that headspace of I don’t give a [ __ ] like I I’m gonna continue living life like that it’s it’s been wonderful for me um because if I do give a [ __ ] about what people think or I do give a [ __ ] of you know like if if I’m satisfying people doing all these things I’m gonna lose my [ __ ] mind and hopefully y’all y’all pick up on that man I wouldn’t even call y’all [ __ ] for that y’all just [ __ ] being you know doing what you do you know for yourselves that’s literally what it is and this is why my message to everybody every single day is you know keep keep that you know keep your head straight keep you you know keep your brain in check because that mind is you know that that [ __ ] will destroy all of us if we allow it to so be be The Driver of your vehicle man be the captain of your ship the pilot of your plane you know how that [ __ ] goes man that’s that’s a whole meaning behind the model be Savage not average so again for me you know I’m I’m staying I’m staying in a in a healthy headspace I’m staying with my mind you know uh you know at that point where it’s like like yo I got to be positive no matter what man so that’s that’s how I look at this so for everybody out there man I love all of y’all I appreciate y’all thank y’all for your time all right yeah I have no idea how much I care I can’t stop thanking you for that and I appreciate y’all for giving me a space to be able to talk to y’all man and for y’all to listen and and of course this is why I like to tag you know freaking uh highlight everybody here in the chat because that’s yeah it’s important for me to listen to y’all too so I appreciate all of y’all listen have a blessed week I will probably be back on the mall um because I’m gonna be gone on Wednesday or no hold on or Thursday I don’t know I’ll try to knock out as many shows as I can but the new Savage comic Hunt is going to be popping up here tomorrow hopefully other than that man listen stay blessed stay safe enjoy the week and be Savage not average until next time folks peace later everybody [Music]

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