Author Archives: Ralph

Urban Shield: Emergency preparedness training or police ‘militarization’?!/mrdaveyd/status/393805624045088768 Protests against Urban Shield, a convention and series of training exercises for thousands of first responders, began yesterday in Oakland, Calif., with critics citing the program for contributing to the “militarization” of police and fire departments and encouraging police brutality. The training exercises, which attract first responders from as far away as South Korea,…

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In the Left’s crosshairs: challenge the War on Women meme, get flagged as spam on Twitter!/TeriChristoph/status/196953299658866688 Two of the progressive Twitter users advocating digital vigilantism in response to the oh-so-grave injustice of unmuzzled conservatives are @jmcaninch68  and @subculturestuff, active promoters of the Left’s pet War on Women meme. They are targeting conservatives who dared to participate in the United Against the War on Women hashtag (#UAWOW). As I read the…

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Freddie Gray protester, council candidate charged with theft

Many prefer in retrospect to use the hashtag #BaltimoreUprising, but the Freddie Gray “protest” consisted of days of rioting, looting and arson in and around the Baltimore neighborhood where Gray was arrested, followed by further protests when six police officers were indicted in connection with Gray’s death. One of the leaders of the protests was…

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Here Are The 17 Most Ridiculously Expensive Versions Of Every Day Items. Seriously, $1.3m Toilet Paper.

Everyone reading this article will own the normal versions of the items on this list. Bottled water, toilet paper and shirts are pretty typical things to have in your house. However, insanely rich people have found a way to take seemingly normal items and make them cost a billion percent more. I’m not sure if…

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