When They Couldn’t Kill The Cockroach Infestation, They Just Burned Down The House
They say that if you see one cockroach, there are way more where that came from. But what happens if you see hundreds of cockroaches? Well, call the fire department, because your place needs to be torched.
I’m not even joking. In Pana, Illinois, a house was so infested with cockroaches that the fire department had to dig a mote and start a controlled fire so that the cockroaches didn’t infest more homes on the block. It’s pretty brutal (but also kind of satisfying) to watch firefighters send these roaches straight to Hell.
As a hater of cockroaches, an event like this in my neighborhood would be cause for drunken celebration. What a time to be alive.
Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/burning-cockroaches/