‘Time is money, ladies’: Geraldo Rivera deals with ‘Outnumbered’ backlash


Fox News’ “Outnumbered” pits four female panelists against one man and lets the sparks fly, but Monday’s guest panelist Geraldo Rivera still seems to be putting out a fire ignited among the show’s audience. Yahoo News reports:

In a segment on what 20-somethings really want in a marriage, the talk turned to the concept of “beta marriages,” in which the union can be formalized or dissolved after a two-year trial period with no paperwork or hassle, allowing partners to see if they want to continue beyond a short-term commitment.

Rivera, after noting that his current marriage is almost 11 years strong, acknowledged that he has been divorced four times, essentially having had his share of beta marriages himself.

Mentioning his three daughters, he went on to explain that he is against the idea of beta marriages, arguing that while men bring money to a marriage, women bring their youth, and that a woman’s youth is precious.




Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/07/29/time-is-money-ladies-geraldo-rivera-deals-with-outnumbered-backlash/