These 32 Kids Rooms Are So Epic That Your Inner Child Will Cry From Jealously. Unreal.

Growing up, I dreamed of having my very own bunk bed. I wanted to climb up the ladder, pretend to be a pirate and just let the world melt away around me. What I didn’t realize, is that there are children out there who not only have bunk beds… they have the coolest bedrooms in the world. Some of these custom bedroom designs wouldn’t be costly, it’d just take a lot of time and dedication to make them just right. As for me, I’m going to silently sit here and dream about my perfect pirate bedroom. It doesn’t have to be for my inner child, it could just be for me.

1.) Playing “this little piggie” just suddenly goto authentic.

Dump A Day

2.) Even this kid gets to live in a tropical paradise!

Dump A Day

3.) This may be the world’s most epic bunk bed.

Dump A Day

4.) These parents get extra points for authenticity, wow.

Dump A Day

5.) I think this is a room for a future astronaut.

Dump A Day

6.) They have a fort. In their room.

Dump A Day

7.) Yep, there certainly are rings and a swing in this jungle playroom.

Dump A Day

8.) How could you not be happy in this room?

Dump A Day

9.) I would love to give this little forest to my children.

Dump A Day

10.) PSST: Aladdin is their favorite movie.

Dump A Day

11.) This is nicer than my entire house.

Dump A Day

12.) Sliding out of bed would make mornings SO much better.

Dump A Day

13.) A treehouse bedroom? LOVE.

Dump A Day

14.) Perfect for a little princess.

Dump A Day

15.) This entire room is an adventure.

Dump A Day

16.) Just. Too. Cute.

Dump A Day

17.) Sigh, the pirate bedroom I’ll never have.

Dump A Day

18.) Woah, that’s just impressive.

Dump A Day

19.) The perfect hangout for little boys.

Dump A Day

20.) No worries, that’s just a tree swing inside.

Dump A Day

21.) I’m an adult and I would NEVER leave this room.

Dump A Day

22.) How could any kid want to play outside with a room like this?

Dump A Day

23.) Storage? Stairs? Loft? Awesomeness.

Dump A Day

24.) I need that swinging chair immediately.

Dump A Day

25.) That’s the perfect meeting place for best friends.

Dump A Day

26.) Slightly dangerous? Sure. Incredibly awesome? Yes.

Dump A Day

27.) I have a feeling little girls wouldn’t come to play in this room.

Dump A Day

28.) I hope you love colors!

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29.) Epic and elegant.

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30.) Awesome storage space is a great reason to buy more toys.

Dump A Day

31.) There’s so much room for activities!

Dump A Day

32.) This is a fairy forest wonderland. Wow.

Dump A Day

Being a kid would be so awesome nowadays! Source: Dump A Day Talented interior design isn’t all about modern home interiors. These kids rooms are works of art themselves, share them with others.

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