Trump spox Katrina Pierson calls National Enquirer’s Cruz affair allegations tabloid ‘trash’
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2016/03/25/trump-spox-katrina-pierson-calls-national-enquirers-cruz-affair-allegations-tabloid-trash/
Read moreRead more: http://twitchy.com/2016/03/25/trump-spox-katrina-pierson-calls-national-enquirers-cruz-affair-allegations-tabloid-trash/
Read moreSenator Mike Lee (R-Utah) has endorsed Ted Cruz for president. Donna Brazile doesn’t think Cruz should accept because the Texas senator and GOP presidential candidate is a critic of Congress: Using that logic 90 percent of the country would be hypocritical for voting for a candidate in congressional elections: Read more: http://twitchy.com/2016/03/10/donna-brazile-explains-why-ted-cruz-shouldnt-accept-sen-mike-lees-endorsement/
Read moreRead more: https://imgflip.com/i/xxr25
Read morehttp://twitter.com/#!/tedcruz/status/421795058325921792 If? Speaking Friday morning at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) charged President Obama and his administration with a “consistent pattern of lawlessness.” Cruz singled out the Affordable Care Act as an example; in particular, the administration’s delay of the employer mandate. “Obamacare has single-handedly been an illustration of lawlessness at a breathtaking…
Read moreGOP consultant Mike Murphy — who was last seen flying the well-funded Jeb super PAC Right-to-Rise USA into a mountain — has some thoughts on Marco Rubio’s chances against Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. First up, don’t use the Nevada results showing a blowout victory from Donald Trump “as a model” for the rest of…
Read moreFrom a tenured chair at Harvard … we can’t make this up. The USA, created by int'l community in Treaty of Paris in 1783, betrays int'l community by withdrawing from #parisclimateagreement today — Joyce E. Chaplin (@JoyceChaplin1) June 1, 2017 Sorry but this is PROOF of what is truly wrong with America today. People like…
Read morehttp://twitter.com/#!/SpotRanch/status/449529929257189376 You’re probably pretty fed up with the whole “Yes We Can” thing, right? Well, that’s because you haven’t heard Sen. Ted Cruz’s take on it: http://twitter.com/#!/michellemalkin/status/449579974714867713 This is good stuff, guys: http://twitter.com/#!/leiniemom/status/449547597498175488 http://twitter.com/#!/charliespiering/status/449555731189366784 http://twitter.com/#!/adartproducer/status/449512419425935360 “Pit-a-patting” … and speculating: http://twitter.com/#!/LibertyisLife/status/449572926153838592 Several people seem to think so: http://twitter.com/#!/522tim/status/449569656898994176 http://twitter.com/#!/MelissaTweets/status/449567739607126016 2016 is still a ways away. Guess…
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