Tag Archives: salvation

John 3:16 – Something Had to Die in Your Stead

foreign for some people when they start reading the Bible and they see that Christ didn’t just die for the sins of the world I told you John 3 16 God so loved the world God so loved you put your name in there and when it becomes personal to you you are now entering…

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How Are Sins Being Forgiven?

foreign [Music] God clearly says without the shedding of blood the remaineth no more remission for sin so the big question is if somebody is leaning into the Old Testament how are sins being forgiven that’s the big question mark and if you look in rabbinical literature it’s all over the map but clearly God…

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Learn What’s Important to God

you know if the church just thinks let’s go get people to let’s go save people out of the world Egypt’s bondage but there’s never any of this instruction which yes I’m going to be the first person to tell you you know you’re not going to leave here going Cake’s a flower burnt on…

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Christ in the Atonement: More Than a Covering

The worship practices that God prescribed are not being practiced anymore and modifications have crept in like “God doesn’t want our sacrifice anymore, but acts of lovingkindness,” which I’m sorry to say – acts of lovingkindness cannot cleanse the soul. They cannot take away sin. They can make you a better human being, but that’s…

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Matthew 11:28-30 – Quit Making Excuses for Not Coming into the Church

every single person in this building including yours truly we’re all Sinners being saved by grace there is no distinction if you will between I’m sorry your sexual identity keep it to yourself is that not plain enough why do why is it necessary to walk around talking about it live your life and quit…

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What Makes a Priest a Priest?

foreign what makes a priest a priest a priest for example in your own home that means that you you are basically governing your home as the responsible person through God’s word in your home and what makes a priest or a minister or a pastor to the pulpit that person’s responsibility to the word…

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The Silver Trumpets Proclaim the Finished Work of Christ

God has always had and will always have a remnant faithful to Him. They may not understand perfectly. They may not know everything because there are, there are people, it says here there are people that when they heard, they cried. Some people didn’t understand, but they still gathered. You know, I’d even say to…

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“Sheeple People” Do Not Be Controlled

foreign [Music] I get help from you I don’t it’s not always me helping you sometimes you give me help in fact one of the staff people this morning helped me tremendously and reminding me of a message that Dr Scott preached which we all know Psalm 84 but I needed to be reminded of…

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John 3 – How Am I Saved?

foreign how am I saved you must be born again from above do not use the Expression I’m a born-again Christian unless you understand what that is all Christians are born again from above that is the Greek word to be born again from above the second birth the first one is when you came…

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This Ministry Has a Wealth of Teaching Online

foreign [Music] that this ministry has a wealth of teaching available online literally there’s so many what I like to call tentacles with their channels or different places you can go on the site with so much teaching on a diversity of subjects that if you came here today you tune in for the first…

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