Tag Archives: President Yanukovich

On phone, Biden urges President Yanukovich to exercise ‘maximum restraint’

http://twitter.com/#!/petermaercbs/status/435918296395689984 Vice President Joe Biden called Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich Tuesday to urge the government to use maximum restraint in its clashes with protesters who are occupying the streets of Kiev. http://twitter.com/#!/USA4everGirl/status/435925855190007808 http://twitter.com/#!/bloodless_coup/status/435913069114687488 That’s right; tonight is the White House’s gala screening of “Monuments Men,” with the stars in attendance. http://twitter.com/#!/Alex_Panetta/status/435915266921594880 http://twitter.com/#!/KiritRadia/status/435916929874681856 Nineteen people have been…

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