What’s up with echo during Obama speech? These proposed reasons are perfect
http://twitter.com/#!/KatMcKinley/status/509869788462850048 Other viewers of the president’s address to the nation on ISIS were wondering the same thing. What is up with the distracting echo? http://twitter.com/#!/patelsmoker13/status/509870749822111744 http://twitter.com/#!/IhleBill/status/509870624982847492 http://twitter.com/#!/Cameron_Gray/status/509870086401048576 Heh. Perhaps this is why? http://twitter.com/#!/JaredRizzi/status/509870651080200192 Boom. http://twitter.com/#!/ChadHastyRadio/status/509870011566272513 Bingo. Related: Here is the White House’s pre-speech Obama photo and it’s pitiful Obama to declare airstrikes against ISIS ‘wherever they…
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