Melissa Joan Hart asks CNN to mix it up a bit
http://twitter.com/#!/MelissaJoanHart/status/447435713819066368 Nearly 100 people so far have favorited Melissa Joan Hart’s tweet asking for some CNN to cover something other than the missing Flight 370. Some news about Ukraine, perhaps? http://twitter.com/#!/janellejeevan/status/447436074571558912 http://twitter.com/#!/Crowesq/status/447436857081470976 http://twitter.com/#!/Biskit0130/status/447441861528260608 http://twitter.com/#!/4enzicTom/status/447441585152589824 This theory holds a lot more weight than a black hole sucking in Flight 370. http://twitter.com/#!/billyboypreach/status/447437997760598016 (Hat tip: Keith Hanson) Related: CNN…
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