Tag Archives: donald trump

Donald Trump calls for immediate halt to flights to stop Ebola plague

http://twitter.com/#!/realDonaldTrump/status/517103975263662081 Do we really want to be put in a position where we have to wonder if President Obama should start taking advice from Donald Trump? Don’t answer that before being reminded that this is the same president who said sending troops to West Africa to combat Ebola there was “what the stars and stripes are…

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‘What a little bitch’: Conservatives mock Tom Perez for pretending he can’t say Trump’s name (video)

Hey Democrats, you picked the leader of your party really well. HA HA HA HA HA. Seems Mr. Perez was speaking at a MayDay event and pretended he couldn’t say Trump’s name. Because ya’ know, nobody has ever compared Trump to Voldemort or referenced Harry Potter before. *eye roll* DNC Chair Tom Perez on Trump:…

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Dude, TOO FAR: Patton Oswalt’s attempt at mocking Trump leads to a seriously TASTELESS tweet

Earlier this morning, Donald Trump sent this tweet about Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and the Twitters lost its damn mind. Lightweight Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a total flunky for Chuck Schumer and someone who would come to my office “begging” for campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them), is now in the ring…

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Think of the children! Washington Post Kids Chorus sings Trump’s tweets, because journalism

Late last week, following President Trump’s tweets targeting the “low-IQ” hosts of “Morning Joe,” a journalist asked deputy White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders how she would explain the president’s tweets to her children. Sarah Sanders, asked how she would explain Trump tweets to her children: "we all have one perfect role model. i point…

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TAKE COVER! Ivanka Trump’s tweet about her dad’s EO ending border separation TRIGGERS ‘pissed no matter what’ Resistance horde

Ivanka Trump thanked her father for his executive order ending child separation at the border this way: Thank you @POTUS for taking critical action ending family separation at our border. Congress must now act + find a lasting solution that is consistent with our shared values;the same values that so many come here seeking as…

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‘Utterly VILE’: How long did HuffPost wait to delete blog about Trump supporters deserving to die

When you see a blogthat reminds you who the real haters are … Serious question: does the Huffington Post have any editorial standards? At all? pic.twitter.com/viyIk597Qq — Alex Griswold (@HashtagGriswold) April 21, 2017 We’re gonna say nope. Although Lydia Polgreen here disagrees … @HashtagGriswold We do, which is why that blog on our platform was…

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Trump: I Won The War On Christmas

Trump had a group of Evangelical leaders to the White House recently, the quotes that leaked are hilarious. This segment is brought to you in partnership with Downticket. You can help even the playing field by contributing directly to your favorite candidate. Open up the browser on your mobile phone and go to http://downticket.com. Read…

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‘Amazed you can tie your shoes’: Tim Kaine’s subtweet of Trump’s immigration policy backfires BADLY

Who is this guy again? Oh YEAH, he’s the one who lost the election in 2016 … that’s right. Apparently though he thinks he has any place subtweeting the guy who actually won: I'm amazed a President from an island in the Hudson River with a statue welcoming immigrants continues to push anti-immigration policies https://t.co/H7YkOQxyF5…

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Dana Perino sums up media’s INSANITY when covering Trump (and everything else ) in 1 simple tweet

That moment when you wake up to screeching headlines about Trump and Russia and Seth Rich … and like thousands of other Americans reading the news you’re not sure what is and isn’t real. Way to go, media, you’ve rendered yourselves totally useless. And Dana Perino summed up this insanityperfectly … "Well, maybe there's a…

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