Tag Archives: cooking


Subscribe to 5-Minute Crafts KIDS: https://goo.gl/PEuLVt —————————————————————————————- Have you ever seen a talking slime? Here he is – Slick Slime Sam: https://goo.gl/zarVZo Nursery Rhymes for Children & Baby Songs: https://goo.gl/J745oo 5-Minute Crafts: https://www.goo.gl/8JVmuC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/5min.crafts/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/5.min.crafts/ The Bright Side of Youtube: https://goo.gl/rQTJZz —————————————————————————————- For more videos and articles visit: http://www.brightside.me/

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21 Movies You Should Watch If You Love Food

Kind of gives the term “chewing scenery” a whole new meaning. 1. Chef (2014) Aldamisa Entertainment imdb.com   Carl (Jon Favreau) is a chef at an upscale restaurant who feels stunted by the repetitive menu insisted upon by his boss. When he loses his temper and consequently his job, he gets back to his cooking…

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You’ll Never Believe The Innovative Thing This Guy Did With A Trash Can

Every year, the average American eats nearly 18 pounds of bacon. And while it’s great to get your bacon fill by buying a package of the smokey meat from the store, why not make it yourself? If your first thought is that it’s difficult, expensive, and convoluted to smoke meat, think again. All you need…

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sleepover with emma *CHRISTMAS EVE EDITION*

merry xmas here is an extremely long video hopefully u r ok with that also, i hope u had a great holiday whatever u celebrate. i love u guys very much. stay u. love urself. b urself. follow ur heart. plant a tree. feed an animal. eat snacks. XD XD XD XD XD XD If…

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