Surprise! MSNBC calls debate for Biden; Maddow finds Ryan ‘terrifying’!/thejoshpatten/status/256585384333549569
A surprisingly subdued Chris Matthews declared a Biden victory in tonight’s vice presidential debate but gave points to Paul Ryan for his answers on economics and on the administration’s mishandling of the Benghazi terrorist attack.
And what we all need now is Chris Matthews’ unbiased analysis of who “won.” Apparently Biden “lost” Benghazi? OK!
— Ana Marie Cox (@anamariecox) October 12, 2012
@amy_k_hall MSNBC much happier with Biden. Matthews acknowledges the foreign policy areas were flawed, but thinks domestic overshadowed.
— Lenny Esposito (@comereason) October 12, 2012
@tommythornton Probably wont hear Thrills Matthews mention Benghazi. Joe got stomped on that.
— ParHedge (@ParHedge) October 12, 2012
Much less spittle coming from the mouth this week from Chris Matthews on MSNBC.
— Fake CNBC (@fakeCNBC) October 12, 2012
I think that Chris Matthews said it best by saying that there were some areas of the debate that were draws between the two
— Nekabari L. Goka (@KalaKutaNUPE) October 12, 2012
@spkauz @pressnellj Now, now. MSNBC’s Chris Matthews had a pretty split score card.
— Terry Cluse-Tolar (@swkterry) October 12, 2012
It didn’t take long for the spin machine to reach full speed, though, as the members of MSNBC’s panel egged each other on to build up Biden’s performance far beyond what post-debate polls showed. Rachel Maddow zoomed in on the candidates’ comments on Afghanistan, saying she found Ryan’s understanding of the issue “terrifying.”
“Paul Ryan embarrassed himself on Afghanistan tonight. I found it terrifying.” #maddow #debate
— Laurie Ascoli (@lauriekins) October 12, 2012
“He just learned this for the test. He doesn’t understand any of it. I find that terrifying.” – Rachel Maddow re: Paul Ryan re: Afghanistan.
— Karen DaltonBeninato (@kbeninato) October 12, 2012
@maddow: “Paul Ryan embarrassed himself on Afghanistan tonight” #msnbc2012 #vpdebate
— Ed Schultz (@edshow) October 12, 2012
A confused-looking Al Sharpton declared Ryan less of a liar than Mitt Romney — a fibber growing to be a liar.
Al Sharpton is telling us that Paul Ryan embarrassed himself on Afghanistan. Yes, that noted foreign policy expert Al Sharpton.
— Jason Mattera (@JasonMattera) October 12, 2012
Al Sharpton “Ryan is not a liar like Romney, he’s a fibber. He’s working his way up to liar.” #ROFLCOPTER
— Brandon Morse (@CnservativePunk) October 12, 2012
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