[Music] when I wasn’t here what’s going on Savage Army Savage soldiers out there yo it is your boy Daryl Montana everybody’s favorite freaking bad guy back at it again with another live show and of course today we’re going to be talking about something that yes seems to be affecting absolutely everything we touched about this just a couple of days ago even yesterday when I went on live talked about this Whole sag after strike but can this strike be the death of the Blue Beetle movie that is the question for today we’re going to be touching upon that topic right off the Jump and of course guys if you’re not subscribed to the Channel please hit that sub button leave a like the light goes a long way for the algorithm of the channel make sure to hit the notification so you don’t ever miss out on anything and of course share the video guys know you know tons of friends family whoever out there that loves to watch everything and anything based around comic books so definitely because all that will help for the growth of the channel and I appreciate all polio last but not least of course if you guys want to become a member of the channel as well there are three different tiers you guys can look it up by hitting the join button right below this box if you are using Apple products iPhones so on and so forth make sure to go via your iPad your Mac so on and so forth and you’ll be able to click that join button there are of course some perks I am working on a couple more videos and of course one of the videos that dropped that is available for everybody right now with Savage comic hunting episode two I hope everybody has had the best of luck out there right now with the books that I presented in this video so again good luck to everybody let me know what you guys are experiencing out there as far as trying to find some of these Comics it is actually it’s not it’s not an easy one I could definitely go ahead and say that but once again make sure to be on the lookout for the books that are listed on here definitely something that will keep you entertained and will keep the hunt alive so without further Ado let me go ahead and get started and of course gotta give a shout out to the Savage Only The Savage soldiers all of y’all out there all the new Subs all the new Savages in the building really really appreciate y’all can’t thank y’all enough and today’s video of course guys is coming because I got notified last minute that I’m probably not going to be around for like a whole week so um you guys will probably be seeing me like two weeks from now that is when I’ll be back officially because I got to go through the closing on my on my crib down to VA I finally finally sold it finally gone I’m happy about it I’m ecstatic just really didn’t want to drive to Virginia but I gotta do what I gotta do we gotta go handle business uh so I will be gone plus I gotta go handle a couple other things as far as the closing so I will be out Mia for a week guys if you do want to contact me for whatever it might be any questions I might have an answer for you you can follow me on IG keep it thorough right there underscore in between every word to include the very end like you see right there below me uh but besides that let me go ahead and say what’s up to imma do is in the building what’s going on will not obey anybody watching this on the rewind please make sure to leave a comment let me know what you guys think about today’s video this is going to be my last one for the week um after that again I will be M.I.A so people don’t get worried nothing just got to deal with the closing of my crib down in VA so let’s get this show on the road because a lot of this actually came up because there’s some stuff that I’ve been watching monitoring keeping my eyes on uh when it comes to social media so on social media we all know a lot of news comes all across the board a lot of different things surface and of course today we we’re going to be talking about Blue Beetle because this sag after strike the writers strike to now include actor strike it is all and potentially could affect the release of the Blue Beetle movie and reason I am saying that folks is because of something that just recently happened so all promotion for Blue Beetle will be paused during the active strike and the man himself who is going to be playing Jaime Reyes that is right Zolo maradonia he is on here and he talks a little bit let me know if you guys can hear this I definitely definitely hope you guys can hear it and this is just a little bit of something that he just said himself be able to promote uh the movie uh throughout the duration of this press junket we had so much stuff so much great stuff aligned um and I really wish that we could um get it to you guys but we need to stand on the right side of history and because of that um we’re planting our feet in the ground um and because of that reason I won’t be able to promote uh the movie uh throughout the duration of this press junket so as you guys can see very very short nothing too crazy see zolomerado again who is going to be uh the main lead the lead Blue Beetle AKA Jaime Reyes he is going to be playing him in this movie well could this potentially affect the movie yes it can there’s a lot that is revolving around this these press junkets are major one of the biggest things that I noticed was how hard they were trying to push The Flash movie via DC and ultimately it did not pay off majority of it my personal opinion is has to deal with the fact that uh you you also had Ezra Miller going through the issues and troubles that he was in that was affecting the viewership a lot of people were not going to support him with everything that he was literally found guilty of there was nothing no no you know no accusations being made against them that were false these were all 100 actual facts so now you have solo maraduena who’s pretty much yeah they have to stand on their feet saying hey we won’t be able to do any of the press junkets we won’t be able to talk about this movie so by the time that this movie eventually comes out yeah you probably might not be seeing any of the Stars promoting this movie period because they are not allowed to go and promote anything they are not allowed to attend cons they are not allowed to show face on absolutely any thing so this was something that we also even talked about affecting San Diego Comic-Con uh again promotion is Major a lot of us want to see promos because it helps us it helps us to understand what we can expect from the movie now with this movie coming out it looks like a lot of us are blindly going to be going in with the exception of the latest trailer that ended up dropping for Blue Beetle which for me actually even made me more excited than the initial tidbits that we got of a trailer little teaser trailer so on and so forth this trailer that lately just uh that uh just dropped this one was 100 the trailer that I was like man I’m all in for this movie I personally don’t need any promotion I’ve always been a big blue beetle fan as it was from Comics but nonetheless guys for anybody the average Joe out there DC has not had the best track record so with this this can potentially affect them because there are going to be people that are probably not even gonna know that this movie is coming out a lot of us see a lot of press junkets you still see a lot of folks watching the news and and during the news a lot of these folks end up watching these press junkets with these stars that you will no longer be having until they find a resolution I don’t think the resolution is any time coming soon I think that this is going to be bad news in my personal opinion for this sad to say that this is probably going to be one of the best actual when literally we mean the best this is probably going to be the best DC movie to have come out in a very freaking long time because we really have not had the best as far as DC still for myself again I am amped I’m excited to go see this movie uh compared to any other previous DC EU movies this is still part of the DC EU but they’re trying to actually introduce them into James Gunn’s DCU which I’m 100 for I really hope all the best for this movie I hate to see a lot of these movies failing especially because of the lack of promotion and that is definitely going to be a killer for Blue Beetle uh as far as comic books I know a lot of folks are always wondering if there has been any you know any Heights reaching as far as the first appearance of Jaime Reyes it seems to just be leveled out it seems like the excitement especially when it comes to comic books a lot of people always call it investing I call it gambling from this point forth a lot of folks are always asking hey do you think it’s worth it do you think it’s a great pickup this and in my personal opinion comic book wise 100 yes he has been by far the best Blue Beetle out of the bunch to not exclude said cord because headquarters actually a really good Blue Beetle himself so to go into further talks about this I personally dislike the fact that everybody wants to associate how well a movie does with the sales and the movement of comic books I personally don’t feel like the movement should be caused by this movie anyhow I honestly see it as being something that hey everybody should be checking it out should be reading that is one of the things that I always give the new DCU props for because of James Gunn they always include after the trailers you will always see the comic books that you can go read the trade paperback so on and so forth I I’m definitely I’m deaf definitely definitely wishing and hoping that this is going to have the best turnaround I think what’s gonna you know the best way for it to thrive is going to be with a lot of YouTubers out there that are going to go watch the movie I’m gonna be going to you know I’m gonna go check out the movie if the movie sucks I’m gonna say it sucks and that’s really what it’s going to come down to but the other problem too is you guys know that there’s people being paid by the Rival companies that that’s just how it is they’re gonna try to make the movie seem horrible they’re going to try to make it seem and this is why I say guys you be your own judges go and watch these movies I watch The Flash movie I I got I understood where the story was headed but at the same time I honestly felt like the damn movie just was not hitting it it was mainly because of Ezra Miller I understand a lot of people give them props for playing two different versions of Barry Allen but at the same time it was just it became so annoying and I just still personally can’t see him in that you know in that space at you know being the flesh that that was one of the things that sort of made the film not not hit for me but I understood where the story was headed I thought the story um and the way that they built around it was a magnificent way I just don’t think Ezra Miller was that guy to be able to put it out there for them uh let me see who else we got in the building we got fun house Comics we got Jay Nunya said this strike is hurting my collecting man it shouldn’t even affect your collecting you got to collect because it also helps out collectors uh for example anybody out there when this you know the book first time in Reyes was hitting its peak you can go get it now you can see it it’s not really making any crazy movements it is something that you definitely want to be on the lookout for again here’s a major character I think that this is a character that is literally going under the radar I hope that this movie exposes him to everybody body so that everybody can understand what a hell of a character he is and again I have faith in Zolo man I think he’s an awesome actor we’ve all seen him in Cobra Kai I enjoyed him on COBRA Kai and I think that he’s going to be playing this role I think it was just built for him it you know it was literally built around him for him in every fashion you could think of uh figure drawing in the building what’s going on says zero percent chance of Blue Beetle being successful with the money sign says looks like a fun movie though uh yo listen I I feel like I’m on that same boat with you but I I try to have faith in these movies try to have faith in these movies but if it doesn’t work out that sucks because this probably again could be the best DC movie to have come out in a very long time uh Willie Medina said all promotions for every upcoming film yes every every freaking one but because you know we we got to talk about Blue Beetle uh this being impactful because again he is being seen as being a possible future to add on into the DCU and depending on how this works out I would hate to see Zolo Miss on an opportunity of a lifetime playing a a superhero that yes a lot of us adore from every Walk of Life the biggest problem that I see as well is that with him playing this role there’s a possibility that he could end up losing it he could lose the role and then they go ahead and James Gunn’s like hey the movie didn’t do too well sorry we we can’t but it all is going to depend so far literally just in that little trailer we just recently seen I I enjoyed what he was bringing to the table I enjoyed it I I honestly I was like I got more amped up to want to watch this movie after the latest trailer than I did initially from the teaser um figure drawing set the cast is really good yeah I definitely agree with you uh he also said Blue Beetle isn’t a super well-known character I think that that is the main reason why it is going to have problems at the Box yeah and for majority of people that do know if you didn’t read comic books yes a lot of people knew of Blue Beetle because of seeing him you know in anything revolving around the Teen Titans any of the superhero shows as far as DC we’ve seen him we’ve seen him in animated form a lot of people love him in animation but that is for the few people that watch the animations compared to the masses that are out there in all honestly again I’m wishing all the best for them and you know great success for this for this movie to be honest with you uh Jay Nunya also said James Gunn announced that all movies that came out before Superman Legacy will not be Canon yeah and it doesn’t surprise me you know again he he said it mostly because of what happened with The Flash and it and again the flash didn’t even really destroy the dceu I don’t know what the plot was you know when it came to that I was trying to get you know grasp the fact that yes 100 this movie does change the course of what happened in the DC it really didn’t so it did not make no sense so if James gonna come out and say yeah it will not be Canon I 100 agree but to lose this kid and to lose him who could potentially be uh playing the role down to the T I think that that would hurt him dramatically but we’ll see uh we got my man Wilbert remember the channel in the building was going on said I disagree said no actor promo uh said No at the promo is not ideal but I think trailers and commercials are more important if it’s good it’ll find its audience I think it’s going to surprise big time and man listen I I really do hope so and you know the the thing that I will be against you you know on this on this comment is that I personally think think that it is ideal because no lie it literally for anybody in the lead role especially for Zolo it you know any any sort of you know just showing his Charisma his Charisma to people that don’t know about Blue Beetle him showing those little things people would be like you know what this kid seems cool like I like what I’m seeing the actor seems cool like what he’s talking about this movie that is where I think it is ideal because yes do the trailers sell the movie yeah for a lot of us that know you know that know these characters but for the person that’s out there that you know they don’t know anything about comic books or they don’t know anything about any of these characters period it’s good to have these actors to come out there because their Charisma helps out to sell the movie um and again that is one of the reasons why you look at what happened with Ezra Miller Ezra Miller he was hardly talking he was keeping his short simple they were barely doing press junkets with the guy it was absolutely freaking detrimental to how the movie was gonna turn out to be um and again everything that he had all the negative you know feedback that he’s already been having from a lot of folks out there that affected them big time on it majority of us were all like I’m I just want to go see it from Michael Keaton that’s how I felt but again his you know if you ever seen him impress junkets for like Cobra Kai he is a charismatic kid he he knows how to sell he knows how to speak he’s he’s very well spoken all that stuff man that stuff helps out big time to sell these movies for a lot of these actors and actresses out there and same reason why like Brie Larson Brie Larson yeah she got her ass chewed up from these press junkets because of the way that she was talking to majority well everybody can agree with me when it comes to comic books the majority of freaking fans are always males and what age gaps you’re talking about 25 on fourth so that is who she started to freaking bash and of course people were like oh hell no I’m not going to show support that is one of the reasons why I think the Marvels is going to be a movie also that is going to freaking die that movie is not going to do well and if depending on how long this strike goes yeah now they can have another excuse to say yeah this is the reason why the movie didn’t do well Blue Beetle can go ahead and say you know now that James Gunn is there and saffron they can all talk and say hey well it was because of the lack of promotion for the movie we weren’t able to do this due to the strike so we weren’t able to do any of that and that killed us in the box office so there’s a lot of stuff that that can potentially hurt them without having any of these interpersonal you know press junkets like they normally have um uh I figure John said Wilbur what is your ballpark uh box office numbers on the on Blue Beetle I’m man I I’m really hoping it it freaking makes more than what the hell they used to spend I don’t even know what the uh budget was for this film uh Jay Nunya said it’s hurting my collecting because of them Hollywood unions are clients of my company and I have no work oh damn damn okay so now I have a better understanding that freaking that sucks uh damn that’s crazy that is crazy uh he said not my company but company I work for I also said the Marvels needs a banger trailer it looks awful yeah the trailer was not very helpful to be honest with you got my man here to comment collect in the building hello everyone happy yes that’s right happy Sunday to everybody hope everybody is doing well um and staying positive man staying positive but yeah I’m really hoping again I’m really hoping for the best on this film um there there’s nothing else you you can sort of see uh you know Zolo while he’s speaking in here he’s he’s sort of very like he seems kind of down in a sense like but he he understands what he has to do according to this strike you know they all have to go for it they can’t do much uh besides that uh we also have Kenneth bird joining us here right now what is going on Kenneth uh but yeah let’s see what happens are you guys gonna be watching this guys if you’re watching this on a rewind comment let me know if you guys are going to be checking out this Blue Beetle movie hopefully once again I’m really hoping that the promotion does not the lack of promotion should I say is going to affect the box office numbers on this one I’m really hoping for the best William Medina’s given his his uh his number right there his he said Blue Beetle is 120 million uh for the budget uh so definitely it needs to at least double that man it needs to at least double that 240 but I’m really hoping that it gets on you know up in the 500.
billion realm which if the way that I’m thinking might be highly highly doubtful that they might reach that um uh but again I’m really hoping it I know that they they were trying really hard to expose this character to you know to all Latinos Across the Universe they they were trying you know pushing it out like hey you have your first Latino uh superhero from DC making his exhibition for the first time so please everybody out there going support and you know that’s how it always is for me I don’t care what background you come from of the superheroes dope and I love the superhero I’m all for it I’m going there we got my man Jake’s Kingdom in the building what is going on we got Darth Melvin but a channel man big salute appreciate you guys and of course we’ll see we’ll see we’ll determine again I am gonna go watch the movie uh right off the bat I am not gonna even hesitate from not watching this movie uh this is something that is really calling my name up and hopefully you know I’ve been hoping and waiting for something like this to finally happen and this is one of the new the newer Stars man you’re not talking about the ogs you know Wonder Woman Superman and Batman so on and so forth that we’ve seen countless and numerous amount of movies for I’m glad that they finally decided to step up to the plate and say hey we need to bring some new blood into the mix uh so that is one of the reasons why I’m really really hoping for the best on this one and a big year and a big shout out to new member of the channel Jim Church Senior thank you so much Jim really appreciate it can’t wait for you guys to check out we I am going to be dropping again I am going to be M.I.A for this week because I have to go do a closing of my house down in Virginia I need to so as soon as I get back videos will be rolling once again lives will be rolling well once again uh so definitely definitely I appreciate you guys and sincerely I thank y’all for the love and support uh tenfold you guys hopefully one of these days I will be able to repay y’all big time for the love that you guys have been showing me uh Wilbur said uh I’m thinking guessing hoping mid 50 million for the first weekend that’s probably high though what I really want to see is the second weekend drop I hope it’s low from Word of Mouth that it uh that it has legs uh yo and I do Wilbur I agree with you on that I hit 50 mil yeah oh yeah that that’s that’s probably going to be a little bit up there um I I’m hoping it does I hope it does I think that this might be a well-deserved film for it uh and the biggest thing is yes that is always the key thing that Wilbur said was what he really wants to see and I think this goes for all of us is the second weekend drop that is the major key to this is it going to dramatically drop or is it going to be better than its opening who who knows we don’t know we can’t determine I would love to to see uh you know where we’re gonna go you know where we’re gonna go with this so hopefully I’m hoping for the best once again uh Jersey to the Bay remember the channel the buildings and what’s up said just watch Tom Cruise part 17.
Yo I’ve heard a lot of good things about it I’m not I’m not a Tom Cruise fan so I don’t I don’t show support but I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about the film so far a lot of people my brother went to go watch and he was like dude he’s like it was dope um Tino 73 in the building said uh I was looking forward to this movie but as soon as I saw George Lopez I said [ __ ] I can’t with his corny ass and I don’t know what’s going on with that dude I I’ve noticed that he has just started to become I don’t I don’t personally get it he has started to become like literally one of the biggest haters on planet Earth and I just don’t get it with that man um and yeah I’ve lost a lot of respect for him I know back in the days everybody loved him I enjoyed his comedy back in the days but right now he’s I don’t know man this dude is like I don’t know if he’s just trying to seek attention or whatever the case but yeah he’s he’s become on that level for me of just being corny um and my man I’m a dude asking uh nice where VA in uh Prince William County Prince William County county in Manassas Virginia that’s where where I was at so I definitely 100 I’m glad I’m glad you know no no no nothing bad against anybody who’s from Virginia you know I’m a New Yorker that moved over there for my job now I moved to PA because I went you know I needed to get closer to my family in New York as much as I love New York I can’t go back to New York it’s a completely different animal not the same that I once knew um Nanny the Comic Collector says I’m Latino and said and I’m definitely going to pass on Blue Beetle because of George Lopez he’s of racist towards his own people and a crazy woke activist so there you go there you go oh man Manny Comic Collector freaking saying it how it is um and I I’m not going to disagree with you uh the only main reason again for me why I’m going I’m not there to support George Lopez I’m there to support Zolo I I really do want the best for this kid um it’s it again George Lopez has been yeah he he has fallen on the on the level of just like I I couldn’t imagine how much just hatred that man has built towards his own people like I personally don’t get it I don’t get it I mean it is what it is everybody has their own flavor Everybody wants to do things or whatever they have respect I’m not gonna I’m not gonna freaking butt again that’s when I come to the point where I said if for me it’s mostly because I got a I 100 got to show love to Zolo Zolo has been hands down so far on everything that I’ve seen him talk again eloquent kid very charismatic does his thing and that’s the reason why I want that’s who’s selling me on this not [ __ ] George Lopez not George Lopez with his dumbass comments in the freaking movie that I was just like yo who the [ __ ] says all this dumb [ __ ] that he’s saying uh but 100 percent I man Louis olivo in the building Fan Man Marvel Marvel Fanboy number one right there now but just kidding because he he he’s everything and anything Comics like I am um he said Lopez equals Hispanic on Hispanic crime facts brother facts facts facts facts facts um it’s yeah ah dude that man right there is yeah on another level I again that is the only reason I’m not there to support that freaking Bozo at all I can’t stand them I I honestly I can’t stand them I lost so much respect for him through the years and he yeah it’s crazy and instead of being an uplifting Latino out there to to the rest of the Latino Community he really does he doesn’t he’s he’s freaking dead like I know the kid if you guys have heard of Ralph Barbosa Ralph Barbosa and the freaking awesome comedian funny as hell this kid doing his thing staying in his own lane that he didn’t even acknowledge what George Lopez was saying about him and he just said you know hey just cause you’re tired and old doesn’t mean you can freaking bring me down with you and I yo 100 agree with Ralph Barbosa I mean it’s like how can you hate on the kid you don’t even know him you’ve never had conversation with him and you just don’t like the fact that this kid is building something for himself and instead of being uplifting to him and saying yo hey hold on to that torch for Latino comedians he’s on the opposite he’s just straight up freaking hating um and again it’s sad sad sad sad Tino freaking uploading my man Manny yeah that’s what’s up but again that is the main reason why I’m going to watch it is because of Zolo I I could care less I I will freaking You Know cover my ears when Joseph Lopez comes out I don’t give a damn but that’s why I wanna I wanna see that kid do good for himself man um and you know I’ve I’ve gone to so many freaking movies just trying to trying to freaking especially when it comes to anybody that’s a minority character anything like that I hate using that [ __ ] term minority but if you know if you’re black brown Asian whatever the case you know I’m gonna be there to support whether the movie sucks but if the movie sucks I’m gonna be real I’m not gonna sit here and lie and say oh my God this movie was incredible just because they were black or Latino or whatever a hell [ __ ] no like I’m not doing that if I’ma call it how it is I’m gonna be like yo this movie was trash it was trash but again that is the main reason I got I gotta show love and support for Zolo I hate seeing that [ __ ] right now uh a good drawing said uh man well playing the unable to separate the art from the artist game good luck watching anything these days it’s best to pick one’s battles again a reason why the hell I’m watching just because of this kid I got number love for this kid man uh awesome he he’s the one that made me fall in love with freaking Cobra Kai I I enjoyed him and and nothing nothing to take away from the rest of the crew of Cobra caucus those folks as well are all charismatic every single actor on there and they’ve all sold me on it and I love men hands down one of the best shows for me was Cobra Kai uh but yeah this kid right here yeah I just want to wish him all the best and nothing but success and again it sucks to not see him going out there because then you’ll have some clown like George Lopez tweeting some [ __ ] and saying like oh yeah this is what I’m doing in blue I don’t want to hear that [ __ ] from him he’s he’s the [ __ ] he’s the worst um AOA in the building man what’s up brother good to see you said George Lopez took an organ from his wife and divorced her that’s right Savage Savage Savage Savage damn it that is right I don’t think it gets more Savage than that because that’s 100 a fact though I again everybody has their own demeanor everybody is their own way for me I could not look at my wife if you gave me an organ of yours and you saved my life I could not look at you in that manner to just let you go and be like I’m done with you like that that’s that that’s beyond me I don’t have the heart for that I will say that right the hell now you saved my life I will appreciate you for the rest of Eternity for the rest of life you know but that’s him Jay Nunya said player hater of the Year facts Jake’s kingdom is like yo lol JLS comics in the building what’s going on he said um it has to make about 300 million to break even using a standard two but you know 2.4 multiplier he’s like I think it can do that but likely won’t go too much higher I hope I’m wrong JLS win the same boat I really am wishing the best for it um again I I freaking hate this but and you know this is the reality this is the truth of things uh figure drawing also said WB is a horrible company on many levels but I still watch WB movies that look entertaining very freaking true man very damn true uh Jay Nunya said there are snakes in Ella man please they yo they just come rub themselves against trees rocks or whatever and they just shed their skin that’s that’s what that is that is whatever remember what a snake is that that’s all I gotta say everything a snake does slithering slam Miami shedding skin doing all this thing yo just always keep that in mind why people say and call other snakes is yeah that that right there in itself uh that in itself [ __ ] does it figure drawing lucky for me I do pick my battles um uh yeah you know you you have to you have to pick your damn battles Mr Rockfish in the building what’s going on I figure drawing uh also said Zolo definitely did not come up as a privileged actor he came from the yes exactly and that’s that’s what I like to hear man I love those uh you know those Underdog stories where you see somebody yeah who wasn’t privileged and they had the opportunity to come up from the bottom from The Gutter and make their way out and this kid is a great example he did not come from a well-to-do family he came from a poor family he grew up out there in the west coast and he’s doing his thing man so nothing but love and props to him and that’s the reason why I want to show support to it but no matter what movie you go out no matter what you want to do anymore yeah it’s true also with figure drawing is saying where you are never gonna find a movie that is going to appease you as much as you would like to and I freaking agree with that uh you know I I hate the fact that again that this dude was even picked to be in the movie I wish they would have somebody else you know but freaking George Lopez yeah that that was such a [ __ ] bad move um on that in Darth Melvin uh said Lopez is trying to stay relevant to the world where his parts are becoming smaller and smaller this is why he wants to be center stage and cut others down yo and that’s it very well said that that’s how that guy is portraying himself he is not he is not any sort of person that can uplift you or make you a better person you know that that dude is just so detrimental to like absolutely everyone and you could just just just go and look at the stuff this guy says man I it’s I can hardly even stomach all the [ __ ] that that this dude says man that’s how bad it is uh Lord of BK and build another member another Savage member right there Savage Soldier Hollywood has collapsed he said I claim victory yo load of BK you took Hollywood down bro you took him down damn it I give you props for that um Darth Melvin also said I feel bad for him and his lame part on Sharkboy and I love her girl oh my God I don’t feel bad for that dude bro I honor sweeped up uh figured drawing said hold up snakes are not slimy though hey they they build some slime after they shed man I don’t know what to call it maybe they peed on me probably who the hell knows they are killing me pause uh Jersey to the Bay what’s going on said the only snake I trust is Jake and his pet Damien yeah uh Louis olivo said I will be in San Diego but we will try and catch the Hispanic blue Iron Man he said this Marvel Fanboy wants DC to be successful as well high tide float boats especially with MCU pending slow down yeah facts brother oh and Louie man let me know how how uh San Diego Comic-Con is because I know now that you’re going uh but yeah let me know brother because I definitely would love to know what they’re replacing you know a lot of you know Hall h with what they’re doing over there San Diego I’m very very interested you know in everything Carlos Ortiz in the building what’s going on my brother he said George Lopez has lost it his new show that he did with his daughter was terrible woke oh yeah 100 [ __ ] percent bro 100 [ __ ] percent I I don’t even watch it I don’t not bother even watching it I saw little clips of it on YouTube and all the freaking way through damn it uh William Medina said the only snake I trust is snake plays again yeah that’s what the [ __ ] I’m talking about man that is what I’m talking about Louis olivo said well dude I appreciate it my brother yeah I would definitely I’m interested to see how uh if San Diego Comic Con is going to be a true Comic-Con that’s filled with comics and all the great stuff that we all love uh figure Jones set facts thorough Disney is horrible too but no way I just stopped watching all Disney movies all together playing that game is frog yeah it’s it’s it’s a tough thing to muster in today’s day and age to be honest with you I really would hope that I could I can give you guys a better outlook on things uh but going beyond that let’s go ahead into some other talks because this is actually something that was very interesting and I actually saw this um a minute ago I don’t know why the hell I just took this off my screen hold on one second uh but let me bring up uh the screen back up here uh so this was big shout out again man I I really really appreciate all you guys all you savage soldiers out there can’t thank y’all enough a lot of y’all hit me up uh time and time again and every time I’m always seeing something so I Gotta Give a big shout out man um I’m I’m gonna go over here to Tony’s comics Tony’s comics yo big shout out to you always always in the chat whenever they can um and they were just talking to me about this this was something that I saw a while back on um on bleeding cool so this was actually from uh July 10th so this has been a while ago I really I don’t think I talked about this but if you guys do not know yes UPS is on the brink of going on a strike it seems like striking is is the is is the new hot thing of freaking 2023 but I also understand it now here’s the biggest thing if you guys did not know there have been talks ongoing between ups and the International Brotherhood of teamsters for anybody that does not know I used to be a part of teamsters back in the days when I was doing construction and uh yeah they’re they’re one hell of a union they don’t play games so I can see this already happening everything is supposed to be breaking down by August if they cannot come to an agreement I also understand like my man Tony’s Comics I’m not gonna put out his government name I really appreciate him uh but I asked him and I talked to him on uh on IG so on Instagram I actually was just asking them hey do you think that this is going to affect you know the you know the uh delivery of comic books even though Diamond says that they’re preparing themselves to go via every way possible to make sure comic books are getting out to each and every one of us on a weekly basis like it normally does uh by going to you know via DHL by going via FedEx but you guys know a lot of these even UPS you know sometimes they get contracted by these companies as well so you know especially for ups and I I don’t know how this is gonna work out I don’t know how this is gonna work out I don’t know how they’re going to do that I feel like we might end up having delays to be honest with y’all uh as far as comic book deliveries you might go to LCS on a Wednesday thinking that your books are there and then they’re feeling like yo we have not got our [ __ ] we have not gotten our damn Supply sorry come back tomorrow or the day after or whenever this is this is gonna be it’s gonna be a hell of a rush so I asked my man Tony’s comics and I said bro what do you think is going to be the outcome of this do you think that this is going to affect so I’m going to share with you guys what my man Tony’s Comics wrote to me and he said yes it most definitely will he said we delivered to my LCS he actually delivers to his LCS all the time said Gemini mailers school supplies PetSmart GameStop CBS all kinds of customers we really do uh don’t want to strike because we will be missing out on a lot of money but we get some kind of strike pay uh but we will see by July 31st um and then he went on ahead and told me hey this is Tony’s Comics which I appreciate because I didn’t want to put out his actual government name um and he also told me yeah um a couple of weeks ago I believe it was maybe two weeks ago uh he left a comment on one of the live shows about ups and he said um and he was just saying how a lot of the workers are fed up with ups and how they treat us so this just goes to show you I mean it honestly just goes to show you how these companies I I personally don’t understand it to be honest with you I I look at the way that you sort of try to see how these companies are treating and the reason why I even want to talk about this also is because there’s also something else that came out in reference to um to um who the hell was it I’m trying to see right now real quick um and I saw I saw I saw in reference to Disney so in reference to Disney they were also talking about how Eiger either came out and started talking about how these people shouldn’t be complaining all these workers shouldn’t be you know going into that situation saying like oh I you know why are you guys feeling like this you guys should have feel uh the way that you do why are you even striking you guys are getting paid and they went on ahead and um James Gunn’s brother James Gunn’s brother came out and he actually talked about it I’m actually trying to look for it right now uh but James Gunn’s brother came out and spoke against it and he just pretty much told Iger like how are you gonna talk when back in the days he’s like you know people you know anybody in these high you know these high level positions you were making 10 times the amount of what the actual worker was making so of course now you look at the way Bob Iger Bob Iger is making about 400 times the amount of what the average worker is making so how can you actually come out here and start talking and reference you know in reference to that and make it seem like it’s not nothing important and I understand that because at the same time you look at you look at the way that things are being played out all across you know just just anything and when you see the way that they try to break things down it it sort of seems like they could care less about what the hell is going to happen to any of these folks what they’re waiting for like another viewer man big shout out to Keith um I’m actually reading his stuff right here I just don’t want to put out there the government names on here on uh on uh on freaking YouTube but he actually made a comment in reference to this whole like you know sag-aftra uh strike and everything and it’s also similar to what happens with UPS as well so he said the end game is to allowed things to drag on until sag after union members start losing their apartments and losing their houses a studio executive told us to uh to deadline one Insider called it a cruel but necessary evil uh from my MSNBC website this is something that he shared with me and I said I was like of course of course they’re gonna do that but here’s the thing if as you as a little people start to all of a sudden feel the burdens of going on strike and you start to yeah lose your homes you start I guess guys this is what big corporations do big corporations are going to wait it out until you guys start crawling back and saying hey I need my job back because I can’t pay bills and again the only way this will affect them is if they can remain on strike and pretty much just tell them hey we’re gonna freaking put our feet on the ground we don’t care what the hell is about to happen but change is going to be made and the only way it’s going to be made is if these guys don’t freaking budge if they freaking make sure that they stand tall on the ground and say hey we’re not going to be moving on anything because if you guys are trying to give us these lame ass contracts or this lame ass pay then of course it goes you know it goes the same thing along the lines or UPS I’ve heard so many I’ve I have a lot of friends too that work for UPS in New York and they freaking hate it after a while I had two friends of mine that ended up quitting from UPS because they were just like dude this job is pointless I’m making good money but yes at the same time it’s like dude I barely I’m around my family I’m constantly on the road I’m doing you know the things making deliveries doing that and I was just like damn that is that’s that’s a burden in itself to a lot of people there’s people who leave high paying jobs because they want to spend time with their families and you’re seeing this all throughout Just Happening uh so big again man big shout out to uh Keith playing some cover tunes really appreciate you my brother for sharing that with me uh but I’m also looking for the uh for the other stuff too that was being uh shared with me and again I know there’s other folks too that come out and say Hey you know these little pansies out here they’re all whining about how they they need to do this um you know and man why are they complaining when they’re making a [ __ ] ton of money um and again here’s here’s one of the videos that uh let me go ahead and share with you guys that uh Sean Gunn so big shout out to Sean Gunn they shout out to Sean Gunn because he’s you know he he actually came out and spoke against it I I also understand it I’m you know I I believe in capitalism I believe in a lot of this stuff and let me see Jersey today thank you man I appreciate it hold on let me go back into this let me go back into that and I think I forgot to click on the audio button on there but I do I want to play this for you guys because I think it’s very well said what uh Sean Gunn was saying in this video right here so let me go ahead and re-share this with you guys and again he’s just talking about Bob Iger in the comments that he was making on there we got Kingdom comics in the building what’s going on I’m gonna stop playing the audio for you uh here in a second guys once this starts here you go I think that when Bob Iger talks about uh what a shame it is he needs to uh remember that in 1980 um CEOs like him made 30 times what the worker with their lowest worker was making now Bob Iger makes 400 times what are you guys able to hear this just let me know if you guys are getting any audio on it right now I redid it again to share the uh share the screen I added if you guys cannot hear it I will try it one more time um AOH uh AOA is saying Sean Gunn says I’m at WB now the hell with Disney yeah pretty much they jumped the ship I I’m telling you guys it it [ __ ] sucks because these guys are under contractual you know uh obligations where they can’t speak about the companies that they work for so now you know not saying that you know Warner Brothers is any better you know what I mean because they’re in the same boat you got you know you got Zazzle lives as love is making a [ __ ] [ __ ] ton of money same way Bob Iger is um and you know it it’s freaking very shitty but let me uh play this for you guys so you guys can listen and slow lowest worker is and I think that’s a shame Bob and maybe you should take a look in the mirror and what ask yourself why is that and not only why is that is it okay is it morally okay is it ethically okay that you make that much more than your lowest worker and if so why why is that okay if your response says that that’s just the way business is done now that’s just the way corporations work now well that sucks and that makes you a person if that’s your answer so you should come up with a better answer than that yeah all right so you guys heard it from the from the horse’s mouth I mean big big kudos to Sean Gunn for speaking up against this I understand again I am a big believer in capitalism I I believe in it all right I’m not gonna hide that from anybody I I see it do that you deserve what you freaking get for the work that you put in that’s how I view this world the biggest thing too is though is he’s also right you are literally making 400 times when what he said earlier was back in the 80s 70s and 80s you know the boss the people uh you know in the upper echelon those folks who are making 10 times the amount or 40 times I believe he he used but it was around maybe yeah maybe around that 30 to 40 uh times the amount and now you’ll be having these folks who yeah he said it to him he’s like dude you’re making 400 times the amount of your average worker is there something not morally wrong with that and I do agree with him on that because to what extent and to What freaking levels of greediness do you have to get to to be to start talking [ __ ] about somebody that’s barely making ends meet if they decide like hey I need to I have a family I have a single family home mortgage I have cars my kids need cars I gotta pay for school for my kids I got to do so many things just like a lot of us go through those struggles right now like for myself what do I have to do I have to actually put my daughter because since we moved into Pennsylvania I had to put my daughter into private school I gotta pay for private school for her for kindergarten because they will not accept her because her birthday falls on September 21st they sort of just told us was like yeah there’s nothing we can help you with they just kind of threw me to the Wayside and was like hey the only thing we could tell you is you know put her in private school all right so now guess what I gotta take a part of my income and I have to put it towards her freaking you know going to private school which I was like Hey the schools are great over here public schools are great in uh in Lehigh Valley where I live at and I just pretty much just said I was like okay well you know I’m gonna put my daughter because I’m not gonna let my daughter they start school at the very last week of August here and I said I don’t want my daughter to freaking to miss out on a Year’s school because her birthday just happened you know by The Graces of God happened to be on September 21st all I said was like okay cool I don’t I’m I have no reasons to even get upset man I you know these These are the rules that people make you gotta live by the rules unfortunately but you also got to be smart about it I don’t let it affect my life I just do what I need to do but you sort of see that now it actually puts sort of a damper in the things that I want to do I got to put my daughter in public in a private school in order for me to make sure that she doesn’t miss out on her year just because her birthday did not meet the standards of public schools here in Pennsylvania it’s it’s a lot of [ __ ] A lot of people go through so many things in life I don’t let anything bring me down man that’s the biggest thing you keep on with the fight but just like how he was saying yeah it is shitty in that sense of how these folks are making millions millions of dollars and even when ider’s ass got kicked the hell out he still left with a freaking huge wad of money I’m talking about in the millions they paid his ass out onto freaking to you know to see his ass gone and it’s just it’s crazy crazy how it is but again I do want to see you know um with you guys honestly think and Wilbur uh said that’s always the end game in Hollywood strikes class Warfare and fighting starts in the unions between the Rich and Famous members versus the paycheck to paycheck member different priorities yeah very freaking true very damn true man uh we got comic journey in the building what’s going on my brother uh he said uh uh meritocracy has always been how people have been paid in capitalism people need to not worry about what other people are making and worry about their own situation and very true very true in that you know that I trust me I understand every aspect and every freaking you know conversation that we all have in reference to this uh Louis olivo said bye but I understand Sean Gunn pulled the video that’s and then and this was another thing too that you you know what you know what comes down with it the reason why he probably pulled it is because his brother is the head of Warner Brothers now for everything and anything DC so they’re going to start questioning him and they’re going to say well what about your brother how much money is he making you know all that stuff is going to come it is always going to be backlash and of course that is why he’s going to end up freaking pulling that damn video it doesn’t that that I 100 I’m gonna say that yeah he of course he’s gonna freaking do it because now he’s gonna look like a hypocrite and whoever wants to sit there and be like oh yeah I’m a hypocrite talking about how much somebody’s making me while my my family’s making this quantity money over here being the head of you know BC and everything and now what what is what can he say because again just like I brought up zaz lives ass lives another one that’s making 400 times the amount of everybody else but who the hell knows again what I don’t like is if he did pull the video down is that he was voicing he was being a voice for the little people for the people just like Wilbur said that you know you got the the members who work in this industry who are living paycheck to paycheck versus those who are up there you know who you know the movie stars and the people that are up there you know the CEO CFO so on and so forth it’s it’s pretty freaking crazy so I I wish that he wouldn’t have taken it down to be honest with you if he did that sucks but I have respect for him to speak up because yes you probably will hear his voice a million times before you would hear anybody else that we don’t know their name who works on that paycheck to paycheck level and that that’s sort of shitty man if if that happened I appreciate that Louie uh comic Journey says there’s a ton of Deadwood working for these companies does everyone on strike care about all the people that will lose their jobs after they get their raises absolutely [ __ ] not absolutely not that’s why you’re right too man it it also it also comes down to the fact that it’s a doggy dog world folks we all know this as much as I personally again if I was put in a position I would be different that’s just me I can’t expect everybody out there as long as my freaking family is fed everybody is good I would try to help out other folks man that that’s just my demeanor that is how I’m built everybody else you talk about greed these guys don’t ever see if their mindset is hey for example Iger the sazolabs if they say hey I want to be a billionaire they’re going to collect man they’re gonna keep going until they get to those billion dollars right and this is me just speaking guys I don’t know what the hell there you know the their net worth is I know I have not checked we we see a lot of this crap on a consistent basis everywhere man and even the people that make a [ __ ] ton of money still become thieves trust me I’ve been in the industries where it was just kind of like you would see certain things that I was like come on even me being at the times and you know a waiter waiting in a restaurant and then I would have the captain of my freaking party or get together whatever’s happening because I used to work in catering halls I worked as a waiter at restaurants I would have some of these guys who would come up to me and tell me oh yeah that you know the the people that that did this party didn’t leave us a tip and I’m there like what I just literally saw you I saw somebody just give you a freaking envelope saying please hand this out to the rest because you’re the captain of this freaking of this get-together you’re the captain of all the waiters and sure as hell what do they do they’re already getting paid well because they were captains I I got to that position myself but I was in a different mindset I was like hey yo guys listen after we’re all done we’re all cleaned up we’re done with our shift we I need you guys to wait for me because I need to give out your tips wasn’t like that for everybody you have people that again they’re not they’re not going to be transparent they’re not they’re not going to keep it a buck with you they’d rather just go ahead and yeah I saw this dude I I mean trust me I wanted to keep this man’s ass I don’t forget this guy I wanted to kick this man’s ass because every time I used to tell them I was like please yo stop putting me the major D I used to tell them hey stop putting me in parties with this guy because this dude would forever forever always take money from people and you’re taking money out of people’s freaking hands that yes that was people I worked with who had to work the you know being a waiter as a freaking second job they needed to try to make ends meet and it’s it’s pretty [ __ ] shitty how the hell that you know it was working I will tell you the restaurant that catering place I used to work comic Journey might know where it is but Ricardo’s Ricardo’s if you know where that where that’s at in the story of Queens then you know that place ain’t there no more that place it got sold I know I know the owners I know all these people but that is one of the things I’ll tell you I used to work there and yeah you used to see that [ __ ] even the people that that were making a crap ton of money you would see it all the damn time and not even just that you’ll see people man the thievery would be all over the place no matter where ball attended same [ __ ] thing tips tip Jaws I bartended and what would happen then all of a sudden it was like somebody would come and be like oh yeah I really didn’t make that much and I’m just watching them pocketing [ __ ] money and I’m like really I’m like okay you know I wouldn’t say nothing because I was like hey I really want to punch you in your damn mouth but I’m not gonna do it because I know where that puts me I’ll probably be in jail if I freaking knock you the hell out the biggest thing too is is like okay you’re doing this you must really need that [ __ ] money and I’ve always been a firm believer in [ __ ] karma karma is a [ __ ] it will come back it will come back to get you um so yeah I 100 Comic journey I trust me I do Does anyone give a [ __ ] after the fact absolutely not there’s not going to be people that are going to say oh yeah I yeah it’s great that they’re there because anybody can go sit out there it’s the same thing for me like you know I I see a lot of these you know mainstream freaking you know football players NBA players baseball players and they can come out to me and start complaining I you know I would look at them funny in a heartbeat because I mean like what do you have to complain about what do you have to complain about you have absolutely everything you could possibly think of you are super talented you’re making millions of [ __ ] dollars what do you have to complain about this is where you start to see if you are making that type of money then you need to learn how to live well within your means so that you’re not putting yourself in a position where all of a sudden you’ll be like oh man like I can’t afford my Rolls-Royce or I can’t afford it nobody’s telling you to get that [ __ ] you’re getting that because you think it’s a [ __ ] fad and you want to have that in your life because you think it’s going to make you stand out more and reality it really is and you can’t take anything my biggest lesson out of all of this that I’ve always learned in life is you can’t take all this [ __ ] with you when you’re dead when you’re dead that’s it it’s over it’s a wrap somebody else is going to take over your property just the same way I look at these Comics I love my comic books but in the end the moment I leave this freaking Earth my family’s gonna stay with it they probably won’t want it and they’ll probably be like ah and then somebody else out there who’s ready to to do this and be like oh man I got a big ass collection of Comics that’s that’s how I view we are temporary owners of these things you are not you do not own this [ __ ] forever I know some folks will be like yo they better bury me with my [ __ ] and more than likely they probably might not your family probably like freaking psychopath I ain’t bearing you with all this it’s a wrap you know uh so Kingdom Comics man but it’s out of on my man Tito said part one said my thoughts you have both of these strikes going on at the same time I get it but at the end of the day how will it affect the consumer us does that mean theaters will charge more very [ __ ] well put bro those are things that yes these things cross my mind as well will theater start you know start to charge more for seeds start to charge more for popcorn all day yo everything gets affected it’s not just them everything all around gets affected so again only Tom could tell I I would love to be able to read into the future and see like oh you know what you’re you know yeah again speaking just making [ __ ] numbers up I’m not freaking going crazy or nothing Ten Dollar seat at the movie theater now becomes 20 because it doubles because of everything that’s going on and yeah it does the does that make me more inclined to want to go to the movies absolutely [ __ ] not I’d be like yo [ __ ] this I will skip this and I’ll just wait to this damn movie drops on on demand or some [ __ ] that’s that’s literally how I would look at it as because I ain’t no way in hell I’m paying [ __ ] twenty dollars to go sit in a movie theater that’s crazy and then to buy like a [ __ ] 20 Coke and a freaking 12 you know forty dollar bucket of popcorn ain’t no way no way uh Kingdom Comics said part two do toys go up even more uh if they get what they want what will happen to cover that course it will all fall on the consumer lower the budget of the film at the end of the other day consumer pays man and I’m not mad at you Tito I am not mad at you bro that’s literally what might end up freaking happening to be honest with you we’re all gonna have to pay for this [ __ ] and yeah just like you know so-called taxes good old wonderful you know I don’t call him up president but this freaking clown that’s in in office right now where’s all this stuff going man where is all this stuff going that’s that’s the thing that’s where we come and see there’s no transparency whatsoever all across the board we don’t know exactly what it is that they’re doing we we have no honest clue we just go about what the media is putting out there for us and that’s where we get our information from and half the time can we rely on the information put out there by the media absolutely [ __ ] not hey it is what it is Lord of BK said uh comic Journey uh exploitation is also a fundamental part of capitalism the difference between how much your work is worth and how much you are paid yes man I don’t like comics in the building said Earl uh we’re here in Canada and Latin America that you’re going to strike Monday LOL no man I I you know I strike brother I am not a strike I’m just gonna be M.I.A for the week because I gotta handle personal business with closing the house out in VA that that’s all man um comic Journey says they’re all a bunch of Hypocrites yeah that’s how it’s going to come off of uh comic Journey say Lord it’ll be K the difference is not how much you worth the difference is how much you produce true man there’s people that don’t produce man Kingdom of nerds is in the building guys if you have not checked out my boy brucifer please go and subscribe to the channel Kingdom of nerds click on their link that’s right there guys click on the name and you will be able to go over there to the channel check it out uh great freaking dude always doing some great things definitely be on the lookout for Stuff uh that you you know for for all kind of videos that are going to be dropping courtesy a kingdom of nerds um the comic Journey said Ricardo’s was there forever it turned into it yeah they they demolished it it’s gone oh yeah I used to work there um load a big case that what do the CEOs produce in comparison to the workers and that’s always the question what are you producing you’re literally as a CEO you’re managing you you’re gonna do things you have really the per you know in the production level of things so ah there you go man that’s that’s a great one right there that’s a great way they always said your facts facts facts um let me see a lot of B uh BK also second these CEOs drive a UPS truck and that’s the thing that’s the thing you see we don’t have leaders in this world anymore man we don’t have leaders in this world anymore you know what’s the difference between a leader and somebody that just bosses you to [ __ ] around is a leader takes action and a boss bosses you to [ __ ] around yeah so now y’all know the freaking difference for those that never freaking looked at it that’s how I’ve always viewed [ __ ] because of people that I’ve had who were truly leaders in leadership positions they actually got their hands dirty they never were too good to not get their hands dirty you don’t see that anymore you hardly see that and that is not taking away from everybody because I’ve had people I’ve had bosses you know who who have been up there you know yeah I said the word boss but they were leaders they actually used to get their hands dirty I used to have folks who were in the restaurant business I grew up in that restaurant business and they literally would actually get their hands dirty they weren’t all about like let me walk around the table and say hi ma’am hi sir how was your meal today they weren’t just doing that they were actually coming back there in the kitchen grabbing plates if the person said hey I needed more water they were actually going there and getting more water those are leaders they’re actually there in the trenches with you no matter what freaking Walk of Life no matter what them freaking job you’re working that’s the freaking definition of a leader you don’t have these [ __ ] anymore so people when they tell me oh yeah we’re putting this person in a position of leadership and I’m looking at them like what kind of [ __ ] leader are they they just know how to boss around they just know how to say hey your shift is at one o’clock you better be here at one o’clock you better not be here no later than that but if they need to keep your ass there longer always remember this folks there’s nothing in your contracts there’s nothing [ __ ] obligating you to stay in your job longer than you have to and you’re not getting paid for it that’s how the [ __ ] I used to be this is why they used to call me a [ __ ] Rebel even on the police force Because unless something was happening when I was cutting off and freaking clocking out for the day and something major happened then of course yeah I understood I had to handle my business and do my job as a cop but when that moment came and my shift was over at freaking midnight guess where my ass was my ass was back in my district to check off and have a nice [ __ ] night don’t tell me hey you need to come do this you need to know I can do that for you tomorrow when I come back in and clock back in because you’re not paying me for this [ __ ] especially when they start being [ __ ] Nazis about like yo you can’t you can’t do this over time uh you’re killing us here you’re doing this and they’re trying to monitor overtime and doing all this [ __ ] come on that that for me I’m telling you has never has never ever ever I’ve never fallen for that [ __ ] uh comic Journey said the good CEOs make sure the company makes more money every year the bad CEOs lose money every year uh the goods should make a fortune the shitty ones should get fired pretty simple um and AOA said good CEO equals fantasy yeah I don’t think I’ve probably ever seen a good CEO in my life it’s crazy uh Kingdom of nurse said it was hot as hell work uh working on loading and sorting trucks at UPS in the 90s man you know I used to hear all of my friends that worked man it’s crazy uh Louis said thorough admitted you excited to watch Miss Marvel for free on it yo I am not watching it I’m gonna tell you right now Louie I’m going straight to the damn end credits all right that is all I’m doing I’m not gonna sit there and watch that [ __ ] I’m gonna skip right through it and I just want to watch the end credits which I’m sure somebody in the movie theater somebody’s gonna record it and put it up on Tick Tock they’re gonna put it up on Twitter they’re gonna put it up anywhere on Reddit you’re gonna find it everywhere so I don’t even have to do that man I really don’t even I have no want to watch that damn movie I also said by the way I still sneak food in drinks into movies sometimes popcorn soda here in Phoenix is like holy [ __ ] it probably less than NYC though oh yeah man everything is going but still God Jesus oh my God that that is crazy that is crazy uh Kingdom Comics said what Disney do they cutting what 5.2 billion dollars in in uh in costs I mean they cutting costs on everything but the prices stay the same WB and Disney seeing profits everywhere but the production cost dude it is it is crazy Comics embraced in the building says Story of My Life brother I don’t know if you may be referring to what I was just talking about but like I said it just goes it happens everywhere I mean there are literally people that’s why I hate seeing all these freaking jobs that I’ve ever been in talking about hey this needs to be you know we’re putting this person in this position of leadership and it’s like yo stop calling it that stop calling it that garbage it is not positions of leadership man you do not have [ __ ] leaders you got [ __ ] [ __ ] who either freaking Brown knows their way up there or again this is the truth man I’ve noticed it when you’re nice and you play nice you get trampled you get run over but when you [ __ ] play dirty and you’re [ __ ] an [ __ ] you seem to get everything in [ __ ] life that’s how it always looks but just don’t ever lose faith in being good there’s always a great outcome with being good in life I know that I know that for a freaking fact uh Kingdom also said just because yeah you made 300 million uh a 300 million dollar movie doesn’t mean you’ll get a 600 million dollar movie CEOs and VPS need to be the ones who get their checks cut because of the decision and that’s a fact like I know I said that for the writers they should be cut a check if a movie does well yeah they should also be [ __ ] cut too if the movie does [ __ ] should be the same thing for the CEOs it should be the same thing for all these VP ease whatever CFOs you know all the [ __ ] titles out there if that happens I 100 agree if there is no success within the company it should reflect on you it should reflect on you not having that freaking ability to make millions of [ __ ] dollars just because your ass gets to sit up there in a comfy chair and all of a sudden all you’re doing is decision making of oh let’s take this money here let’s do this that for me is not [ __ ] work if you know that then you should be out there it’s the same thing for me I always used to say as a cop how can you [ __ ] tell me that I need Improvement in some sort of area when your ass isn’t even out there on the street because I don’t bring you paperwork I don’t bring you tickets I don’t bring you absolutely anything that that reflects but then here’s my thing which or any of these sergeants lieutenants captains were out there [ __ ] going around and seeing what we’re doing meanwhile I’m there patrolling my sectors and in my sectors is absolutely no [ __ ] crime no shootings no nothing because I started to build a rapport with people and that’s what there’s a lack of when it comes to policing from my personal experience so my biggest thing out of all of it is like okay so if I’m doing my job and nobody got killed nobody got hurt there were no robberies I want to guess what I did I did my [ __ ] job doesn’t reflect on me that they would come to me and tell me oh you didn’t bring any parking tickets you didn’t bring any [ __ ] traffic tickets you didn’t do this I’m like what the [ __ ] I was like you’re worried about that meanwhile there was Zero crime for [ __ ] this day that’s not that’s not [ __ ] showing you that I’m working and I’m doing [ __ ] it’s like man it’s a bunch of [ __ ] it I’m telling you it’s every [ __ ] where every Walk of Life I’ve been through so many [ __ ] jobs that again it’s just it trust me it for anybody it could be discouraging to just be like yo I’m I I’m I’m fed up I’m done with this I can’t do this [ __ ] anymore the common Forge in the building man we’ll just go and happy Sunday he said I appreciate it man yo and a happy birthday to the queen my brother I appreciate that wishing her all the best and nothing but blessings my brother uh Lord a b k said all true leaders are able to step in and cover for aspects of business that falter these CEOs get platinum parachutes for failure you are comparing them to workers and dude that that’s really what it is Comics Embrace saying absolutely um it freaking I’m telling you it sucks it sucks I mean it it is what it is um in the end but again we’re there we’re gonna see what the [ __ ] happens I think that a lot of this stuff is going to affect not just within the industry it’s going to affect everything on the outside as well um for me again I’m really hoping Blue Beetle does well I hope the folks at UPS so the workers all the hard workers at UPS that you guys end up getting your you know your deserve due your just do um it’s it sucks to see that you can’t even freaking get paid well enough to [ __ ] you know to take care of your expenses and especially too like doesn’t anybody ever realize that there is an economical change all around us uh does anybody not you know does the pay for any worker out there not reflect upon the changes that are happening cost of housing mortgages so on and so forth if you know if you’re if you’re a renter do they not they do they not ever think about that no they they just [ __ ] go with it and be like oh they’re happy they’re working and this is the thing man we were all set up in life in the same way I look at view of schools they set you up to be like a [ __ ] drone and just be accepting of all this to be a worker be instead of being a [ __ ] king or queen out there they set you up for that they don’t set you up beyond that because for me I’ve always wondered in school why they never taught me on you know anything you know especially like I know people be like oh yeah but we have business classes we had this economics and all man [ __ ] that that did not teach you the actual [ __ ] of what happens when you get your first paycheck ain’t nobody telling me I had to [ __ ] pay the IRS when I was in school none of this crap no I had to learn that [ __ ] on my own they then were not teaching me that [ __ ] I don’t know how it is for some of you on your schools but for me that did not [ __ ] do any of that [ __ ] they did not teach you about certain things they’re like okay this is what’s gonna happen this is how you file taxes this I you do they ain’t teach none of that [ __ ] so that I can speak facts on uh Lord of BK says yes that is like She-Hulk writing show her 324 uh residual checks She-Hulk was so [ __ ] bad they should have been paying me 324 for even having that show on the air I don’t know if you were saying Millions because Jesus Christ I hope it’s not or 324 dollars just straight up uh Kingdom of nurse said make sure you give your UPS driver a bottle for the holidays yo for real man I I for me even for the postal workers I I always used to give them money at the end of the year especially from all the comic books and everything that my one postal worker in Virginia shout out to him I don’t think he watches this but shout out to him he always asked me yeah at one point was like he’s like what the hell is in these boxes and I told him I was like his comic books comic books comic books comic books and he was just like he’s like oh my God he’s like these things are heavy and I was like listen if I’m here and I help you I’ll help you put them in the truck whatever but yeah you know I freaking always hit him off with 100 bucks at the end you know for Christmas and things like that um just to thank them man because it’s not easy bro like all everything and anything in you know hard labor all that stuff none of that [ __ ] is easy and God forbid you ever get sick or anything like that is is crazy uh Kingdom Tommy said on the flip side thorough he said you get what you’re worth I mean there is no free handout so make yourself marketable make yourself worth something along with that don’t live above your means yeah that’s that’s very freaking true man I you know like for me I had you know I I don’t let anything discourage me I got my little bump in my road where I gotta you know I gotta pay for private school for my daughter I’m gonna do everything under the sun to make sure my daughter is good you know I don’t want her to freaking miss out on a year of school because they didn’t want to take her here now that we moved and she has to start kindergarten it’s like I said that’s that’s that’s a bump in the road but we’re gonna make it work man everything works out you know and and again for me like I believe in it you know in the man above and I just leave it in his hands I know everything is going to be working out perfectly in that sense out of you know that doesn’t stop me from doing absolutely anything I need to do uh but you’re right you you definitely you definitely that’s something I had to learn I’ve been guilty of that I’ve been you know in my you know my personal life where I started trying to like live early when I didn’t have kids living beyond my means and then all of a sudden I’m strapped for cash I’m strapped for a lot of different things and I’m having such a tough time you know just making ends meet um and also man another last thing that I want to talk about right here is actually shout out to the to my boy man my boy Tito uh he sent me this and I actually want to talk about this here um and I know he he felt a certain way about this uh because this gentleman in here was actually talking about static shock um and he said it they go by the name diesel Dan Comics is this static’s first appearance um and I’m sure a lot of people out there have watched have have seen this have probably know where where the hell static has made his first appearance um there’s a lot should this say first appearance of static shock as it stands static shock’s first appearance is static number one in June 1993 icon number one is credited for being a preview of static May 1993.
okay so for anybody that does not know yes icon I’ll tell you this all day because I’m a big milestone fan you guys know for people that have known me here on the channel for quite some time I am a big big gigantic static shock fan so pretty much the premise of this video was him talking about icon number one should cgc cbcs whatever Grading Company should they be acknowledging that book which is technically a preview he opens up the book you see it it is a preview um you see him in multiple pages should he should they technically be labeling that that is the first appearance of static shock but let’s take a look on the inside static is shown so you see it there’s uh three pages if I remember correctly um and there were three pages with static shock it was a small preview well it was the biggest thing uh this is this is how like I told I told my boy there’s another Tito on that Kingdom Comics there’s a lot of Tito’s out there but he actually said he was like dude he’s like is this guy crazy so I do have a little something against this okay I do have a little something against this because for me I don’t think that previews should fall under the fact that these should be considered first appearances than if a preview can come out in any of the previews magazines from back in the days when you used to pick up your comic books and that’s how you knew what comic books were going to come out can you technically go ahead and say that that is their first appearance I’m gonna have to big uh you know beg to differ on that and the reason why I wanted to talk about this was because moment Tito hit me up with this and said bro he’s like I I don’t agree I’m gonna have to be on his side with this I don’t like the way that I’ve said this and you guys have heard me on countless occasions talk about this I do not like the way that these grading companies allow the market to dictate what is and what isn’t and for some odd reason they just ride the boat with that [ __ ] and it drives me [ __ ] insane the other biggest thing too is people still to this day I think it is going to be an ongoing forever battle between what is the difference between a cameo appearance and what is the difference between a first appearance so I get technical with this [ __ ] I get technical with it so the other day we were looking at Ultimate Comics the ultimate somebody said hey bro I like your video but issue two is not the first appearance of the maker it’s actually issue one ultimate Fallout 4 guys get that [ __ ] out of your mind please these are straight up facts ultimate Fallout 4 is not the first appearance of the maker that is a freaking strong fact yesterday I showed it on the video and I just told everybody hey guys you guys need to look at this issue one you had the maker but he is not referred to as the maker you had two panels with him the rest of the comic book non-existent you’re going into the ultimate ultimate uh the Ultimate Comics the ultimate to issue number two and you see him in multiple panels gets named The Maker everything that is his first full freaking appearance and then issue nine is his first cover appearance so it seems like all of these definitions people still can’t wrap it around their heads and when they try to say hey this is how the freaking grading companies dictate what’s a first appearance and what’s a cameo and so on and so forth they don’t even go along with what the [ __ ] they say so my biggest thing is can this right here because it is a preview it’s the same thing with spider uh with Spider-Man 2099 when you see him in the damn what was that Amazing Spider-Man 3 64 whatever the hell it is I can’t even remember right now but this is this is examples of it this is not in the actual story this is why I’m against the previews the same thing happened when that Miles preview you guys all know Mr goggles came out and started telling everybody oh this is the true the true first appearance of Miles Morales and comic books and so on and so forth and that’s a bunch of [ __ ] can’t take a previews book because then what what are you going to change are you trying to you know this for me all the [ __ ] day long is Market manipulation Market manipulation comes in so many freaking fashions that it it’s [ __ ] insane I I can be here I can make a gazillion [ __ ] videos showing everybody examples of Market manipulation when it comes to comic books would this be a form of Market manipulation all [ __ ] day long yes because somebody’s coming out and saying shouldn’t this be the first appearance there are so many previews within another one I remember talking about was the Grim Knight in DC which was the Ulta like The Punisher Alter Ego of Batman and you see him in the damn uh Justice League of Doom I forgot which issue but it was Justice League they retitled on top of it justice league of Doom and it has the Joker on it there’s a preview that is his first freaking appearance like a whole freaking preview of the Grim Knight and a lot of people were like ah not really my whole thing with this is I honestly if they’re gonna be concise about [ __ ] they just need to get rid of the whole preview thing and stop saying that yes this is the first appearance the whole preview [ __ ] got started once again by [ __ ] folks that want to go ahead and they wanted to dip into the market and make extra [ __ ] money off of it by saying oh I found the true first or I found this I found that and it’s like bro it’s not even in the continuity of the [ __ ] story so how the hell can you come up and say oh this is their true first appearance if it’s a [ __ ] preview it’s a little freaking snippet I have a gazillion [ __ ] previews back here that we can freaking talk about 24 freaking billion times and I can just go ahead and put it out and be like okay well if they’re working in this fashion then guess what I have the real [ __ ] first appearance of blah blah blah they can start going ahead and say like with Hulk 181 when you got Hulk 181 in in a small little preview a little freaking nugget that you see within a comic book and you can go ahead and say oh I have the real first appearance of Wolverine there’s the debate of that even when you have Hulk one 80 which you do see the damn dude in the back you see Wolverine full front and center freaking even saying his name and again that falls under the definitions of what these freaking uh grading companies love to categorize what a first appearance is and what is not and what does that in the third and then now again they will never change that because they know that you are going to [ __ ] up people’s money So for anybody that keeps debating the 180 181 talk just go because the market has decided folks they went with 181 because why there’s too much money already invested in it yeah this is the times when people invested in comic books this is why I say a lot of this [ __ ] becomes a gamble I personally don’t believe a preview of a character should be the first because you’re not in the continuity of the actual story so I love this book I love this character I always have I have [ __ ] like 40 copies of this icon number one all right don’t get it twisted that’s how big of a static fan I am but to this day I still don’t freaking regard it as being the first for my personal opinion again that whole freaking nonsense with the previews got started by some bozos who were just [ __ ] trying to manipulate the market you can go watch all these videos they’re out there do your own freaking you know use your own discretion but for me that’s what it always was it was somebody trying to pump and dump something that should have never even [ __ ] happened and then you even had people [ __ ] paying for those Marvel preview 95 or whatever the hell it was paying [ __ ] two thousand three thousand four thousand [ __ ] yeah y’all [ __ ] insane y’all are [ __ ] insane I don’t even know what the hell that book goes for because I could care less it was a damn preview I mean what is everybody going to say oh there’s a picture of this character I mean for that at that [ __ ] point then can’t you go ahead and say that freaking what was it ultimate Fallout 3 I think had a preview didn’t it if I’m not mistaken why don’t you go ahead and grab that book and say oh my God this is the first appearance of Miles Morales it’s like come on man you’re taking it to the next [ __ ] level with that [ __ ] and I really really I’m completely against this [ __ ] I hate the whole Market dictates and this that but again this whole preview [ __ ] take that nonsense out because for me as much as I love and adore this [ __ ] character this has been an ongoing thing I forever stick to [ __ ] static number one not because he’s on the cover not it is because it is his [ __ ] first appearance with his solo story so on and so forth if they wanted to go to this then this would have been acknowledged from the from the [ __ ] jump again the whole previous [ __ ] got started by again just for a bunch of [ __ ] Market manipulation and saying because then again what are you gonna do disregard all these other [ __ ] books again even though it’s not a preview it’s an actual first [ __ ] appearance of Wolverine on Hulk 180.
People are going with 181 because it’s the better cover it’s nostalgic you’ve got Wolverine on the cover fighting with the Hulk Hulk 180 who do you have you got freaking wind to go on the damn cover has no Wolverine except for what’s in the guts of the book but in all technicality like I said if they were technically following what they decided to say hey this is a first appearance if you see the character and you see their name and all this that in the dirt and that is their first one that happens to Hulk 180.
So they don’t live to those standards because they know they [ __ ] up already they dictated that 181 was its book everybody started going against it for the people that know which one is the truth even though there are Marvel cards that say hulk 180 is the [ __ ] actual damn first appearance there’s a lot of [ __ ] things that literally we could sit here and debate but again who has ruined that it has been a lot of these manipulators out there to include these grading companies who [ __ ] our ass backward on what their definitions are of first appearance Cameo and there’s that in the third they don’t even [ __ ] know when they’re considering some other books out there that look like if they were a cameo and they’re saying No this is the first appearance it makes no damn sense and even if the Creator because the same thing happened with Batman who laughs everybody, goes for the freaking Teen Titans 12.
and everybody has always gone crazy for that book why because again he’s on the cover he is in the guts of the book but then you go and ask the creator of Batman who laughs what is his first and then he hits you with a completely different book and nobody nobody acknowledges that so how can they sit there and say yes these are the first appearances for me nothing against diesel Dan Comics I know he’s trying to ask a question but for me yeah I’m sorry bro like this is just a preview there is no continuity to this honestly for me if they’re gonna [ __ ] go ahead and say Yes first appearance there should be the continuity this is why for me and my personal belief Hulk 180 is the first appearance of Wolverine you literally have that written out in definitions just go on cgc’s website go on cbcs and you look at definitions of what a first appearance is meanwhile they’ll say a cameo is a shadow they could have a word bubble they could do this and that’s a cameo this is this is [ __ ] this it’s a bunch of [ __ ] man it’s a bunch of [ __ ] it’s again this this whole freaking preview [ __ ] yeah it was people just trying to create a stir around something that should have never even [ __ ] became uh and it is what it is man uh but let me go ahead back into the chat as I keep freaking ranting in this [ __ ] because I this crap does piss me the hell off man and you you could tell that it does piss me the hell off um and Comics embraced I agree with you if they’re gonna [ __ ] do anything if they do want to create a label for this then yes that that is a good way of doing it man uh he said I think it should be labeled preview appearance that is what the hell yeah that that’s how I’ll really look at it as to be honest with you um and let me see uh Michael Baker in the building what’s going on said just getting here he’s like am I looking at the nerd version of Chris Evans he said no disrespect of course I I don’t know I had to look at them again um let me see what uh who else is in here in the building right now tiger fat what is going on remember the channel says same argument could be made for Spider-Man 2099 his first appearance should be Spider-Man 2099 number one not ASM 365 which is a preview yeah and and again that’s what it has come down to it has come down to these folks because you know you end up having a gigantic stash when this even happened I I remember this crap too have I known about yes I’ve had Spider-Man 2099 my whole damn life I was I was one of the few people that came out with the [ __ ] toy I had that freaking five freaking in man mint fresh freaking still in plastic all that freaking with the exception of one that had a yellowed out bubble I had five of those bad boys freaking was telling yo yeah you got a white version of this [ __ ] right here here but you know even that book went [ __ ] crazy and that that’s freaking stuff that I did why because I was a toy collector and I knew about that toy because that Spider-Man 2099 toy is a rarity a lot of people don’t know that they did not mass produce that toy because nobody really cared about Spider-Man 2099 and nobody even [ __ ] knew who Spider-Man 2099 was so they did not produce too many of them uh again great [ __ ] toy to add to the collection that was an actual story but it is also considered a freaking second printing in my personal opinion because it came out after the fact that Spider-Man 2099 the first issue came out so you start looking at it people want to pick it up because of the Rarity but this one right here yes I’ve known forever that ASM 365 had a preview did I ever consider that [ __ ] being the first of absolutely [ __ ] not absolutely not man again it is a preview um Louis olivo said was there a polyva uh polybag version of Icon number one um I know for the majority of Icon number ones that I’ve found yes there has been poly bags and then uh there’s some that I always used to find with no bag or no nothing so there yeah it is it sort of fell upon them a milestone used to love doing those poly bags on a lot of these books back in those days especially first issues because it was like oh here’s a little gift you’re opening up something great that a lot of people back in the days did not acknowledge and my main reason that I started to acknowledge static shock wasn’t I was I didn’t know that they had a comic book was because of the damn cartoon that cartoon was was freaking some of my favorite stuff on on freaking planet Earth um and even now I’ll still rewatch it and I watch it with my daughters and my daughters love it so I I definitely definitely something that I always hold near and dear to my heart has been static shock um uh fact that America said what’s crazy to me is Todd himself the actual Creator says he thought he thought damn that that’s a little much man uh Michael Baker say ASM 299 and Hulk 180 last first pages of Venom again and then that’s another one ASM 299 but again where do they go the market dictated that it is actual 300 300 is a one it’s again that that is the big [ __ ] fight uh Kingdom comic set titles on titles first on print first and color first and comic first Cameo second cam first we talking titles are capitalists well I yeah I think you’re the I think you’re leading more towards capitalism right there Kingdom comics in the building what is going on kujin good to see you uh AOA said but my mobile previews 95 first miles exactly that’s how I feel that’s how I feel about that [ __ ] uh Donald Donald Cleveland my man in the building it’s been a minute he said toddfather says 299 Market says 300.
Line the author and writer don’t know like the author and writer don’t always I’m assuming is what he said um Michael Baker said Mr goggles well yeah that’s how I refer to that dude man um I think the grading companies have to say first appearance and preview if it’s in a preview yeah 100 freaking percent uh casitino said uh Hey about to make a character look up ultimate Doom number four May 2011 what do you think uh I know exactly what you what you’re talking about with that ugh I don’t I don’t think so man I don’t think so I don’t think so Cosentino I know exactly what book you’re talking about bro I know I have it I have it I got I got that I got multiple copies of that again I love the Ultimate Universe just by far some of my favorite stuff from Marvel um Louie said oh we gonna go asn299 with venom Marvel often leaked the next villain on the last page there is spawn and Miles controversy Friday yeah exactly and that’s true they they always used to do that I mean even with other titles too you guys know Hulk 181 had that little stupid preview what do you want to say that that was the first appearance of freaking of Wolverine because they came out with the little preview which was like that freaking tiny in the damn you know in the ad area of of a comic book it’s like come on Lord of BK said I have both icon number one and static number one so I am safe okay that yeah that’s really what it is but either way though for me static number one is that book that is the book it is not a preview it is the book it presents itself exactly what it needs to be you got the story it is a continuity of that freaking character um let me see uh Kingdom Comics talking about DC presents 26 I’m not another one right there knocking fudge Malibu Sun 13 best example of a preview book yeah that is a great [ __ ] one man that one flew over my head I’m a big spawn fan I added all that whole damn thing I got I got rid of it I love spawn that was my first comic book ever but you’re right that’s another great example of a book that for me personally yeah everybody in the mother be paying um it is the same thing also with um son of a [ __ ] what is the other preview book um damn man that it was that that dude why am I forgetting this damn book but if you guys remember it was also the the comic book uh rust there you go if you guys remember that you also had a preview of freaking spawn in there now that came out way before the [ __ ] spawn number one even came out and that was another one um that was another one that thing again it just started getting into the hype of what was being spread it’s the same thing like I said I have a [ __ ] ton of preview books back here folks can I be in all technicality is even if you guys remember you used to go to the comic shop back in the 90s right I have a lot of those previews I’m punched and everything uh because nobody cared about them I bought them because I was like yo this this was my [ __ ] walk into a comic book store they used to have a little lanyard tied up they punched the hole through it and you’d be able to preview the comic book guys remember it came in different colors you would get it in white sometimes like I think it was DC that did it in uh red blue white uh Marvel they always used to do it in white I used to have all those previews I have a [ __ ] ton back here I used to always [ __ ] pick those up because that for me was like yo this is how I started to get into Comics because I couldn’t afford a comic book when I was younger so I used to read through what they had right there because it said free preview could that in all technicality if you start going down this [ __ ] road can you start now all of a sudden saying yo I own like for example Force works I have Force Works preview back here somewhere in this [ __ ] hot mess is that gonna be the first appearance of force works whatever the case right just [ __ ] hypothetically speaking is that going to be the real real first [ __ ] because those were the previews that came out before the actual freaking previews and all this that in the dirt is that going to be considered you see what I’m saying like that right there you’re going to start taking it another [ __ ] step further and they will never do that because there is already a [ __ ] ton of money being tied in same [ __ ] with Hulk 181 way too many investors on that book if they were to go ahead and retract and say no Hulk 180 is really Wolverine’s first appearance everybody who has spent Thirty forty thousand fifty hundred thousand two thousand three thousand dollars on that book will lose their [ __ ] [ __ ] and there will be a class action lawsuit against these [ __ ] grading companies oh Manny the Comic Collector said people were pumping Marvel preview 95 as miles first appearance but Marvel preview 94 also shows yes and that was another funny [ __ ] one uh Marvel preview 94.
you’re right they had that [ __ ] whole thing on there and then what happened with that everybody and the mother started trying to hunt down the [ __ ] Marvel preview 94 because everybody was like oh my God no this is really it I found the [ __ ] Holy Grail and it’s like come on yeah and we all know where it is it’s ultimate Fallout 4 damn it like plain and simple uh Donald said I always thought icon one was the first static still do it manipulation if it’s in the comic book and on the cover yeah but again my biggest thing has always just been is that word preview and you’re just gonna have to add it like I’m seeing a couple people in here saying yeah first preview appearance that’s that’s how I would look at it you have no continuity whatsoever because the story isn’t even finished you just have a small tidbit and there’s a [ __ ] ton of previews you would start freaking sending everybody in a mother on just full-on Mayhem trying to look for previews now because everybody’s gonna be like oh no this is the actual first appearance yeah first full appearance would have to be that book static number one um nothing for I said lots of early silver have previews ff5 has a preview hope number yeah very [ __ ] true and I mean yeah not not to you know ff5 is already an expensive ass book is it going to make it more expensive because now what are they going to say that’s the first appearance of the Hulk great great freaking book right there AOA uh full magazine number two equals first Wolverine is another woman like I said this this is something that you can talk about for [ __ ] eons from now and nobody will ever come down to a point where we’ll all be like yo yeah I agree I agree I agree I though this is a crazy ass conversation uh Kingdom Comics said remember during covet that symbiote uh who had a first cgc annotated but had a running change and now the note says something like first appearance due to covet yes yes yes yes that was um that was that that freaking green uh that green suit uh Venom whatever the hell is that’s how you know I I don’t even remember it it did not resonate with me but yes when the preview came out the uh free comic book day should I say uh the free comic book that came out and they they had the uh character on that that for me you see like like there’s a difference too with free comic book day so free comic book day you’re actually getting your comic book and you actually get damn near the whole damn story introducing a character so there’s a lot of them out there like you you’re not going to consider free comic book day but for me a preview yeah preview is just a preview you’re just getting a tidbit and I do agree if they are going to do anything then the labels on those icon number ones should just go ahead and say first preview appearance a static and and for all we know that’ll be something new that that [ __ ] cgc or cbcs will end up doing and then next thing you know it’s going to create a new [ __ ] storm of how to collect because now everybody’s like I got the first preview appearance of this character and yeah it’s just all it is again like my main Kingdom Comics said capitalism damn it at its finest so they’re gonna find some new outlet on how to make more money there you go because there will be people that will resend their icon number ones to get relabeled so it says first preview appearance of static shock um Cosentino said how about the maker oh I already saw that um Kingdom of nurse said that previews first appearance BS is from people that bought a truckload of them yeah and these are the people that are going around I mean again I can go back here and I will pull out a [ __ ] ton of [ __ ] previews and I’ll [ __ ] go through them and what am I gonna start you know I’m gonna start a shitstorm of like all guys you guys think that you have [ __ ] miles morales’s real preview well here’s the preview of that preview of that preview I mean that that’ll start getting [ __ ] insane it’ll be outlandish to go down that road um it’s freaking for me it’s stupid it’s stupid uh fapped in America says I also don’t agree on how cgc put asm-252 tied with MTU 141 for first black suit when one definitely came on first yo listen this is this is a debate man I appreciate all of y’all man that just goes to show y’all that just how knowledgeable you guys are and if y’all have that knowledge in power man be smart about it and be smart about the way that you collect and that’s yo to me that’s amazing all the stuff that you guys know as well man I freaking I love it I love it uh knocking foot ff19 has a full page ad for X-Men number one look at that [ __ ] knocking fox is in here he’s like yo I’m gonna put it all out there yo my pocket holders in the building he said I use comic books as toilet paper man yo good luck to your ass bro cause your ass might be freaking getting irritated and you know put put some diaper rash cream or something you’d be good comic Journey said the only time a preview should be even considered as if there is a full part of the comic showing the first appearance before the actual issue even comes out and even then it should be labeled preview that that’s that’s it man GT get calm he said thorough rent rant rant dude I’m telling you it’s a rant that will [ __ ] be going on for decades um anyone with functionality in their eyes knows Hulk on 80s perseverance you know um nothing for us a very early Overstreet shows Hulk 180 as there you go you just start you just start a [ __ ] [ __ ] storm you start a [ __ ] storm with all this so Austin crafting what up there any new uh anything new on the NOS figure so they said it is supposed to be coming out in August August September so hopefully I’ll be I had to do an address change on mine hopefully I’ll be receiving my NOS figure I’ll I’ll make a video on it I’ll open it up I’ll uh I’ll show it to the masses out there I’ll make a recorded video on it so uh stay tuned for that uh also asked why don’t a lot of comics uh Spawn comics show Al Simmons face anymore because he’s hamburger meat bro he’s hamburger meat I don’t know if anybody wants to see that so also according to the definition of Cameo it means that the character already made a first appearance prior to grading companies are using the term incorrectly and that’s what I said they’re the ones making up this terminology and they can’t even [ __ ] they they don’t even have it straight AOA set Force Works had an insane yeah it did yeah it did yeah it did fapped in America said a Comics Journal 85 first black suit and preview or perseverance yo y’all [ __ ] y’all killing me man uh Carlos said this Vegas heat is killed man listen I think the heat is everywhere the heat is everywhere um Captain America said what’s crazy is in Old literature and old trading cards it literally says ASM 299 is first Venom and hope 180 is first Wolverine so who changes it again it’s the people with money bro Money Talks money does everything Money Changes even first appearances and comic books uh yo Doro was the first appearance of chopped cheese does Uncle no he’s not he don’t they ain’t no chopped cheese in comic books you know ain’t no no chopped cheese um let me see Carlos said now the rough drafts are rough drafts are the first appearance exactly man I dude we can make all kind of [ __ ] up man uh man he said every comic has a preview the next issue are those considered first appearance of new character on the cover exactly bro exactly exactly um let me see because I’m seeing the wife is saying that to look at my phone give me one second guys it’s the wifey she she gonna kill me [Music] um so okay oh because she’s uh she’s picking something up for me that’s why she’s asking me um but let me see so Kingdom Comics educate with receipts and show the world just got to help those who don’t know and call out those who are talking mess that’s that’s really what it is man that’s really what it is um people pay top dollar for 181 just because yeah it’s the cover it’s a couple don’t get me wrong it’s a beautiful cover it’s all red this is gorgeous it pops out Man Hulk and Wolverine one of the greatest battles out there in comic books you ain’t gonna [ __ ] you can’t go wrong with that [ __ ] uh The Naz figures but yo I can’t wait for that joint man I feel like I’ve been waiting on Eternity for that [ __ ] uh Kingdom Come instead of right there over I gotta do manual labor on the yard catch the rest yo appreciate you my brother I’m probably gonna be calling it quits here in a second myself because I gotta bounce soon I gotta start taking my ass back to uh it’s a good old VA right now um in a little bit uh Kingdom of nerd static one is the only first Terror Titans his first appearance is that yes and then that’s another one um as far as DC continuity when he became part of like mainstream DC that’s a site that’s another book that yeah I’ve always been picking up Terror Titans um awesome crafting but don’t spawn have the power to change himself back to Al Simmons yo yeah um chain snatcher throws a nerd yes all day every day salute baby ain’t nothing wrong ain’t nothing wrong with that I appreciate you I appreciate you change Snatcher probably show you ain’t never snatch a chain in your life um your boy alien said the 08 is the real first the original art world forever will forever uh fact that America said wifey sending you pics of Acts Professor uh yo I would love it in a baker big shout out to Kingdom Comics I appreciate you my brother thank you so much it’s become a member of the channel really really appreciate you bro thank you so much for that again guys hope everybody had an opportunity to catch you know Savage comic hunting episode number two guys can find some great books I know a lot of people been hitting me up about that Superman Adventures that is a that is a tough one guys that is a tough one look for that freaking Superman S logo on the back photo instead of a barcode that is the Hard One to find I’ve had a lot of people telling me bro how I’m looking all I keep finding is direct Edition and newsstands I cannot find that damn m s logo it does exist folks all right I’m not making it up one of these days I’m gonna have to go back here and [ __ ] search for it in the mess that I have just to show you guys that it does exist uh because some people started questioning it and saying yo I don’t even know if it’s real or not so definitely definitely definitely be on the lookout for those um uh freaking that they’re all talking about uh the uh some rough drafts nothing fusses I’m sorry ASM 42 is the first appearance of marriage that yo there you have it man in AOA y’all appreciate a man throwing out the Savage emojis now guys listen everybody have a blessed Sunday I will be M.I.A for the week again I will see y’all next week not this week the week after um but hopefully y’all enjoyed don’t forget to hit the thumbs up guys again goes a long way for the channel help spread the reality of [ __ ] man because yes we all know not everything out there is all factual not all the news is freaking real so let’s get down to the freak of realness let’s be let’s keep it thorough damn it you already know what time it is until next time everybody stay blessed keep your head up remember keep your mind intact folks because that is our number one freaking weapon that is what freaking will pretty much destroy us if we don’t keep it together remember guys we are all destined for [ __ ] greatness go out there tomorrow is a brand new freaking day be grateful that you get to see another day other than that man I appreciate all of y’all y’all know the motto here on the channel be Savage not average until next time folks peace out I’ll see y’all later man later [Music]
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