PROJECT ZORGO HACKS OUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS (Exploring Mysterious Abandoned Clues & Evidence Solved)
What I got for Christmas in my stocking was hacked by PZ!
▶ Watch Chad –
▶ Watch Daniel –
After Chad Wild Clay made HACKER VOICE REVEAL! Is Project Zorgo a YouTuber in Real Life? (Found Spy Device in Safe House), Vy Qwaint, created HACKING PROJECT ZORGO MASK and HEARING ZORGO’S REAL VOICE (Found New Mystery Riddles & Evidence), and Daniel uploaded the video on Exposing Project Zorgo named HACKERS are putting CAMERAS in our HOUSE! (Using Decoder on Florida Riddles Recap), CWC and Vy use their decoder wheel, ninja gadgets and spy gadgets to unlock the mystery where Daniel is! They find coordinates that he is in Mount Charleston in Las Vegas. Chad and Vy go on a mission to save Daniel only to find that Daniel has joined Project Zorgo once again as PZ1 because they used the mixture B235 on him to take away his memory. Once Daniel got his memory back and remembered who he truly was, the CWC crew got back together again! While Daniel was trapped in the Project Zorgo headquarters he found abandoned top secret information and secrets about the PZ mask. Daniel taught Chad and Vy about the voice modulator gadget PZ uses to change their voices. With the help of his hacker skills, Daniel reverse engineers it so that he can control the mask himself and reveal PZ’s real voice! CWC, Vy Qwaint and Daniel trick the hacker into wearing the mask and heard the real voice. Could it be another YouTuber like Stephen Sharer, Carter Sharer, Lizzy Sharer, Marlin, Papa Jake, Matt and Rebecca Zamolo or Guava Juice? In this video Chad, Vy and Daniel celebrate Christmas by opening presents in an unboxing mystery box haul. It was all going well open gifts from their holiday stockings until they realized that Project Zorgo has been hacking their gifts! They find out that PZ has had access to the safe house the whole time. Hopefully, they find and solve evidence, clues and riddles that will help them get down to this! Thank you for watching my PG entertainment family friendly comedy videos for kids in 2018!
Watch my friend’s awesome videos:
Rebecca Zamolo – GAME MASTER SPY FACE REVEAL in Real Life! (Found Matt in Safe House Escape Room)
Matt and Rebecca – Matt Missing at Safe House Escape Room in Real Life! (Found Game Master Spy Clues & Mystery Riddles)
MrBeast – Giving $100,000 To A Homeless Person
Stephen Sharer – CHAD WILD CLAY GAME MASTER ESCAPE ROOM SAFE FOUND (Exploring Sharer Family Backyard Mystery Riddles)
Collins Key – PANCAKE ART CHALLENGE Mystery Wheel 2 & Learn How To Make Diy Avengers & Aquaman Art
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