Mom’s Funny Pregnancy Photos Get To The Heart Of What It’s Like To Carry A Child

Every woman who’s given birth can tell you this about pregnancy — it definitely isn’t always pretty.

However, for those who aren’t moms, social media can sometimes give them the wrong idea about what those long nine months are really like. That’s why when mom-of-two Maya Vorderstrasse was pregnant with her youngest daughter, she decided to give people a more accurate picture of what carrying a child is all about in a series of funny and telling photos.

“Honestly I was so tired of seeing motherhood portrayed as perfect, flawless, and effortless on social media because I never felt like it was like that for me,” she told The Huffington Post.

“So I embraced my chaotic life, and decided to share it with everyone in the hopes of helping other mothers realize that it’s OK to not have it all figured out.”

When you’re this pregnant, relieving yourself a million times a day is pretty much the norm.

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