we will be discussing themes of an adult nature
so this is not suitable for children viewers discretion is advised Asalaamualaikum guys and welcome to another
episode of Smile to Jannah. The Qur’anly App. Subscription is cheaper than Netflix. Encouraging Qur’an reading. Modern, engaging, and fun. Download it today. Santa Claus: a large father-like figure with
the white bead and to some degree I guess to Christians, symbolizes a godlike figure. Superman: the man of steel who represents
truth, justice, and hope. 007: The debonair who is the savior of the
United Kingdom who works for the MI6. And then, Dumbledore: the greatest wizard in the Harry
Potter franchise. Well, it seems all of them have become a victim
of the LGBTQ lobby and Santa Claus is only the latest one. First, we heard that Superman’s son is bisexual.


Dumbledore was marked as gay by JK Rowling. The actor that plays 007, apparently likes
hanging out in gay bars. And now Santa Claus- according to a Norwegian
advert- shared a kiss with another man in a Christmas advert. You know what? It’s clear what the game that’s being played
here is. And that is, they’re taking children’s inherently
good characters. Characters that are- let’s face it- inherently
masculine, they have superpowers, they are looked up to, and adored, and Their movies are watched. The toys played with. Magazines bought. And they’re taking these things- to which
a lot of marketing has been done- and then they are just just converting them. Why? To make it seem normal to us. Look! Superman is homosexual. Dumbledore’s homosexual. Mate- 007 likes… It’s normal mate, It’s
happening everywhere, so therefore it should be all right. I mean what sort of world are we living in? In which people have made their identities
their sexuality. We also saw in the US presidential campaign
where Kamala Harris, before even starting a speech, she These are my pronouns, mate.


Thank you for joining us How are you And uh thank you guys. And my pronouns are she/her and hers. Mine too. People call themselves bisexual, homosexual,
heterosexual, pansexual, I mean flaming-Nora mate, if somebody likes pineapple on pizza, it doesn’t
now mean that on every form he has to write down “yep, a pineapple pizza lover”. Before even starting a conversation “Yup,
just a disclaimer I identify as a pineapple pizza lover”. Like why are you making these things the center
of your life? And then they ask “Why does sex matter to
God” Well sex matters to God, because you and I
matter to God, And because human beings are a product of
sex, the process by which a person is made is also sacred as well.


He’s right sir. There should be no limits mate, why are you
putting limits? Really? Let’s look at secular societies. They’ve also put limits on sex yeah. Consent. That’s a limit. Not having intercourse with minors, that’s
a limit. Not having intercourse in public is also a
limit. Are you now going to say “Why does the government
care about your sleep?” We should be able to be free to do whatever
we want because, after all, there are no limits right? All this ‘do whatever you want as long as
it feels good’ has its roots in Liberalism and Atheism. And they in essence propagate ‘Oh we are made
from unguided unconscious mindless material matter, there is no necessary being that has facilitated
all that you can see so do what you want and accept when we tell you not to do it’.



And because of this cage of materialism, we’re
seeing that it’s just not working. You even have proponents of neo-atheism like
Sam Harris, is now teaching meditation online. Good Lord. You even have other atheists like Alain de
Botton, says he wants to enrich the lives of atheists by stealing these practices from
religion, yeah, and he admits this in his best-selling book
‘Religion for atheists: a non-believer’s guide to the uses of religion’. And for some of these atheists, because they
have no connection with people, no impetus, no reason, no justification, that’s why they’ve started initiatives like
Sunday Assembly where they meet up on Sundays and just sing and just chill out, just so they can have a feeling of the
community that religion gives to people. And it’s not even confined just to our lifestyles. You look into medicine where science tries
to confine the mind and consciousness only to brain activity, and because of that, all our ailments can
be solved by popping pills. When we know well, science causes a placebo
effect that we know faith, belief, love, relationships, family can also increase healing as well.


And now we’re seeing sex being used as
just an act. I mean essentially we’re talking about fluid
exchange right, so can we just go straight to the sex? The whole spirituality has been taken from
it. People abuse it at the wrong time, become
bored of it and relationships break, the family unit breaks down, when in reality you’re supposed to wait. You’re supposed to develop yourself, and then
when you’re in a committed relationship, this is a sign of your commitment.


This is a seal. This is a special gift that you give to the
other person. However here it’s being treated like an act
that can be bought and sold like a transaction. Love is being bought and sold. But love cannot be bought and sold, sex can. Purity cannot be bought and sold, yes, a soap
can. A home cannot be bought and sold, yes a house
can. May Allah protect us. Of course, as parents, be very careful with
what your child watches and of course, we’re going to be seeing more and more of this. But as soon as you see it, you should have
a filtering mentality that you’re able to see decipher, and discuss it as a family, so your children and yourselves do not fall
into this trap. Let’s leave it there guys until next time,
Asalaamu Alaikum.

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