Easy Breezy Watercolor Cards – fall and Christmas
Today I bring you…easy breezy #watercolor cards – for #fall and #Christmas! After the response to my video Playing with Color, I thought I’d do it again, with slightly different colors, and provide a little more inspiration! Blog post with more info and pinnable images: https://salln.net/2VwIKoi
Hex charts: https://salln.net/2IJcM1L
Book: https://salln.net/bjms
Watercolor palette: https://youtu.be/U5OT738geUU
Watercolor swatching: https://youtu.be/BccPWI0uy2k
Fine art: http://sandyallnock.com/fine-art/
═╬════ O N L I N E C L A S S E S ════╬═
COPIC CLASSES: https://salln.net/2GvBfH7
WATERCOLOR CLASSES: https://salln.net/2ZBAUf0
COLORED PENCIL CLASSES: https://salln.net/2UP1fYj
DRAWING CLASSES: https://salln.net/2zWBj0Q
Student Fb group: http://salln.net/fbacstudents
═╬════════ S O C I A L ════════╬═
B L O G : http://sandyallnock.com
I N S T A G R A M : http://instagram.com/sandyallnock
P A T R E O N : http://patreon.com/sandyallnock
F A C E B O O K: https://www.facebook.com/sandyallnockllc
T W I T T E R : http://twitter.com/sandyallnock
═╬════════ S U P P L I E S ════════╬═
Some product may be provided by manufacturers for review and use. Compensated affiliate links may be used, but this video was not sponsored or requested by any manufacturer. For affiliate and product disclosure, visit http://sandyallnock.com/faq
Holly & Berries, Colorado Craft Company Clear Stamps —- https://salln.net/2OByOsr
Oak Leaves & Acorns, Colorado Craft Company Clear Stamps —- https://salln.net/2AXzRLj
Pine Branch & Pinecones, Colorado Craft Company Clear Stamps —- https://salln.net/2q3BeWv
Tea Dye, Ranger Distress Oxide Ink —- https://salln.net/2Vyns9P
VersaMark Ink Pad —- http://salln.net/2oJtjur
VersaFine Ink Pad, Onyx Black —- http://salln.net/2fQHEh3
Cold Press Watercolor Paper, Arches —- http://salln.net/2gNFfpg
Silver Brush Black Velvet Watercolor Brushes:
Short Round 12 —- http://salln.net/2jF4Znu
Short Round 8 —- http://salln.net/2fXm4KZ
Mister – 2 oz., Ranger Inkssentials —- https://salln.net/2Zj6cWE
Ampersand Hardbord, Flat 9×12 —- http://salln.net/2gSQ4tU
Precision 5 Inch Scissors, EK Success —- http://salln.net/2njrPXa
Scotch foam dimensional tape — http://salln.net/2xIkxzj
DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolors
Yellow Ochre — https://salln.net/2IgQGpR
Aussie Red Gold —- https://salln.net/2HVAOcF
New Gamboge — http://salln.net/2sp4ZfS
Anthraquinoid Scarlet —- https://salln.net/2CvbQgc
Cobalt Blue, —- https://salln.net/2Hr9cbY
Sap Green —- http://salln.net/2mJITGA
Powder Tool Adhesive Deactivator, EK Success —- http://salln.net/2qwUWrk
Detail White, Hero Arts Embossing Powder —- https://salln.net/2OBCBG7
Embossing Gun, Hero Arts —- http://salln.net/2lUTXzm
My camera is mounted on an Arkon:
Kitchen Desk Table Stand: http://salln.net/1Xy3nfG
For 20% discount at Arkon use coupon code sandyallnock
═╬════════ N O T E S ════════╬═
1 – Music purchased through a Megatrax subscription.
2 – I shoot on a Canon T5i, and edit in Final Cut Pro.
3 – Washi tape seen on any supplies is only to mark them as my own; it doesn’t indicate anything else.