Brokeback Wasserman Schultz? Romney would have ‘backwards cowboy justice’!/amandacarpenter/status/260370431633149952

No, really. DNC chair, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) said that this morning during an appearance on MSNBC.

Um @dwstweets just said “reverse cowboy justice.” Insert reverse cowgirl joke here.

— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) October 22, 2012

Oh, dear!

This cowboy thing seems to be her next tired and lame line of attack; she trotted it out yesterday as well. Only minus the “backwards” part.

@dwstweets “Cowboy Justice” on #ThisWeek? Really Debbie? Please come home to Weston FL & stay off TV forever! #embarassing @karen4congress

— D! (@MX5Dolphin) October 21, 2012

@dwstweets “the Republicans recklessly chest thump and carry out cowboy foreign policy” – so true#ThisWeek

— Sean Graf (@seangraf) October 21, 2012

Desperate @dwstweets calls @mittromney a “cowboy”. She’s even using old taunts against GWB now. Onward, y’all.

— Karen Townsend (@penguinponders) October 21, 2012

Pitiful. On the plus side, it’s rife with mockery potential. And Twitter users answer the call! What, pray tell, does “backwards cowboy justice” even mean? And do we want to know?

*shudder* RT @therickwilson: Um @dwstweets just said “reverse cowboy justice.” Insert reverse cowgirl joke here

— Michele Frost (@michelelfrost) October 22, 2012

I’ll pass on breakfast RT @therickwilson: Um @dwstweets just said “reverse cowboy justice.” Insert reverse cowgirl joke here.

— Sean Agnew (@seanagnew) October 22, 2012

@erinhaustI did not need the image of DWS and “backwards cowboy”. (Shudder.)

— Josh Einstein (@JoshEinstein) October 22, 2012

Even Chuck Todd couldn’t let her moronic statements slide. He called her out on her idiocy, but he neglected to mock the whole “backwards cowboy justice” thing. Sheesh, Chuck. What’s wrong with you? Luckily, happy warriors pick up his slack.

Is that code for “truth”? MT @amandacarpenter: What the heck? @dwstweets just said Romney would have a “backwards cowboy justice.”

— Greg Wolkins (ctscp) (@gregwolkins) October 22, 2012

Brokeback reference? RT @amandacarpenter WTH? @dwstweets just said Romney would have a “backwards cowboy justice.” What does that even mean.

— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) October 22, 2012

Scary not funny RT @evanpokroy Oy. Vey.RT @therickwilson: Um @dwstweets just said “reverse cowboy …

— srdemar (@srdemar) October 22, 2012

@bdomenech @jonahnro @amandacarpenter Now you guys are confusing cowboy justice, which is bad, with cowboy poetry, which is sacrosanct.

— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) October 22, 2012

“Backwards cowboy” is when you watch Brokeback Mountain in reverse

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) October 22, 2012

@jonahnro Wouldn’t a “backwards cowboy” be riding his horse Dudley Do-Right style?

— John Hayward (@Doc_0) October 22, 2012

Yobwoc justice? MT @amandacarpenter: What the? @dwstweets just said Romney wld have a “backwards cowboy justice.” What does that even mean?

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) October 22, 2012

And, win.

@amandacarpenter @dwstweets I saw Backwards Cowboy Justice open for Pure Prairie League in 1974.

— Clay Ramsey (@darkskies4180) October 22, 2012

Backwards. Cowboy. Justice. I don’t know how to quit you, @dwstweets

— Chris Barnhart (@ChrisBarnhart) October 22, 2012

Keep it coming, Twitter. And Ms. Wasserman Schultz? Please stop. The mental images are far too disturbing!


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