The following is a list of fictional characters from the British comedy-drama Shameless, created by Paul Abbott, which began broadcasting on Channel 4 in 2004. The programme is set on the fictional Chatsworth Estate in suburban Manchester and the surrounding area, and primarily follows the lives of the Gallagher family and the neighbouring Maguire family, and their friends and neighbours in the town’s shops and local pub The Jockey.

The first series focuses on layabout Frank Gallagher and the lives of his six children, Fiona and boyfriend Steve, Lip, Ian, Carl, Debbie and Liam, and next-door neighbours, Kev and Veronica.
When the second series begins, the Maguire family are introduced, with certain episodes just focusing on their family, and both the Maguire family and Gallagher coming into contact and conflict, with marriage, teenage pregnancies and neighbourhood rivalry.
Other characters also take major focus throughout the years after starting as minor characters, such as the Karib family. Since the series started, the Gallagher family has split hugely, with many of the Gallagher children departing the show, due to the actors’ moving onto other projects.

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