Tag Archives: bizarre

This Lake In Tanzania Has A Deadly Secret. These Shocking Photos Show The Haunting Reality.

Tanzania’s Lake Natron is one of the most serene lakes in all of Africa, but it’s also the source of some of the most eerie photographs ever captured. You see, Lake Natron has a very deadly secret, it turns any animal it touches to stone. This incredibly rare phenomenon is caused by the chemical makeup…

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Getting Too Close To This Massive Sandstorm Was The Last Thing They Should Have Done

For those of us who don’t live in or around deserts, it’s almost impossible to imagine the intensity and sheer scale of a real sandstorm. These things, while not as famously terrifying as tornados, can reach massive sizes and wreak their own special brand of havoc. For proof, just take a look at the video…

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Here Are The 9 Most Disgusting Things You’ve Been Eating Your Whole Life…And Had No Idea.

If we are what we eat, then everyone is in big trouble. What would you say if I told you that your favorite food, the one your mom made every Thanksgiving, the one you looked forward to eating all year long, contained some of the most disgusting and dangerous ingredients on the planet?  Or even…

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This Is Ted. Today’s His Birthday. But There’s Something About Ted I Hope You Never Forget.

We want you to know who Ted is. Ted is one of those special people that, once you meet them, you’ll never forget them. Although he was born in Pennsylvania, he decided to move to Hawaii to live. He was full of passion, the kind of passion that could inspire others just by his being…

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Here Are 8 Disney Classics With More Realistic Endings. They’re Disturbingly Truthful.

Disney movies are all about fairytales, happy endings and being filled with warm, fuzzy feelings after you watch them. They’re they perfect way to improve your mood. You have to admit though, if you look beyond the talking animals and magic, the endings are still pretty unrealistic. That’s why Nickelodeon storyboard animator Jeff Hong decided to put…

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Here Are The 25 Most Ridiculous And Ironic Ways People Have Died. Seriously, #20… FOR REAL?

Forget heart disease, which is the leading cause of death in the United States, claiming about 600,000 lives a year. We just found some absolutely bizarre ways you could die. We’re not saying you’re in any immediate danger of being killed by any of these situations, but it has happened before… The worst part about these ways…

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